Number reversal game

From Rosetta Code
Number reversal game
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given a jumbled list of the numbers 1 to 9, show the list then ask the player how many digits from the left to reverse. Reverse those digits, then ask again, until all the digits end up in ascending order.

The score is the count of the reversals needed to attain the ascending order.

Note: Assume the players input does not need extra validation.

C.f: Sorting algorithms/Pancake sort, Pancake sorting.


<lang Autohotkey>; Submitted by MasterFocus ---

ScrambledList := CorrectList := "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" ; Declare two identical strings While ( ScrambledList = CorrectList )

 Sort, ScrambledList, Random D%A_Space% ; Shuffle one of them inside a While-loop to ensure it's shuffled

Attempts := 0 While ( ScrambledList <> CorrectList ) ; Repeat until the sequence is correct {

 InputBox, EnteredNumber, Number Reversal Game, Attempts so far: %Attempts%`n`nCurrent sequence: %ScrambledList%`n`nHow many numbers (from the left) should be flipped?, , 400, 200
 If ErrorLevel
   ExitApp ; Exit if user presses ESC or Cancel
 If EnteredNumber is not integer
   Continue ; Discard attempt if entered number is not an integer
 If ( EnteredNumber <= 1 )
   Continue ; Discard attempt if entered number is <= 1
 Attempts++ ; Increase the number of attempts
 ; Reverse the first part of the string and add the second part
 ; The entered number is multiplied by 2 to deal with the spaces
 ScrambledList := Reverse(SubStr(ScrambledList,1,(EnteredNumber*2)-1)) SubStr(ScrambledList,EnteredNumber*2)


MsgBox, You took %Attempts% attempts to get the correct sequence. ; Final message



Reverse(Str) ; Auxiliar function, which flips a string {

 Loop, Parse, Str
   Out := A_LoopField Out
 Return Out



Works with: QBasic
Works with: FreeBASIC

<lang qbasic>PRINT "Given a jumbled list of the numbers 1 to 9," PRINT "you must select how many digits from the left to reverse." PRINT "Your goal is to get the digits in order with 1 on the left and 9 on the right."



'initial values and Knuth shuffle FOR L0 = 1 TO 9

   nums(L0) = L0

NEXT FOR L0 = 9 TO 1 STEP -1

   n = INT(RND * (L0)) + 1
   IF n <> L0 THEN SWAP nums(n), nums(L0)


again = -1 DO

   IF tries < 10 THEN PRINT " ";
   PRINT tries; ":";
   FOR L0 = 1 TO 9
       PRINT nums(L0);
   INPUT " -- How many numbers should be flipped"; flp
   IF flp < 0 THEN flp = 0
   IF flp > 9 THEN flp = 0
   FOR L0 = 1 TO (flp \ 2)
       SWAP nums(L0), nums(flp - L0 + 1)
   again = 0
   'check for order
   FOR L0 = 1 TO 8
       IF nums(L0) > nums(L0 + 1) THEN
           again = -1
           EXIT FOR
       END IF
   IF flp > 0 THEN tries = tries + 1


PRINT : PRINT "You took"; tries; " tries to put the digits in order."</lang>

Sample output:

Given a jumbled list of the numbers 1 to 9,
you must select how many digits from the left to reverse.
Your goal is to get the digits in order with 1 on the left and 9 on the right.
  0 : 1  4  5  3  2  7  6  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 7
  1 : 6  7  2  3  5  4  1  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 2
  2 : 7  6  2  3  5  4  1  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 7
  3 : 1  4  5  3  2  6  7  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 3
  4 : 5  4  1  3  2  6  7  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 5
  5 : 2  3  1  4  5  6  7  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 2
  6 : 3  2  1  4  5  6  7  8  9  -- How many numbers should be flipped? 3
  7 : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
You took 7  tries to put the digits in order.


<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel math math.parser math.ranges namespaces random sequences strings ; IN: rosetta.number-reversal

make-jumbled-array ( -- sorted jumbled )
   CHAR: 1 CHAR: 9 [a,b] [ 1string ] map dup clone randomize
   [ 2dup = ] [ randomize ] while ;

SYMBOL: trials

prompt ( jumbled -- n )
   trials get "#%2d: " printf
   ", " join write
   "   Flip how many? " write flush
   readln string>number ;
game-loop ( sorted jumbled -- )
   2dup = [
       2drop trials get
       "\nYou took %d attempts to put the digits in order!\n" printf
   ] [
       trials [ 1 + ] change
       dup dup prompt head-slice reverse! drop
   ] if ;
play ( -- )
   0 trials set
   make-jumbled-array game-loop ;</lang>


Solution: <lang j>require 'misc' NB. for the verb prompt

INTRO=: noun define Number Reversal Game Flip groups of numbers from the left of the list until the numbers are sorted in ascending order. )

reversegame=: verb define

 nums=. >: 9?9                             NB. 1-9 in random order
 score=. 0
 smoutput INTRO                            NB. Display instructions
 while. (-.@-: /:~) nums do.
  score=. >: score                         NB. increment score
  nnum=. 0&".@prompt (;":&.>score;': ';nums), ' How many numbers to flip?: '
  if. 0 = #nnum do. return. end.           NB. exit on ENTER
  nums=. nnum |.@{.`(i.@[)`]} :: ] nums    NB. reverse first nnum numbers
 'You took ',(": score), ' attempts to put the numbers in order.'

