Bitwise IO

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 13:19, 31 January 2013 by rosettacode>Bearophile (+ D entry)
Bitwise IO
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The aim of this task is to write functions (or create a class if your language is Object Oriented and you prefer) for reading and writing sequences of bits. While the output of a asciiprint "STRING" is the ASCII byte sequence "S", "T", "R", "I", "N", "G", the output of a "print" of the bits sequence 0101011101010 (13 bits) must be 0101011101010; real I/O is performed always quantized by byte (avoiding endianness issues and relying on underlying buffering for performance), therefore you must obtain as output the bytes 0101 0111 0101 0000 (bold bits are padding bits), i.e. in hexadecimal 57 50.

As test, you can implement a rough (e.g. don't care about error handling or other issues) compression/decompression program for ASCII sequences of bytes, i.e. bytes for which the most significant bit is always unused, so that you can write seven bits instead of eight (each 8 bytes of input, we write 7 bytes of output).

These bit oriented I/O functions can be used to implement compressors and decompressors; e.g. Dynamic and Static Huffman encodings use variable length bits sequences, while LZW (see LZW compression) use fixed or variable words nine (or more) bits long.

  • Limits in the maximum number of bits that can be written/read in a single read/write operation are allowed.
  • Errors handling is not mandatory


<lang ada>with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams; with Ada.Finalization;

package Bit_Streams is

  type Bit is range 0..1;
  type Bit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Bit;
  type Bit_Stream (Channel : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is limited private;
  procedure Read (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : out Bit_Array);
  procedure Write (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : Bit_Array);


  type Bit_Stream (Channel : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is
     new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with
     Read_Count  : Natural := 0;
     Write_Count : Natural := 0;
     Input       : Stream_Element_Array (1..1);
     Output      : Stream_Element_Array (1..1);
  end record;
  overriding procedure Finalize (Stream : in out Bit_Stream);

end Bit_Streams;</lang> The package provides a bit stream interface to a conventional stream. The object of Bit_Stream has a discriminant of any stream type. This stream will be used for physical I/O. Bit_Stream reads and writes arrays of bits. There is no need to have flush procedure, because this is done upon object destruction. The implementation is straightforward, big endian encoding of bits into Stream_Element units is used as required by the task: <lang ada>package body Bit_Streams is

  procedure Finalize (Stream : in out Bit_Stream) is
     if Stream.Write_Count > 0 then
        Stream.Output (1) := Stream.Output (1) * 2**(Stream_Element'Size - Stream.Write_Count);
        Stream.Channel.Write (Stream.Output);
     end if;
  end Finalize;
  procedure Read (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : out Bit_Array) is
     Last : Stream_Element_Offset;
     for Index in Data'Range loop
        if Stream.Read_Count = 0 then
           Stream.Channel.Read (Stream.Input, Last);
           Stream.Read_Count := Stream_Element'Size;
        end if;
        Data (Index) := Bit (Stream.Input (1) / 2**(Stream_Element'Size - 1));
        Stream.Input (1)  := Stream.Input (1) * 2;
        Stream.Read_Count := Stream.Read_Count - 1;
     end loop;
  end Read;
  procedure Write (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : Bit_Array) is
     for Index in Data'Range loop
        if Stream.Write_Count = Stream_Element'Size then
           Stream.Channel.Write (Stream.Output);
           Stream.Write_Count := 0;
        end if;
        Stream.Output (1)  := Stream.Output (1) * 2 or Stream_Element (Data (Index));
        Stream.Write_Count := Stream.Write_Count + 1;
     end loop;
  end Write;

end Bit_Streams;</lang>

Example of use: <lang ada>with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Bit_Streams; use Bit_Streams;

procedure Test_Bit_Streams is

  File   : File_Type;
  ABACUS : Bit_Array :=
              (  1,0,0,0,0,0,1,  -- A, big endian
                 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,  -- B
                 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,  -- A
                 1,0,0,0,0,1,1,  -- C
                 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,  -- U
                 1,0,1,0,0,1,1   -- S 	
  Data : Bit_Array (ABACUS'Range);


