Fibonacci word

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 01:25, 19 April 2016 by rosettacode>Gerard Schildberger (→‎{{header|REXX}}: used a non-numeric 2nd argument for invoking the LOG2 function recursively.)
Fibonacci word
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The Fibonacci Word may be created in a manner analogous to the Fibonacci Sequence as described here:

Define F_Word1 as 1;
Define F_Word2 as 0;
Form F_Word3 as F_Word2 concatenated with F_Word1 i.e "01"
Form F_Wordn as F_Wordn-1 concatenated with F_wordn-2

For this task we shall do this for n = 37. You may display the first few but not the larger values of n, doing so will get me into trouble with them what be (again!).

Instead create a table for F_Words 1 to 37 which shows:

The number of characters in the word
The word's Entropy.

Related Tasks:


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded,

 Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions,

use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded,

 Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions,

procedure Fibonacci_Words is

  function Entropy (S : Unbounded_String) return Long_Float is
     CF    : array (Character) of Natural := (others => 0);
     Len   : constant Natural             := Length (S);
     H     : Long_Float                   := 0.0;
     Ratio : Long_Float;
     for I in 1 .. Len loop
        CF (Element (S, I)) := CF (Element (S, I)) + 1;
     end loop;
     for C in Character loop
        Ratio := Long_Float (CF (C)) / Long_Float (Len);
        if Ratio /= 0.0 then
           H := H - Ratio * Log (Ratio, 2.0);
        end if;
     end loop;
     return H;
  end Entropy;
  procedure Print_Line (Word : Unbounded_String; Number : Integer) is
     Put (Number, 4);
     Put (Length (Word), 10);
     Put (Entropy (Word), 2, 15, 0);
     if Length (Word) < 35 then
        Put ("  " & Word);
     end if;
  end Print_Line;
  First, Second, Result : Unbounded_String;


  Set_Col (4);  Put ("N");
  Set_Col (9);  Put ("Length");
  Set_Col (16); Put ("Entropy");
  Set_Col (35); Put_Line ("Word");
  First := To_Unbounded_String ("1");
  Print_Line (First, 1);
  Second := To_Unbounded_String ("0");
  Print_Line (Second, 2);
  for N in 3 .. 37 loop
     Result := Second & First;
     Print_Line (Result, N);
     First  := Second;
     Second := Result;
  end loop;

end Fibonacci_Words; </lang> Output

   N    Length Entropy            Word
   1         1 0.000000000000000  1
   2         1 0.000000000000000  0
   3         2 1.000000000000000  01
   4         3 0.918295834054490  010
   5         5 0.970950594454669  01001
   6         8 0.954434002924965  01001010
   7        13 0.961236604722876  0100101001001
   8        21 0.958711882977132  010010100100101001010
   9        34 0.959686893774217  0100101001001010010100100101001001
  10        55 0.959316032054378
  11        89 0.959457915838670
  12       144 0.959403754221023
  13       233 0.959424446955987
  14       377 0.959416543740441
  15       610 0.959419562603144
  16       987 0.959418409515224
  17      1597 0.959418849957810
  18      2584 0.959418681724032
  19      4181 0.959418745983664
  20      6765 0.959418721438675
  21     10946 0.959418730814028
  22     17711 0.959418727232962
  23     28657 0.959418728600807
  24     46368 0.959418728078337
  25     75025 0.959418728277903
  26    121393 0.959418728201675
  27    196418 0.959418728230792
  28    317811 0.959418728219670
  29    514229 0.959418728223918
  30    832040 0.959418728222296
  31   1346269 0.959418728222916
  32   2178309 0.959418728222679
  33   3524578 0.959418728222769
  34   5702887 0.959418728222735
  35   9227465 0.959418728222748
  36  14930352 0.959418728222743
  37  24157817 0.959418728222745


Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 2.8.win32

<lang algol68># calculate some details of "Fibonacci Words" #

  1. fibonacci word 1 = "1" #
  2. fibonacci word 2 = "0" #
  3. 3 = word 2 cat word 1 = "01" #
  4. n = word n-1 cat word n-2 #
  1. note the words contain only the characters "0" and "1" #
  2. also #
  3. C(word n) = C(word n-1) + C(word n-2) #
  4. where C(x) = the number of characters in x #
  5. Similarly, #
  6. C0(word n) = C0(word n-1) + C0(word n-2) #
  7. and C1(word n) = C1(word n-1) + C1(word n-2) #
  8. where C0(x) = the number of "0"s in x and #
  9. C1(x) = the number of "1"s in x #
  1. we therefore don't have to calculate the words themselves #

  1. prints the statistics for the fibonacci words from 1 to max number #

PROC print fibonacci word stats = ( INT max number )VOID: BEGIN

   # prints some statistics for a fibonacci word:                   #
   #        the word number, its length and its entropy             #
   PROC print one words stats = ( INT word
                                , INT zeros
                                , INT ones
       REAL probability := 0;
       REAL entropy     := 0;
       INT  word length  = zeros + ones;
       IF zeros > 0
           # the word contains some zeros #
           probability := zeros / word length;
           entropy    -:= probability * log( probability )
       IF ones > 0
           # the word contains some ones #
           probability := ones  / word length;
           entropy    -:= probability * log( probability )
       # we want entropy in bits so convert to log base 2 #
       entropy /:= log( 2 );
       print( ( ( whole( word,         -5 )
                + " "
                + whole( word length, -12 )
                + " "
                + fixed( entropy, -8, 4 )
              , newline

   END; # print one words stats #

   INT zeros one     = 0; # number of zeros in word 1 #
   INT ones  one     = 1; # number of ones  in word 1 #
   INT zeros two     = 1; # number of zeros in word 2 #
   INT ones  two     = 0; # number of ones  in word 2 #
   print( ( " word       length  entropy", newline ) );
   IF max number > 0
       # we want at least one number's statistics #
       print one words stats( 1, zeros one, ones one );
       IF max number > 1
           # we want at least 2 number's statistics #
           print one words stats( 2, zeros two, ones two );
           IF max number > 2
               # we want more statistics #
               INT zeros n minus 1 := zeros two;
               INT ones  n minus 1 := ones  two;
               INT zeros n minus 2 := zeros one;
               INT ones  n minus 2 := ones  one;
               FOR word FROM 3 TO max number DO
                   INT zeros n := zeros n minus 1 + zeros n minus 2;
                   INT ones  n := ones  n minus 1 + ones  n minus 2;
                   print one words stats( word, zeros n, ones n );
                   zeros n minus 2 := zeros n minus 1;
                   ones  n minus 2 := ones  n minus 1;
                   zeros n minus 1 := zeros n;
                   ones  n minus 1 := ones  n

END; # print fibonacci word stats #

main: (

   # print the statistics for the first 37 fibonacci words #
   print fibonacci word stats( 37 )

) </lang>

 word       length  entropy
    1            1   0.0000
    2            1   0.0000
    3            2   1.0000
    4            3   0.9183
    5            5   0.9710
    6            8   0.9544
    7           13   0.9612
    8           21   0.9587
    9           34   0.9597
   10           55   0.9593
   11           89   0.9595
   12          144   0.9594
   13          233   0.9594
   14          377   0.9594
   15          610   0.9594
   16          987   0.9594
   17         1597   0.9594
   18         2584   0.9594
   19         4181   0.9594
   20         6765   0.9594
   21        10946   0.9594
   22        17711   0.9594
   23        28657   0.9594
   24        46368   0.9594
   25        75025   0.9594
   26       121393   0.9594
   27       196418   0.9594
   28       317811   0.9594
   29       514229   0.9594
   30       832040   0.9594
   31      1346269   0.9594
   32      2178309   0.9594
   33      3524578   0.9594
   34      5702887   0.9594
   35      9227465   0.9594
   36     14930352   0.9594
   37     24157817   0.9594


<lang AutoHotkey>SetFormat, FloatFast, 0.15 SetBatchLines, -1 OutPut := "N`tLength`t`tEntropy`n"

       . "1`t" 1 "`t`t" Entropy(FW1 := "1") "`n"
       . "2`t" 1 "`t`t" Entropy(FW2 := "0") "`n"

Loop, 35 {

   FW3 := FW2 FW1, FW1 := FW2, FW2 := FW3
   Output .= A_Index + 2 "`t" StrLen(FW3) (A_Index > 33 ? "" : "`t") "`t" Entropy(FW3) "`n"

} MsgBox, % Output

Entropy(n) {

   a := [], len:= StrLen(n), m := n
   while StrLen(m)
       s := SubStr(m, 1, 1)
       m := RegExReplace(m, s, "", c)
       a[s] := c
   for key, val in a
       m := Log(p := val / len)
       e -= p * m / Log(2)
   return, e

}</lang> Output:

N	Length		Entropy
1	1		0.000000000000000
2	1		0.000000000000000
3	2		1.000000000000000
4	3		0.918295834054490
5	5		0.970950594454669
6	8		0.954434002924965
7	13		0.961236604722875
8	21		0.958711882977132
9	34		0.959686893774216
10	55		0.959316032054378
11	89		0.959457915838669
12	144		0.959403754221023
13	233		0.959424446955987
14	377		0.959416543740440
15	610		0.959419562603144
16	987		0.959418409515225
17	1597		0.959418849957810
18	2584		0.959418681724033
19	4181		0.959418745983664
20	6765		0.959418721438676
21	10946		0.959418730814027
22	17711		0.959418727232962
23	28657		0.959418728600807
24	46368		0.959418728078337
25	75025		0.959418728277903
26	121393		0.959418728201676
27	196418		0.959418728230791
28	317811		0.959418728219671
29	514229		0.959418728223918
30	832040		0.959418728222296
31	1346269		0.959418728222915
32	2178309		0.959418728222679
33	3524578		0.959418728222769
34	5702887		0.959418728222735
35	9227465		0.959418728222748
36	14930352	0.959418728222743
37	24157817	0.959418728222745


<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <math.h>

void print_headings() { printf("%2s", "N"); printf(" %10s", "Length"); printf(" %-20s", "Entropy"); printf(" %-40s", "Word"); printf("\n"); }

double calculate_entropy(int ones, int zeros) { double result = 0;

int total = ones + zeros; result -= (double) ones / total * log2((double) ones / total); result -= (double) zeros / total * log2((double) zeros / total);

if (result != result) { // NAN result = 0; }

return result; }

void print_entropy(char *word) { int ones = 0; int zeros = 0;

int i; for (i = 0; word[i]; i++) { char c = word[i];

switch (c) { case '0': zeros++; break; case '1': ones++; break; } }

double entropy = calculate_entropy(ones, zeros); printf(" %-20.18f", entropy); }

void print_word(int n, char *word) { printf("%2d", n);

printf(" %10ld", strlen(word));


if (n < 10) { printf(" %-40s", word); } else { printf(" %-40s", "..."); }

printf("\n"); }

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { print_headings();

char *last_word = malloc(2); strcpy(last_word, "1");

char *current_word = malloc(2); strcpy(current_word, "0");

print_word(1, last_word); int i; for (i = 2; i <= 37; i++) { print_word(i, current_word);

char *next_word = malloc(strlen(current_word) + strlen(last_word) + 1); strcpy(next_word, current_word); strcat(next_word, last_word);

free(last_word); last_word = current_word; current_word = next_word; }

free(last_word); free(current_word); return 0; }</lang>

 N     Length Entropy              Word                                    
 1          1 0.000000000000000000 1                                       
 2          1 0.000000000000000000 0                                       
 3          2 1.000000000000000000 01                                      
 4          3 0.918295834054489557 010                                     
 5          5 0.970950594454668581 01001                                   
 6          8 0.954434002924964942 01001010                                
 7         13 0.961236604722875865 0100101001001                           
 8         21 0.958711882977131724 010010100100101001010                   
 9         34 0.959686893774216898 0100101001001010010100100101001001      
10         55 0.959316032054377654 ...                                     
11         89 0.959457915838669573 ...                                     
12        144 0.959403754221022975 ...                                     
13        233 0.959424446955986721 ...                                     
14        377 0.959416543740440608 ...                                     
15        610 0.959419562603144094 ...                                     
16        987 0.959418409515224280 ...                                     
17       1597 0.959418849957809905 ...                                     
18       2584 0.959418681724032107 ...                                     
19       4181 0.959418745983663834 ...                                     
20       6765 0.959418721438675459 ...                                     
21      10946 0.959418730814027731 ...                                     
22      17711 0.959418727232961954 ...                                     
23      28657 0.959418728600807347 ...                                     
24      46368 0.959418728078337057 ...                                     
25      75025 0.959418728277902866 ...                                     
26     121393 0.959418728201675397 ...                                     
27     196418 0.959418728230791773 ...                                     
28     317811 0.959418728219670225 ...                                     
29     514229 0.959418728223918382 ...                                     
30     832040 0.959418728222295791 ...                                     
31    1346269 0.959418728222915518 ...                                     
32    2178309 0.959418728222678929 ...                                     
33    3524578 0.959418728222769079 ...                                     
34    5702887 0.959418728222734662 ...                                     
35    9227465 0.959418728222747874 ...                                     
36   14930352 0.959418728222742767 ...                                     
37   24157817 0.959418728222744654 ...                                     


