Sequence of non-squares

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 06:02, 27 August 2010 by rosettacode>TimToady (rakudo is now more stable)
Sequence of non-squares
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Show that the following remarkable formula gives the sequence of non-square natural numbers:

 n + floor(1/2 + sqrt(n))
  • Print out the values for n in the range 1 to 22
  • Show that no squares occur for n less than one million


<lang ada>with Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Sequence_Of_Non_Squares_Test is

  use Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions;
  function Non_Square (N : Positive) return Positive is
     return N + Positive (Long_Float'Rounding (Sqrt (Long_Float (N))));
  end Non_Square;
  I : Positive;


  for N in 1..22 loop -- First 22 non-squares
     Put (Natural'Image (Non_Square (N)));
  end loop;
  for N in 1..1_000_000 loop -- Check first million of
     I := Non_Square (N);
     if I = Positive (Sqrt (Long_Float (I)))**2 then
        Put_Line ("Found a square:" & Positive'Image (N));
     end if;
  end loop;

end Sequence_Of_Non_Squares_Test;</lang> Sample output:

 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27


Translation of: C
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>PROC non square = (INT n)INT: n + ENTIER(0.5 + sqrt(n));

main: (

   # first 22 values (as a list) has no squares: #
   FOR i TO 22 DO
       print((whole(non square(i),-3),space))
   print(new line);

   # The following check shows no squares up to one million:  #
   FOR i TO 1 000 000 DO
       REAL j = sqrt(non square(i));
       IF j = ENTIER j THEN
           put(stand out, ("Error: number is a square:", j, new line));

)</lang> Output:

 2   3   5   6   7   8  10  11  12  13  14  15  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  26  27


ahk forum: discussion <lang AutoHotkey>Loop 22

  t .= (A_Index + floor(0.5 + sqrt(A_Index))) "  "

MsgBox %t%

s := 0 Loop 1000000

  x := A_Index + floor(0.5 + sqrt(A_Index)), s += x = round(sqrt(x))**2

Msgbox Number of bad squares = %s% ; 0</lang>


<lang awk>$ awk 'func f(n){return(n+int(.5+sqrt(n)))}BEGIN{for(i=1;i<=22;i++)print i,f(i)}' 1 2 2 3 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 13 17 14 18 15 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 26 22 27

$ awk 'func f(n){return(n+int(.5+sqrt(n)))}BEGIN{for(i=1;i<100000;i++){n=f(i);r=int(sqrt(n));if(r*r==n)print n"is square"}}' $</lang>


Works with: FreeBASIC
Works with: RapidQ

<lang freebasic>DIM i AS Integer DIM j AS Double DIM found AS Integer

FUNCTION nonsqr (n AS Integer) AS Integer

   nonsqr = n + INT(0.5 + SQR(n))


' Display first 22 values FOR i = 1 TO 22

   PRINT nonsqr(i); " ";


' Check for squares up to one million found = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 1000000

    j = SQR(nonsqr(i))
    IF j = INT(j) THEN 

found = 1

        PRINT "Found square: "; i
        EXIT FOR
    END IF

NEXT i IF found=0 THEN PRINT "No squares found"</lang>


Since BC is an arbitrary precision calculator, there are no issues in sqrt (it is enough to increase the scale variable upto the desired precision), nor there are limits (but time) to how many non-squares we can compute.

<lang bc>#! /usr/bin/bc

scale = 20

define ceil(x) {

   auto intx
   if (intx<x) intx+=1
   return intx


define floor(x) {

   return -ceil(-x)


define int(x) {

   auto old_scale, ret
   return ret


define round(x) {

   if (x<0) x-=.5 else x+=.5
   return int(x)


define nonsqr(n) {

 return n + round(sqrt(n))


for(i=1; i < 23; i++) {

  print nonsqr(i), "\n"


for(i=1; i < 1000000; i++) {

 j = sqrt(nonsqr(i))
 if ( j == floor(j) )
   print i, " square in the seq\n"



The functions int, round, floor, ceil are taken from here (int is slightly modified) (Here he states the license is GPL).