  Create (File, Out_File, "abacus.dat");
     Bits : Bit_Stream (Stream (File));
     Write (Bits, ABACUS);
  Close (File);
  Open (File, In_File, "abacus.dat");
     Bits : Bit_Stream (Stream (File));
     Read (Bits, Data);
  Close (File);
  if Data /= ABACUS then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;

end Test_Bit_Streams;</lang>


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8-8d

<lang algol68># NIBBLEs are of any width, eg 1-bit OR 4-bits etc. # MODE NIBBLE = STRUCT(INT width, BITS bits);

PRIO << = 8, >> = 8; # define C style shift opertors # OP << = (BITS bits, INT shift)BITS: bits SHL shift; OP >> = (BITS bits, INT shift)BITS: bits SHR shift;

  1. define nibble opertors for left/right shift and append #

OP << = (NIBBLE nibble, INT shift)NIBBLE:

 (width OF nibble + shift, bits OF nibble << shift);

OP >> = (NIBBLE nibble, INT shift)NIBBLE:

 (width OF nibble - shift, bits OF nibble >> shift);


 BITS rhs mask := BIN(ABS(2r1 << width OF rhs)-1);
 lhs := ( width OF lhs + width OF rhs, bits OF lhs << width OF rhs OR bits OF rhs AND rhs mask)


  1. define MODEs for generating NIBBLE streams and yielding NIBBLEs #


PROC gen resize nibble = (

 INT out width,
 GENNIBBLE gen nibble, 


    NIBBLE buf := (0, 2r0), out;
    BITS out mask := BIN(ABS(2r1 << out width)-1);
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen nibble( # ) DO #
    1. (NIBBLE in nibble)VOID:(
   buf +:= in nibble;
   WHILE width OF buf >= out width DO
     out := buf >> ( width OF buf - out width);
     width OF buf -:= out width; # trim 'out' from buf #
     yield((out width, bits OF out AND out mask))
  1. OD # ))


  1. Routines for joining strings and generating a stream of nibbles #

PROC gen nibble from 7bit chars = (STRING string, YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:

 FOR key FROM LWB string TO UPB string DO yield((7, BIN ABS string[key])) OD;

PROC gen nibble from 8bit chars = (STRING string, YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:

 FOR key FROM LWB string TO UPB string DO yield((8,BIN ABS string[key])) OD;

PROC gen join = ([]STRING strings, STRING new line, YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:

  FOR key FROM LWB strings TO UPB strings DO
    gen nibble from 8bit chars(strings[key]+new line, yield)
  1. Two tables for uuencoding 6bits in printable ASCII chacters #

[0:63]CHAR encode uue 6bit:= # [0:63] => CHAR64 #


[0:255]BITS decode uue 6bit; # CHAR64 => [0:63] #

 FOR key FROM LWB encode uue 6bit TO UPB encode uue 6bit DO 
   decode uue 6bit[ABS encode uue 6bit[key]] := BIN key
 decode uue 6bit[ABS " "] := 2r0; # extra #
  1. Some basic examples #

PROC example uudecode nibble stream = VOID:(

 []STRING encoded uue 6bit hello world = (
 PROC gen join hello world = (YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID: 
 # FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen join(encoded uue 6bit hello world, "", # ) DO # 
 ##   (NIBBLE nibble)VOID:(
   yield((6, decode uue 6bit[ABS bits OF nibble]))
 # OD # ));
 print(("Decode uue 6bit NIBBLEs into 8bit CHARs:", new line));
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen resize nibble(8, gen join hello world, # ) DO ( #
    1. (NIBBLE nibble)VOID:(
   print(REPR ABS bits OF nibble)
  1. OD # ))


PROC example uuencode nibble stream = VOID: (

 []STRING hello world = (
   "hello, world",
   "Hello, world!",
   "Goodbye, cruel world",
   "I'm leaving you today",
   "Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye "
 PROC gen join hello world = (YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID: 
   gen join(hello world, REPR ABS 8r12, yield); # 8r12 = ASCII new line #
 print((new line, "Encode 8bit CHARs into uue 6bit NIBBLEs:", new line));
 INT count := 0;
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen resize nibble(6, gen join hello world, # ) DO ( #
    1. (NIBBLE nibble)VOID:(
   print(encode uue 6bit[ABS bits OF nibble]);
   IF count MOD 60 = 0 THEN print(newline) FI
  1. OD # ));
   print(new line); print(new line)