)</lang> Example Usage: <lang j> reversegame Number Reversal Game Sort the numbers in ascending order by repeatedly flipping sets of numbers from the left.

1: 4 7 5 6 9 1 2 8 3 How many numbers to flip?: 5 2: 9 6 5 7 4 1 2 8 3 How many numbers to flip?: 9 3: 3 8 2 1 4 7 5 6 9 How many numbers to flip?: 2 4: 8 3 2 1 4 7 5 6 9 How many numbers to flip?: 8 5: 6 5 7 4 1 2 3 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 3 6: 7 5 6 4 1 2 3 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 7 7: 3 2 1 4 6 5 7 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 5 8: 6 4 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 6 9: 5 3 2 1 4 6 7 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 5 10: 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 4 11: 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 How many numbers to flip?: 3 You took 11 attempts to put the numbers in order.</lang>



<lang ocaml>let swap ar i j =

 let tmp = ar.(i) in
 ar.(i) <- ar.(j);
 ar.(j) <- tmp

let shuffle ar =

 for i = pred(Array.length ar) downto 1 do
   let j = (i + 1) in
   swap ar i j

let reversal ar n =

 for i = 0 to pred(n/2) do
   let j = (pred n) - i in
   swap ar i j

let sorted ar =

   let prev = ref ar.(0) in
   for i = 1 to pred(Array.length ar) do
     if ar.(i) < !prev then raise Exit;
     prev := ar.(i)
 with Exit ->

let () =

 print_endline "\
 Number Reversal Game
 Sort the numbers in ascending order by repeatedly 
 flipping sets of numbers from the left.";
 let nums = Array.init 9 (fun i -> succ i) in
 shuffle nums;
 let n = ref 1 in
 while not(sorted nums) do
   Printf.printf "#%2d: " !n;
   Array.iter (Printf.printf " %d") nums;
   let r = read_int() in
   reversal nums r;
   incr n;
 print_endline "Congratulations!";
 Printf.printf "You took %d attempts to put the digits in order.\n" !n;


<lang ocaml>let revert li n =

 let rec aux acc i = function
 | [] -> acc
 | xs when i <= 0 -> acc @ xs
 | x::xs -> aux (x::acc) (pred i) xs
 aux [] n li

let take li n =

 let rec aux acc i = function
 | x::xs when i = n -> (x, List.rev_append acc xs)
 | x::xs -> aux (x::acc) (succ i) xs
 | _ -> invalid_arg "take"
 aux [] 0 li

let shuffle li =

 let rec aux acc len = function
 | [] -> acc
 | li ->
     let x, xs = take li ( len) in
     aux (x::acc) (pred len) xs
 aux [] (List.length li) li

let rec sorted = function

 | [] -> (true)
 | x::y::_ when x > y -> (false)
 | x::xs -> sorted xs

let () =

 print_endline "\
 Number Reversal Game
 Sort the numbers in ascending order by repeatedly 
 flipping sets of numbers from the left.";
 let li = shuffle [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] in
 let rec loop n li =
   Printf.printf "#%2d: " n;
   List.iter (Printf.printf " %d") li;
   Printf.printf "  ? %!";
   let r = read_int() in
   let li = revert li r in
   if not(sorted li)
   then loop (succ n) li
   else Printf.printf "You took %d attempts to put the digits in order.\n" n;
 loop 1 li


<lang oz>declare

 proc {Main}
    proc {Loop N Xs}
       if {Not {IsSorted Xs}} then
          Num NewXs
          {System.printInfo N#": "}
          {System.print Xs}
          {System.printInfo " -- Reverse how many? "}
          Num = {String.toInt {ReadLine}}
          NewXs = {Append
                   {Reverse {List.take Xs Num}}
                   {List.drop Xs Num}}
          {Loop N+1 NewXs}
          {System.showInfo "You took "#N#" tries to put the digits in order."}
    {Loop 0 {Shuffle {List.number 1 9 1}}}
 fun {IsSorted Xs}
    {Sort Xs Value.'<'} == Xs
    class TextFile from Open.file Open.text end
    StdIn = {New TextFile init(name:stdin)}
    fun {ReadLine}
       {StdIn getS($)}
 fun {Shuffle Xs}
    {FoldL Xs
     fun {$ Z _}
        {Pick {Diff Xs Z}}|Z

 fun {Pick Xs}
    {Nth Xs {OS.rand} mod {Length Xs} + 1}

 fun {Diff Xs Ys}
    {FoldL Ys List.subtract Xs}




<lang PureBasic>Define i Dim MyList(9)

For i=1 To 9  ;- Initiate the list



For i=0 To 50  ;- Mix it up

 Swap MyList(Random(8)+1),MyList(Random(8)+1)