<lang Cpp>#include <string>

  1. include <map>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <algorithm>
  4. include <cmath>
  5. include <iomanip>

double log2( double number ) {

  return ( log( number ) / log( 2 ) ) ;


double find_entropy( std::string & fiboword ) {

  std::map<char , int> frequencies ;
  std::for_each( fiboword.begin( ) , fiboword.end( ) ,

[ & frequencies ]( char c ) { frequencies[ c ]++ ; } ) ;

  int numlen = fiboword.length( ) ;
  double infocontent = 0 ;
  for ( std::pair<char , int> p : frequencies ) {
     double freq = static_cast<double>( p.second ) / numlen ;
     infocontent += freq * log2( freq ) ;
  infocontent *= -1 ;
  return infocontent ;


void printLine( std::string &fiboword , int n ) {

  std::cout << std::setw( 5 ) << std::left << n ;
  std::cout << std::setw( 12 ) << std::right << fiboword.size( ) ;
  std::cout << "  " << std::setw( 16 ) << std::setprecision( 13 ) 
     << std::left << find_entropy( fiboword ) ;
  std::cout << "\n" ;


int main( ) {

  std::cout << std::setw( 5 ) << std::left << "N" ;
  std::cout << std::setw( 12 ) << std::right << "length" ;
  std::cout << "  " << std::setw( 16 ) << std::left << "entropy" ; 
  std::cout << "\n" ;
  std::string firststring ( "1" ) ;
  int n = 1 ;
  printLine( firststring , n ) ;
  std::string secondstring( "0" ) ;
  n++ ;
  printLine( secondstring , n ) ;
  while ( n < 37 ) {
     std::string resultstring = firststring + secondstring ;
     firststring.assign( secondstring ) ;
     secondstring.assign( resultstring ) ;
     n++ ;
     printLine( resultstring , n ) ;
  return 0 ;


N          length  entropy         
1               1  -0              
2               1  -0              
3               2  1               
4               3  0.9182958340545 
5               5  0.9709505944547 
6               8  0.954434002925  
7              13  0.9612366047229 
8              21  0.9587118829771 
9              34  0.9596868937742 
10             55  0.9593160320544 
11             89  0.9594579158387 
12            144  0.959403754221  
13            233  0.959424446956  
14            377  0.9594165437404 
15            610  0.9594195626031 
16            987  0.9594184095152 
17           1597  0.9594188499578 
18           2584  0.959418681724  
19           4181  0.9594187459837 
20           6765  0.9594187214387 
21          10946  0.959418730814  
22          17711  0.959418727233  
23          28657  0.9594187286008 
24          46368  0.9594187280783 
25          75025  0.9594187282779 
26         121393  0.9594187282017 
27         196418  0.9594187282308 
28         317811  0.9594187282197 
29         514229  0.9594187282239 
30         832040  0.9594187282223 
31        1346269  0.9594187282229 
32        2178309  0.9594187282227 
33        3524578  0.9594187282228 
34        5702887  0.9594187282227 
35        9227465  0.9594187282227 
36       14930352  0.9594187282227 
37       24157817  0.9594187282227 


<lang Clojure>(defn entropy [s]

 (let [len (count s), log-2 (Math/log 2)]
   (->> (frequencies s)
        (map (fn _ v
               (let [rf (/ v len)]
                 (-> (Math/log rf) (/ log-2) (* rf) Math/abs))))
        (reduce +))))

(defn fibonacci [cat a b]

   (cons a (fibonacci b (cat a b)))))
you could also say (fibonacci + 0 1) or (fibonacci concat '(0) '(1))

(printf "%2s %10s %17s %s%n" "N" "Length" "Entropy" "Fibword") (doseq [i (range 1 38)

       w (take 37 (fibonacci str "1" "0"))]
 (printf "%2d %10d %.15f %s%n" i (count w) (entropy w) (if (<= i 8) w "..."))))</lang>


 N     Length           Entropy Fibword
 1          1 0,000000000000000 1
 2          1 0,000000000000000 0
 3          2 1,000000000000000 01
 4          3 0,918295834054490 010
 5          5 0,970950594454669 01001
 6          8 0,954434002924965 01001010
 7         13 0,961236604722876 0100101001001
 8         21 0,958711882977132 010010100100101001010
 9         34 0,959686893774217 ...
10         55 0,959316032054378 ...
11         89 0,959457915838670 ...
12        144 0,959403754221023 ...
13        233 0,959424446955987 ...
14        377 0,959416543740441 ...
15        610 0,959419562603144 ...
16        987 0,959418409515224 ...
17       1597 0,959418849957810 ...
18       2584 0,959418681724032 ...
19       4181 0,959418745983664 ...
20       6765 0,959418721438676 ...
21      10946 0,959418730814028 ...
22      17711 0,959418727232962 ...
23      28657 0,959418728600807 ...
24      46368 0,959418728078337 ...
25      75025 0,959418728277903 ...
26     121393 0,959418728201676 ...
27     196418 0,959418728230792 ...
28     317811 0,959418728219670 ...
29     514229 0,959418728223918 ...
30     832040 0,959418728222296 ...
31    1346269 0,959418728222916 ...
32    2178309 0,959418728222679 ...
33    3524578 0,959418728222769 ...
34    5702887 0,959418728222735 ...
35    9227465 0,959418728222748 ...
36   14930352 0,959418728222743 ...
37   24157817 0,959418728222745 ...

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun make-fibwords (array)

 (loop for i from 0 below 37
       for j = "0" then (concatenate 'string j k)
       and k = "1" then j
    do (setf (aref array i) k))

(defvar *fib* (make-fibwords (make-array 37)))

(defun entropy (string)

 (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
       (entropy 0d0)
       (n (length string)))
   (mapc (lambda (c)
           (setf (gethash c table) (+ (gethash c table 0) 1)))
         (coerce string 'list))
   (maphash (lambda (k v)
              (declare (ignore k))
              (decf entropy (* (/ v n) (log (/ v n) 2))))

(defun string-or-dots (string)

 (if (> (length string) 40)

(format t "~2A ~10A ~17A ~A~%" "N" "Length" "Entropy" "Fibword") (loop for i below 37

     for n = (aref *fib* i) do
    (format t "~2D ~10D ~17,15F ~A~%"
            (1+ i) (length n) (entropy n) (string-or-dots n)))</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.math, std.string, std.range;

real entropy(T)(T[] s) pure nothrow if (__traits(compiles, s.sort())) {

   immutable sLen = s.length;
   return s
          .map!(g => g[1] / real(sLen))
          .map!(p => -p * p.log2)


void main() {

   enum uint nMax = 37;
   "  N     Length               Entropy Fibword".writeln;
   uint n = 1;
   foreach (s; recurrence!q{a[n - 1] ~ a[n - 2]}("1", "0").take(nMax))
       writefln("%3d %10d %2.19f %s", n++, s.length,
                s.length < 25 ? s : "<too long>");


  N     Length               Entropy Fibword
  1          1 0.0000000000000000000 1
  2          1 0.0000000000000000000 0
  3          2 1.0000000000000000000 01
  4          3 0.9182958340544895148 010
  5          5 0.9709505944546686389 01001
  6          8 0.9544340029249649645 01001010
  7         13 0.9612366047228758727 0100101001001
  8         21 0.9587118829771318087 010010100100101001010
  9         34 0.9596868937742169332 <too long>
 10         55 0.9593160320543776778 <too long>
 11         89 0.9594579158386694616 <too long>
 12        144 0.9594037542210229294 <too long>
 13        233 0.9594244469559867586 <too long>
 14        377 0.9594165437404407387 <too long>
 15        610 0.9594195626031441501 <too long>
 16        987 0.9594184095152243127 <too long>
 17       1597 0.9594188499578098556 <too long>
 18       2584 0.9594186817240321066 <too long>
 19       4181 0.9594187459836638143 <too long>
 20       6765 0.9594187214386754146 <too long>
 21      10946 0.9594187308140277232 <too long>
 22      17711 0.9594187272329619428 <too long>
 23      28657 0.9594187286008073761 <too long>
 24      46368 0.9594187280783369149 <too long>
 25      75025 0.9594187282779028735 <too long>
 26     121393 0.9594187282016754604 <too long>
 27     196418 0.9594187282307917413 <too long>
 28     317811 0.9594187282196703115 <too long>
 29     514229 0.9594187282239183197 <too long>
 30     832040 0.9594187282222957250 <too long>
 31    1346269 0.9594187282229155010 <too long>
 32    2178309 0.9594187282226787676 <too long>
 33    3524578 0.9594187282227691918 <too long>
 34    5702887 0.9594187282227346529 <too long>
 35    9227465 0.9594187282227478455 <too long>
 36   14930352 0.9594187282227428063 <too long>
 37   24157817 0.9594187282227447312 <too long>


<lang scheme> (lib 'struct) (struct FW ( count0 count1 length string)) ;; a fibonacci word (define (F-word n) ;; generator

   (define a (F-word (1- n)))
   (define b (F-word (- n 2)))
       (+ (FW-count0 a) (FW-count0 b))
       (+ (FW-count1 a) (FW-count1 b))
       (+ (FW-length a) (FW-length b))
       (if (> n 9) "..." (string-append (FW-string a) (FW-string b)))))

(remember 'F-word (vector 0 (FW 0 1 1 "1") (FW 1 0 1 "0")))

(define (entropy fw)

   (define p (// (FW-count0 fw) (FW-length fw)))
   ((= p 0) 0)
   ((= p 1) 0)
       (else (- 0 (* p (log2 p)) (* (- 1 p) (log2 (- 1 p)))))))

(define (task (n 38) (fw))

   (for ((i (in-range 1 n)))
       (set! fw (F-word i))
       (printf "%3d %10d %24d %a"
           i (FW-length fw) (entropy fw) (FW-string fw))))


      1          1                        0 1
      2          1                        0 0
      3          2                        1 01
      4          3       0.9182958340544896 010
      5          5       0.9709505944546686 01001
      6          8       0.9544340029249649 01001010
      7         13        0.961236604722876 0100101001001
      8         21       0.9587118829771318 010010100100101001010
      9         34       0.9596868937742169 0100101001001010010100100101001001
     10         55       0.9593160320543777 ...
     11         89       0.9594579158386696 ...
     12        144        0.959403754221023 ...
     13        233       0.9594244469559867 ...
     14        377       0.9594165437404408 ...
     15        610       0.9594195626031441 ...
     16        987       0.9594184095152243 ...
     17       1597       0.9594188499578099 ...
     18       2584       0.9594186817240321 ...
     19       4181       0.9594187459836638 ...
     20       6765       0.9594187214386756 ...
     21      10946       0.9594187308140278 ...
     22      17711        0.959418727232962 ...
     23      28657       0.9594187286008073 ...
     24      46368       0.9594187280783368 ...
     25      75025       0.9594187282779029 ...
     26     121393       0.9594187282016755 ...
     27     196418       0.9594187282307918 ...
     28     317811       0.9594187282196702 ...
     29     514229       0.9594187282239184 ...
     30     832040       0.9594187282222959 ...
     31    1346269       0.9594187282229156 ...
     32    2178309       0.9594187282226788 ...
     33    3524578       0.9594187282227693 ...
     34    5702887       0.9594187282227347 ...
     35    9227465       0.9594187282227479 ...
     36   14930352       0.9594187282227429 ...
     37   24157817       0.9594187282227449 ...