<lang c>#include <math.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <assert.h>

int nonsqr(int n) {

   return n + (int)(0.5 + sqrt(n));
   /* return n + (int)round(sqrt(n)); in C99 */


int main() {

   int i;
   /* first 22 values (as a list) has no squares: */
   for (i = 1; i < 23; i++)
       printf("%d ", nonsqr(i));
   /* The following check shows no squares up to one million: */
   for (i = 1; i < 1000000; i++) {
       double j = sqrt(nonsqr(i));
       assert(j != floor(j));
   return 0;



<lang csharp>using System; using System.Diagnostics;

namespace sons {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           for (int i = 1; i < 23; i++)            
           for (int i = 1; i < 1000000; i++)
               double j = Math.Sqrt(nonsqr(i));
               Debug.Assert(j != Math.Floor(j),"Square");
       static int nonsqr(int i)
           return (int)(i + Math.Floor(0.5 + Math.Sqrt(i)));



<lang clojure>;; provides floor and sqrt, but we use Java's sqrt as it's faster

(Clojure's is more exact)

(use 'clojure.contrib.math)

(defn nonsqr [#^Integer n] (+ n (floor (+ 0.5 (Math/sqrt n))))) (defn square? [#^Double n]

 (let [r (floor (Math/sqrt n))]
   (= (* r r) n)))

(doseq [n (range 1 23)] (printf "%s -> %s\n" n (nonsqr n)))

(defn verify [] (not-any? square? (map nonsqr (range 1 1000000))) )</lang>

Common Lisp

Works with: CCL

<lang lisp>(defun non-square-sequence ()

 (flet ((non-square (n)

"Compute the N-th number of the non-square sequence" (+ n (floor (+ 1/2 (sqrt n))))) (squarep (n) "Tests, whether N is a square" (let ((r (floor (sqrt n)))) (= (* r r) n))))

      :for n :upfrom 1 :to 22
      :do (format t "~2D -> ~D~%" n (non-square n)))
      :for n :upfrom 1 :to 1000000
      :when (squarep (non-square n))
      :do (format t "Found a square: ~D -> ~D~%" 

n (non-square n)))))</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio; import std.math;

ulong nonsquare(uint n) {

   return n + cast(ulong)(0.5 + sqrt(cast(real)n));


void main() {

   ulong[22] nsarray;
   foreach(i, inout ns; nsarray)
       ns = nonsquare(i+1);
   for(uint i = 1; i < 1_000_000; i++)
       assert((sqrt(cast(real)nonsquare(i)) % 1) != 0);



<lang fsharp>open System

let SequenceOfNonSquares =

   let nonsqr n = n+(int(0.5+Math.Sqrt(float (n))))
   let isqrt n = int(Math.Sqrt(float(n)))
   let IsSquare n = n = (isqrt n)*(isqrt n)
   {1 .. 999999}
   |> f -> (f, nonsqr f))
   |> Seq.filter(fun f -> IsSquare(snd f))

Executing the code gives:<lang fsharp> > SequenceOfNonSquares;; val it : seq<int * int> = seq []</lang>


<lang forth>: u>f 0 d>f ;

f>u f>d drop ;
fn ( n -- n ) dup u>f fsqrt fround f>u + ;
test ( n -- ) 1 do i fn . loop ;

23 test \ 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 ok

square? ( n -- ? ) u>f fsqrt fdup fround f- f0= ;
test ( n -- ) 1 do i fn square? if cr i . ." fn was square" then loop ;

1000000 test \ ok</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later


 INTEGER :: m, n, nonsqr
 DO n = 1, 22
   nonsqr =  n + FLOOR(0.5 + SQRT(REAL(n)))  ! or could use NINT(SQRT(REAL(n)))
   WRITE(*,*) nonsqr
 DO n = 1, 1000000
   nonsqr =  n + FLOOR(0.5 + SQRT(REAL(n)))
   m = INT(SQRT(REAL(nonsqr)))
   IF (m*m == nonsqr) THEN
     WRITE(*,*) "Square found, n=", n



<lang haskell>nonsqr :: Integral a => a -> a nonsqr n = n + round (sqrt (fromIntegral n))</lang>

> map nonsqr [1..22]

