User talk:Balrog

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 05:12, 14 August 2011 by rosettacode>Balrog (Showing my buddy Nick how to add sample code to his discussion page)

You don't need to claim an example by putting the language header on before any code. It would look a little weird if someone were to access the page before you put the code on. You can just do it all at once. --Mwn3d 23:14, 6 April 2008 (MDT)

GeSHi rollback check

if you want to check the version of GeSHi installed, edit any page, type <lang list>, and preview (don't save it). If it shows "" then he hasn't rolled back. This list is at the bottom of the new village pump page too. --Mwn3d 17:50, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. Alas, he hasn't. --Balrog 23:12, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Like This, Nick

<lang clojure> (def tables [[10 0 8500]

            [15 8501 34500] 
            [25 34501 83600] 
            [28 83601 174400] 
            [33 174401 379150] 
            [35 379151 Long/MAX_VALUE]])

(defn tax-calc

 "Takes a dollar amount value and returns your federal tax obligation based on 
 the table above"
 (second (reduce (fn [[dec-income calc] [percentage start end]]
                   (if (< start taxable-income) 
                     (let[limit (min taxable-income end)
                          taxable-range (- limit start)
                          result (float (* (/ percentage 100) taxable-range))
                          dec-income (- dec-income (min taxable-range dec-income))]
                      [dec-income (+ calc result)]) 
                    [dec-income calc])) [taxable-income 0]