Works with: Erlang/OTP version 18

<lang elixir>defmodule RC do

 def entropy(str) do
   leng = String.length(str)
   |> Enum.reduce(, fn c,acc -> Dict.update(acc, c, 1, &(&1+1)) end)
   |> Dict.values
   |> Enum.reduce(0, fn count, entropy ->
        freq = count / leng
        entropy - freq * :math.log2(freq)      # log2 was added with Erlang/OTP 18


fibonacci_word = Stream.unfold({"1","0"}, fn{a,b} -> {a, {b, b<>a}} end)

IO.puts " N Length Entropy Fibword" fibonacci_word |> Enum.take(37) |> Enum.with_index |> Enum.each(fn {word,i} ->

 len = String.length(word)
 str = if len < 60, do: word, else: "<too long>"
 :io.format "~3w  ~8w  ~17.15f  ~s~n", [i+1, len, RC.entropy(word), str]


  N    Length       Entropy       Fibword
  1         1  0.000000000000000  1
  2         1  0.000000000000000  0
  3         2  1.000000000000000  01
  4         3  0.918295834054490  010
  5         5  0.970950594454669  01001
  6         8  0.954434002924965  01001010
  7        13  0.961236604722876  0100101001001
  8        21  0.958711882977132  010010100100101001010
  9        34  0.959686893774217  0100101001001010010100100101001001
 10        55  0.959316032054378  0100101001001010010100100101001001010010100100101001010
 11        89  0.959457915838670  <too long>
 12       144  0.959403754221023  <too long>
 13       233  0.959424446955987  <too long>
 14       377  0.959416543740441  <too long>
 15       610  0.959419562603144  <too long>
 16       987  0.959418409515225  <too long>
 17      1597  0.959418849957810  <too long>
 18      2584  0.959418681724032  <too long>
 19      4181  0.959418745983664  <too long>
 20      6765  0.959418721438676  <too long>
 21     10946  0.959418730814028  <too long>
 22     17711  0.959418727232962  <too long>
 23     28657  0.959418728600807  <too long>
 24     46368  0.959418728078337  <too long>
 25     75025  0.959418728277903  <too long>
 26    121393  0.959418728201676  <too long>
 27    196418  0.959418728230792  <too long>
 28    317811  0.959418728219670  <too long>
 29    514229  0.959418728223918  <too long>
 30    832040  0.959418728222296  <too long>
 31   1346269  0.959418728222916  <too long>
 32   2178309  0.959418728222679  <too long>
 33   3524578  0.959418728222769  <too long>
 34   5702887  0.959418728222735  <too long>
 35   9227465  0.959418728222748  <too long>
 36  14930352  0.959418728222743  <too long>
 37  24157817  0.959418728222745  <too long>


<lang fsharp>// include the code from /wiki/Entropy#F.23 for the entropy function

let fiboword =

       (fun (state : string * string) -> 
           Some (fst state, (snd state, (snd state) + (fst state)))) ("1", "0")

printfn "%3s %10s %10s %s" "#" "Length" "Entropy" "Word (if length < 40)" Seq.iteri (fun i (s : string) ->

   printfn "%3i %10i %10.7g %s" (i+1) s.Length (entropy s) (if s.Length < 40 then s else ""))
   (Seq.take 37 fiboword)</lang>
  #     Length    Entropy Word (if length < 40)
  1          1          0 1
  2          1          0 0
  3          2          1 01
  4          3  0.9182958 010
  5          5  0.9709506 01001
  6          8   0.954434 01001010
  7         13  0.9612366 0100101001001
  8         21  0.9587119 010010100100101001010
  9         34  0.9596869 0100101001001010010100100101001001
 10         55   0.959316
 11         89  0.9594579
 12        144  0.9594038
 13        233  0.9594244
 14        377  0.9594165
 15        610  0.9594196
 16        987  0.9594184
 17       1597  0.9594188
 18       2584  0.9594187
 19       4181  0.9594187
 20       6765  0.9594187
 21      10946  0.9594187
 22      17711  0.9594187
 23      28657  0.9594187
 24      46368  0.9594187
 25      75025  0.9594187
 26     121393  0.9594187
 27     196418  0.9594187
 28     317811  0.9594187
 29     514229  0.9594187
 30     832040  0.9594187
 31    1346269  0.9594187
 32    2178309  0.9594187
 33    3524578  0.9594187
 34    5702887  0.9594187
 35    9227465  0.9594187
 36   14930352  0.9594187
 37   24157817  0.9594187


<lang FreeBASIC>' version 25-06-2015 ' compile with: fbc -s console

Function calc_entropy(source As String, base_ As Integer) As Double

   Dim As Integer i, sourcelen = Len(source), totalchar(255)
   Dim As Double prop, entropy
   For i = 0 To sourcelen -1
       totalchar(source[i]) += 1
   For i = 0 To 255
       If totalchar(i) = 0 Then Continue For
       prop = totalchar(i) / sourcelen
       entropy = entropy - (prop * Log (prop) / Log(base_))
   Return entropy

End Function

' ------=< MAIN >=------

Dim As String fw1 = "1" , fw2 = "0", fw3 Dim As Integer i, n

Print" N Length Entropy Word" n = 1 Print Using " ###";n; : Print Using " ###########"; Len(fw1); Print Using " ##.############### "; calc_entropy(fw1,2); Print fw1 n = 2 Print Using " ###";n ;: Print Using " ###########"; Len(fw2); Print Using " ##.############### "; calc_entropy(fw2,2); Print fw2

For n = 1 To 35

   fw1 = "1" : fw2 = "0" ' construct string
   For i = 1 To n
       fw3 = fw2 + fw1
       Swap fw1, fw2    ' swap pointers of fw1 and fw2
       Swap fw2, fw3    ' swap pointers of fw2 and fw3
   fw1 = "" : fw3 = ""  ' free up memory
   Print Using " ### ########### ##.############### "; n +2; Len(fw2);_
                                                 calc_entropy(fw2, 2);
   If Len(fw2) < 55 Then Print fw2 Else Print



' empty keyboard buffer While InKey <> "" : Var _key_ = InKey : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

   N     Length  Entropy           Word
   1           1  0.000000000000000 1
   2           1  0.000000000000000 0
   3           2  1.000000000000000 01
   4           3  0.918295834054490 010
   5           5  0.970950594454669 01001
   6           8  0.954434002924965 01001010
   7          13  0.961236604722876 0100101001001
   8          21  0.958711882977132 010010100100101001010
   9          34  0.959686893774217 0100101001001010010100100101001001
  10          55  0.959316032054378 
  11          89  0.959457915838670 
  12         144  0.959403754221023 
  13         233  0.959424446955987 
  14         377  0.959416543740441 
  15         610  0.959419562603144 
  16         987  0.959418409515224 
  17        1597  0.959418849957810 
  18        2584  0.959418681724032 
  19        4181  0.959418745983664 
  20        6765  0.959418721438676 
  21       10946  0.959418730814028 
  22       17711  0.959418727232962 
  23       28657  0.959418728600807 
  24       46368  0.959418728078337 
  25       75025  0.959418728277903 
  26      121393  0.959418728201675 
  27      196418  0.959418728230792 
  28      317811  0.959418728219670 
  29      514229  0.959418728223918 
  30      832040  0.959418728222296 
  31     1346269  0.959418728222916 
  32     2178309  0.959418728222679 
  33     3524578  0.959418728222769 
  34     5702887  0.959418728222735 
  35     9227465  0.959418728222748 
  36    14930352  0.959418728222743 
  37    24157817  0.959418728222745


<lang go>package main

import ( "fmt" "math" )

// From func entropy(s string) float64 { m := map[rune]float64{} for _, r := range s { m[r]++ } hm := 0. for _, c := range m { hm += c * math.Log2(c) } l := float64(len(s)) return math.Log2(l) - hm/l }

const F_Word1 = "1" const F_Word2 = "0"

func FibonacciWord(n int) string { a, b := F_Word1, F_Word2 for ; n > 1; n-- { a, b = b, b+a } return a }

func FibonacciWordGen() <-chan string { ch := make(chan string) go func() { a, b := F_Word1, F_Word2 for { ch <- a a, b = b, b+a } }() return ch }

func main() { fibWords := FibonacciWordGen() fmt.Printf("%3s %9s  %-18s %s\n", "N", "Length", "Entropy", "Word") n := 1 for ; n < 10; n++ { s := <-fibWords // Just to show the function and generator do the same thing: if s2 := FibonacciWord(n); s != s2 { fmt.Printf("For %d, generator produced %q, function produced %q\n", n, s, s2) } fmt.Printf("%3d %9d  %.16f %s\n", n, len(s), entropy(s), s) } for ; n <= 37; n++ { s := <-fibWords fmt.Printf("%3d %9d  %.16f\n", n, len(s), entropy(s)) } }</lang>


Run in the Go Playground.

  N    Length  Entropy             Word
  1         1  0.0000000000000000  1
  2         1  0.0000000000000000  0
 37  24157817  0.9594187282227438


<lang Haskell>module Main where

import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Monoid import Text.Printf

entropy :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Double entropy = sum

       . map (\c -> (c *) . logBase 2 $ 1.0 / c)
       . (\cs -> let { sc = sum cs } in map (/ sc) cs)
       . map (fromIntegral . length)
       . group
       . sort

fibonacci :: (Monoid m) => m -> m -> [m] fibonacci a b = unfoldr (\(a,b) -> Just (a, (b, a <> b))) (a,b)

main :: IO () main = do

   printf "%2s %10s %17s %s\n" "N" "length" "entropy" "word"
   zipWithM_ (\i v -> let { l = length v } in printf "%2d %10d %.15f %s\n"
                  i l (entropy v) (if l > 40 then "..." else v))
             (take 37 $ fibonacci "1" "0")</lang>

Icon and Unicon

The following solution works in both Icon and Unicon. The first eight Fibonacci words are shown, while the Fibonacci word length and Entropy are shown for all 37.

<lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   n := integer(A[1]) | 37
   write(right("N",4)," ",right("length",15)," ",left("Entrophy",15)," ",
         " Fibword")
   every w := fword(i := 1 to n) do {
       writes(right(i,4)," ",right(*w,15)," ",left(H(w),15))
       if i <= 8 then write(": ",w) else write()


procedure fword(n)

   static fcache
   initial fcache := table()
   /fcache[n] := case n of {
                    1: "1"
                    2: "0"
                    default: fword(n-1)||fword(n-2)
   return fcache[n]


procedure H(s)

   P := table(0.0)
   every P[!s] +:= 1.0/*s
   every (h := 0.0) -:= P[c := key(P)] * log(P[c],2)
   return h


Sample run:

   N          length Entrophy         Fibword
   1               1 0.0            : 1
   2               1 0.0            : 0
   3               2 1.0            : 01
   4               3 0.9182958340544: 010
   5               5 0.9709505944546: 01001
   6               8 0.9544340029249: 01001010
   7              13 0.9612366047228: 0100101001001
   8              21 0.9587118829771: 010010100100101001010
   9              34 0.9596868937742
  10              55 0.9593160320543
  11              89 0.9594579158386
  12             144 0.9594037542210
  13             233 0.9594244469559
  14             377 0.9594165437404
  15             610 0.9594195626031
  16             987 0.9594184095152
  17            1597 0.9594188499578
  18            2584 0.9594186817240
  19            4181 0.9594187459836
  20            6765 0.9594187214387
  21           10946 0.9594187308140
  22           17711 0.9594187272330
  23           28657 0.9594187286009
  24           46368 0.9594187280783
  25           75025 0.9594187282781
  26          121393 0.9594187282015
  27          196418 0.9594187282313
  28          317811 0.9594187282195
  29          514229 0.9594187282251
  30          832040 0.9594187282196
  31         1346269 0.9594187282169
  32         2178309 0.9594187282191
  33         3524578 0.9594187282130
  34         5702887 0.9594187282322
  35         9227465 0.9594187281818
  36        14930352 0.9594187282743
  37        24157817 0.9594187282928


Implementation: <lang J>F_Words=: (,<@;@:{~&_1 _2)@]^:(2-~[)&('1';'0')</lang>

Also, from the entropy page we need: <lang J>entropy=: +/@:-@(* 2&^.)@(#/.~ % #)</lang>

Task example:

<lang J> (,.~#\)(#,entropy)@> F_Words 37

1         1        0
2         1        0
3         2        1
4         3 0.918296
5         5 0.970951
6         8 0.954434
7        13 0.961237
8        21 0.958712
9        34 0.959687

10 55 0.959316 11 89 0.959458 12 144 0.959404 13 233 0.959424 14 377 0.959417 15 610 0.95942 16 987 0.959418 17 1597 0.959419 18 2584 0.959419 19 4181 0.959419 20 6765 0.959419 21 10946 0.959419 22 17711 0.959419 23 28657 0.959419 24 46368 0.959419 25 75025 0.959419 26 121393 0.959419 27 196418 0.959419 28 317811 0.959419 29 514229 0.959419 30 832040 0.959419 31 1.34627e6 0.959419 32 2.17831e6 0.959419 33 3.52458e6 0.959419 34 5.70289e6 0.959419 35 9.22747e6 0.959419 36 1.49304e7 0.959419 37 2.41578e7 0.959419</lang>


