Category talk:Wren-complex

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Revision as of 11:50, 25 November 2020 by PureFox (talk | contribs) (→‎Source code: Broadened the scope of the division and equality operators.)

Complex numbers

This module aims to provide broadly similar functionality for complex numbers as already exists for real numbers. However, as the former - taken as a whole - are unordered, methods which require ordering have been omitted.

Complex numbers can be constructed from two separate Nums, from a pair of Nums, from a Rat object, from a complex string or (by copying) from another Complex number . These representations can also be mixed in operations as long as the first operand is itself a Complex object.

Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "complex.wren" */

import "/trait" for Cloneable

/* Complex represents a complex number of the form 'a + bi' where 'a' and 'b'

  are both Nums. Complex objects are immutable.
  • /

class Complex is Cloneable {

   // Private helper function to check that 'o' is a suitable type and throw an error
   // otherwise. Real numbers, rationals and numeric strings are returned as complex numbers.
   static check_(o) {
       if (o is Complex) return o
       if (o is Num) return new_(o, 0)
       if ((o is List) && o.count == 2 && (o[0] is Num) && (o[1] is Num)) {
           return Complex.new_(o[0], o[1])
       if (o.type.toString == "Rat") return new_(r.toFloat, 0)
       if (o is String) return fromString(o)
       Fiber.abort("Argument must be a number, pair of numbers, a rational number or a complex string.")
   // Constants.
   static minusOne     { Complex.new_(-1,  0) }
   static zero         { Complex.new_( 0,  0) }
   static one          { Complex.new_( 1,  0) }
   static two          { Complex.new_( 2,  0) }
   static ten          { Complex.new_(10,  0) } 
   static imagMinusOne { Complex.new_( 0, -1) }
   static imagOne      { Complex.new_( 0,  1) }
   static imagTwo      { Complex.new_( 0,  2) }
   static imagTen      { Complex.new_( 0, 10) }
   static i            { Complex.new_( 0,  1) } // same as imagOne

