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'''Compiler:''' JoCaml
Minimalistic distributed logger with synchronous channels using the join calculus on top of OCaml.
Minimalistic distributed logger with synchronous channels using the join calculus on top of OCaml.

Revision as of 18:37, 3 December 2007

Distributed programming
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given two computers on a network, send messages between them. The protocol used may be language-specific or not, and should be suitable for general distributed programming.


Protocol: Pluribus

This service cannot be used except by clients which know the URL designating it, messages are encrypted, and the client authenticates the server. However, it is vulnerable to denial-of-service by any client knowing the URL.


(The protocol is symmetric; this program is the server only in that it is the one which is started first and exports an object.)

def storage := [].diverge()

def logService {
  to log(line :String) {
    storage.push([timer.now(), line])
  to search(substring :String) {
    var matches := []
    for [time, line] ? (line.startOf(substring) != -1) in storage {
      matches with= [time, line]
    return matches

def sturdyRef := makeSturdyRef.temp(logService)

This will print the URL of the service and run it until aborted.


The URL provided by the server is given as the argument to this program.

def [uri] := interp.getArgs()
def sturdyRef := <captp>.sturdyFromURI(uri)
def logService := sturdyRef.getRcvr()

logService <- log("foot")
logService <- log("shoe")

when (def result := logService <- search("foo")) -> {
  for [time, line] in result {
    println(`At $time: $line`)


Compiler: JoCaml Minimalistic distributed logger with synchronous channels using the join calculus on top of OCaml.


 open Printf

 let create_logger () =
   def log(text) & logs(l) =
       printf "Logged: %s\n%!" text;
       logs((text, Unix.gettimeofday ())::l) & reply to log
    or search(text) & logs(l) =
       logs(l) & reply List.filter (fun (line, _) -> line = text) l to search
     spawn logs([]);
     (log, search)
 def wait() & finished() = reply to wait
 let register name service = Join.Ns.register Join.Ns.here name service

 let () =
   let log, search = create_logger () in
     register "log" log;
     register "search" search;
     Join.Site.listen (Unix.ADDR_INET (Join.Site.get_local_addr(), 12345));
     wait ()


 open Printf

 let ns_there = Join.Ns.there (Unix.ADDR_INET (Join.Site.get_local_addr(), 12345))

 let lookup name = Join.Ns.lookup ns_there name
 let log : string -> unit = lookup "log"
 let search : string -> (string * float) list = lookup "search"

 let find txt =
   printf "Looking for %s...\n" txt;
   List.iter (fun (line, time) ->
                printf "Found: '%s' at t = %f\n%!" (String.escaped line) time)
     (search txt)

 let () =
   log "bar";
   find "foo";
   log "foo";
   log "shoe";
   find "foo"