<lang Java>import java.util.*;

public class FWord {

   private /*v*/ String fWord0 = "";
   private /*v*/ String fWord1 = "";
   private String nextFWord () {
       final String result;
       if ( "".equals ( fWord1 ) )      result = "1";
       else if ( "".equals ( fWord0 ) ) result = "0";
       else                             result = fWord1 + fWord0;
       fWord0 = fWord1;
       fWord1 = result;
       return result;
   public static double entropy ( final String source ) {
       final int                        length = source.length ();
       final Map < Character, Integer > counts = new HashMap < Character, Integer > ();
       /*v*/ double                     result = 0.0;

       for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
           final char c = source.charAt ( i );
           if ( counts.containsKey ( c ) ) counts.put ( c, counts.get ( c ) + 1 );
           else                            counts.put ( c, 1 );
       for ( final int count : counts.values () ) {
           final double proportion = ( double ) count / length;
           result -= proportion * ( Math.log ( proportion ) / Math.log ( 2 ) );
       return result;
   public static void main ( final String [] args ) {
       final FWord fWord = new FWord ();
       for ( int i = 0; i < 37;  ) {
           final String word = fWord.nextFWord ();
           System.out.printf ( "%3d %10d %s %n", ++i, word.length (), entropy ( word ) );

}</lang> Output:

  1          1 0.0 
  2          1 0.0 
  3          2 1.0 
  4          3 0.9182958340544896 
  5          5 0.9709505944546686 
  6          8 0.9544340029249649 
  7         13 0.961236604722876 
  8         21 0.9587118829771318 
  9         34 0.9596868937742169 
 10         55 0.9593160320543777 
 11         89 0.9594579158386696 
 12        144 0.959403754221023 
 13        233 0.9594244469559867 
 14        377 0.9594165437404407 
 15        610 0.9594195626031441 
 16        987 0.9594184095152245 
 17       1597 0.9594188499578099 
 18       2584 0.9594186817240321 
 19       4181 0.9594187459836638 
 20       6765 0.9594187214386756 
 21      10946 0.9594187308140278 
 22      17711 0.959418727232962 
 23      28657 0.9594187286008073 
 24      46368 0.9594187280783371 
 25      75025 0.9594187282779029 
 26     121393 0.9594187282016755 
 27     196418 0.9594187282307918 
 28     317811 0.9594187282196702 
 29     514229 0.9594187282239184 
 30     832040 0.9594187282222959 
 31    1346269 0.9594187282229156 
 32    2178309 0.9594187282226789 
 33    3524578 0.9594187282227691 
 34    5702887 0.9594187282227347 
 35    9227465 0.9594187282227479 
 36   14930352 0.9594187282227429 
 37   24157817 0.9594187282227448 


<lang JavaScript>//makes outputting a table possible in environments //that don't support console.table() function console_table(xs) {

   function pad(n,s) {
       var res = s;
       for (var i = s.length; i < n; i++)
           res += " ";
       return res;
   if (xs.length === 0)
       console.log("No data");
   else {
       var widths = [];
       var cells = [];
       for (var i = 0; i <= xs.length; i++)
       for (var s in xs[0]) {
           var len = s.length;
           for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
               var ss = "" + xs[i][s];
               len = Math.max(len, ss.length);
       var s = "";
       for (var x = 0; x < cells.length; x++) {
           for (var y = 0; y < widths.length; y++)
               s += "|" + pad(widths[y], cells[x][y]);
           s += "|\n";


//returns the entropy of a string as a number function entropy(s) {

    //create an object containing each individual char

//and the amount of iterations per char

   function prob(s) {
       var h = Object.create(null);
       s.split().forEach(function(c) {
          h[c] && h[c]++ || (h[c] = 1); 
       return h;
   s = s.toString(); //just in case 
   var e = 0, l = s.length, h = prob(s);
   for (var i in h ) {
       var p = h[i]/l;
       e -= p * Math.log(p) / Math.log(2);
   return e;


//creates Fibonacci Word to n as described on Rosetta Code //see function fibWord(n) {

   var wOne = "1", wTwo = "0", wNth = [wOne, wTwo], w = "", o = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       if (i === 0 || i === 1) {
           w = wNth[i];
       } else {
           w = wNth[i - 1] + wNth[i - 2];
       var l = w.length;
       var e = entropy(w);
       if (l <= 21) {
           	N: i + 1,
           	Length: l,
           	Entropy: e,
           	Word: w
       } else {
           	N: i + 1,
           	Length: l,
           	Entropy: e,
           	Word: "..."
   try {
   } catch (err) {


fibWord(37);</lang> Output:

|N |Length  |Entropy           |Word                 |
|1 |1       |0                 |1                    |
|2 |1       |0                 |0                    |
|3 |2       |1                 |01                   |
|4 |3       |0.9182958340544896|010                  |
|5 |5       |0.9709505944546688|01001                |
|6 |8       |0.954434002924965 |01001010             |
|7 |13      |0.961236604722876 |0100101001001        |
|8 |21      |0.9587118829771318|010010100100101001010|
|9 |34      |0.9596868937742169|...                  |
|10|55      |0.9593160320543777|...                  |
|11|89      |0.9594579158386696|...                  |
|12|144     |0.959403754221023 |...                  |
|13|233     |0.9594244469559867|...                  |
|14|377     |0.9594165437404407|...                  |
|15|610     |0.9594195626031441|...                  |
|16|987     |0.9594184095152245|...                  |
|17|1597    |0.9594188499578098|...                  |
|18|2584    |0.9594186817240322|...                  |
|19|4181    |0.9594187459836638|...                  |
|20|6765    |0.9594187214386755|...                  |
|21|10946   |0.9594187308140276|...                  |
|22|17711   |0.959418727232962 |...                  |
|23|28657   |0.9594187286008075|...                  |
|24|46368   |0.959418728078337 |...                  |
|25|75025   |0.959418728277903 |...                  |
|26|121393  |0.9594187282016755|...                  |
|27|196418  |0.9594187282307918|...                  |
|28|317811  |0.9594187282196702|...                  |
|29|514229  |0.9594187282239184|...                  |
|30|832040  |0.9594187282222958|...                  |
|31|1346269 |0.9594187282229155|...                  |
|32|2178309 |0.9594187282226788|...                  |
|33|3524578 |0.9594187282227693|...                  |
|34|5702887 |0.9594187282227347|...                  |
|35|9227465 |0.9594187282227479|...                  |
|36|14930352|0.9594187282227428|...                  |
|37|24157817|0.9594187282227447|...                  |


Entropy: <lang jq># Input: an array of strings.

  1. Output: an object with the strings as keys,
  2. the values of which are the corresponding frequencies.

def counter:

 reduce .[] as $item ( {}; .[$item] += 1 ) ;
  1. entropy in bits of the input string

def entropy:

 (explode | map( [.] | implode ) | counter | [ .[] | . * (.|log) ] | add) as $sum
 | ((length|log) - ($sum / length)) / (2|log) ;</lang>

Pretty printing: <lang jq># truncate n places after the decimal point;

  1. return a string since it can readily be converted back to a number

def precision(n):

 tostring as $s | $s | index(".")
 | if . then $s[0:.+n+1] else $s end ;
  1. Right-justify but do not truncate

def rjustify(n):

 tostring | length as $length
 | if n <= $length then . else " " * (n-$length) + . end;
  1. Attempt to align decimals so integer part is in a field of width n

def align(n):

 tostring | index(".") as $ix
 | if n < $ix then .
   elif $ix then (.[0:$ix]|rjustify(n)) +.[$ix:]
   else rjustify(n)
   end ;

</lang> The task: <lang jq># Generate the first n terms of the Fibonacci word sequence

  1. as a stream of arrays of the form [index, word]

def fibonacci_words(n):

 # input: [f(i-2), f(i-1), countdown, counter]
 def fib:
   if .[2] == 1 then [.[3], .[0]]
     (.[1] + .[0]) as $sum
     | [ .[3], .[0]], ([ .[1], $sum, (.[2] - 1), (.[3] + 1) ] | fib)
 if n <= 0 then empty
 else (["1", "0", n, 1] | fib)

def task(n):

 | .[0] as $i
 | (.[1]|length) as $len
 | (.[1]|entropy) as $e
 | "\($i|rjustify(3)) \($len|rjustify(10))  \($e|precision(6))"

task(37) </lang>


(head and tail)

$ jq -n -r -f fibonacci_word.rc
  1          1  0
  2          1  0
  3          2  1
  4          3  0.918295
  5          5  0.970950
  6          8  0.954434
  7         13  0.961236
  8         21  0.958711
  9         34  0.959686
 10         55  0.959316
 11         89  0.959457
 12        144  0.959403
 13        233  0.959424
 14        377  0.959416
 15        610  0.959419
 16        987  0.959418
 36   14930352  0.959418
 37   24157817  0.959418

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>entropy = (p - 1) Log[2, 1 - p] - p Log[2, p];


Table[{k, Fibonacci[k], 
  Quiet@Check[N[entropy /. {p -> Fibonacci[k - 1]/Fibonacci[k]}, 15],
     0]}, {k, 37}], 
TableHeadings -> {None, {"N", "Length", "Entropy"}}]</lang>
N	Length		Entropy

1 1 0 2 1 0 3 2 1.00000000000000 4 3 0.918295834054490 5 5 0.970950594454669 6 8 0.954434002924965 7 13 0.961236604722876 8 21 0.958711882977132 9 34 0.959686893774217 10 55 0.959316032054378 11 89 0.959457915838669 12 144 0.959403754221023 13 233 0.959424446955987 14 377 0.959416543740441 15 610 0.959419562603144 16 987 0.959418409515224 17 1597 0.959418849957810 18 2584 0.959418681724032 19 4181 0.959418745983664 20 6765 0.959418721438675 21 10946 0.959418730814028 22 17711 0.959418727232962 23 28657 0.959418728600807 24 46368 0.959418728078337 25 75025 0.959418728277903 26 121393 0.959418728201675 27 196418 0.959418728230792 28 317811 0.959418728219670 29 514229 0.959418728223918 30 832040 0.959418728222296 31 1346269 0.959418728222916 32 2178309 0.959418728222679 33 3524578 0.959418728222769 34 5702887 0.959418728222735 35 9227465 0.959418728222748 36 14930352 0.959418728222743 37 24157817 0.959418728222745


<lang Oforth>: entropy(s) -- f | freq sz |

  s size dup ifZero: [ return ] asFloat ->sz
  ListBuffer initValue(255, 0) ->freq
  s apply( #[ dup freq at 1+ freq put ] )
  0.0 freq applyIf( #[ 0 <> ], #[ sz / dup ln * - ] ) Ln2 / ;


| ws i |

  ListBuffer new dup add("1") dup add("0") dup ->ws
  3 n for: i [ i 1- ws at  i 2 - ws at  +  ws add ]
  dup map(#[ dup size swap entropy Pair new]) apply(#println) ;</lang>
[1, 0]
[1, 0]
[2, 1]
[3, 0.918295834054489]
[5, 0.970950594454669]
[8, 0.954434002924965]
[13, 0.961236604722876]
[21, 0.958711882977132]
[34, 0.959686893774217]
[55, 0.959316032054378]
[89, 0.95945791583867]
[144, 0.959403754221023]
[233, 0.959424446955987]
[377, 0.959416543740441]
[610, 0.959419562603144]
[987, 0.959418409515225]
[1597, 0.95941884995781]
[2584, 0.959418681724032]
[4181, 0.959418745983664]
[6765, 0.959418721438675]
[10946, 0.959418730814028]
[17711, 0.959418727232962]
[28657, 0.959418728600807]
[46368, 0.959418728078337]
[75025, 0.959418728277903]
[121393, 0.959418728201676]
[196418, 0.959418728230792]
[317811, 0.95941872821967]
[514229, 0.959418728223918]
[832040, 0.959418728222296]
[1346269, 0.959418728222916]
[2178309, 0.959418728222679]
[3524578, 0.959418728222769]
[5702887, 0.959418728222735]
[9227465, 0.959418728222748]
[14930352, 0.959418728222743]
[24157817, 0.959418728222745]


Translation of: REXX

<lang oorexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 09.08.2014 Walter Pachl 'copied' from REXX
  • lists the # of chars in fibonacci words and the words' entropy
  • as well as (part of) the Fibonacci word and the number of 0's and 1's
  • Note: ooRexx allows for computing up to 47 Fibonacci words
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 Numeric Digits 20                /* use more precision,  default=9.*/
 Parse Arg n fw.1 fw.2 .          /* get optional args from the C.L.*/
 If n== Then n=50               /* Not specified? Then use default*/
 If fw.1== Then fw.1=1          /* "      "        "   "     "    */
 If fw.2== Then fw.2=0          /* "      "        "   "     "    */
 hdr1=' N     length  Entropy                 Fibonacci word    ',
                                               '# of zeroes # of ones'
 hdr2='-- ----------  ----------------------  --------------------',
                                                 '--------- ---------'
 Say hdr1
 Say hdr2
 Do j=1 For n                     /* display  N  fibonacci words.   */
   If j>2 Then                    /* calculate FIBword if we need to*/
   If length(fw.j)<20 Then
     fwd=left(fw.j,20)            /* display the Fibonacci word     */
     fwd=left(fw.j,5)'...'right(fw.j,12) /* display parts thereof   */
   Say right(j,2)'  'right(length(fw.j),9)'  'entropy(fw.j)'  'fwd,
                                           right(aa.0,9) right(aa.1,9)
 Say hdr2
 Say hdr1

entropy: Procedure Expose aa.

