Roman numerals/Encode: Difference between revisions

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(Forth, Latin error :))
(→‎{{header|Forth}}: my Latin sucks...)
Line 99: Line 99:
: .roman ( n -- )
: .roman ( n -- )
dup 0 4000 within 0= if ." EX REUS!" exit then
dup 0 4000 within 0= if ." EX LIMITO!" exit then
numerals swap roman-rec ;
numerals swap roman-rec ;

Revision as of 02:43, 2 April 2008

Roman numerals/Encode
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Create a function taking a positive integer as its parameter and returning a string containing the Roman Numeral representation of that integer.

Modern Roman numerals are written by expressing each digit separately starting with the left most digit and skipping any digit with a value of zero. In Roman numerals 1990 is rendered: 1000=M, 900=CM, 90=XC; resulting in MCMXC. 2008 is written as 2000=MM, 8=VIII; or MMVIII. 1666 uses each Roman symbol in descending order: MDCLXVI.


<Ada> with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure Roman_Numeral_Test is

  function To_Roman(Number : Positive) return String is
     Result : Unbounded_String;
     Current_Value : Natural := Number;
     if Current_Value >= 1000 then
        Result := Result & ((Current_Value / 1000) * 'M');
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 1000;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 900 then
        Result := Result & "CM";
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 900;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 500 then
        Result := Result & "D";
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 500;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 100 then
        Result := Result & ((Current_Value / 100) * 'C');
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 100;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 90 then
        Result := Result & "XC";
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 90;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 50 then
        Result := Result & "L";
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 50;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 40 then
        Result := Result & "XL";
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 40;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 10 then
        Result := Result & ((Current_Value / 10) * 'X');
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 10;
     end if;
     if Current_Value = 9 then
        Result := Result & "IX";
        Current_Value := 0;
     end if;
     if Current_Value >= 5 then
        Result := Result & "V";
        Current_Value := Current_Value mod 5;
     end if;
     if Current_Value = 4 then
        Result := Result & "IV";
        Current_Value := 0;
     end if;
     Result := Result & (Current_Value * 'I');
     return To_String(Result);
  end To_Roman;



end Roman_Numeral_Test; </Ada> Output:



create numerals
  char I c, char V c, char X c, char L c, char C c, char D c, char M c,

: vector create ( n -- ) 0 do , loop
         does>  ( n -- ) swap cells + @ execute ;

\ these are all ( numerals -- )
:noname dup c@ emit 2 + c@ emit                  ; \ 9: IX
:noname dup 1+ c@ emit c@ dup dup emit emit emit ; \ 8: VIII
:noname dup 1+ c@ emit c@ dup          emit emit ; \ 7: VII
:noname dup 1+ c@ emit c@                   emit ; \ 6: VI
:noname     1+ c@ emit                           ; \ 5: V
:noname dup c@ emit 1+ c@ emit                   ; \ 4: IV
:noname                c@ dup dup emit emit emit ; \ 3: III
:noname                c@ dup          emit emit ; \ 2: II
:noname                c@                   emit ; \ 1: I
' drop                                             \ 0: no output

10 vector .digit

: roman-rec ( numerals n -- )
  10 /mod dup if >r over 2 + r> recurse else drop then .digit ;

: .roman ( n -- )
  dup 0 4000 within 0= if ." EX LIMITO!" exit then
  numerals swap roman-rec ;


With an explicit decimal digit representation list:

digit x y z k = 
  [[x],[x,x],[x,x,x],[x,y],[y],[y,x],[y,x,x],[y,x,x,x],[x,z]] !! 
  (fromInteger k - 1)

toRoman :: Integer -> String
toRoman 0 = ""
toRoman x | x < 0     = error "Negative roman numeral"
toRoman x | x >= 1000 = 'M' : toRoman (x - 1000)
toRoman x | x >= 100  = digit 'C' 'D' 'M' q ++ toRoman r where 
  (q,r) = x `divMod` 100
toRoman x | x >= 10   = digit 'X' 'L' 'C' q ++ toRoman r where 
  (q,r) = x `divMod` 10
toRoman x             = digit 'I' 'V' 'X' x


*Main> map toRoman [1999,25,944]


rfd obtains Roman numerals from decimals, and dfr decimals from Roman numerals.

dfr=: 3 : 0
 i=. 'IVXLCDM' i. y
 d=. i{1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

r100 =. <;._1 '  C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC CM'
r10  =. <;._1 '  X XX XXX XL L LX LXX LXXX XC'
r1   =. <;._1 '  I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX'
R1000=: , r100 ,&.>/ r10 ,&.>/ r1

rfd=: 3 : 0

Copied, with permission, from the J Wiki. Examples of use will be found there.


Translation of: Ada

The helper function copies is added since Java does not support String multiplication. The conversion function returns null for a negative number, since Java does not have unsigned primitives. <java>public class RN{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(roman(1999)); System.out.println(roman(25)); System.out.println(roman(954)); } public static String roman(long n){ if(n < 1) return null; String result = ""; if(n >= 1000){ result+= (copies("M",(n / 1000))); n%= 1000; } if(n >= 900){ result+= "CM"; n%= 900; } if(n >= 500){ result+= "D"; n%= 500; } if(n >= 400){ result+= "CD"; n%= 400; } if(n >= 100){ result+= (copies("C",(n / 100))); n%= 100; } if(n >= 90){ result+= "XC"; n%= 90; } if(n >= 50){ result+= "L"; n%= 50; } if(n >= 40){ result+= "XL"; n%= 40; } if(n >= 10){ result+= (copies("X",(n / 10))); n%= 10; } if(n == 9){ result+= "IX"; n= 0; } if(n >= 5){ result+= "V"; n%= 5; } if(n == 4){ result+= "IV"; n= 0; } result+= (copies("I",n)); return result; }

public static String copies(String a, int n){ String result = ""; for(int i= 0;i < n;i++,result+= a); return result; } }</java> Output:



Roman numeral generation was used as an example for demonstrating Test Driven Development in Ruby.