> any (\j -> j == fromIntegral (floor j)) $ map (sqrt . fromIntegral . nonsqr) [1..1000000]


<lang HicEst>REAL :: n=22, nonSqr(n)

nonSqr = $ + FLOOR(0.5 + $^0.5) WRITE() nonSqr

squares_found = 0 DO i = 1, 1E6

  non2 = i + FLOOR(0.5 + i^0.5)
  root = FLOOR( non2^0.5 )
  squares_found =  squares_found + (non2 == root*root)

ENDDO WRITE(Name) squares_found END</lang>

2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27


<lang IDL>n = lindgen(1000000)+1  ; Take a million numbers f = n+floor(.5+sqrt(n))  ; Apply formula print,f[0:21]  ; Output first 22 print,where(sqrt(f) eq fix(sqrt(f))) ; Test for squares</lang>


        2        3        5        6        7        8       10       11       12
       13       14       15       17       18       19       20       21       22
       23       24       26       27


Icon and Unicon


<lang Icon>link numbers

procedure main()

every n := 1 to 22 do

 write("nsq(",n,") := ",nsq(n))

every x := sqrt(nsq(n := 1 to 1000000)) do

 if x  = floor(x)^2 then write("nsq(",n,") = ",x," is a square.")

write("finished.") end

procedure nsq(n) # return non-squares return n + floor(0.5 + sqrt(n)) end</lang>

numbers provides floor


This Icon solution works in Unicon.


<lang j> rf=:+ 0.5 <.@+ %: NB. Remarkable formula

  rf 1+i.22               NB.  Results from 1 to 22

2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27

  +/ (rf e. *:) 1+i.1e6   NB.  Number of square RFs <= 1e6



<lang java>public class SeqNonSquares {

   public static int nonsqr(int n) {
       return n + (int)Math.round(Math.sqrt(n));
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // first 22 values (as a list) has no squares:
       for (int i = 1; i < 23; i++)
           System.out.print(nonsqr(i) + " ");
       // The following check shows no squares up to one million:
       for (int i = 1; i < 1000000; i++) {
           double j = Math.sqrt(nonsqr(i));
           assert j != Math.floor(j);


<lang logo>repeat 22 [print sum # round sqrt #]</lang>


<lang lua>for i = 1, 22 do print(i + math.round(i^.5)) end</lang>


<lang Mathematica>nonsq = (# + Floor[0.5 + Sqrt[#]]) &; nonsq@Range[22] If[! Or @@ (IntegerQ /@ Sqrt /@ nonsq@Range[10^6]),

Print["No squares for n <= ", 10^6]


{2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27}
No squares for n <= 1000000


<lang MATLAB>function nonSquares(i)

   for n = (1:i)
       generatedNumber = n + floor(1/2 + sqrt(n));
       if mod(sqrt(generatedNumber),1)==0 %Check to see if the sqrt of the generated number is an integer
           fprintf('\n%d generates a square number: %d\n', [n,generatedNumber]);
       else %If it isn't then the generated number is a square number
           if n<=22
               fprintf('%d ',generatedNumber);
   fprintf('\nNo square numbers were generated for n <= %d\n',i);

end</lang> Solution: <lang MATLAB>>> nonSquares(1000000) 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 No square numbers were generated for n <= 1000000</lang>


<lang mmix> LOC Data_Segment GREG @ buf OCTA 0,0

GREG @ NL BYTE #a,0 errh BYTE "Sorry, number ",0 errt BYTE "is a quare.",0 prtOk BYTE "No squares found below 1000000.",0

i IS $1 % loop var. x IS $2 % computations y IS $3 % .. z IS $4 % .. t IS $5 % temp Ja IS $127 % return address

LOC #100 % locate program GREG @

// print integer of max. 7 digits to StdOut // primarily used to show the first 22 non squares // in advance the end of the buffer is filled with ' 0 ' // reg x contains int to be printed bp IS $71 0H GREG #0000000000203020 prtInt STO 0B,buf % initialize buffer LDA bp,buf+7 % points after LSD % REPEAT 1H SUB bp,bp,1 % move buffer pointer DIV x,x,10 % divmod (x,10) GET t,rR % get remainder INCL t,'0' % make char digit STB t,bp % store digit PBNZ x,1B % UNTIL no more digits LDA $255,bp TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut % print integer GO Ja,Ja,0 % 'return'