If OpenConsole() ;Start playing

 Define ok=#False, score, indata
   Print(RSet(str(score), 3)+": ")      ;- Show current list
   For i=1 To 9
     Print(str(MyList(i))+" ")
   Repeat                               ;- Get input & swap
     Print(#CRLF$+"How many numbers should be flipped? ")
   Until indata>=1 And indata<=9
   For i=1 To (indata/2)
     Swap MyList(i),MyList(indata-i+1)
   ok=#True                             ;- Check if ok?
   For i=1 To 9
     If MyList(i)<>i
 Until ok
 PrintN(#CRLF$+"You did it in "+str(score)+" moves")
 Print("Press ENTER to exit"): Input()



<lang python> number reversal game

   Given a jumbled list of the numbers 1 to 9
   Show the list.
   Ask the player how many digits from the left to reverse.
   Reverse those digits then ask again.
   until all the digits end up in ascending order.

import random

print(__doc__) data, trials = list('123456789'), 0 while data == sorted(data):


while data != sorted(data):

   trials += 1
   flip = int(input('#%2i: LIST: %r Flip how many?: ' % (trials, ' '.join(data))))
   data[:flip] = reversed(data[:flip])

print('\nYou took %2i attempts to put the digits in order!' % trials)</lang>

Sample output:

number reversal game
    Given a jumbled list of the numbers 1 to 9
    Show the list.
    Ask the player how many digits from the left to reverse.
    Reverse those digits then ask again.
    until all the digits end up in ascending order.

# 1: LIST: '1 3 9 2 7 5 4 8 6' Flip how many?: 9
# 2: LIST: '6 8 4 5 7 2 9 3 1' Flip how many?: 6
# 3: LIST: '2 7 5 4 8 6 9 3 1' Flip how many?: 8
# 4: LIST: '3 9 6 8 4 5 7 2 1' Flip how many?: 7
# 5: LIST: '7 5 4 8 6 9 3 2 1' Flip how many?: 3
# 6: LIST: '4 5 7 8 6 9 3 2 1' Flip how many?: 6
# 7: LIST: '9 6 8 7 5 4 3 2 1' Flip how many?: 2
# 8: LIST: '6 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1' Flip how many?: 4
# 9: LIST: '7 8 9 6 5 4 3 2 1' Flip how many?: 3
#10: LIST: '9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1' Flip how many?: 9

You took 10 attempts to put the digits in order!


<lang ruby>ary = (1..9).to_a.shuffle score = 0 until ary == ary.sort

 print "#{ary.inspect} -- How many digits to reverse? "
 num = gets.to_i  # should validate input
 ary[0, num] = ary[0, num].reverse
 score += 1

end p ary puts "Your score: #{score}"</lang>

sample output:

$ ruby number_reversal_game.rb
[4, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 3, 5, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 4
[8, 1, 2, 4, 7, 6, 3, 5, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 8
[5, 3, 6, 7, 4, 2, 1, 8, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 4
[7, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2, 1, 8, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 7
[1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 4
[5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 5
[3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 3
[2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] -- How many digits to reverse? 2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Your score: 8


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Simple shuffler, not very efficient but good enough for here

proc shuffle list {

   set result {}
   while {[llength $list]} {

set i [expr {int([llength $list] * rand())}] lappend result [lindex $list $i] set list [lreplace $list $i $i]

   return $result


  1. Returns the list with the prefix of it reversed

proc flipfirst {list n} {

   concat [lreverse [lrange $list 0 $n-1]] [lrange $list $n end]


  1. Core game engine; list to play with is optional argument

proc nrgame Template:Target "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" {

   set nums $target
   while {$nums eq $target} {set nums [shuffle $nums]}
   set goes 0
   while {$nums ne $target} {

incr goes puts -nonewline "#${goes}: List is '[join $nums {, }]', how many to reverse? " flush stdout gets stdin n if {$n eq "q"} {return quit} # Input validation would go here set nums [flipfirst $nums $n]

   return $goes


  1. Print some instructions and wait for the user to win

puts "Welcome to the Number Reversal Game!" puts "------------------------------------" puts "I'll show you a list of numbers, you need to reverse prefixes of them" puts "to get the whole list in ascending order. A 'q' will quit early.\n" puts "" set outcome [nrgame] if {$outcome ne "quit"} {

   puts "\nYou took $outcome attempts to put the digits in order."

}</lang> Sample output:

Welcome to the Number Reversal Game!
I'll show you a list of numbers, you need to reverse prefixes of them
to get the whole list in ascending order. A 'q' will quit early.

#1: List is '8, 6, 2, 5, 7, 9, 3, 1, 4', how many to reverse? 6
#2: List is '9, 7, 5, 2, 6, 8, 3, 1, 4', how many to reverse? 9
#3: List is '4, 1, 3, 8, 6, 2, 5, 7, 9', how many to reverse? 4
#4: List is '8, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 7, 9', how many to reverse? 8
#5: List is '7, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 7
#6: List is '3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 4
#7: List is '6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 6
#8: List is '5, 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 5
#9: List is '4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 4
#10: List is '2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 2
#11: List is '3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9', how many to reverse? 3

You took 11 attempts to put the digits in order.