Man or boy test

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The man or boy test was proposed by computer scientist Donald Knuth as a means of evaluating implementations of the programming language. The aim of the test was to distinguish compilers that correctly implemented "recursion and non-local references" from those that did not.

 "I have written the following simple routine, which may separate the "man-compilers" from the "boy-compilers" - Donald Knuth" 

ALGOL 60 - Knuth's example

  real procedure A (k, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5);
  value k; integer k;
    real procedure B;
    begin k:= k - 1;
          B:= A := A (k, B, x1, x2, x3, x4);
    if k <= 0 then A:= x4 + x5 else B;
  outreal (A (10, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0));

This creates a tree of B call frames that refer to each other and to the containing A call frames, each of which has its own copy of k that changes every time the associated B is called. Trying to work it through on paper is probably fruitless, but the correct answer is −67, despite the fact that in the original paper Knuth postulated it to be −121.


Charles H. Lindsey implemented the algorithm in ALGOL 68, and - as call by name is not necessary - the same algorithm can be implemented in many languages including Pascal and PL/I .

  PROC a = (INT in k, PROC INT xl, x2, x3, x4, x5) INT:(
    INT k := in k;
    PROC b = INT:(
      k -:= 1;
      a(k, b, xl, x2, x3, x4)
    IF k<=0 THEN x4 + x5 ELSE b FI
  print((a(10, INT:1, INT:-1, INT:-1, INT:1, INT:0),new line))




Even if closures are not available in a language, their effect can be simulated. This is what happens in the following C implementation:

/* man-or-boy.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// --- thunks
typedef struct arg {
  int       (*fn)(struct arg*);
  int        *k;
  struct arg *x1, *x2, *x3, *x4, *x5;
} ARG;

// --- lambdas
int f_1 (ARG* _) { return -1; }
int f0  (ARG* _) { return  0; }
int f1  (ARG* _) { return  1; }

// --- helper
int eval(ARG* a) { return a->fn(a); }
#define ARG(...) (&(ARG){ __VA_ARGS__ })
#define FUN(...) ARG(B,&k,__VA_ARGS__)

// --- functions
int B(ARG* a) {
  int A(ARG*);
  int k = *a->k -= 1;
  return A( FUN(a,a->x1,a->x2,a->x3,a->x4) );

int A(ARG* a) {
  return *a->k <= 0 ? eval(a->x4)+eval(a->x5) : B(a);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int k = argc == 2 ? strtol(argv[1],0,0) : 10;
  printf("%d\n", A( FUN(ARG(f1),ARG(f_1),ARG(f_1),ARG(f1),ARG(f0)) ));

Version: gcc version 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)

#include <stdio.h>
#define INT(body) ({ int lambda(){ body; }; lambda; })
  int a(int k, int xl(), int x2(), int x3(), int x4(), int x5()){
    int b(){
      k -= 1;
      return a(k, b, xl, x2, x3, x4);
    return k<=0 ? x4() + x5() : b();
  printf(" %d\n",a(10, INT(return 1), INT(return -1), INT(return -1), INT(return 1), INT(return 0)));



Common Lisp

(defun man-or-boy (x)
 (man-or-boy-func x (lambda () 1) (lambda () -1)
                    (lambda () -1) (lambda () 1)
                    (lambda () 0)))

(defun man-or-boy-func (k-param x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
   ((k k-param)
     (lambda ()
         (setq k (- k 1))
         (man-or-boy-func k b x1 x2 x3 x4)))))
   (if (<= k 0)
       (+ (funcall x4) (funcall x5))
       (funcall b))))


Haskell is a pure language, so the impure effects of updating k must be wrapped in a state monad.

