Random numbers

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:51, 7 November 2009 by Underscore (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Perl}}: Changed to use a standard deviation of .5 and store the results in a collection, as per the problem statement.)
Random numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The goal of this task is to generate a collection filled with 1000 normally distributed random numbers with a mean of 1.0 and a standard deviation of 0.5

Many libraries only generate uniformly distributed random numbers. If so, use this formula to convert them to a normal distribution.


<lang ada> with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;

procedure Normal_Random is

  function Normal_Distribution
           (  Seed  : Generator;
              Mu    : Float := 1.0;
              Sigma : Float := 0.5
           )  return Float is 
        Mu + (Sigma * Sqrt (-2.0 * Log (Random (Seed), 10.0)) * Cos (2.0 * Pi * Random (Seed)));
  end Normal_Distribution;
  Seed         : Generator;
  Distribution : array (1..1_000) of Float; 


  Reset (Seed);
  for I in Distribution'Range loop
     Distribution (I) := Normal_Distribution (Seed);
  end loop;

end Normal_Random; </lang>


Translation of: C
PROC random normal = REAL:  # normal distribution, centered on 0, std dev 1 #
  sqrt(-2*log(random)) * cos(2*pi*random)
  [1000]REAL rands;
  FOR i TO UPB rands DO
    rands[i] := 1 + random normal/2
  INT limit=10;
  printf(($"("n(limit-1)(-d.6d",")-d.5d" ... )"$, rands[:limit]))

Output sample:

( 0.693461, 0.948424, 0.482261, 1.045939, 0.890818, 1.467935, 0.604153, 0.804811, 0.690227, 0.83462 ... )


contributed by Laszlo on the ahk forum <lang AutoHotkey>Loop 40

  R .= RandN(1,0.5) "`n"  ; mean = 1.0, standard deviation = 0.5

MsgBox %R%

RandN(m,s) { ; Normally distributed random numbers of mean = m, std.dev = s by Box-Muller method

  Static i, Y
  If (i := !i) { ; every other call
     Random U, 0, 1.0
     Random V, 0, 6.2831853071795862
     U := sqrt(-2*ln(U))*s
     Y := m + U*sin(V)
     Return m + U*cos(V)
  Return Y



<lang awk> $ awk 'func r(){return sqrt(-2*log(rand()))*cos(6.2831853*rand())}BEGIN{for(i=0;i<1000;i++)s=s" "1+0.5*r();print s}' </lang>


Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
RANDOMIZE TIMER 'seeds random number generator with the system time
pi = 3.141592653589793#
DIM a(1 TO 1000) AS DOUBLE
FOR i = 1 TO 1000
   a(i) = 1 + SQR(-2 * LOG(RND)) * COS(2 * pi * RND)


<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <math.h>

double drand() /* uniform distribution, (0..1] */ {

 return (rand()+1.0)/(RAND_MAX+1.0);

} double random_normal() /* normal distribution, centered on 0, std dev 1 */ {

 return sqrt(-2*log(drand())) * cos(2*M_PI*drand());

} int main() {

 int i;
 double rands[1000];
 for (i=0; i<1000; i++)
   rands[i] = 1.0 + 0.5*random_normal();
 return 0;



<lang cpp>#include <cstdlib> // for rand

  1. include <cmath> // for atan, sqrt, log, cos
  2. include <algorithm> // for generate_n

double const pi = 4*std::atan(1.0);

// simple functor for normal distribution class normal_distribution { public:

 normal_distribution(double m, double s): mu(m), sigma(s) {}
 double operator() // returns a single normally distributed number
   double r1 = (std::rand() + 1.0)/(RAND_MAX + 1.0); // gives equal distribution in (0, 1]
   double r2 = (std::rand() + 1.0)/(RAND_MAX + 1.0);
   return mu + sigma * std::sqrt(-2*std::log(r1))*std::cos(2*pi*r2);


 double mu, sigma;


int main() {

 double array[1000];
 std::generate_n(array, 1000, normal_distribution(1.0, 0.5));
 return 0;



<lang clojure> (import '(java.util Random)) (def normals

 (let [r (Random.)]
   (take 1000 (repeatedly #(-> r .nextGaussian (* 0.5) (+ 1.0))))))


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(loop for i from 1 to 1000

     collect (1+ (* (sqrt (* -2 (log (random 1.0)))) (cos (* 2 pi (random 1.0))) 0.5)))</lang>


<lang d>import tango.math.random.Random; double [1000]list; auto r = new Random(); foreach(ref l; list) {

 l = 1.0 + 0.5 * l;



accum [] for _ in 1..1000 { _.with(entropy.nextGaussian()) }


Works with: gforth version 0.6.2
require random.fs
here to seed

-1. 1 rshift 2constant MAX-D	\ or s" MAX-D" ENVIRONMENT? drop

: frnd ( -- f )			\ uniform distribution 0..1
  rnd rnd dabs d>f MAX-D d>f f/ ;