   static pi           { Complex.new_(Num.pi, 0) }
   static e            { Complex.new_(2.71828182845904523536, 0) }
   static phi          { Complex.new_(1.6180339887498948482,  0) } // golden ratio
   static tau          { Complex.new_(1.6180339887498948482,  0) } // synonym for phi
   static ln2          { Complex.new_(0.69314718055994530942, 0) } // 2.log
   static ln10         { Complex.new_(2.30258509299404568402, 0) } // 10.log
   // Determines whether a Complex object is always shown as such
   // or, if purely real, as a real.
   static showAsReal     { __showAsReal }
   static showAsReal=(b) { __showAsReal = b }
   // Constructs a new Complex object by passing it real and imaginary components.
   construct new(real, imag) {
       if (real.type != Num || imag.type != Num) System.print("Argument(s) must be numbers.")
       _real = real
       _imag = imag
   // Convenience method which constructs a new Complex object from a Num by passing it
   // just a real component.
   static new(real) { new(real, 0) }
   // Private constructor which avoids type checking.
   construct new_(real, imag) {
       _real = real
       _imag = imag
   // Constructs a Complex object from an ordered pair of numbers [real, imag].
   static fromPair(p) {
      if (p.type != List || p.count != 2 || p[0].type != Num || p[1].type != Num) {
           Fiber.abort("Argument must be an ordered pair of numbers.")
      return Complex.new_(p[0], p[1])
   // Constructs a Complex object from a string of the form '±a±bi', '±a' or '±bi'
   // where 'a' and 'b' are string representations of Nums.
   static fromString(s) {
       if (s.type != String) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a complex string.")
       s = s.trim()
       if (s == "") Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
       s = s.replace("--", "+")
       if (s[0] == "+") s = s[1..-1]
       if (s == "") Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
       s = s.replace("e+", "e")
       var neg = s[0] == "-"
       if (neg) {
           s = s[1..-1]
           if (s == "") Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
       var negExp = s.indexOf("e-") >= 0
       if (negExp) s = s.replace("e-", "\v")
       if (s.indexOf("+") >= 0) {
           var split = s.split("+")
           if (split.count != 2) Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
           if (negExp) for (i in 0..1) split[i] = split[i].replace("\v", "e-")
           var real = Num.fromString(split[0])
           if (!real) Fiber.abort("Invalid real part.")
           if (neg) real = -real
           if (!split[1].endsWith("i")) Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
           var imag = Num.fromString(split[1][0..-2])
           if (!imag) Fiber.abort("Invalid imaginary part.")
           return Complex.new_(real, imag)
       } else if (s.indexOf("-") >= 0) {
           var split = s.split("-")
           if (split.count != 2) Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
           if (negExp) for (i in 0..1) split[i] = split[i].replace("\v", "e-")
           var real = Num.fromString(split[0])
           if (!real) Fiber.abort("Invalid real part.")
           if (neg) real = -real
           if (!split[1].endsWith("i")) Fiber.abort("Invalid complex string.")
           var imag = Num.fromString(split[1][0..-2])
           if (!imag) Fiber.abort("Invalid imaginary part.")
           return Complex.new_(real, -imag)
       } else if (s.endsWith("i")) {
           if (negExp) s = s.replace("\v", "e-")
           var imag = Num.fromString(s[0..-2])
           if (!imag) Fiber.abort("Invalid imaginary part.")
           if (neg) imag = -imag
           return Complex.new_(0, imag)
       } else {
           if (negExp) s = s.replace("\v", "e-")
           var real = Num.fromString(s)
           if (!real) Fiber.abort("Invalid real part.")
           if (neg) real = -real
           return Complex.new_(real, 0)
   // Constructs a Complex object from a Rat object.
   static fromRat(r) {
       if (r.type.toString != "Rat") Fiber.abort("Argument must be a rational number.")
       return Complex.new_(r.toFloat, 0)
   // Constructs a Complex object from polar coordinates (r, theta).
   static fromPolar(r, theta)  {
       if (r.type != Num || theta.type != Num) {
           Fiber.abort("Arguments must be numbers.")      
       return Complex.new_(r * theta.cos, r * theta.sin)
   // Basic properties.
   real { _real }  // real component
   imag { _imag }  // imaginary component
   isInfinity { _real.isInfinity || _imag.isInfinty } // true if either part is infinite
   isNan      { _real.isNan || imag.isNan }           // true if either part is nan
   // Returns whether real component is an integer and imaginary component is zero.
   isRealInteger { _real.isInteger && _imag == 0 }
   // Returns whether imaginary component is an integer and real component is zero.
   isImagInteger { _imag.isInteger && _real == 0 }
   // Returns the ordered pair [_real, _imag].
   toPair { [_real, _imag] }
   // Returns the polar coordinates of this instance [modulus, phase].