 Parse Arg dd
 aa.0=l-length(space(translate(dd,,0),0)) /*fast way to count zeroes*/
 aa.1=l-aa.0                      /* and figure the number of ones. */
 If l==1 Then
   Return left(0,d+2)             /* handle special case of one char*/
 s=0                              /* [?] calc entropy for each char */
 do i=1 for 2
   _=i-1                          /* construct a chr from the ether.*/
   p=aa._/l                       /* 'probability of aa-_ in fw     */
   s=s-p*rxmlog(p,d,2)            /* add (negatively) the entropies.*/
 If s=1 Then
   Return left(1,d+2)             /* return a left-justified  "1".  */
 Return format(s,,d)              /* normalize the number (sum or S)*/
requires rxm.cls</lang>
  N     length  Entropy                 Fibonacci word     # of zeroes # of ones
-- ----------  ----------------------  -------------------- --------- ---------
 1          1  0                       1                            0         1
 2          1  0                       0                            1         0
 3          2  1                       01                           1         1
 4          3  0.91829583405448951479  010                          2         1
 5          5  0.97095059445466863901  01001                        3         2
 6          8  0.95443400292496496456  01001010                     5         3
 7         13  0.96123660472287587273  0100101001001                8         5
 8         21  0.95871188297713180865  01001...100101001010        13         8
 9         34  0.95968689377421693318  01001...100101001001        21        13
10         55  0.95931603205437767776  01001...100101001010        34        21
11         89  0.95945791583866946165  01001...100101001001        55        34
12        144  0.95940375422102292948  01001...100101001010        89        55
13        233  0.95942444695598675866  01001...100101001001       144        89
14        377  0.95941654374044073871  01001...100101001010       233       144
15        610  0.95941956260314415022  01001...100101001001       377       233
16        987  0.95941840951522431271  01001...100101001010       610       377
17       1597  0.95941884995780985566  01001...100101001001       987       610
18       2584  0.95941868172403210666  01001...100101001010      1597       987
19       4181  0.95941874598366381432  01001...100101001001      2584      1597
20       6765  0.95941872143867541462  01001...100101001010      4181      2584
21      10946  0.95941873081402772314  01001...100101001001      6765      4181
22      17711  0.95941872723296194268  01001...100101001010     10946      6765
23      28657  0.95941872860080737603  01001...100101001001     17711     10946
24      46368  0.95941872807833691493  01001...100101001010     28657     17711
25      75025  0.95941872827790287342  01001...100101001001     46368     28657
26     121393  0.95941872820167546032  01001...100101001010     75025     46368
27     196418  0.95941872823079174125  01001...100101001001    121393     75025
28     317811  0.95941872821967031157  01001...100101001010    196418    121393
29     514229  0.95941872822391831971  01001...100101001001    317811    196418
30     832040  0.95941872822229572500  01001...100101001010    514229    317811
31    1346269  0.95941872822291550102  01001...100101001001    832040    514229
32    2178309  0.95941872822267876765  01001...100101001010   1346269    832040
33    3524578  0.95941872822276919174  01001...100101001001   2178309   1346269
34    5702887  0.95941872822273465282  01001...100101001010   3524578   2178309
35    9227465  0.95941872822274784553  01001...100101001001   5702887   3524578
36   14930352  0.95941872822274280637  01001...100101001010   9227465   5702887
37   24157817  0.95941872822274473113  01001...100101001001  14930352   9227465
38   39088169  0.95941872822274399592  01001...100101001010  24157817  14930352
39   63245986  0.95941872822274427677  01001...100101001001  39088169  24157817
40  102334155  0.95941872822274416950  01001...100101001010  63245986  39088169
41  165580141  0.95941872822274421049  01001...100101001001 102334155  63245986
42  267914296  0.95941872822274419481  01001...100101001010 165580141 102334155
43  433494437  0.95941872822274420081  01001...100101001001 267914296 165580141
44  701408733  0.95941872822274419851  01001...100101001010 433494437 267914296
45  134903170  0.95941872822274419940  01001...100101001001 701408733 433494437
46  836311903  0.95941872822274419905  01001...100101001010 134903170 701408733
47  971215073  0.95941872822274419920  01001...100101001001 836311903 134903170
    22 *-*       fw.j=fw.j1||fw.j2
Error 5 running D:\fwoo.rex line 22:  System resources exhausted


<lang parigp>ent(a,b)=[a,b]=[a,b]/(a+b);(a*log(if(a,a,1))+b*log(if(b,b,1)))/log(1/2) allocatemem(75<<20) \\ Allocate 75 MB stack space F=vector(37);F[1]="1";F[2]="0";for(n=3,37,F[n]=Str(F[n-1],F[n-2])) for(n=1,37,print(n" "fibonacci(n)" "ent(fibonacci(n-1),fibonacci(n-2))))</lang>

For those output fascists:

1 1 0.E-9
2 1 0.E-9
3 2 1.00000000
4 3 0.918295834
5 5 0.970950594
6 8 0.954434003
7 13 0.961236604
8 21 0.958711883
9 34 0.959686894
10 55 0.959316032
11 89 0.959457916
12 144 0.959403754
13 233 0.959424447
14 377 0.959416544
15 610 0.959419563
16 987 0.959418409
17 1597 0.959418850
18 2584 0.959418682
19 4181 0.959418746
20 6765 0.959418721
21 10946 0.959418731
22 17711 0.959418727
23 28657 0.959418728
24 46368 0.959418728
25 75025 0.959418728
26 121393 0.959418728
27 196418 0.959418728
28 317811 0.959418728
29 514229 0.959418728
30 832040 0.959418728
31 1346269 0.959418728
32 2178309 0.959418728
33 3524578 0.959418728
34 5702887 0.959418728
35 9227465 0.959418728
36 14930352 0.959418728
37 24157817 0.959418728


As in Algol68 statet, you needn't to create the long string. <lang pascal>program FibWord; {$IFDEF DELPHI}


{$ENDIF} const

 FibSMaxLen = 35;


 tFibString = string[2*FibSMaxLen];//Ansistring;
 tFibCnt = longWord;
 tFib = record
           OneCnt : tFibCnt;

// fibS  : tFibString;//didn't work :-(



 FibSCheck : boolean;
 Fib0,Fib1 : tFib;
 FibS0,FibS1: tFibString;

procedure FibInit; Begin

 with Fib0 do
   ZeroCnt := 1;
   OneCnt  := 0;
 with Fib1 do
   ZeroCnt := 0;
   OneCnt  := 1;
 FibS0 := '1';
 FibS1 := '0';
 FibSCheck := true;


Function FibLength(const F:Tfib):tFibCnt; begin

 FibLength := F.ZeroCnt+F.OneCnt;


function FibEntropy(const F:Tfib):extended; const

 rcpLn2 = 1.0/ln(2);


 ratio: extended;


 entrp := 0.0;
 ratio := F.ZeroCnt/FibLength(F);
 if Ratio <> 0.0 then
   entrp :=  -ratio*ln(ratio)*rcpLn2;
 ratio := F.OneCnt/FibLength(F);
 if Ratio <> 0.0 then
   entrp :=  entrp-ratio*ln(ratio)*rcpLn2;


procedure FibSExtend; var

 tmpS : tFibString;


 IF FibSCheck then
   tmpS  := FibS0+FibS1;
   FibS0 := FibS1;
   FibS1 := tmpS;
   FibSCheck := (length(FibS1) < FibSMaxLen);


procedure FibNext; var

 tmpFib : tFib;


 tmpFib.ZeroCnt := Fib0.ZeroCnt+Fib1.ZeroCnt;
 tmpFib.OneCnt  := Fib0.OneCnt +Fib1.OneCnt;
 Fib0 := Fib1;
 Fib1 := tmpFib;
 IF FibSCheck then


procedure FibWrite(const F:Tfib); begin // With F do // write(ZeroCnt:10,OneCnt:10,FibLength(F):10,FibEntropy(f):17:14);

 IF FibSCheck then
   writeln('  ',FibS1)
   writeln('  ....');



 i : integer;


 writeln('No.     Length   Entropy         Word');
 For i := 3 to 37 do

END. </lang> The same output:

No.     Length   Entropy         Word
   1         1-0.00000000000000  0
   2         1 0.00000000000000  0
   3         2 1.00000000000000  10
   4         3 0.91829583405449  010
   5         5 0.97095059445467  10010
   6         8 0.95443400292496  01010010
   7        13 0.96123660472288  1001001010010
   8        21 0.95871188297713  010100101001001010010
   9        34 0.95968689377422  1001001010010010100101001001010010
  10        55 0.95931603205438  ....
  11        89 0.95945791583867  ....
  35   9227465 0.95941872822275  ....
  36  14930352 0.95941872822274  ....
  37  24157817 0.95941872822274  ....


<lang Perl>sub fiboword; {

   my ($a, $b, $count) = (1, 0, 0);
   sub fiboword {
       return $a if $count == 1;
       return $b if $count == 2;
       ($a, $b) = ($b, "$b$a");
       return $b;

} sub entropy {

   my %c;
   $c{$_}++ for split //, my $str = shift;
   my $e = 0;
   for (values %c) {
       my $p = $_ / length $str;
       $e -= $p * log $p;
   return $e / log 2;


my $count; while ($count++ < 37) {

   my $word = fiboword;
   printf "%5d\t%10d\t%.8e\t%s\n",
   $count > 9 ?  : $word


Perl 6

<lang perl6>constant @fib-word = 1, 0, { $^b ~ $^a } ... *;

sub entropy {

   -log(2) R/
       [+] map -> \p { p * log p },
           $^string.comb.Bag.values »/» $string.chars

} for @fib-word[^37] {

   printf "%5d\t%10d\t%.8e\t%s\n",
   (state $n)++, .chars, .&entropy, $n > 10 ??  !! $_;


That works, but is terribly slow due to all the string processing and bag creation, just to count 0's and 1's. By contrast, the following prints the table up to 100 almost instantly by tracking the values to calculate entropy in parallel with the actual strings. This works in Perl 6 because lazy lists are calculated on demand, so if we don't actually ask for the larger string forms, we don't calculate them. Which would be relatively difficult for a string containing 573147844013817084101 characters, unless you happen to have a computer with a zettabyte or so of memory sitting in your garage.