: frnd-normal ( -- f )		\ centered on 0, std dev 1
  frnd pi f* 2e f* fcos
  frnd fln -2e f* fsqrt f* ;

: ,normals ( n -- )		\ store many, centered on 1, std dev 0.5
  0 do frnd-normal 0.5e f* 1e f+ f, loop ;

create rnd-array 1000 ,normals


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran> PROGRAM Random

  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: n = 1000
  INTEGER :: i
  REAL :: array(n), pi, temp, mean = 1.0, sd = 0.5

  pi = 4.0*ATAN(1.0)
  CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(array) ! Uniform distribution
! Now convert to normal distribution
  DO i = 1, n-1, 2
    temp = sd * SQRT(-2.0*LOG(array(i))) * COS(2*pi*array(i+1)) + mean
    array(i+1) = sd * SQRT(-2.0*LOG(array(i))) * SIN(2*pi*array(i+1)) + mean
    array(i) = temp

! Check mean and standard deviation
  mean = SUM(array)/n
  sd = SQRT(SUM((array - mean)**2)/n)
  WRITE(*, "(A,F8.6)") "Mean = ", mean
  WRITE(*, "(A,F8.6)") "Standard Deviation = ", sd

END PROGRAM Random</lang>


Mean = 0.995112
Standard Deviation = 0.503373


let gaussianRand count =
    let o = new System.Random()
    let pi = System.Math.PI
    let gaussrnd = 
        (fun _ -> 1. + 0.5 * sqrt(-2. * log(o.NextDouble())) * cos(2. * pi * o.NextDouble()))
    [ for i in {0 .. (int count)} -> gaussrnd() ]


import System.Random

pairs :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
pairs (x:y:zs) = (x,y):pairs zs
pairs _        = []

gauss mu sigma (r1,r2) = 
  mu + sigma * sqrt (-2 * log r1) * cos (2 * pi * r2)

gaussians :: (RandomGen g, Random a, Floating a) => Int -> g -> [a]
gaussians n g = take n $ map (gauss 1.0 0.5) $ pairs $ randoms g
result :: IO [Double]
result = getStdGen >>= \g -> return $ gaussians 1000 g


rnd = new Random()
result = (1..1000).inject([]) { r, i -> r << rnd.nextGaussian() }


result = 1.0 + 0.5*randomn(seed,1000)


urand=: ?@$ 0: 
zrand=: (2 o. 2p1 * urand) * [: %: _2 * [: ^. urand

1 + 0.5 * zrand 100


<lang java>double[] list = new double[1000]; Random rng = new Random(); for(int i = 0;i<list.length;i++) {

 list[i] = 1.0 + 0.5 * rng.nextGaussian()



<lang javascript>function randomNormal() {

 return Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * Math.random()) * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(Math.random()));


var a = new Array(1000); for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++)

 a[i] = randomNormal() / 2 + 1;</lang>

Works with: UCB Logo

The earliest Logos only have a RANDOM function for picking a random non-negative integer. Many modern Logos have floating point random generators built-in.

to random.float   ; 0..1
  localmake "max.int lshift -1 -1
  output quotient random :max.int :max.int

to random.gaussian
  output product cos random 360  sqrt -2 / ln random.float

make "randoms cascade 1000 [fput random.gaussian / 2 + 1 ?] []


Built-in function RandomReal with built-in distribution NormalDistribution as an argument: <lang Mathematica>

RandomReal[NormalDistribution[1, 1/2], 1000]



arr = #()
for i in 1 to 1000 do 
    a = random 0.0 1.0
    b = random 0.0 1.0
    c = 1.0 + 0.5 * sqrt (-2*log a) * cos (360*b) -- Maxscript cos takes degrees
    append arr c


Metafont has normaldeviate which produces pseudorandom normal distributed numbers with mean 0 and variance one. So the following complete the task:

<lang metafont>numeric col[];

m := 0;  % m holds the mean, for testing purposes for i = 1 upto 1000:

 col[i] := 1 + .5normaldeviate;
 m := m + col[i];


% testing m := m / 1000;  % finalize the computation of the mean

s := 0;  % in s we compute the standard deviation for i = 1 upto 1000:

 s := s + (col[i] - m)**2;

endfor s := sqrt(s / 1000);

show m, s;  % and let's show that really they get want we wanted end</lang>

A run gave

>> 0.99947
>> 0.50533

Assigning a value to the special variable randomseed will allow to have always the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers


Translation of: C

<lang modula3>MODULE Rand EXPORTS Main;

IMPORT Random; FROM Math IMPORT log, cos, sqrt, Pi;

VAR rands: ARRAY [1..1000] OF LONGREAL;

(* Normal distribution. *) PROCEDURE RandNorm(): LONGREAL =

   WITH rand = NEW(Random.Default).init() DO
       sqrt(-2.0D0 * log(rand.longreal())) * cos(2.0D0 * Pi * rand.longreal());
 END RandNorm;