PROC example compress 7bit chars = VOID: (

 STRING example 7bit string = "STRING & ABACUS";
 print(("Convert 7bit ASCII CHARS to a 1bit stream: ",new line,
         example 7bit string + " => "));
 PROC gen example 7bit string = (YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:
   gen nibble from 7bit chars(example 7bit string,yield);
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen resize nibble(1, gen example 7bit string, # ) DO ( #
    1. (NIBBLE nibble)VOID: (
   print(whole(ABS bits OF nibble,0))
  1. OD # ));
 print(new line)


example uudecode nibble stream; example uuencode nibble stream; example compress 7bit chars </lang> Output:

Decode uue 6bit NIBBLEs into 8bit CHARs:
hello, world
Hello, world!
Goodbye, cruel world
I'm leaving you today
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye 

Encode 8bit CHARs into uue 6bit NIBBLEs:

Convert 7bit ASCII CHARS to a 1bit stream: 
STRING & ABACUS => 101001110101001010010100100110011101000111010000001001100100000100000110000101000001100001110101011010011


<lang bbcbasic> file$ = @tmp$ + "bitwise.tmp"

     test$ = "Hello, world!"
     REM Write to file, 7 bits per character:
     file% = OPENOUT(file$)
     FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(test$)
       PROCwritebits(file%, ASCMID$(test$,i%), 7)
     PROCwritebits(file%, 0, 0)
     CLOSE #file%
     REM Read from file, 7 bits per character:
     file% = OPENIN(file$)
       ch% = FNreadbits(file%, 7)
       VDU ch%
     UNTIL ch% = 0
     CLOSE #file%
     REM Write n% bits from b% to file f% (n% = 0 to flush):
     DEF PROCwritebits(f%, b%, n%)
     PRIVATE a%, c%
     IF n% = 0 BPUT #f%,a% : a% = 0 : c% = 0
     WHILE n%
       IF c% = 8 BPUT #f%,a% : a% = 0 : c% = 0
       n% -= 1
       c% += 1
       IF b% AND 1 << n% THEN a% OR= 1 << (8 - c%)
     REM Read n% bits from file f%:
     DEF FNreadbits(f%, n%)
     PRIVATE a%, c% : LOCAL v%
     WHILE n%
       IF c% = 0 a% = BGET#f% : c% = 8
       n% -= 1
       c% -= 1
       v% = v% << 1 OR (a% >> c%) AND 1
     = v%</lang>


Hello, world!


MSB in a byte is considered the "first" bit. Read and write methods somewhat mimic fread and fwrite, though there's no fflush-like function because flushing bits into a file is ill-defined (this whole task is pretty ill-defined). Only way to make sure all bits are written to the file is by detaching the bit filter, just like how closing a file flushes out buffer. There's no limit on read/write size, but caller should ensure the buffer is large enough. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdint.h>
  3. include <string.h>

typedef uint8_t byte; typedef struct { FILE *fp; uint32_t accu; int bits; } bit_io_t, *bit_filter;

bit_filter b_attach(FILE *f) { bit_filter b = malloc(sizeof(bit_io_t)); b->bits = b->accu = 0; b->fp = f; return b; }

void b_write(byte *buf, size_t n_bits, size_t shift, bit_filter bf) { uint32_t accu = bf->accu; int bits = bf->bits;

buf += shift / 8; shift %= 8;

while (n_bits || bits >= 8) { while (bits >= 8) { bits -= 8; fputc(accu >> bits, bf->fp); accu &= (1 << bits) - 1; } while (bits < 8 && n_bits) { accu = (accu << 1) | (((128 >> shift) & *buf) >> (7 - shift)); --n_bits; bits++; if (++shift == 8) { shift = 0; buf++; } } } bf->accu = accu; bf->bits = bits; }

size_t b_read(byte *buf, size_t n_bits, size_t shift, bit_filter bf) { uint32_t accu = bf->accu; int bits = bf->bits; int mask, i = 0;