// function calculates non square // x = RF ( i ) RF FLOT x,i % convert i to float FSQRT x,0,x % x = floor ( 0.5 + sqrt i ) FIX x,x % convert float to int ADD x,x,i % x = i + floor ( 0.5 + sqrt i ) GO Ja,Ja,0 % 'return'

% main (argc, argv) { // generate the first 22 non squares Main SET i,1 % for ( i=1; i<=22; i++){ 1H GO Ja,RF % x = RF (i) GO Ja,prtInt % print non square INCL i,1 % i++ CMP t,i,22 % i<=22 ? PBNP t,1B % } LDA $255,NL TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut

// check if RF (i) is a square for 0 < i < 1000000 SET i,1000 MUL i,i,i SUB i,i,1 % for ( i = 999999; i>0; i--) 3H GO Ja,RF % x = RF ( i ) // square test FLOT y,x % convert int x to float FSQRT z,3,y % z = floor ( sqrt ( int (x) ) ) FIX z,z % z = cint z MUL z,z,z % z = z^2 CMP t,x,z % x != (int sqrt x)^2 ? PBNZ t,2F % if yes then continue // it should not happen, but if a square is found LDA $255,errh % else print err-message TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut GO Ja,prtInt % show trespasser LDA $255,errt TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut LDA $255,NL TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut TRAP 0,Halt,0

2H SUB i,i,1 % i-- PBNZ i,3B % i>0? } LDA $255,prtOk % TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut LDA $255,NL TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut TRAP 0,Halt,0 % }</lang> Output:

~/MIX/MMIX/Rosetta> mmix SoNS
2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27
No squares found below 1000000.


<lang modula3>MODULE NonSquare EXPORTS Main;

IMPORT IO, Fmt, Math;



   RETURN n + FLOOR(0.5D0 + Math.sqrt(FLOAT(n, LONGREAL)));
 END NonSquare;


 FOR n := 1 TO 22 DO
   IO.Put(Fmt.Int(NonSquare(n)) & " ");
 FOR n := 1 TO 1000000 DO
   i := NonSquare(n);
   IF i = FLOOR(Math.sqrt(FLOAT(i, LONGREAL))) THEN
     IO.Put("Found square: " & Fmt.Int(n) & "\n");

END NonSquare.</lang> Output:

2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27


<lang ocaml># let nonsqr n = n + truncate (0.5 +. sqrt (float n));; val nonsqr : int -> int = <fun>

  1. (* first 22 values (as a list) has no squares: *)
 for i = 1 to 22 do
   Printf.printf "%d " (nonsqr i)
 print_newline ();;

2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 - : unit = ()

  1. (* The following check shows no squares up to one million: *)
 for i = 1 to 1_000_000 do
   let j = sqrt (float (nonsqr i)) in
     assert (j <> floor j)

- : unit = ()</lang>


<lang oz>declare

 fun {NonSqr N}
    N + {Float.toInt {Floor 0.5 + {Sqrt {Int.toFloat N}}}}
 fun {SqrtInt N}
    {Float.toInt {Sqrt {Int.toFloat N}}}
 fun {IsSquare N}
    {Pow {SqrtInt N} 2} == N
 Ns = {Map {List.number 1 999999 1} NonSqr}


 {Show {List.take Ns 22}}
 {Show {Some Ns IsSquare}}</lang>


<lang perl>sub nonsqr { my $n = shift; $n + int(0.5 + sqrt($n)) } print join(' ', map nonsqr($_), 1..22), "\n"; foreach my $i (1..1_000_000) {

 my $j = sqrt(nonsqr($i));
 $j != int($j) or die "Found a square in the sequence: $i";


Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo Star version 2010.08

<lang perl6>sub nth_term (Int $n) { $n + round sqrt $n }

say nth_term $_ for 1 .. 22; .sqrt %% 1 and say "$_ is square." for map &nth_term, 1 .. 1_000_000;</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de sqfun (N)

