Creating an Array

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Creating an Array
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

This task is about numeric arrays. For hashes or associative arrays, please see Creating an Associative Array.

In this task, the goal is to create an array. Mention if the array base begins at a number other than zero.


//  ActionScript arrays are zero-based
//  creates an empty array
var arr1:Array = new Array();
//  creates an array with 3 numerical values
var arr2:Array = new Array(1,2,3);
// or just use the shorthand
var u:Array = [];
var v:Array = [1,2,3];


Compiler: GCC 4.1.2

Ada array indices may begin at any value, not just 0 or 1

type Arr is array (Integer range <>) of Integer;
Uninitialized : Arr (1 .. 10);
Initialized_1 : Arr (1 .. 20) := (others => 1);
Initialized_2 : Arr := (1 .. 30 => 2);
Const         : constant Arr := (1 .. 10 => 1, 11 .. 20 => 2, 21 | 22 => 3);
Centered      : Arr (-50..50) := (0 => 1, Others => 0);

Ada arrays may be indexed by enumerated types, which are discrete non-numeric types

type Days is (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);
type Activities is (Work, Fish);
type Daily_Activities is array(Days) of Activities;
This_Week : Daily_Activities := (Mon..Fri => Work, Others => Fish);


AppleScript supports "arrays" as "lists," and they are not limited by a single type.

set array1 to {}
set array2 to {1, 2, 3, 4, "hello", "world"}


Interpeter: QuickBasic 4.5, PB 7.1

REM Force index to start at 1..n
REM Force index to start at 0..n
REM Specify that the array is dynamic and not static
DIM SHARED myArray(-10 TO 10, 10 TO 30) AS STRING
myArray(1,1) = "Item1"
myArray(1,2) = "Item2"


Compiler: GCC, MSVC, BCC, Watcom

Libraries: Standard Dynamic

#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc */
#include <string.h> /* for memset */
int n = 10 * sizeof(int);
int *myArray = (int*)malloc(n);
if(myArray != NULL)
  memset(myArray, 0, n);
  myArray[0] = 1;
  myArray[1] = 2;
  myArray = NULL;


 int myArray2[10] = { 1, 2, 0}; /* 3..9 := 0 */


Compiler: GCC, Visual C , BCC, Watcom

Using dynamically-allocated memory:

 const int n = 10;
 int* myArray = new int[n];
 if(myArray != NULL)
   myArray[0] = 1;
   myArray[1] = 2;
   delete[] myArray;
   myArray = NULL;

Using fixed memory:

 int myArray2[10] = { 1, 2, 0}; /* 3..9 := 0 */

Libraries: STL

 // STL
 std::vector<int> myArray3(10);

Libraries: Qt

 // Qt
 QVector<int> myArray4(10);

Libraries: Microsoft Foundation Classes

 // MFC
 CArray<int,int> myArray5(10);


Example of array of 10 int types:

 int[] numbers = new int[10];

Example of array of 3 string types:

 string[] words = { "these", "are", "arrays" };

You can also declare the size of the array and initialize the values at the same time:

 int[] more_numbers = new int[3]{ 21, 14 ,63 };

For Multi-Deminsional arrays you declare them the same except for a comma in the type declaration.

The following creates a 3x2 int matrix

 int[,] number_matrix = new int[3,2];

As with the previous examples you can also initialize the values of the array, the only difference being each row in the matrix must be enclosed in its own braces.

 string[,] string_matrix = { {"I","swam"}, {"in","the"}, {"freezing","water"} };


 string[,] funny_matrix = new string[2,2]{ {"clowns", "are"} , {"not", "funny"} };


Array denotations are overloaded in Clean, therefore we explicitly specify the types. There are lazy, strict, and unboxed array.

