Logical operations

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Logical operations
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Basic Data Operation
This is a basic data operation. It represents a fundamental action on a basic data type.

You may see other such operations in the Basic Data Operations category, or:

Integer Operations
Arithmetic | Comparison

Boolean Operations
Bitwise | Logical

String Operations
Concatenation | Interpolation | Comparison | Matching

Memory Operations
Pointers & references | Addresses

Write a function that takes two logical (boolean) values, and outputs the result of "and" and "or" on both arguments as well as "not" on the first arguments. If the programming language doesn't provide a separate type for logical values, use the type most commonly used for that purpose.


I have also included logical xor because it is defined for Ada boolean types. All the operators below work equally well on arrays of boolean types. In fact, a packed array of boolean is an array of bits, providing a direct link between logical and bitwise operations.

procedure Print_Logic(A : Boolean; B : Boolean) is
   Put_Line("A and B is " & Boolean'Image(A and B));
   Put_Line("A or B  is " & Boolean'Image(A or B));
   Put_Line("A xor B is " & Boolean'Image(A xor B));
   Put_Line("not A   is " & Boolean'Image(not A));
end Print_Logic;


PROC print_logic = (BOOL a,b)VOID:
# for a ASCII 7 bit/byte compiler #
  printf(($"a and b is "gl$, a AND b);
  printf(($"a or b is "gl$, a OR b);
  printf(($"not a is "gl$, NOT a);

¢ for a European 8 bit/byte compiler ¢
  printf(($"a and b is "gl$, a ∧ b);
  printf(($"a or b is "gl$, a ∨ b);
  printf(($"not a is "gl$, ¬ a)


Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
SUB logic (a%, b%) 'no booleans in BASIC...these are integers. 1 for true 0 for false.
  PRINT a OR b


void print_logic(int a, int b)
  printf("a and b is %d\n", a && b);
  printf("a or b is %d\n", a || b);
  printf("not a is %d\n", !a);


void print_logic(bool a, bool b)
  std::cout << std::boolalpha; // so that bools are written as "true" and "false"
  std::cout << "a and b is " << (a && b) << "\n";
  std::cout << "a or b is " << (a || b) << "\n";
  std::cout << "not a is " << (!a) << "\n";


module andOr ;
import std.stdio ;

void logic(T,U)(T lhs, U rhs){
  writefln("'%s' is of type '%s', '%s' is of type '%s';", 
    lhs,typeid(typeof(lhs)), rhs,typeid(typeof(rhs))) ;
  writefln("\t'%s' AND '%s' is %s, ", lhs, rhs, lhs && rhs) ;
  writefln("\t'%s' OR '%s' is %s, ", lhs, rhs, lhs || rhs) ;
  writefln("\tNOT '%s' is %s.\n", lhs, !lhs) ;

class C {int value ; } 

void main() {
  bool theTruth = true ;
  bool theLie = false ;
  real zeroReal = 0.0L ;
  real NaN ; // D init. float type to NaN ;
  int zeroInt  = 0 ;
  real[] nullArr = null ;
  string emptyStr = "" ;
  string nullStr = null ;
  C someC = new C ;
  C nullC = null ;

  //Note: Struct is value type in D, but composite so no default bool equivalent  

  logic(theTruth, theLie) ; 
  logic(zeroReal, NaN) ;  
  logic(zeroInt, nullArr) ; 
  logic(nullStr, emptyStr) ;  
  logic(someC, nullC) ;  


Forth can use bitwise operators if the boolean values are well formed: TRUE (-1) and FALSE (0). 0<> converts an ill-formed flag (zero/non-zero) to a well-formed flag (false/true).

: .bool ( ? -- ) if ." true" else ." false" then ;
: logic ( a b -- ) 0<> swap 0<> swap
 cr ." a = " over .bool ."   b = " dup .bool
 cr ." a and b = " 2dup and .bool
 cr ." a  or b = " over  or .bool
 cr ." not a = " 0= .bool ;


      LOGICAL A, B
      PRINT *, 'a and b is ', A .AND. B
      PRINT *, 'a or b is ', A .OR. B
      PRINT *, 'not a is ', .NOT. A


Instead of a function and printing, which is unidiomatic for Haskell, here are the operations in the same style as in Bitwise operations:

a = False
b = True

a_and_b = a && b
a_or_b  = a || b
not_a   = not a


J uses 0 for logical false and 1 for logical true.

aon=: *. , +. , -.@[

The verb defined above is unidiomatic in that when arrays are provided as arguments the results don't seem useful. Definition as seen in the Haskell example would be more natural.

Additional primary logical operators are *: (not-and), +: (not-or), ~: (exclusive-or).

An example more closely following the others on this page (J is interactive so indented lines are user-entered and lines flush left are system outputs):

   and=: *.
   or=: +.
   not=: -.
   a=. 0 0 1 1   NB. Work on vectors to show all possible
   b=. 0 1 0 1   NB. 2-bit combos at once.
   (a and b),(a or b),:not a
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0


public static void logic(boolean a, boolean b){
  System.out.println("a AND b: " + (a && b));
  System.out.println("a OR b: " + (a || b));
  System.out.println("NOT a: " + (!a));

Additionally, ^ is used for XOR and == is used for "equal to" (a.k.a. bidirectional implication).


fn printLogic a b =
    format "a and b is %\n" (a and b)
    format "a or b is %\n" (a or b)
    format "not a is %\n" (not a)


let print_logic a b =
  Printf.printf "a and b is %B\n" (a && b);
  Printf.printf "a or b is %B\n" (a || b);
  Printf.printf "not a is %B\n" (not a)


sub print_logic
	my ($a, $b)=@_;
	print "a and b is ${\($a && $b)}\n";
	print "a or b is ${\($a || $b)}\n";
	print "not a is ${\( ! $a)}\n";


def logic(a, b):
	print 'a and b: ' + str(a and b)
	print 'a or b: '  + str(a or b)
	print 'not a: '   + str(not a)


This is an adaption of the code from the Forth example. Toka provides TRUE/FALSE flags that are the same as the well-formed flags in Forth.

 [ 0 <> [ ." true" ] [ ." false"] ifTrueFalse ] is .bool
 [ ( a b -- )
   cr ." a = " over .bool ."   b = " dup .bool
   cr ." a and b = " 2dup and .bool
   cr ." a  or b = " over  or .bool
   cr ." not a = " 0 = .bool
 ] is logic