buf += shift / 8; shift %= 8;

while (n_bits) { while (bits && n_bits) { mask = 128 >> shift; if (accu & (1 << (bits - 1))) *buf |= mask; else *buf &= ~mask;

n_bits--; bits--;

if (++shift >= 8) { shift = 0; buf++; } } if (!n_bits) break; accu = (accu << 8) | fgetc(bf->fp); bits += 8; } bf->accu = accu; bf->bits = bits;

return i; }

void b_detach(bit_filter bf) { if (bf->bits) { bf->accu <<= 8 - bf->bits; fputc(bf->accu, bf->fp); } free(bf); }

int main() { unsigned char s[] = "abcdefghijk"; unsigned char s2[11] = {0}; int i;

FILE *f = fopen("test.bin", "wb"); bit_filter b = b_attach(f); /* for each byte in s, write 7 bits skipping 1 */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b_write(s + i, 7, 1, b); b_detach(b); fclose(f);

/* read 7 bits and expand to each byte of s2 skipping 1 bit */ f = fopen("test.bin", "rb"); b = b_attach(f); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b_read(s2 + i, 7, 1, b); b_detach(b); fclose(f);

printf("%10s\n", s2); /* should be the same first 10 bytes as in s */

return 0; }</lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.IO;

public class BitReader {

   uint readData = 0;
   int startPosition = 0;
   int endPosition = 0;
   public int InBuffer
       get { return endPosition - startPosition; }
   private Stream stream;
   public Stream BaseStream
       get { return stream; }
   public BitReader(Stream stream)
   { = stream;
   void EnsureData(int bitCount)
       int readBits = bitCount - InBuffer;
       while (readBits > 0)
           int b = BaseStream.ReadByte();
           if (b < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected end of stream");
           readData |= checked((uint)b << endPosition);
           endPosition += 8;
           readBits -= 8;
   public bool ReadBit()
       return Read(1) > 0;
   public int Read(int bitCount)
       int result = (int)(readData >> startPosition) & ((1 << bitCount) - 1);
       startPosition += bitCount;
       if (endPosition == startPosition)
           endPosition = startPosition = 0;
           readData = 0;
       else if (startPosition >= 8)
           readData >>= startPosition;
           endPosition -= startPosition;
           startPosition = 0;
       return result;
   public void Align()
       endPosition = startPosition = 0;
       readData = 0;


public class BitWriter {

   uint data = 0;
   int dataLength = 0;
   Stream stream;
   public Stream BaseStream
       get { return stream; }
   public int BitsToAligment
       get { return (32 - dataLength) % 8; }
   public BitWriter(Stream stream)
   { = stream;
   public void WriteBit(bool value)
       Write(value ? 1 : 0, 1);
   public void Write(int value, int length)
       uint currentData = data | checked((uint)value << dataLength);
       int currentLength = dataLength + length;
       while (currentLength >= 8)
           currentData >>= 8;
           currentLength -= 8;
       data = currentData;
       dataLength = currentLength;
   public void Align()
       if (dataLength > 0)
           data = 0;
           dataLength = 0;


class Program {

   static void Main(string[] args)
       MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
       BitWriter writer = new BitWriter(ms);
       writer.Write(5, 3);
       writer.Write(0x0155, 11);
       ms.Position = 0;
       BitReader reader = new BitReader(ms);



Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio: File; import core.stdc.stdio: FILE, fputc, fgetc;

/*********** Bitwise I/O, the file must be in binary mode, and its FILE* must be kept open during the usage of BitwiseFile.

