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"GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X" is NOT valid.
<lang Yabasic>// List updated to release 72, 25 November 2016, of IBAN Registry (75 countries)
countryCodes$ = "AD24 AE23 AL28 AT20 AZ28 BA20 BE16 BG22 BH22 BR29 BY28 CH21 CR22 CY28 CZ24 DE22 "
countryCodes$ = countryCodes$ + "DK18 DO28 EE20 ES24 FI18 FO18 FR27 GB22 GE22 GI23 GL18 GR27 GT28 HR21 HU28 IE22 "
countryCodes$ = countryCodes$ + "IL23 IQ23 IS26 IT27 JO30 KW30 KZ20 LB28 LC32 LI21 LT20 LU20 LV21 MC27 MD24 ME22 "
countryCodes$ = countryCodes$ + "MK19 MR27 MT31 MU30 NL18 NO15 PK24 PL28 PS29 PT25 QA29 RO24 RS22 SA24 SC31 SE24 "
countryCodes$ = countryCodes$ + "SI19 SK24 SM27 ST25 SV28 TL23 TN24 TR26 UA29 VG24 XK20"
sub iban(code$)
// This routine does and should reject codes containing spaces etc.
// Use iban_s() below for otherwise.
local country, lcode, c, i, ch$
lcode = len(code$)
country = instr(countryCodes$, upper$(left$(code$, 2)))
if country and lcode = val(mid$(countryCodes$, country + 2, 2)) then
code$ = right$(code$, lcode - 4) + left$(code$, 4)
for i = 1 to lcode
ch$ = mid$(code$, i, 1)
if ch$ >= "0" and ch$ <= "9" then
c = c * 10 + asc(ch$) - asc("0")
elsif ch$ >= "A" and ch$ <= "Z" then
c = c * 100 + asc(ch$) - 55
return false
end if
c = mod(c, 97)
next i
return c = 1
end if
return false
end sub
sub iban_s(code$)
// strips any embedded spaces and hyphens before validating.
local i, t$(1), n
i = token(code$, t$(), " -")
code$ = ""
for n = 1 to i
code$ = code$ + t$(n)
next n
return iban(code$)
end sub
sub test(code$, expected)
local valid, state$
valid = iban_s(code$)
if valid = expected then
if valid then
state$ = "ok"
state$ = "invalid (as expected)"
end if
if valid then
state$ = "OK!!"
state$ = "INVALID!!"
end if
state$ = state$ + " (NOT AS EXPECTED)"
end if
print code$, "\t ", state$
end sub
test("GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", true)
test("GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32", false)
test("GB81 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32", false)
test("SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519", true)
test("CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7", true)</lang>


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