<lang perl6>constant @fib-word = '1', '0', { $^b ~ $^a } ... *; constant @fib-ones = 1, 0, * + * ... *; constant @fib-chrs = 1, 1, * + * ... *;

multi entropy(0) { 0 } multi entropy(1) { 0 } multi entropy($n) {

   my $chars = @fib-chrs[$n];
   my $ones  = @fib-ones[$n];
   my $zeros = $chars - $ones;
   -log(2) R/
       [+] map -> \p { p * log p },
           $ones / $chars, $zeros / $chars


for 0..100 -> $n {

   printf "%5d\t%21d\t%.15e\t%s\n",

$n, @fib-chrs[$n], entropy($n), $n > 9 ??  !! @fib-word[$n]; }</lang>

    0	                    1	0.000000000000000e+00	1
    1	                    1	0.000000000000000e+00	0
    2	                    2	1.000000000000000e+00	01
    3	                    3	9.182958340544895e-01	010
    4	                    5	9.709505944546688e-01	01001
    5	                    8	9.544340029249650e-01	01001010
    6	                   13	9.612366047228759e-01	0100101001001
    7	                   21	9.587118829771317e-01	010010100100101001010
    8	                   34	9.596868937742167e-01	0100101001001010010100100101001001
    9	                   55	9.593160320543776e-01	0100101001001010010100100101001001010010100100101001010
   10	                   89	9.594579158386695e-01	
   11	                  144	9.594037542210229e-01	
   12	                  233	9.594244469559866e-01	
   13	                  377	9.594165437404406e-01	
   14	                  610	9.594195626031441e-01	
   15	                  987	9.594184095152244e-01	
   16	                 1597	9.594188499578099e-01	
   17	                 2584	9.594186817240321e-01	
   18	                 4181	9.594187459836640e-01	
   19	                 6765	9.594187214386754e-01	
   20	                10946	9.594187308140276e-01	
   21	                17711	9.594187272329618e-01	
   22	                28657	9.594187286008074e-01	
   23	                46368	9.594187280783370e-01	
   24	                75025	9.594187282779029e-01	
   25	               121393	9.594187282016755e-01	
   26	               196418	9.594187282307919e-01	
   27	               317811	9.594187282196701e-01	
   28	               514229	9.594187282239183e-01	
   29	               832040	9.594187282222958e-01	
   30	              1346269	9.594187282229156e-01	
   31	              2178309	9.594187282226789e-01	
   32	              3524578	9.594187282227692e-01	
   33	              5702887	9.594187282227345e-01	
   34	              9227465	9.594187282227477e-01	
   35	             14930352	9.594187282227427e-01	
   36	             24157817	9.594187282227447e-01	
   37	             39088169	9.594187282227441e-01	
   38	             63245986	9.594187282227441e-01	
   39	            102334155	9.594187282227441e-01	
   40	            165580141	9.594187282227441e-01	
   41	            267914296	9.594187282227441e-01	
   42	            433494437	9.594187282227441e-01	
   43	            701408733	9.594187282227441e-01	
   44	           1134903170	9.594187282227441e-01	
   45	           1836311903	9.594187282227441e-01	
   46	           2971215073	9.594187282227441e-01	
   47	           4807526976	9.594187282227441e-01	
   48	           7778742049	9.594187282227441e-01	
   49	          12586269025	9.594187282227441e-01	
   50	          20365011074	9.594187282227441e-01	
   51	          32951280099	9.594187282227441e-01	
   52	          53316291173	9.594187282227441e-01	
   53	          86267571272	9.594187282227441e-01	
   54	         139583862445	9.594187282227441e-01	
   55	         225851433717	9.594187282227441e-01	
   56	         365435296162	9.594187282227441e-01	
   57	         591286729879	9.594187282227441e-01	
   58	         956722026041	9.594187282227441e-01	
   59	        1548008755920	9.594187282227441e-01	
   60	        2504730781961	9.594187282227441e-01	
   61	        4052739537881	9.594187282227441e-01	
   62	        6557470319842	9.594187282227441e-01	
   63	       10610209857723	9.594187282227441e-01	
   64	       17167680177565	9.594187282227441e-01	
   65	       27777890035288	9.594187282227441e-01	
   66	       44945570212853	9.594187282227441e-01	
   67	       72723460248141	9.594187282227441e-01	
   68	      117669030460994	9.594187282227441e-01	
   69	      190392490709135	9.594187282227441e-01	
   70	      308061521170129	9.594187282227441e-01	
   71	      498454011879264	9.594187282227441e-01	
   72	      806515533049393	9.594187282227441e-01	
   73	     1304969544928657	9.594187282227441e-01	
   74	     2111485077978050	9.594187282227441e-01	
   75	     3416454622906707	9.594187282227441e-01	
   76	     5527939700884757	9.594187282227441e-01	
   77	     8944394323791464	9.594187282227441e-01	
   78	    14472334024676221	9.594187282227441e-01	
   79	    23416728348467685	9.594187282227441e-01	
   80	    37889062373143906	9.594187282227441e-01	
   81	    61305790721611591	9.594187282227441e-01	
   82	    99194853094755497	9.594187282227441e-01	
   83	   160500643816367088	9.594187282227441e-01	
   84	   259695496911122585	9.594187282227441e-01	
   85	   420196140727489673	9.594187282227441e-01	
   86	   679891637638612258	9.594187282227441e-01	
   87	  1100087778366101931	9.594187282227441e-01	
   88	  1779979416004714189	9.594187282227441e-01	
   89	  2880067194370816120	9.594187282227441e-01	
   90	  4660046610375530309	9.594187282227441e-01	
   91	  7540113804746346429	9.594187282227441e-01	
   92	 12200160415121876738	9.594187282227441e-01	
   93	 19740274219868223167	9.594187282227441e-01	
   94	 31940434634990099905	9.594187282227441e-01	
   95	 51680708854858323072	9.594187282227441e-01	
   96	 83621143489848422977	9.594187282227441e-01	
   97	135301852344706746049	9.594187282227441e-01	
   98	218922995834555169026	9.594187282227441e-01	
   99	354224848179261915075	9.594187282227441e-01	
  100	573147844013817084101	9.594187282227441e-01


<lang PL/I>fibword: procedure options (main); /* 9 October 2013 */

  declare (fn, fnp1, fibword) bit (32000) varying;
  declare (i, ln, lnp1, lfibword) fixed binary(31);
  fn = '1'b; fnp1 = '0'b; ln, lnp1 = 1;
  put skip edit (1, length(fn), fn)     (f(2), f(10), x(1), b);
  put skip edit (2, length(fnp1), fnp1) (f(2), f(10), x(1), b);
  do i = 3 to 37;
     lfibword = lnp1 + ln;
     ln = lnp1;
     lnp1 = lfibword;
     if i <= 10 then
           fibword = fnp1 || fn;
           put skip edit (i, length(fibword), fibword) (f(2), f(10), x(1), b);
           fn = fnp1; fnp1 = fibword;
           put skip edit (i, lfibword) (f(2), f(10));

end fibword;</lang>

 1         1 1
 2         1 0
 3         2 01
 4         3 010
 5         5 01001
 6         8 01001010
 7        13 0100101001001
 8        21 010010100100101001010
 9        34 0100101001001010010100100101001001
10        55 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010100100101001010
11        89
12       144
13       233
14       377
15       610
16       987
17      1597
18      2584
19      4181
20      6765
21     10946
22     17711
23     28657
24     46368
25     75025
26    121393
27    196418
28    317811
29    514229
30    832040
31   1346269
32   2178309
33   3524578
34   5702887
35   9227465
36  14930352
37  24157817


<lang purebasic>EnableExplicit Define fwx$, n.i NewMap uchar.i()

Macro RowPrint(ns,ls,es,ws)

 Print(RSet(ns,4," ")+RSet(ls,12," ")+" "+es+" ") : If Len(ws)<55 : PrintN(ws) : Else : PrintN("...") : EndIf


Procedure.d nlog2(x.d) : ProcedureReturn Log(x)/Log(2) : EndProcedure

Procedure countchar(s$, Map uchar())

 If Len(s$)
   uchar(Left(s$,1))=CountString(s$,Left(s$,1)) : s$=RemoveString(s$,Left(s$,1))
   ProcedureReturn countchar(s$, uchar())


Procedure.d ce(fw$)

 Define e.d
 Shared uchar()
 ForEach uchar() : e-uchar()/Len(fw$)*nlog2(uchar()/Len(fw$)) : Next
 ProcedureReturn e


Procedure.s fw(n.i,a$="0",b$="1",m.i=2)

 Select n : Case 1 : ProcedureReturn a$ : Case 2 : ProcedureReturn b$ : EndSelect
 If m<n : ProcedureReturn fw(n,b$+a$,a$,m+1) : EndIf
 ProcedureReturn Mid(a$,3)+ReverseString(Left(a$,2))


OpenConsole() PrintN(" N Length Entropy Word") For n=1 To 37 : fwx$=fw(n) : RowPrint(Str(n),Str(Len(fwx$)),StrD(ce(fwx$),15),fwx$) : Next Input()</lang>

   N      Length Entropy           Word
   1           1 0.000000000000000 0
   2           1 0.000000000000000 1
   3           2 1.000000000000000 01
   4           3 0.918295834054490 010
   5           5 0.970950594454669 01001
   6           8 0.954434002924965 01001010
   7          13 0.961236604722876 0100101001001
   8          21 0.958711882977132 010010100100101001010
   9          34 0.959686893774217 0100101001001010010100100101001001
  10          55 0.959316032054378 ...
  11          89 0.959457915838670 ...
  12         144 0.959403754221023 ...
  13         233 0.959424446955987 ...
  14         377 0.959416543740441 ...
  15         610 0.959419562603144 ...
  16         987 0.959418409515225 ...
  17        1597 0.959418849957810 ...
  18        2584 0.959418681724032 ...
  19        4181 0.959418745983664 ...
  20        6765 0.959418721438676 ...
  21       10946 0.959418730814028 ...
  22       17711 0.959418727232962 ...
  23       28657 0.959418728600807 ...
  24       46368 0.959418728078337 ...
  25       75025 0.959418728277903 ...
  26      121393 0.959418728201676 ...
  27      196418 0.959418728230792 ...
  28      317811 0.959418728219670 ...
  29      514229 0.959418728223918 ...
  30      832040 0.959418728222296 ...
  31     1346269 0.959418728222916 ...
  32     2178309 0.959418728222679 ...
  33     3524578 0.959418728222769 ...
  34     5702887 0.959418728222735 ...
  35     9227465 0.959418728222748 ...
  36    14930352 0.959418728222743 ...
  37    24157817 0.959418728222745 ...


<lang python>>>> import math >>> from collections import Counter >>> >>> def entropy(s): ... p, lns = Counter(s), float(len(s)) ... return -sum( count/lns * math.log(count/lns, 2) for count in p.values()) ... >>> >>> def fibword(nmax=37): ... fwords = ['1', '0'] ... print('%-3s %10s %-10s %s' % tuple('N Length Entropy Fibword'.split())) ... def pr(n, fwords): ... while len(fwords) < n: ... fwords += [.join(fwords[-2:][::-1])] ... v = fwords[n-1] ... print('%3i %10i %10.7g %s' % (n, len(v), entropy(v), v if len(v) < 20 else '<too long>')) ... for n in range(1, nmax+1): pr(n, fwords) ... >>> fibword() N Length Entropy Fibword

 1          1         -0 1
 2          1         -0 0
 3          2          1 01
 4          3  0.9182958 010
 5          5  0.9709506 01001
 6          8   0.954434 01001010
 7         13  0.9612366 0100101001001
 8         21  0.9587119 <too long>
 9         34  0.9596869 <too long>
10         55   0.959316 <too long>
11         89  0.9594579 <too long>
12        144  0.9594038 <too long>
13        233  0.9594244 <too long>
14        377  0.9594165 <too long>
15        610  0.9594196 <too long>
16        987  0.9594184 <too long>
17       1597  0.9594188 <too long>
18       2584  0.9594187 <too long>
19       4181  0.9594187 <too long>
20       6765  0.9594187 <too long>
21      10946  0.9594187 <too long>
22      17711  0.9594187 <too long>
23      28657  0.9594187 <too long>
24      46368  0.9594187 <too long>
25      75025  0.9594187 <too long>
26     121393  0.9594187 <too long>
27     196418  0.9594187 <too long>
28     317811  0.9594187 <too long>
29     514229  0.9594187 <too long>
30     832040  0.9594187 <too long>
31    1346269  0.9594187 <too long>
32    2178309  0.9594187 <too long>
33    3524578  0.9594187 <too long>
34    5702887  0.9594187 <too long>
35    9227465  0.9594187 <too long>
36   14930352  0.9594187 <too long>
37   24157817  0.9594187 <too long>

>>> </lang>


With inspiration from here for the entropy function: <lang rsplus>entropy <- function(s) {

 if (length(s) > 1)
   return(sapply(s, entropy))
 freq <- prop.table(table(strsplit(s, )[1]))
 ret <- -sum(freq * log(freq, base=2))


fibwords <- function(n) {

 if (n == 1)
   fibwords <- "1"
   fibwords <- c("1", "0")
 if (n > 2)
   for (i in 3:n)
     fibwords <- c(fibwords, paste(fibwords[i-1L], fibwords[i-2L], sep=""))
 str <- if (n > 7) replicate(n-7, "too long") else NULL
 fibwords.print <- c(fibwords[1:min(n, 7)], str)
 ret <- data.frame(Length=nchar(fibwords), Entropy=entropy(fibwords), Fibwords=fibwords.print)
 rownames(ret) <- NULL



> fibwords(37)
     Length   Entropy      Fibwords
1         1 0.0000000             1
2         1 0.0000000             0
3         2 1.0000000            01
4         3 0.9182958           010
5         5 0.9709506         01001
6         8 0.9544340      01001010
7        13 0.9612366 0100101001001
8        21 0.9587119      too long
9        34 0.9596869      too long
10       55 0.9593160      too long
11       89 0.9594579      too long
12      144 0.9594038      too long
13      233 0.9594244      too long
14      377 0.9594165      too long
15      610 0.9594196      too long
16      987 0.9594184      too long
17     1597 0.9594188      too long
18     2584 0.9594187      too long
19     4181 0.9594187      too long
20     6765 0.9594187      too long
21    10946 0.9594187      too long
22    17711 0.9594187      too long
23    28657 0.9594187      too long
24    46368 0.9594187      too long
25    75025 0.9594187      too long
26   121393 0.9594187      too long
27   196418 0.9594187      too long
28   317811 0.9594187      too long
29   514229 0.9594187      too long
30   832040 0.9594187      too long
31  1346269 0.9594187      too long
32  2178309 0.9594187      too long
33  3524578 0.9594187      too long
34  5702887 0.9594187      too long
35  9227465 0.9594187      too long
36 14930352 0.9594187      too long
37 24157817 0.9594187      too long


Uses Entropy Racket task implementation.