   toPolar { [abs, phase] }
   // Returns a new instance which negates the current one.
   - { Complex.new_(-_real, -_imag) }
   // Returns the inverse or reciprocal of this instance.
   inverse {
       var denom = _real * _real + _imag * _imag
       return Complex.new_(_real/denom, -_imag/denom)
   // Arithmetic operators (work with real numbers, rational numbers, complex strings
   // as well as other complex numbers). Always return a new instance.
   +(o) {
       o = Complex.check_(o)
       return Complex.new_(_real + o.real, _imag + o.imag)
   -(o) { this + (-o) }
   *(o) {
       o = Complex.check_(o)
       return Complex.new_(
           _real * o.real - _imag * o.imag,
           _real * o.imag + _imag * o.real
   /(o) { 
       o = Complex.check_(o)
       var i = o.inverse
       return Complex.new_(
           _real * i.real - _imag * i.imag,
           _real * i.imag + _imag * i.real
   // Returns the absolute value or modulus of this instance.
   abs { (_real*_real + _imag*_imag).sqrt }
   // Returns the phase or argument of the current instance in the range [-π, π].
   phase { _imag.atan(_real) }
   // Returns the complex conjugate of this instance
   conj { Complex.new_(_real, -_imag) }
   // Returns the square of this instance.
   square { Complex.new_(_real * _real - _imag * _imag, _real * _imag * 2) }
   // Returns the square root of this instance.
   sqrt {
       var m = abs
       var r = ((m + _real)/2).sqrt
       var i = ((m - _real)/2).sqrt
       if (_imag < 0) i = -i
       return Complex.new_(r, i)
   // Returns the base 'e' exponential of this instance.
   exp {
       var e = Complex.e.real.pow(_real) /* change to _real.exp from version 0.4.0 */
       return Complex.new_(e * _imag.cos, e * _imag.sin)
   // Returns the natural logarithm of the current instance.
   log {
       var p = phase
       if (p > Num.pi) p = p - Num.pi*2
       return Complex.new_(abs.log, p)
   // Returns the logarithm to the base 2 of the current instance.
   log2  { log / Complex.two.log }
   // Returns the logarithm to the base 10 of the current instance.
   log10 { log / Complex.ten.log }
   // Returns this instance to the power of the complex number 'e'.
   pow(e) {
       e = Complex.check_(e)
       return (log * e).exp
   // Returns the cosine of the current instance.
   cos {
       var i = Complex.i
       return ((i * this).exp + (i * (-this)).exp) / Complex.two
   // Returns the sine of the current instance.
   sin {
       var i = Complex.i
       return ((i * this).exp - (i * (-this)).exp) / Complex.imagTwo
   // Returns the tangent of the current instance.
   tan { sin / cos }
   // Returns the arc cosine of the current instance.
   acos {
       var c = ( - square).sqrt
       c = this + c * Complex.imagMinusOne
       return c.log * Complex.i
   // Returns the arc sine of the current instance.
   asin {
       var c = ( - square).sqrt
       c = c + this * Complex.imagMinusOne
       return c.log * Complex.i
   // Returns the arc tangent of the current instance.
   atan {
       var a = Complex.new_(_real, _imag - 1)
       var b = Complex.new_(-_real, -_imag - 1)
       return (Complex.imagMinusOne * (a/b).log) / Complex.two
   // Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the current instance.
   cosh { (this.exp + (-this).exp)/Complex.two }
   // Returns the hyperbolic sine of the current instance.
   sinh { (this.exp - (-this).exp)/Complex.two }
   // Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the current instance.
   tanh { sinh/cosh }
   // Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the current instance.
   acosh { (this + (square - }
   // Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the current instance.
   asinh { (this + (square + }
   // Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the current instance.
   atanh {
       var c = (this +
       c = c - (-(this -
       return c / Complex.two
   // The inherited 'clone' method just returns 'this' as Complex objects are immutable.
   // If you need an actual copy use this method instead.
   copy() { Complex.new_(_real, _imag ) }
   // Equality operators.
   ==(o) { 
       o = Complex.check_(o)
       return _real == o.real && _imag == o.imag 
   !=(o) { !(this == o) }
   // Returns the string representation of this Complex object depending on 'showAsReal'.
   toString {
       if (_real == -0) _real = 0
       if (_imag == -0) _imag = 0
       var s = (_imag >= 0) ? "%(_real) + %(_imag)" : "%(_real) - %(-_imag)"
       s = (_imag.abs != 1) ? s + "i" : s[0..-2] + "i"
       if (s.endsWith("- 0i")) s = s[0..-5] + "+ 0i"
       return (Complex.showAsReal && _imag == 0) ? s = s[0..-6] : s


/* Complexes contains routines applicable to lists of complex numbers. */ class Complexes {

   static sum(a)  { a.reduce( { |acc, x| acc + x } }
   static mean(a) { sum(a)/a.count }
   static prod(a) { a.reduce(  { |acc, x| acc * x } }


// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules. var Complex_Complex = Complex var Complex_Complexes = Complexes var Complex_Cloneable = Cloneable // in case imported indirectly</lang>