Posit numbers/decoding

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Revision as of 20:31, 17 September 2023 by Grondilu (talk | contribs) (new draft : Posit numbers)
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Posit numbers/decoding is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Posit is a quantization of the real projective line proposed by John Gustafson in 2015. It is claimed to be an improvement over IEEE 754.

The purpose of this task is to write a program capable of decoding a posit number. You will use the example provided by Gustafson in his paper : 0b0000110111011101, representing a 16-bit long real number with three bits for the exponent. Once decoded, you should obtain either the fraction 477/134217728 or the floating point value 3.55393E−6.


unit role Posit[UInt $nbits, UInt $es];

has Bool @.bits[$nbits];

method Str { sprintf('%0b' x $nbits, @!bits) }
sub useed { 2**(2**$es) }

sub two-complement(Str $n where /^<[01]>+$/) {
    .trans("01" => "10")
    + 1
   ) +& (2**$n.chars - 1)
  ).polymod(2 xx $n.chars - 1)

method Real {
  return 0 unless @!bits.any;
  return Inf if self ~~ /^10*$/;
  my $sign = @!bits.head ?? -1 !! +1;
  $sign *
    grammar {
      token TOP { ^ <regime> <exponent>? <fraction>? $ }
      token regime { [ 1+ 0? ] | [ 0+ 1? ] }
      token exponent { <.bit> ** {1..$es} }
      token fraction { <.bit>+ }
      token bit { <[01]> }
      ($sign > 0 ?? {$_} !! &two-complement)(self.Str.substr(1)),
      actions => class {
        method TOP($/) {
          make $<regime>.made *
            ($<exponent> ?? $<exponent>.made !! 1) *
            ($<fraction> ?? $<fraction>.made !! 1);
        method regime($/) {
          my $first-bit = $/.Str.substr(0,1);
          my $m = $/.comb.Bag{$first-bit};
          make useed**($first-bit eq '1' ?? $m - 1 !! -$m);
        method exponent($/) { make 2**($/.Str.parse-base: 2); }
        method fraction($/) {
          make reduce { $^a + $^b / ($*=2.FatRat) }, 1, |$/.comb;

  use Test;
  # example from L<http://www.johngustafson.net/pdfs/BeatingFloatingPoint.pdf>
  is Posit[16, 3]
    .new(bits => '0000110111011101'.comb.map({.Int.Bool})).Real.nude,
    (477, 134217728);
ok 1 -