  (+ N (sqrt N T)) )  # 'sqrt' rounds when called with 'T'

(for I 22

  (println I (sqfun I)) )

(for I 1000000

  (let (N (sqfun I)  R (sqrt N))
     (when (= N (* R R))
        (prinl N " is square") ) ) )</lang>


1 2
2 3
3 5
4 6
5 7
6 8
7 10
8 11
9 12
10 13
11 14
12 15
13 17
14 18
15 19
16 20
17 21
18 22
19 23
20 24
21 26
22 27


<lang PL/I>

  put skip edit ((n, n + floor(sqrt(n) + 0.5) do n = 1 to n))
     (skip, 2 f(5));




   1    2
   2    3
   3    5
   4    6
   5    7
   6    8
   7   10
   8   11
   9   12
  10   13
  11   14
  12   15
  13   17
  14   18
  15   19
  16   20
  17   21
  18   22
  19   23
  20   24
  21   26


Test 1,000,000 values:

<lang> test: proc options (main);

  declare n fixed (15);
  do n = 1 to 1000000;
     if perfect_square (n + fixed(sqrt(n) + 0.5, 15)) then
        do; put skip list ('formula fails for n = ', n); stop; end;

perfect_square: procedure (N) returns (bit (1) aligned);

  declare N fixed (15);
  declare K fixed (15);
  k = sqrt(N)+0.1;
  return ( k*k = N );

end perfect_square;

end test; </lang>


<lang PureBasic>OpenConsole() For a = 1 To 22

 ; Integer, so no floor needed
 tmp = 1 / 2 + Sqr(a)
 Print(Str(a + tmp) + ", ")

Next PrintN("") PrintN("Starting check till one million") For a = 1 To 1000000

 value.d = a + Round((1 / 2 + Sqr(a)), #PB_Round_Down)
 root    = Sqr(value)
 If value - root*root = 0
   found + 1
   If found < 20
     PrintN("Found a square! " + Str(value))
   ElseIf found = 20
     PrintN("And more")

Next If found

 PrintN(Str(found) + " Squares found, see above")


 PrintN("No squares, all ok")


Wait for enter



Implemented as a filter here, which can be used directly on the pipeline. <lang powershell>filter Get-NonSquare {

   return $_ + [Math]::Floor(1/2 + [Math]::Sqrt($_))

}</lang> Printing out the first 22 values is straightforward, then: <lang powershell>1..22 | Get-NonSquare</lang> If there were any squares for n up to one million, they would be printed with the following, but there is no output: <lang powershell>1..1000000 `

   | Get-NonSquare `
   | Where-Object {
         $r = [Math]::Sqrt($_)
         [Math]::Truncate($r) -eq $r


<lang python>>>> from math import sqrt >>> # (Using the fact that round(X) is equivalent to floor(0.5+X) for our range of X) >>> def nonsqr(n): return n + int(round(sqrt(n)))

>>> # first 22 values (as a list) has no squares: >>> [nonsqr(i) for i in xrange(1,23)] [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27] >>> # The following check shows no squares up to one million: >>> for i in xrange(1,1000000): j = sqrt(nonsqr(i)) assert j != int(j), "Found a square in the sequence: %i" % i



Printing the first 22 nonsquares. <lang R>nonsqr <- function(n) n + floor(1/2 + sqrt(n)) nonsqr(1:22)</lang>

[1]  2  3  5  6  7  8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27

Testing the first million nonsquares. <lang R>is.square <- function(x) {

  sqrx <- sqrt(x)
  err <- abs(sqrx - round(sqrx))
  err < 100*.Machine$double.eps

} any(is.square(nonsqr(1:1e6)))</lang>



<lang ruby>f = lambda {|n| n + (1.0/2 + Math.sqrt(n)).floor} 1.upto(22) {|n| puts "#{n} #{ n}"} 1.upto(1_000_000) do |n|

 i = n
 if i == (Math.sqrt(i).to_int)**2
   fail "Oops, found a square f(#{n}) = #{i}"

puts "done"</lang>


<lang scheme>(define non-squares

 (lambda (index)
   (+ index (inexact->exact (floor (+ (/ 1 2) (sqrt index)))))))

(define sequence

 (lambda (function)
   (lambda (start)
     (lambda (stop)
       (if (> start stop)
           (cons (function start)
                 (((sequence function) (+ start 1)) stop)))))))

(define square?

