Rodrigues’ rotation formula

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Rodrigues’ rotation formula
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Rotate a point about some axis by some angle.

Described here:


<lang perl>

  1. !perl -w

use strict; use Math::Trig; # acos use JSON; use constant PI => 3.14159265358979;

  1. Rodrigues' formula for vector rotation - see

sub norm {

 return ($v->[0]*$v->[0] + $v->[1]*$v->[1] + $v->[2]*$v->[2]) ** 0.5;

} sub normalize {

 my $length = &norm($v);
 return [$v->[0]/$length, $v->[1]/$length, $v->[2]/$length];

} sub dotProduct {

 my($v1, $v2)=@_;
 return $v1->[0]*$v2->[0] + $v1->[1]*$v2->[1] + $v1->[2]*$v2->[2];

} sub crossProduct {

 my($v1, $v2)=@_;
 return [$v1->[1]*$v2->[2] - $v1->[2]*$v2->[1], $v1->[2]*$v2->[0] - $v1->[0]*$v2->[2], $v1->[0]*$v2->[1] - $v1->[1]*$v2->[0]];

} sub getAngle {

 my($v1, $v2)=@_;
 return acos(&dotProduct($v1, $v2) / (&norm($v1)*&norm($v2)))*180/PI;  # remove *180/PI to go back to radians

} sub matrixMultiply {

 my($matrix, $v)=@_;
 return [&dotProduct($matrix->[0], $v), &dotProduct($matrix->[1], $v), &dotProduct($matrix->[2], $v)];

} sub aRotate {

 my($p, $v, $a)=@_;    # point-to-rotate, vector-to-rotate-about, angle(degrees)
 my $ca = cos($a/180*PI);      # remove /180*PI to go back to radians
 my $sa = sin($a/180*PI);
 my $t=1-$ca;
 my($x,$y,$z)=($v->[0], $v->[1], $v->[2]);
 my $r = [
       [$ca + $x*$x*$t, $x*$y*$t - $z*$sa, $x*$z*$t + $y*$sa],
       [$x*$y*$t + $z*$sa, $ca + $y*$y*$t, $y*$z*$t - $x*$sa],
       [$z*$x*$t - $y*$sa, $z*$y*$t + $x*$sa, $ca + $z*$z*$t]
 return &matrixMultiply($r, $p);


my $v1 = [5,-6,4]; my $v2 = [8,5,-30]; my $a = &getAngle($v1, $v2); my $cp = &crossProduct($v1, $v2); my $ncp = &normalize($cp); my $np = &aRotate($v1, $ncp, $a);

my $json=JSON->new->canonical;

print $json->encode($np) . "\n"; # => [ 2.23222107330823, 1.39513817081764, -8.37082902490585 ] = ok. </lang>


<lang javascript>

function norm(v) {

   return Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);

} function normalize(v) {

   var length = norm(v);
   return [v[0]/length, v[1]/length, v[2]/length];

} function dotProduct(v1, v2) {

   return v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2];

} function crossProduct(v1, v2) {

   return [v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1], v1[2]*v2[0] - v1[0]*v2[2], v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0]];

} function getAngle(v1, v2) {

   return Math.acos(dotProduct(v1, v2) / (norm(v1)*norm(v2)));

} function matrixMultiply(matrix, v) {

   return [dotProduct(matrix[0], v), dotProduct(matrix[1], v), dotProduct(matrix[2], v)];

} function aRotate(p, v, a) {

   var ca = Math.cos(a), sa = Math.sin(a), t=1-ca, x=v[0], y=v[1], z=v[2];
   var r = [
       [ca + x*x*t, x*y*t - z*sa, x*z*t + y*sa],
       [x*y*t + z*sa, ca + y*y*t, y*z*t - x*sa],
       [z*x*t - y*sa, z*y*t + x*sa, ca + z*z*t]
   return matrixMultiply(r, p);


var v1 = [5,-6,4]; var v2 = [8,5,-30]; var a = getAngle(v1, v2); var cp = crossProduct(v1, v2); var ncp = normalize(cp); var np = aRotate(v1, ncp, a); console.log(np);