  • /

struct BitwiseFile {

   FILE* fp;
   uint accu;
   int bits;
   this(File f)
   in {
   } body {
       this.fp = f.getFP();
   void write(const(ubyte)[] buf, size_t nBits, size_t shift)
   nothrow {
       auto accu = this.accu;
       auto bits = this.bits;
       buf = buf[shift / 8 .. $];
       shift %= 8;
       while (nBits || bits >= 8) {
           while (bits >= 8) {
               bits -= 8;
               fputc(accu >> bits, this.fp);
               accu &= (1 << bits) - 1;
           while (bits < 8 && nBits) {
               accu = (accu << 1) |
                      (((128 >> shift) & buf[0]) >> (7 - shift));
               if (shift == 8) {
                   shift = 0;
                   buf = buf[1 .. $];
       this.accu = accu;
       this.bits = bits;
   size_t read(ubyte[] buf, size_t nBits, size_t shift) nothrow {
       auto accu = this.accu;
       auto bits = this.bits;
       int i = 0;
       buf = buf[shift / 8 .. $];
       shift %= 8;
       while (nBits) {
           while (bits && nBits) {
               immutable mask = 128u >> shift;
               if (accu & (1 << (bits - 1)))
                   buf[0] |= mask;
                   buf[0] &= ~mask;
               if (shift >= 8) {
                   shift = 0;
                   buf = buf[1 .. $];
           if (!nBits)
           accu = (accu << 8) | fgetc(this.fp);
           bits += 8;
       this.accu = accu;
       this.bits = bits;
       return i;
   void detach() nothrow {
       if (this.bits) {
           this.accu <<= 8 - this.bits;
           fputc(this.accu, this.fp);
       this.fp = null;
       this.accu = 0;
       this.bits = 0;
   nothrow ~this() {


void main() { // Demo code.

   import core.stdc.stdio: fopen, fclose;
   import std.stdio;
   immutable data = cast(immutable(ubyte)[])"abcdefghijk".dup;
   enum n = data.length;
   // For each ubyte in data, write 7 bits skipping 1.
   auto fout = File("bitwise_io_test.bin", "wb");
   auto bf1 = BitwiseFile(fout);
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. n)
       bf1.write(data[i .. $], 7, 1);
   // Read 7 bits and expand to each ubyte of result skipping 1 bit.
   ubyte[n + 1] result = '\0';
   auto fin = File("bitwise_io_test.bin", "rb");
   auto bf2 = BitwiseFile(fin);
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. n)[i .. $], 7, 1);
   // Should be the same chars as 'data'.




The stream status is kept on the stack ( b m ), where b is the character accumulator and m is a mask for the current bit. The accumulator is filled with bits starting with the MSB. (The writing code was originally used for Mandelbrot generation.)

<lang forth>\ writing

init-write ( -- b m ) 0 128 ;
flush-bits ( b m -- 0 128 ) drop emit init-write ;
?flush-bits ( b m -- b' m' ) dup 128 < if flush-bits then ;
write-bit ( b m f -- b' m' )
 if tuck or swap then
 2/ dup 0= if flush-bits then ;

\ reading

init-read ( -- b m ) key 128 ;
eof? ( b m -- b m f ) dup if false else key? 0= then ;
read-bit ( b m -- b' m' f )
 dup 0= if 2drop init-read then
 2dup and swap 2/ swap ;</lang>


<lang haskell>import Data.List import Data.Char import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow import System.Environment

int2bin :: Int -> [Int] int2bin = unfoldr(\x -> if x==0 then Nothing

                         else Just (uncurry(flip(,)) (divMod x 2)))

bin2int :: [Int] -> Int bin2int = foldr ((.(2 *)).(+)) 0

bitReader = map (chr.bin2int). takeWhile(not.null). unfoldr(Just. splitAt 7)

 . (take =<< (7 *) . (`div` 7) . length)

bitWriter xs = tt ++ z00 where

 tt = concatMap (take 7.(++repeat 0).int2bin.ord) xs
 z00 = replicate (length xs `mod` 8) 0

main = do

 (xs:_) <- getArgs
 let bits = bitWriter xs
 putStrLn "Text to compress:"
 putStrLn $ '\t' : xs
 putStrLn $ "Uncompressed text length is " ++ show (length xs)
 putStrLn $ "Compressed text has " ++ show (length bits `div` 8) ++ " bytes."
 putStrLn "Read and decompress:"
 putStrLn $ '\t' : bitReader bits</lang>
  • 7-bits code has lsb leading.
*Main> :main ["This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task 'bit oriented IO'."]
Text to compress:
        This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task 'bit oriented IO'.
Uncompressed text length is 72
Compressed text has 63 bytes.
Read and decompress:
        This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task 'bit oriented IO'.


