Ormiston triples

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 14:16, 3 February 2023 by Nigel Galloway (talk | contribs) (Realize in F#)
Ormiston triples is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

An Ormiston triple is three consecutive prime numbers which are anagrams, i.e. contain the same decimal digits but in a different order.


The three consecutive primes (11117123, 11117213, 11117321) are an Ormiston triple.

  • Find and show the smallest member of the first 25 Ormiston triples.
  • Find and show the count of Ormiston triples up to one billion.
  • Find and show the count of Ormiston triples up to ten billion.
Related task


Library: Primesieve
#include <array>
#include <iostream>

#include <primesieve.hpp>

class ormiston_triple_generator {
    ormiston_triple_generator() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            primes_[i] = pi_.next_prime();
            digits_[i] = get_digits(primes_[i]);
    std::array<uint64_t, 3> next_triple() {
        for (;;) {
            uint64_t prime = pi_.next_prime();
            auto digits = get_digits(prime);
            bool is_triple = digits == digits_[0] && digits == digits_[1];
            uint64_t prime0 = primes_[0];
            primes_[0] = primes_[1];
            primes_[1] = prime;
            digits_[0] = digits_[1];
            digits_[1] = digits;
            if (is_triple)
                return {prime0, primes_[0], primes_[1]};

    static std::array<int, 10> get_digits(uint64_t n) {
        std::array<int, 10> result = {};
        for (; n > 0; n /= 10)
            ++result[n % 10];
        return result;
    primesieve::iterator pi_;
    std::array<uint64_t, 2> primes_;
    std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 2> digits_;

int main() {
    ormiston_triple_generator generator;
    int count = 0;
    std::cout << "Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:\n";
    for (; count < 25; ++count) {
        auto primes = generator.next_triple();
        std::cout << primes[0] << ((count + 1) % 5 == 0 ? '\n' : ' ');
    std::cout << '\n';
    for (uint64_t limit = 1000000000; limit <= 10000000000; ++count) {
        auto primes = generator.next_triple();
        if (primes[2] > limit) {
            std::cout << "Number of Ormiston triples < " << limit << ": "
                      << count << '\n';
            limit *= 10;
Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:
11117123 12980783 14964017 32638213 32964341
33539783 35868013 44058013 46103237 48015013
50324237 52402783 58005239 60601237 61395239
74699789 76012879 78163123 80905879 81966341
82324237 82523017 83279783 86050781 92514341

Number of Ormiston triples < 1000000000: 368
Number of Ormiston triples < 10000000000: 4925


This task uses Ormiston_pairs#F#

// Ormiston triples. Nigel Galloway: February 3rd., 2023
let oTriples n=n|>Seq.pairwise|>Seq.filter(fun((n,i),(g,l))->i=g)|>Seq.map(fun((n,i),(g,l))->(n,g,l))
primes32()|>oPairs|>oTriples|>Seq.take 25|>Seq.iter(fun(n,_,_)->printf "%d " n); printfn ""
printfn $"<100 million: %d{primes32()|>Seq.takeWhile((>)100000000)|>oPairs|>oTriples|>Seq.length}"
printfn $"<1 billion: %d{primes32()|>Seq.takeWhile((>)1000000000)|>oPairs|>oTriples|>Seq.length}"
11117123 12980783 14964017 32638213 32964341 33539783 35868013 44058013 46103237 48015013 50324237 52402783 58005239 60601237 61395239 74699789 76012879 78163123 80905879 81966341 82324237 82523017 83279783 86050781 92514341
<100 million: 25
<1 billion: 368


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu

This runs in about 54 seconds on my Core i7 machine.

import "./math" for Int
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var limit = 1e10
var primes = Int.segmentedSieve(limit, 8)
var orm25 = []
var j = 1e9
var count = 0
var counts = []
for (i in 0...primes.count-2) {
    var p1 = primes[i]
    var p2 = primes[i+1]
    var p3 = primes[i+2]
    if ((p2 - p1) % 18 != 0 || (p3 - p2) % 18 != 0) continue
    var key1 = 1
    for (dig in Int.digits(p1)) key1 = key1 * primes[dig]
    var key2 = 1
    for (dig in Int.digits(p2)) key2 = key2 * primes[dig]
    if (key1 != key2) continue
    var key3 = 1
    for (dig in Int.digits(p3)) key3 = key3 * primes[dig]
    if (key2 == key3) {
        if (count < 25) orm25.add(p1)
        if (p1 >= j) {
            j = j * 10
        count = count + 1
System.print("Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:")
Fmt.tprint("$,10d ", orm25, 5)
j = 1e9
for (i in 0...counts.count) {
    Fmt.print("$,d Ormiston triples before $,d",  counts[i], j)
    j = j * 10
Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:
11117123 12980783 14964017 32638213 32964341 
33539783 35868013 44058013 46103237 48015013 
50324237 52402783 58005239 60601237 61395239 
74699789 76012879 78163123 80905879 81966341 
82324237 82523017 83279783 86050781 92514341 

368 Ormiston triples before 1,000,000,000

4,925 Ormiston triples before 10,000,000,000


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-fmt

This uses a segmented sieve to get up to 10 billion without running out of memory (bools in Wren require 8 bytes rather than one) and takes just over 13 minutes to achieve the stretch goal.

Limiting the search to a billion, takes about 73 seconds (68 seconds using our 'standard' sieve).

import "./math" for Int
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var limit = 1e10
var primes = Int.segmentedSieve(limit, 8)
var orm25 = []
var j = 1e9
var count = 0
var counts = []
for (i in 0...primes.count-2) {
    var p1 = primes[i]
    var p2 = primes[i+1]
    var p3 = primes[i+2]
    if ((p2 - p1) % 18 != 0 || (p3 - p2) % 18 != 0) continue
    var key1 = 1
    for (dig in Int.digits(p1)) key1 = key1 * primes[dig]
    var key2 = 1
    for (dig in Int.digits(p2)) key2 = key2 * primes[dig]
    if (key1 != key2) continue
    var key3 = 1
    for (dig in Int.digits(p3)) key3 = key3 * primes[dig]
    if (key2 == key3) {
        if (count < 25) orm25.add(p1)
        if (p1 >= j) {
            j = j * 10
        count = count + 1
System.print("Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:")
Fmt.tprint("$,10d ", orm25, 5)
j = 1e9
for (i in 0...counts.count) {
    Fmt.print("$,d Ormiston triples before $,d",  counts[i], j)
    j = j * 10
Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:
11,117,123  12,980,783  14,964,017  32,638,213  32,964,341  
33,539,783  35,868,013  44,058,013  46,103,237  48,015,013  
50,324,237  52,402,783  58,005,239  60,601,237  61,395,239  
74,699,789  76,012,879  78,163,123  80,905,879  81,966,341  
82,324,237  82,523,017  83,279,783  86,050,781  92,514,341  

368 Ormiston triples before 1,000,000,000

4,925 Ormiston triples before 10,000,000,000