Lazy array

Create a lazy array of strings using an array denotation.

array :: {String}
array = {"Hello", "World"}

Create a lazy array of floating point values by sharing a single element.

array :: {Real}
array = createArray 10 3.1415

Create a lazy array of integers using an array (and also a list) comprehension.

array :: {Int}
array = {x \\ x <- [1 .. 10]}

Strict array

Create a strict array of integers.

array :: {!Int}
array = {x \\ x <- [1 .. 10]}

Unboxed array

Create an unboxed array of characters, also known as String.

array :: {#Char}
array = {x \\ x <- ['a' .. 'z']}


Creates a one-dimensional Array

<cfset arr1 = ArrayNew(1)>

Creates a two-dimensional Array in CFScript

  arr2 = ArrayNew(2);

ColdFusion Arrays are NOT zero-based, they begin at index 1

Common Lisp

Creates a one-dimensional array of length 10.

(make-array 10)

Creates a two-dimensional array with dimensions 10x20.

(make-array '(10 20))

make-array may be called with a number of optional arguments.

(make-array 4 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4) :adjustable t)


Compiler: DMD,GDC

// dynamic array
int[] numbers = new int[5];

// static array
int[5] = [0,1,2,3,4];


Forth has a variety of ways to allocate arrays of data, though it has no built-in array handling words, favoring pointer manipulation.

Static array of 200 cells, uninitialized:

create MyArray 200 cells allot
here MyArray - cell / constant MyArraySize

Static array containing the numbers 1 to 5

create MyArray   1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,
here MyArray - cell / constant MyArraySize

Dynamic array allocation:

0 value MyArray
200 cells allocate throw to MyArray

Dynamic array free:

MyArray free throw
0 to MyArray


Default case:

      integer a(10)

this will have ten elements. Counting starts at 1. If a zero-based array is needed, declare like this:

      integer a(0:9)

this mechanism can be extended to any numerical indices, and allowed number of dimensions (and of course to other data types than integers). For example

      real*8 (25:29,12)

will be an two-dimensional, 5x12-array of 8-byte floats, where the first dimension can be addressed numerically as 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 (and the second dimension as 1 .. 12).


IDL doesn't really distinguish between scalars and arrays - the same operations that can create the one can usually create the other as well.

 a = 3
 A               INT       =        3
 a = [3,5,8,7]
 A               INT       = Array[4]
      9      25      64      49


For example for an array of 10 int values:

 int[] intArray = new int[10];

Creating an array of Strings:

 String[] s = {"hello" , "World" };


 var myArray = new Array();
 var myArray2 = new Array("Item1","Item2");
 var myArray3 = ["Item1", "Item2"];


Interpreter: 3D Studio Max 8

 myArray = #()
 myArray2 = #("Item1", "Item2")

mIRC Scripting Language

Interpeter: mIRC Script Editor Libraries: mArray Snippet

alias creatmearray { .echo -a $array_create(MyArray, 5, 10) }


Using an array literal:

 let array = [| 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 |];;

To create an array of five elements with the value 0:

 let num_items = 5 and initial_value = 0;;
 let array = Array.make num_items initial_value

To create an array with contents defined by passing each index to a callback (in this example, the array is set to the squares of the numbers 0 through 4):

 let callback index = index * index;;
 let array = Array.init 5 callback


Interpreter: Perl 5

my @empty;
my @empty_too = ();
my @populated   = ('This', 'That', 'And', 'The', 'Other');
print $populated[2];
# And

my $aref = ['This', 'That', 'And', 'The', 'Other'];
print aref->[2];
# And
# having to quote like that really sucks, and that's why we got syntactic sugar
my @wakey_wakey = qw(coffee sugar cream);

push @wakey_wakey, 'spoon';
# add spoon to right-hand side
my $cutlery = pop @wakey_wakey;
# remove spoon

unshift @wakey_wakey, 'cup';
# add cup to left-hand side
my $container = shift @wakey_wakey;
# remove cup
my @multi_dimensional = (
    [0, 1, 2, 3],
    [qw(a b c d e f g)],
    [qw(! $ %


Toka allows creation of an array using is-array. Access to the elements is done using get-element, put-element, get-char-element, and put-char-element functions. You can not initialize the values automatically using the core array functions.

 100 cells is-array foo
 100 chars is-array bar