Not as minimal as is could be, since we might have needed scope for more interesting hooks for e.g. the Fibonacci word/fractal.

So to start, a massively generalised version: <lang racket>#lang racket (provide F-Word gen-F-Word (struct-out f-word) f-word-max-length) (require "entropy.rkt") ; save Entropy task implementation as "entropy.rkt"

(define f-word-max-length (make-parameter 80)) (define-struct f-word (str length count-0 count-1)) (define (string->f-word str)

 (apply f-word str
         (λ ()
               ((l 0) (zeros 0) (ones 0))
             ((c str))
             (match c
               (#\0 (values (add1 l) (add1 zeros) ones))
               (#\1 (values (add1 l) zeros (add1 ones))))))

(define F-Word# (make-hash))

(define (gen-F-Word n #:key-id key-id #:word-1 word-1 #:word-2 word-2 #:merge-fn merge-fn)

 (define sub-F-Word (match-lambda (1 word-1) (2 word-2) ((? number? n) (merge-fn n))))
 (hash-ref! F-Word# (list key-id (f-word-max-length) n) (λ () (sub-F-Word n))))

(define (F-Word n)

 (define f-word-1 (string->f-word "1"))
 (define f-word-2 (string->f-word "0"))
 (define (f-word-merge>2 n)
   (define f-1 (F-Word (- n 1)))
   (define f-2 (F-Word (- n 2)))
   (define length+  (+ (f-word-length f-1) (f-word-length f-2)))
   (define count-0+ (+ (f-word-count-0 f-1) (f-word-count-0 f-2)))
   (define count-1+ (+ (f-word-count-1 f-1) (f-word-count-1 f-2)))
   (define str+
     (if (and (f-word-max-length)
              (> length+ (f-word-max-length)))
         (format "<string too long (~a)>" length+)
         (string-append (f-word-str f-1) (f-word-str f-2))))
   (f-word str+ length+ count-0+ count-1+))
 (gen-F-Word n
             #:key-id 'words
             #:word-1 f-word-1
             #:word-2 f-word-2
             #:merge-fn f-word-merge>2))

(module+ main

 (parameterize ((f-word-max-length 80))
   (for ((n (sequence-map add1 (in-range 37))))
     (define W (F-Word n))
     (define e (hash-entropy (hash 0 (f-word-count-0 W)
                                   1 (f-word-count-1 W))))
     (printf "~a ~a ~a ~a~%"
             (~a n #:width 3 #:align 'right)
             (~a (f-word-length W) #:width 9 #:align 'right)
             (real->decimal-string e 12)
             (~a (f-word-str W))))))

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)
 (check-match (F-Word 4) (f-word "010" _ _ _))
 (check-match (F-Word 5) (f-word "01001" _ _ _))
 (check-match (F-Word 8) (f-word "010010100100101001010" _ _ _)))</lang>


  1         1 0.000000000000 1
  2         1 0.000000000000 0
  3         2 1.000000000000 01
  4         3 0.918295834054 010
  5         5 0.970950594455 01001
  6         8 0.954434002925 01001010
  7        13 0.961236604723 0100101001001
  8        21 0.958711882977 010010100100101001010
  9        34 0.959686893774 0100101001001010010100100101001001
 10        55 0.959316032054 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010100100101001010
 11        89 0.959457915839 <string too long (89)>
 12       144 0.959403754221 <string too long (144)>
 13       233 0.959424446956 <string too long (233)>
 14       377 0.959416543740 <string too long (377)>
 15       610 0.959419562603 <string too long (610)>
 16       987 0.959418409515 <string too long (987)>
 17      1597 0.959418849958 <string too long (1597)>
 18      2584 0.959418681724 <string too long (2584)>
 19      4181 0.959418745984 <string too long (4181)>
 20      6765 0.959418721439 <string too long (6765)>
 21     10946 0.959418730814 <string too long (10946)>
 22     17711 0.959418727233 <string too long (17711)>
 23     28657 0.959418728601 <string too long (28657)>
 24     46368 0.959418728078 <string too long (46368)>
 25     75025 0.959418728278 <string too long (75025)>
 26    121393 0.959418728202 <string too long (121393)>
 27    196418 0.959418728231 <string too long (196418)>
 28    317811 0.959418728220 <string too long (317811)>
 29    514229 0.959418728224 <string too long (514229)>
 30    832040 0.959418728222 <string too long (832040)>
 31   1346269 0.959418728223 <string too long (1346269)>
 32   2178309 0.959418728223 <string too long (2178309)>
 33   3524578 0.959418728223 <string too long (3524578)>
 34   5702887 0.959418728223 <string too long (5702887)>
 35   9227465 0.959418728223 <string too long (9227465)>
 36  14930352 0.959418728223 <string too long (14930352)>
 37  24157817 0.959418728223 <string too long (24157817)>

And a simpler implementation: <lang racket>#lang racket

(define f-word-max-length (make-parameter 80)) (define-struct f-word (str length count-0 count-1))

(define F-Word# (make-hash)) (define (F-Word n)

  (list (f-word-max-length) n)
  (λ ()
    (match n
     (1 (f-word "1" 1 0 1))
     (2 (f-word "0" 1 1 0))
     ((? number? n)
      (define f-1 (F-Word (- n 1)))
      (define f-2 (F-Word (- n 2)))
      (define length+  (+ (f-word-length f-1) (f-word-length f-2)))
      (define count-0+ (+ (f-word-count-0 f-1) (f-word-count-0 f-2)))
      (define count-1+ (+ (f-word-count-1 f-1) (f-word-count-1 f-2)))
      (define str+
        (if (and (f-word-max-length)
                 (> length+ (f-word-max-length)))
            (format "<string too long (~a)>" length+)
            (string-append (f-word-str f-1) (f-word-str f-2))))
      (f-word str+ length+ count-0+ count-1+))))))

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)
 (check-match (F-Word 4) (f-word "010" _ _ _))
 (check-match (F-Word 5) (f-word "01001" _ _ _))
 (check-match (F-Word 8) (f-word "010010100100101001010" _ _ _)))</lang>


Programming note:   Regina REXX (under Windows/XP) can execute this program with   N=42   without exhausting system resources. <lang rexx>/*REXX program displays a number of characters in a fibonacci word: the word's entropy.*/ d=20; de=d+6; numeric digits de /*use more precision (the default is 9)*/ parse arg N . /*get optional argument from the C.L. */ if N== | N=="," then N=42 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ @.1=1; @.2=0 /*define some initial values of FIBword*/ say center('N', 5) center("length", 12) center('entropy', de) center("Fib word", 56) say copies('─', 5) copies("─" , 12) copies('─' , de) copies("─" , 56)

                                                /* [↓]  display   N   fibonacci words. */
     do j=1  for N;     j1=j-1; j2=j-2          /*use temporary variables for @ indices*/
     if j>2  then @.j=@.j1 || @.j2;       @.j2= /*calculate the FIBword  if we need to.*/
     if L<56  then Fw= @.j
              else Fw= '{the word is too wide to display, length is: ' L"}"
     say right(j,4)  right(L,12)    '  '    entropy()    "  "    Fw
     end   /*j*/                                /*display text msg;                    */

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ entropy: if L==1 then return left(0, d+2) /*handle special case of one character.*/

        !.0=length(space(translate(@.j,,1), 0)) /*efficient way to count the  "zeroes".*/
        !.1=L-!.0;  S=0                         /*also, calculate the number of "ones".*/
                         do i=1  for 2;   _=i-1 /*construct character from the ether.  */
                         S=S -!._/L*log2(!._/L) /*add  (negatively)  the entropies.    */
                         end   /*i*/
        if S=1  then return   left(1, d+2)      /*return a left─justified  "1"  (one). */
                     return format(S,,d)        /*normalize the sum  (S)  number.      */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ log2: procedure; parse arg x 1 xx; ig=x>1.5; is=1-2*(ig\==1); numeric digits 5+digits()

     m=0;  do  while  ig & xx>1.5 | \ig&xx<.5;   _=e;         do j=-1;   iz=xx* _ ** - is
           if j>=0  then if ig & iz<1 | \ig&iz>.5  then leave;  _=_*_; izz=iz;  end /*j*/
           xx=izz;  m=m+is*2**j;  end /*while*/;     x=x* e** -m -1;   z=0;   _=-1;   p=z
                  do k=1;   _=-_*x;   z=z+_/k;   if z=p  then leave;   p=z;    end  /*k*/
           r=z+m;            if arg()==2  then return r;             return r / log2(2,.)</lang>

output   for the first 42 Fibonacci words:

  N      length             entropy                                   Fib word
───── ──────────── ────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
   1            1    0                         1
   2            1    0                         0
   3            2    1                         01
   4            3    0.91829583405448951479    010
   5            5    0.97095059445466863900    01001
   6            8    0.95443400292496496454    01001010
   7           13    0.96123660472287587275    0100101001001
   8           21    0.95871188297713180865    010010100100101001010
   9           34    0.95968689377421693320    0100101001001010010100100101001001
  10           55    0.95931603205437767775    0100101001001010010100100101001001010010100100101001010
  11           89    0.95945791583866946166    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  89}
  12          144    0.95940375422102292947    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  144}
  13          233    0.95942444695598675869    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  233}
  14          377    0.95941654374044073872    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  377}
  15          610    0.95941956260314415023    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  610}
  16          987    0.95941840951522431271    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  987}
  17         1597    0.95941884995780985568    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  1597}
  18         2584    0.95941868172403210665    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  2584}
  19         4181    0.95941874598366381433    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  4181}
  20         6765    0.95941872143867541464    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  6765}
  21        10946    0.95941873081402772313    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  10946}
  22        17711    0.95941872723296194271    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  17711}
  23        28657    0.95941872860080737603    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  28657}
  24        46368    0.95941872807833691494    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  46368}
  25        75025    0.95941872827790287341    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  75025}
  26       121393    0.95941872820167546034    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  121393}
  27       196418    0.95941872823079174127    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  196418}
  28       317811    0.95941872821967031158    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  317811}
  29       514229    0.95941872822391831972    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  514229}
  30       832040    0.95941872822229572499    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  832040}
  31      1346269    0.95941872822291550103    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  1346269}
  32      2178309    0.95941872822267876765    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  2178309}
  33      3524578    0.95941872822276919175    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  3524578}
  34      5702887    0.95941872822273465282    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  5702887}
  35      9227465    0.95941872822274784552    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  9227465}
  36     14930352    0.95941872822274280635    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  14930352}
  37     24157817    0.95941872822274473114    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  24157817}
  38     39088169    0.95941872822274399594    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  39088169}
  39     63245986    0.95941872822274427676    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  63245986}
  40    102334155    0.95941872822274416950    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  102334155}
  41    165580141    0.95941872822274421047    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  165580141}
  42    267914296    0.95941872822274419482    {the word is too wide to display, length is:  267914296}


Includes code for entropy from Entropy page.