Solution <lang j>bitReader =: a. {~ _7 #.\ ({.~ <.&.(%&7)@#) bitWriter =: , @ ((7$2) & #: @ (a.&i.)), 0 $~ 8 | #</lang>


Do and undo bit oriented IO: <lang j>text=: 'This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task about bit oriented IO.'

  bitReader bitWriter text

This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task about 'bit oriented IO'.</lang> Original text length: <lang j> # text 78</lang> Compressed length: <lang j>  %&8 # bitWriter text 69</lang>

Note: this implementation writes the bytes to the session. Other targets would need different code.


The extLib provides bit oriented IO functions.

<lang ocaml>let write_7bit_string ~filename ~str =

 let oc = open_out filename in
 let ob = IO.output_bits(IO.output_channel oc) in
 String.iter (fun c -> IO.write_bits ob 7 (int_of_char c)) str;
 IO.flush_bits ob;
 close_out oc;

<lang ocaml>let read_7bit_string ~filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let ib = IO.input_bits(IO.input_channel ic) in
 let buf = Buffer.create 2048 in
 try while true do
   let c = IO.read_bits ib 7 in
   Buffer.add_char buf (char_of_int c);
 done; ""
 with IO.No_more_input ->
   (Buffer.contents buf)</lang>

MIPS Assembly

See Bitwise IO/MIPS Assembly


<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;

  1. $buffer = write_bits(*STDOUT, $buffer, $number, $bits)

sub write_bits( $$$$ ) {

   my ($out, $l, $num, $q) = @_;
   $l .= substr(unpack("B*", pack("N", $num)),


   if ( (length($l) > 8) ) {

my $left = substr($l, 8); print $out pack("B8", $l); $l = $left;

   return $l;


  1. flush_bits(*STDOUT, $buffer)

sub flush_bits( $$ ) {

   my ($out, $b) = @_;
   print $out pack("B*", $b);


  1. ($val, $buf) = read_bits(*STDIN, $buf, $n)

sub read_bits( $$$ ) {

   my ( $in, $b, $n ) = @_;
   # we put a limit in the number of bits we can read
   # with one shot; this should mirror the limit of the max
   # integer value perl can hold
   if ( $n > 32 ) { return 0; }
   while ( length($b) < $n ) {

my $v; my $red = read($in, $v, 1); if ( $red < 1 ) { return ( 0, -1 ); } $b .= substr(unpack("B*", $v), -8);

   my $bits = "0" x ( 32-$n ) . substr($b, 0, $n);
   my $val = unpack("N", pack("B32", $bits));
   $b = substr($b, $n);
   return ($val, $b);


Crunching bytes discarding most significant bit (lossless compression for ASCII and few more!)

<lang perl>my $buf = ""; my $c; while( read(*STDIN, $c, 1) > 0 ) {

   $buf = write_bits(*STDOUT, $buf, unpack("C1", $c), 7);

} flush_bits(*STDOUT, $buf);</lang>

Expanding each seven bits to fit a byte (padding the eight most significant bit with 0):

<lang perl>my $buf = ""; my $v; while(1) {

   ( $v, $buf ) = read_bits(*STDIN, $buf, 7);
   last if ($buf < 0); 
   print pack("C1", $v);


Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub encode-ascii(Str $s) {

   my @b = $s.ords».fmt("%07b")».comb;
   @b.push(0) until @b %% 8;   # padding gather while @b { take reduce * *2+*, (@b.pop for ^8) }


sub decode-ascii(Buf $b) {

   my @b = $b.list».fmt("%08b")».comb;
   @b.shift until @b %% 7;   # remove padding
   @b = gather while @b { take reduce * *2+*, (@b.pop for ^7) }
   return [~] @b».chr;

} say my $encode = encode-ascii 'STRING'; say decode-ascii $encode;</lang>

Buf:0x<03 8b 99 29 4a e5>


<lang PL/I>declare onebit bit(1) aligned, bs bit (1000) varying aligned; on endfile (sysin) go to ending; bs = b; do forever;

  get edit (onebit) (F(1));
  bs = bs || onebit;

end; ending: bs = bs || copy('0'b, mod(length(bs), 8) );

