
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 08:36, 27 August 2020 by Galileo (talk | contribs)
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
See Also:

Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using Klingphix.

In 1986, a ship from the future (specifically from the 23rd century), the USS Enterprise, inadvertently left behind a Federation of Planets manual that was used to understand Klingon computer systems. This is an interpreter based on that manual which, although incomplete, gives an idea of how the programs made by that interplanetary species were (will be?).

Klingphix is a pure interpreter developed in Phix ( It is based on the use of a stack for the passage of data between words (the equivalent of traditional procedures) and uses reverse Polish notation, being procedural and imperative. The stack have global scope, and there is only one word separator sign: white space.

Since Phix is interpreted, although fast, it does not allow Klingphix (also an interpreter) to be fast. However, it's useful for making small and, above all, stimulating and fun programs... at least for me (which, after all, is what I wanted it for). If anyone wants to take a look, in you have the zipped file containing the source code, example programs and an executable version of Klingphix. No installation is required (the contents of the file are unpacked where you want them and that's it). There is also a short instruction manual (in spanish). The way to use the interpreter is the usual way: from the command line write "Klingphix <program.tlhy> [program arguments]". For example: Klingphix Fibonacci.tlhy.

Anyone who likes to browse through the code will see that it is very easy to extend the features of Klingphix, so if anyone is encouraged, I'd like you to share your developments.