 (lambda (number)
   ((lambda (root)
      (= (* root root) number))
    (floor (sqrt number)))))

(define any?

 (lambda (predicate?)
   (lambda (list)
     (and (not (null? list))
          (or (predicate? (car list))
              ((any? predicate?) (cdr list)))))))

(display (((sequence non-squares) 1) 22)) (newline)

(display ((any? square?) (((sequence non-squares) 1) 999999))) (newline)</lang> Output:

(2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27)


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "float.s7i";
 include "math.s7i";

const func integer: nonsqr (in integer: n) is

 return n + trunc(0.5 + sqrt(flt(n)));

const proc: main is func

   var integer: i is 0;
   var float: j is 0.0;
   # First 22 values (as a list) has no squares:
   for i range 1 to 22 do
     write(nonsqr(i) <& " ");
   end for;

   # The following check shows no squares up to one million:
   for i range 1 to 1000000 do
     j := sqrt(flt(nonsqr(i)));
     if j = floor(j) then
       writeln("Found square for nonsqr(" <& i <& ")");
     end if;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>

Standard ML

<lang sml>- fun nonsqr n = n + round (Math.sqrt (real n)); val nonsqr = fn : int -> int - List.tabulate (23, nonsqr); val it = [0,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,...] : int list - let fun loop i = if i = 1000000 then true

                                 else let val j = Math.sqrt (real (nonsqr i)) in
                                        Real.!= (j, Real.realFloor j) andalso
                                          loop (i+1)
                                      end in
   loop 1

val it = true : bool</lang>


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

set f {n {expr {$n + floor(0.5 + sqrt($n))}}}

for {set x 1} {$x <= 22} {incr x} {

   puts [format "%d\t%s" $x [apply $f $x]]


puts "looking for a square..." for {set x 1} {$x <= 1000000} {incr x} {

   set y [apply $f $x]
   set s [expr {sqrt($y)}]
   if {$s == int($s)} {
       error "found a square in the sequence: $x -> $y"

} puts "done"</lang> outputs

1	2.0
2	3.0
3	5.0
4	6.0
5	7.0
6	8.0
7	10.0
8	11.0
9	12.0
10	13.0
11	14.0
12	15.0
13	17.0
14	18.0
15	19.0
16	20.0
17	21.0
18	22.0
19	23.0
20	24.0
21	26.0
22	27.0
looking for a square...


Definition and 1 to 22, interactively:

<lang ti89b>■ n+floor(1/2+√(n)) → f(n)


■ seq(f(n),n,1,22)


Program testing up to one million:

<lang ti89b>test() Prgm

 Local i, ns
 For i, 1, 10^6
   f(i) → ns
   If (floor(√(ns)))^2 = ns Then
     Disp "Oops: " & string(ns)
 Disp "Done"


(This program has not been run to completion.)


<lang Ursala>#import nat

  1. import flo

nth_non_square = float; plus^/~& math..trunc+ plus/0.5+ sqrt is_square = sqrt; ^E/~& math..trunc

  1. show+

examples = %neALP ^(~&,nth_non_square)*t iota23 check = (is_square*~+nth_non_square*t; ~&i&& %eLP)||-[no squares found]-! iota 1000000</lang> output:

   1: 2.000000e+00,
   2: 3.000000e+00,
   3: 5.000000e+00,
   4: 6.000000e+00,
   5: 7.000000e+00,
   6: 8.000000e+00,
   7: 1.000000e+01,
   8: 1.100000e+01,
   9: 1.200000e+01,
   10: 1.300000e+01,
   11: 1.400000e+01,
   12: 1.500000e+01,
   13: 1.700000e+01,
   14: 1.800000e+01,
   15: 1.900000e+01,
   16: 2.000000e+01,
   17: 2.100000e+01,
   18: 2.200000e+01,
   19: 2.300000e+01,
   20: 2.400000e+01,
   21: 2.600000e+01,
   22: 2.700000e+01>
no squares found