<lang ruby>#encoding: ASCII-8BIT

def entropy(s)

 counts =
 s.each_char { |c| counts[c] += 1 }
 leng = s.length
 counts.values.reduce(0) do |entropy, count|
   freq = count / leng
   entropy - freq * Math.log2(freq)


n_max = 37 words = ['1', '0']

for n in words.length ... n_max

 words << words[-1] + words[-2]


puts '%3s %9s %15s %s' % %w[N Length Entropy Fibword] words.each.with_index(1) do |word, i|

 puts '%3i %9i %15.12f  %s' % [i, word.length, entropy(word), word.length<60 ? word : '<too long>']


  N    Length         Entropy  Fibword
  1         1  0.000000000000  1
  2         1  0.000000000000  0
  3         2  1.000000000000  01
  4         3  0.918295834054  010
  5         5  0.970950594455  01001
  6         8  0.954434002925  01001010
  7        13  0.961236604723  0100101001001
  8        21  0.958711882977  010010100100101001010
  9        34  0.959686893774  0100101001001010010100100101001001
 10        55  0.959316032054  0100101001001010010100100101001001010010100100101001010
 11        89  0.959457915839  <too long>
 12       144  0.959403754221  <too long>
 13       233  0.959424446956  <too long>
 14       377  0.959416543740  <too long>
 15       610  0.959419562603  <too long>
 16       987  0.959418409515  <too long>
 17      1597  0.959418849958  <too long>
 18      2584  0.959418681724  <too long>
 19      4181  0.959418745984  <too long>
 20      6765  0.959418721439  <too long>
 21     10946  0.959418730814  <too long>
 22     17711  0.959418727233  <too long>
 23     28657  0.959418728601  <too long>
 24     46368  0.959418728078  <too long>
 25     75025  0.959418728278  <too long>
 26    121393  0.959418728202  <too long>
 27    196418  0.959418728231  <too long>
 28    317811  0.959418728220  <too long>
 29    514229  0.959418728224  <too long>
 30    832040  0.959418728222  <too long>
 31   1346269  0.959418728223  <too long>
 32   2178309  0.959418728223  <too long>
 33   3524578  0.959418728223  <too long>
 34   5702887  0.959418728223  <too long>
 35   9227465  0.959418728223  <too long>
 36  14930352  0.959418728223  <too long>
 37  24157817  0.959418728223  <too long>


This is not implemented in any sort of generic way and is probably fairly inefficient.

<lang rust>struct Fib<T> {

   curr: T,
   next: T,


impl<T> Fib<T> {

   fn new(curr: T, next: T) -> Self {
       Fib { curr: curr, next: next, }


impl Iterator for Fib<String> {

   type Item = String;
   fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
       let ret = self.curr.clone();
       self.curr =; = format!("{}{}", ret,;


fn get_entropy(s: &[u8]) -> f64 {

   let mut entropy = 0.0;
   let mut histogram = [0.0; 256];

   for i in 0..s.len() {
       histogram.get_mut(s[i] as usize).map(|v| *v += 1.0);
   for i in 0..256 {
       if histogram[i] > 0.0 {
           let ratio = histogram[i] / s.len() as f64;
           entropy -= ratio * ratio.log2();


fn main() {

   let f = Fib::new("1".to_string(), "0".to_string());
       println!("{:10} {:10} {:10} {:60}", "N", "Length", "Entropy", "Word");
   for (i, s) in f.take(37).enumerate() {
       let word = if s.len() > 60 {"Too long"} else {&*s};
       println!("{:10} {:10} {:.10} {:60}", i + 1, s.len(), get_entropy(&s.bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>()), word);


N          Length     Entropy    Word                                                        
         1          1 0.0000000000 1                                                           
         2          1 0.0000000000 0                                                           
         3          2 1.0000000000 10                                                          
         4          3 0.9182958341 010                                                         
         5          5 0.9709505945 10010                                                       
         6          8 0.9544340029 01010010                                                    
         7         13 0.9612366047 1001001010010                                               
         8         21 0.9587118830 010100101001001010010                                       
         9         34 0.9596868938 1001001010010010100101001001010010                          
        10         55 0.9593160321 0101001010010010100101001001010010010100101001001010010     
        11         89 0.9594579158 Too long                                                    
        12        144 0.9594037542 Too long                                                    
        13        233 0.9594244470 Too long                                                    
        14        377 0.9594165437 Too long                                                    
        15        610 0.9594195626 Too long                                                    
        16        987 0.9594184095 Too long                                                    
        17       1597 0.9594188500 Too long                                                    
        18       2584 0.9594186817 Too long                                                    
        19       4181 0.9594187460 Too long                                                    
        20       6765 0.9594187214 Too long                                                    
        21      10946 0.9594187308 Too long          t                                          
        22      17711 0.9594187272 Too long                                                    
        23      28657 0.9594187286 Too long                                                    
        24      46368 0.9594187281 Too long                                                    
        25      75025 0.9594187283 Too long                                                    
        26     121393 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        27     196418 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        28     317811 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        29     514229 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        30     832040 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        31    1346269 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        32    2178309 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        33    3524578 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        34    5702887 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        35    9227465 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        36   14930352 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    
        37   24157817 0.9594187282 Too long                                                    


<lang scala> //word iterator def fibIt = Iterator.iterate(("1","0")){case (f1,f2) => (f2,f1+f2)}.map(_._1)

//entropy calculator def entropy(src: String): Double = {

 val xs = src.groupBy(identity).map(_._2.length)
 var result = 0.0
 xs.foreach{c => 
   val p = c.toDouble / src.length
   result -= p * (Math.log(p) / Math.log(2))


//printing (spaces inserted to get the tabs align properly) val it = => (w._2, w._1.length, entropy(w._1))) println(it.take(37).map{case (n,l,e) => s"$n).\t$l \t$e"}.mkString("\n")) </lang>

0).	1       	0.0
1).	1       	0.0
2).	2       	1.0
3).	3       	0.9182958340544896
4).	5       	0.9709505944546686
5).	8       	0.9544340029249649
6).	13       	0.961236604722876
7).	21       	0.9587118829771318
8).	34       	0.9596868937742169
9).	55       	0.9593160320543777
10).	89       	0.9594579158386696
11).	144       	0.959403754221023
12).	233       	0.9594244469559867
13).	377       	0.9594165437404407
14).	610       	0.9594195626031441
15).	987       	0.9594184095152245
16).	1597       	0.9594188499578099
17).	2584       	0.9594186817240321
18).	4181       	0.9594187459836638
19).	6765       	0.9594187214386756
20).	10946       	0.9594187308140278
21).	17711       	0.959418727232962
22).	28657       	0.9594187286008073
23).	46368       	0.9594187280783371
24).	75025       	0.9594187282779029
25).	121393       	0.9594187282016755
26).	196418       	0.9594187282307918
27).	317811       	0.9594187282196702
28).	514229       	0.9594187282239184
29).	832040       	0.9594187282222959
30).	1346269       	0.9594187282229156
31).	2178309       	0.9594187282226789
32).	3524578       	0.9594187282227691
33).	5702887       	0.9594187282227347
34).	9227465       	0.9594187282227479
35).	14930352       	0.9594187282227429
36).	24157817       	0.9594187282227448


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "float.s7i";
 include "math.s7i";

const func float: entropy (in string: stri) is func

   var float: entropy is 0.0;
   var hash [char] integer: count is (hash [char] integer).value;
   var char: ch is ' ';
   var float: p is 0.0;
   for ch range stri do
     if ch in count then
       count @:= [ch] 1;
     end if;
   end for;
   for key ch range count do
     p := flt(count[ch]) / flt(length(stri));
     entropy -:= p * log(p) / log(2.0);
   end for;
 end func ;

const func string: fibWord (in integer: number) is func

   var string: fibWord is "1";
   var integer: i is 0;
   var string: a is "1";
   var string: c is "";
   if number >= 2 then
     fibWord := "0";
     for i range 3 to number do
       c := a;
       a := fibWord;
       fibWord &:= c;
     end for;
   end if;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var integer: index is 0;
   var string: fibWord is "";
   for index range 1 to 37 do
     fibWord := fibWord(index);
     writeln(index lpad 2 <& length(fibWord) lpad 10 <& " " <& entropy(fibWord) digits 15);
   end for;
 end func;</lang>
 1         1 0.000000000000000
 2         1 0.000000000000000
 3         2 1.000000000000000
 4         3 0.918295834054490
 5         5 0.970950594454669
 6         8 0.954434002924965
 7        13 0.961236604722876
 8        21 0.958711882977132
 9        34 0.959686893774217
10        55 0.959316032054378
11        89 0.959457915838670
12       144 0.959403754221023
13       233 0.959424446955987
14       377 0.959416543740441
15       610 0.959419562603144
16       987 0.959418409515225
17      1597 0.959418849957810
18      2584 0.959418681724032
19      4181 0.959418745983664
20      6765 0.959418721438675
21     10946 0.959418730814028
22     17711 0.959418727232962
23     28657 0.959418728600807
24     46368 0.959418728078337
25     75025 0.959418728277903
26    121393 0.959418728201676
27    196418 0.959418728230792
28    317811 0.959418728219670
29    514229 0.959418728223918
30    832040 0.959418728222296
31   1346269 0.959418728222916
32   2178309 0.959418728222679
33   3524578 0.959418728222769
34   5702887 0.959418728222735
35   9227465 0.959418728222748
36  14930352 0.959418728222743
37  24157817 0.959418728222745


Translation of: Ruby

<lang ruby>func entropy(s) {

   var counts =;
   s.each { |c| counts{c} := 0 += 1 };
   var e = 0;
   counts.values.each { |v|
       var freq = (v / s.len);
       e -= (freq * freq.log2);
   return e;


var n_max = 37; var words = ['1', '0'];


   words.append(words[-1] + words[-2]);

} * (n_max - words.len);

say ('%3s %10s %15s %s' % @<N Length Entropy Fibword>);

words.range.each { |i|

   var word = words[i];
   say ('%3i %10i %15.12f  %s' % (i+1,
                                  word.len<30 ? word : '<too long>'));



<lang tcl>proc fibwords {n} {

   set fw {1 0}
   while {[llength $fw] < $n} {

lappend fw [lindex $fw end][lindex $fw end-1]

   return $fw


proc fibwordinfo {num word} {

   # Entropy calculator from Tcl solution of that task
   set log2 [expr log(2)]
   set len [string length $word]
   foreach char [split $word ""] {dict incr counts $char}
   set entropy 0.0
   foreach count [dict values $counts] {

set freq [expr {$count / double($len)}] set entropy [expr {$entropy - $freq * log($freq)/$log2}]

   # Output formatting from Clojure solution
   puts [format "%2d %10d %.15f %s" $num $len $entropy \

[if {$len < 35} {set word} {subst "<too long>"}]] }

  1. Output formatting from Clojure solution

puts [format "%2s %10s %17s %s" N Length Entropy Fibword] foreach word [fibwords 37] {

   fibwordinfo [incr i] $word


 N     Length           Entropy Fibword
 1          1 0.000000000000000 1
 2          1 0.000000000000000 0
 3          2 1.000000000000000 01
 4          3 0.918295834054490 010
 5          5 0.970950594454669 01001
 6          8 0.954434002924965 01001010
 7         13 0.961236604722876 0100101001001
 8         21 0.958711882977132 010010100100101001010
 9         34 0.959686893774217 0100101001001010010100100101001001
10         55 0.959316032054378 <too long>
11         89 0.959457915838670 <too long>
12        144 0.959403754221023 <too long>
13        233 0.959424446955987 <too long>
14        377 0.959416543740441 <too long>
15        610 0.959419562603144 <too long>
16        987 0.959418409515225 <too long>
17       1597 0.959418849957810 <too long>
18       2584 0.959418681724032 <too long>
19       4181 0.959418745983664 <too long>
20       6765 0.959418721438675 <too long>
21      10946 0.959418730814028 <too long>
22      17711 0.959418727232962 <too long>
23      28657 0.959418728600807 <too long>
24      46368 0.959418728078337 <too long>
25      75025 0.959418728277903 <too long>
26     121393 0.959418728201676 <too long>
27     196418 0.959418728230792 <too long>
28     317811 0.959418728219670 <too long>
29     514229 0.959418728223918 <too long>
30     832040 0.959418728222296 <too long>
31    1346269 0.959418728222916 <too long>
32    2178309 0.959418728222679 <too long>
33    3524578 0.959418728222769 <too long>
34    5702887 0.959418728222735 <too long>
35    9227465 0.959418728222748 <too long>
36   14930352 0.959418728222743 <too long>
37   24157817 0.959418728222745 <too long>


Translation of: D
Translation of: Python

<lang zkl>fcn entropy(bs){ //binary String-->Float

  len:=bs.len(); num1s:=(bs-"0").len();
  T(num1s,len-num1s).filter().apply('wrap(p){ p=p.toFloat()/len; -p*p.log() })
  .sum(0.0) / (2.0).log();


" N Length Entropy Fibword".println(); ws:=L("1","0"); foreach n in ([1..37]){

  if(n>2) ws.append(ws[-1]+ws[-2]);
  "%3d %10d %2.10f %s".fmt(n,w.len(),entropy(w),
     w.len()<50 and w or "<too long>").println();


  N     Length      Entropy Fibword
  1          1 0.0000000000 0
  2          1 0.0000000000 0
  3          2 1.0000000000 01
  4          3 0.9182958341 010
  5          5 0.9709505945 01001
  6          8 0.9544340029 01001010
  7         13 0.9612366047 0100101001001
  8         21 0.9587118830 010010100100101001010
  9         34 0.9596868938 0100101001001010010100100101001001
 10         55 0.9593160321 <too long>
 36   14930352 0.9594187282 <too long>
 37   24157817 0.9594187282 <too long>