 FOR i := FIRST(rands) TO LAST(rands) DO
   rands[i] := 1.0D0 + 0.5D0 * RandNorm();

END Rand.</lang>


<lang ocaml>let pi = 4. *. atan 1.;; let random_gaussian () =

 1. +. sqrt (-2. *. log (Random.float 1.)) *. cos (2. *. pi *. Random.float 1.);;

let a = Array.init 1000 (fun _ -> random_gaussian ());;</lang>


<lang octave>p = normrnd(1.0, 0.5, 1000, 1); disp(mean(p)); disp(sqrt(sum((p - mean(p)).^2)/numel(p));</lang>




<lang perl>my $PI = 2 * atan2 1, 0;

my @nums = map {

   1 + 0.5 * sqrt(-2 * log rand) * cos(2 * $PI * rand)

} 1..1000;</lang>


<lang php> function random() {

   return mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();


$pi = pi(); // Set PI

$a = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {

   $a[$i] = 1.0 + ((sqrt(-2 * log(random())) * cos(2 * $pi * random())) * 0.5);

} </lang>


;;; Choose radians as arguments to trigonometic functions
true -> popradians;
;;; procedure generating standard normal distribution
define random_normal() -> result;
lvars r1 = random0(1.0), r2 = random0(1.0);
     cos(2*pi*r1)*sqrt(-2*log(r2)) -> result
lvars array, i;
;;; Put numbers on the stack
for i from 1 to 1000 do 1.0+0.5*random_normal() endfor;
;;; collect them into array
consvector(1000) -> array;


Works with: Python version 2.5

<lang python>import random randList = [random.gauss(1, .5) for i in range(1000)]

  1. or [ random.normalvariate(1, 0.5) for i in range(1000)]</lang>

Note that the random module in the Python standard library supports a number of statistical distribution methods.


result <- rnorm(1000, mean=1, sd=0.5)


<lang ruby>Array.new(1000) { 1 + Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(rand)) * Math.cos(2 * Math::PI * rand) }</lang>

Standard ML

Works with: SML/NJ

SML/NJ has two structures for random numbers:

1) Rand (a linear congruential generator). You create the generator by calling Rand.mkRandom with a seed (of word type). You can call the generator with () repeatedly to get a word in the range [Rand.randMin, Rand.randMax]. You can use the Rand.norm function to transform the output into a real from 0 to 1, or use the Rand.range (i,j) function to transform the output into an int of the given range. <lang sml>val seed = 0w42; val gen = Rand.mkRandom seed; fun random_gaussian () =

 1.0 + Math.sqrt (~2.0 * Math.ln (Rand.norm (gen ()))) * Math.cos (2.0 * Math.pi * Rand.norm (gen ()));

val a = List.tabulate (1000, fn _ => random_gaussian ());</lang>

2) Random (a subtract-with-borrow generator). You create the generator by calling Random.rand with a seed (of a pair of ints). You can use the Random.randInt function to generate a random int over its whole range; Random.randNat to generate a non-negative random int; Random.randReal to generate a real between 0 and 1; or Random.randRange (i,j) to generate an int in the given range. <lang sml>val seed = (47,42); val gen = Random.rand seed; fun random_gaussian () =

 1.0 + Math.sqrt (~2.0 * Math.ln (Random.randReal gen)) * Math.cos (2.0 * Math.pi * Random.randReal gen);

val a = List.tabulate (1000, fn _ => random_gaussian ());</lang>

Other implementations of Standard ML have their own random number generators. For example, Moscow ML has a Random structure that is different from the one from SML/NJ.


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 variable ::pi [expr acos(0)] proc ::tcl::mathfunc::nrand {} {

   expr {sqrt(-2*log(rand())) * cos(2*$::pi*rand())}


set mean 1.0 set stddev 0.5 for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {

   lappend result [expr {$mean + $stddev*nrand()}]



Calculator symbol translations:

"STO" arrow: →

Square root sign: √

ClrList L1


There are two ways of interpreting the task, either to simulate sampling a population described by the given statistics, or to construct a sample exhibiting the given statistics. Both are illustrated below. The functions parameterized by the mean and standard deviation take a sample size and return a sample of that size, represented as a list of floating point numbers. The Z library function simulates a draw from a standard normal distribution. Mean and standard deviation library functions are also used in this example. <lang Ursala>#import nat

  1. import flo

pop_stats("mu","sigma") = plus/*"mu"+ times/*"sigma"+ Z*+ iota

sample_stats("mu","sigma") = plus^*D(minus/"mu"+ mean,~&)+ vid^*D(div\"sigma"+ stdev,~&)+ Z*+ iota

  1. cast %eWL

test =

^(mean,stdev)* <

  pop_stats(1.,0.5) 1000,
  sample_stats(1.,0.5) 1000></lang>

The output shows the mean and standard deviation for both sample vectors, the latter being exact by construction.
