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You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Perform the following three XPath queries on the XML Document below:

  • Retrieve the first "item" element
  • Perform an action on each "price" element (print it out)
  • Get an array of all the "name" elements

XML Document:

<inventory title="OmniCorp Store #45x10^3">
<item upc="123456789" stock="12"> <name>Invisibility Cream</name> <price>14.50</price> <description>Makes you invisible</description> </item> <item upc="445322344" stock="18"> <name>Levitation Salve</name> <price>23.99</price> <description>Levitate yourself for up to 3 hours per application</description> </item>
<item upc="485672034" stock="653"> <name>Blork and Freen Instameal</name> <price>4.95</price> <description>A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water</description> </item> <item upc="132957764" stock="44"> <name>Grob winglets</name> <price>3.56</price> <description>Tender winglets of Grob. Just add water</description> </item>


 XmlReader XReader;

 // Either read the xml from a string ...
 XReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader("<inventory title=... </inventory>"));

 // ... or read it from the file system.
 XReader = XmlReader.Create("xmlfile.xml");

 // Create a XPathDocument object (which implements the IXPathNavigable interface)
 // which is optimized for XPath operation. (very fast).
 IXPathNavigable XDocument = new XPathDocument(XReader);

 // Create a Navigator to navigate through the document.
 XPathNavigator Nav = XDocument.CreateNavigator();
 Nav = Nav.SelectSingleNode("//item");

 // Move to the first element of the selection. (if available).
   Console.WriteLine(Nav.OuterXml); // The outer xml of the first item element.

 // Get an iterator to loop over multiple selected nodes.
 XPathNodeIterator Iterator = XDocument.CreateNavigator().Select("//price");

 while (Iterator.MoveNext())

 Iterator = XDocument.CreateNavigator().Select("//name");

 // Use a generic list.
 List<string> NodesValues = new List<string>();

 while (Iterator.MoveNext())

 // Convert the generic list to an array and output the count of items.


 <cfsavecontent variable="xmlString">
 <cfset xml = xmlParse(xmlString)>