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef

type S s = ST s Integer

a :: Integer -> S s -> S s -> S s -> S s -> S s -> S s
a k x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = a' where
  a' | k <= 0    = do { x4' <- x4; x5' <- x5; return (x4' + x5') }
     | otherwise = do { kr <- newSTRef k; b kr }
  b kr = do
    k <- readSTRef kr
    let k' = k - 1
    writeSTRef kr k'
    a k' (b kr) x1 x2 x3 x4

run k =
  runST (a k (return 1) (return (-1)) (return (-1)) (return 1) (return 0))


We use anonymous classes to represent closures.

public class ManOrBoy
    interface Arg
        public int run();

    public static int A(final int k, final Arg x1, final Arg x2, final Arg x3, final Arg x4, final Arg x5)
        if (k <= 0)
            return +;
        else {
            Arg b = new Arg() {
                    int m = k;
                    public int run()
                        return A(m, this, x1, x2, x3, x4);

    public static void main(String[] args)
                             new Arg() { public int run() { return 1; } },
                             new Arg() { public int run() { return -1; } },
                             new Arg() { public int run() { return -1; } },
                             new Arg() { public int run() { return 1; } },
                             new Arg() { public int run() { return 0; } }));


This is the equivalent JavaScript code, but most interpreters don't support the required call stack depth for k=10.

function A(k,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) {
  var B = function() { return A(--k, B, x1, x2, x3, x4) }
  return k<=0 ? x4()+x5() : B()
function K(n) {
  return function() { return n }
alert( A(10, K(1), K(-1), K(-1), K(1), K(0) ) )


This Mathematica code was derived from the Ruby example appearing below.

$RecursionLimit = 1665; (* anything less fails for k0 = 10 *)

a[k0_, x1_, x2_, x3_, x4_, x5_] := Module[{k, b },
  k = k0;
  b = (k--; a[k, b, x1, x2, x3, x4]) &;
  If[k <= 0, x4[] + x5[], b[]]]
a[10, 1 &, -1 &, -1 &, 1 &, 0 &] (* => -67 *)


OCaml variables are not mutable, so "k" is wrapped in a mutable object, which we access through a reference type called "ref".

let rec a k x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 =
  if k <= 0 then
    x4 () + x5 ()
    let m = ref k in
    let rec b () =
      decr m;
      a !m b x1 x2 x3 x4
    b ()

let _ =
  Printf.printf "%d\n" (a 10 (fun () -> 1) (fun () -> -1) (fun () -> -1) (fun () -> 1) (fun () -> 0))


morb: proc options (main) reorder;
 dcl sysprint file;

 put skip list(a((10), lambda1, lambdam1, lambdam1, lambda0, lambda0));

 a: proc(k, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) returns(fixed bin (31)) recursive;
   dcl k                    fixed bin (31);
   dcl (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) entry returns(fixed bin (31));

   b: proc returns(fixed bin(31)) recursive;
     k = k - 1;
     return(a((k), b, x1, x2, x3, x4));
   end b;

   if k <= 0 then
     return(x4 + x5); 
 end a;

 lambdam1: proc returns(fixed bin (31)); return(-1); end lambdam1;
 lambda0:  proc returns(fixed bin (31)); return(1);  end lambda0;
 lambda1:  proc returns(fixed bin (31)); return(1);  end lambda1;
end morb;


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys

def a (in_k, xl, x2, x3, x4, x5):
    class scope_a: k = in_k;
    def b():
        scope_a.k = scope_a.k - 1;
        return a(scope_a.k, b, xl, x2, x3, x4)
    if scope_a.k<=0: out=x4() + x5()  
    else: out=b();
    return out;

print(" %r"% a(10, lambda:1, lambda:-1, lambda:-1, lambda:1, lambda:0))




Note: the lambda call can be replaced with and still work.

def a(k, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
  b = lambda { k -= 1; a(k, b, x1, x2, x3, x4) }
  k <= 0 ? x4[] + x5[] : b[]

puts a(10, lambda {1}, lambda {-1}, lambda {-1}, lambda {1}, lambda {0})


Number>>x1: x1 x2: x2 x3: x3 x4: x4 x5: x5
   | b k |
   k := self.
   b := [ k := k - 1. k x1: b x2: x1 x3: x2 x4: x3 x5: x4 ].
   ^k <= 0 ifTrue: [ x4 value + x5 value ] ifFalse: b

10 x1: [1] x2: [-1] x3: [-1] x4: [1] x5: [0]

See also