Rosetta Code talk:Village Pump/Javascript Functionality Add

From Rosetta Code

Language comparison script

This script puts checkboxes next to each language in the ToC which can be checked to compare a number of languages. I chose to leave them underneath the ToC rather than floating them next to it due to the observation that many of the examples have fairly long line lengths, making side-by-side comparison rather difficult space-wise.

--Tyrok1 00:16, 20 May 2010 (UTC)

I took the liberty of playing around a bit with the DOM after your script did its job: File:Compare Languages Concept.png. Depending on the display resolution a side-by-side comparison of at least two languages should be possible in most cases, I think. The ToC in its smaller form there might need work; that doesn't look too compelling yet, but it's at least much shorter (vertically) than before. But that was just a rough idea what could be done. Overall I think a side-by-side view would be quite nice to have. —Johannes Rössel 06:22, 20 May 2010 (UTC)