                                /* pad length to a multiple of 8 */

put edit (bs) (b);</lang> Example:

/* Test, read text, write out 7 bits for each 8-bit character. */
/* Pad, so that bits written are a multiple of 8. */

test: procedure options (main);            /* 6/9/2012 */

   declare 1 z union,
             2 ch character (1),
             2 bits,
               3 dummy bit (1), 3 bitvalue bit (7);
   declare length fixed initial (0);
   declare in file;
   open file (in) input title ('/BIT-DATA.DAT,type(fixed),recsize(1)');

   on endfile (in) go to finish_up;
   do forever;
      get file (in) edit (ch) (a(1));
      put edit (bitvalue) (b(7)); /* The least-significant 7 bits. */
      length = mod(length + 7, 8);

   put edit (substr('0000000', 1, length)) (b);
end test;

data for test: STRING. The output is:



<lang PicoLisp>(de write7bitwise (Lst)

  (let (Bits 0  Byte)
     (for N Lst
        (if (=0 Bits)
           (setq Bits 7  Byte (* 2 N))
           (wr (| Byte (>> (dec 'Bits) N)))
           (setq Byte (>> (- Bits 8) N)) ) )
     (unless (=0 Bits)
        (wr Byte) ) ) )

(de read7bitwise ()

     (let (Bits 0  Byte)
        (while (rd 1)
           (let N @
                 (if (=0 Bits)
                    (>> (one Bits) N)
                    (| Byte (>> (inc 'Bits) N)) ) )
              (setq Byte (& 127 (>> (- Bits 7) N))) ) )
        (when (= 7 Bits)
           (link Byte) ) ) ) )</lang>

<lang PicoLisp>(out 'a (write7bitwise (127 0 127 0 127 0 127 0 127))) (hd 'a) (in 'a (println (read7bitwise)))

(out 'a (write7bitwise (0 127 0 127 0 127 0 127 0))) (hd 'a) (in 'a (println (read7bitwise)))

(out 'a (write7bitwise (mapcar char (chop "STRING")))) (hd 'a) (println (mapcar char (in 'a (read7bitwise))))</lang> Output:

00000000  FE 03 F8 0F E0 3F 80 FE                          .....?..
(127 0 127 0 127 0 127 0)
00000000  01 FC 07 F0 1F C0 7F 00                          .......
(0 127 0 127 0 127 0 127)
00000000  A7 52 94 99 D1 C0                                .R....
("S" "T" "R" "I" "N" "G")


The bits are read/written with the HSB being read/written first, then each full byte (8 bits) is read/written in succession. Depending on the native integer size the compiler is using, upto 32-bits or 64-bits can be read/written at once. The procedure flushBits() should be called when the reading/writing of bits is completed. If a partial byte is written the bits containing data will begin with the HSB and the padding bits will end with the LSB.

As a slight speed modification, the readBits() and writeBits() procedures will attempt to write groups of bits whenever possible. <lang PureBasic>Structure fileDataBits



  1. BitsPerByte = SizeOf(Byte) * 8
  2. BitsPerInteger = SizeOf(Integer) * 8

Global Dim fileBitMask(8) Define i, x For i = 0 To 8

 fileBitMask(i) = x
 x = (x << 1) + 1


Global NewMap fileDataBits.fileDataBits() Procedure flushBits(fileID)

 If FindMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
   If fileDataBits()\bitsToWrite > 0
     WriteByte(fileID, fileDataBits()\outputByte << (#BitsPerByte - fileDataBits()\bitsToWrite))
     fileDataBits()\bitsToWrite = 0
     fileDataBits()\outputByte = 0


Procedure writeBits(fileID, Value.i, bitCount)

 Protected *fileData.fileDataBits = FindMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
 If Not *fileData
   *fileData = AddMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
   If Not *fileData: End: EndIf ;simple error check for lack of memory
 Value << (#BitsPerInteger - bitCount) ;shift value so it's first bit (HSB) is in the highest position
 While bitCount > 0
   If bitCount > #BitsPerByte - *fileData\bitsToWrite
     bitGroupSize = #BitsPerByte - *fileData\bitsToWrite
     bitGroupSize = bitCount
   *fileData\outputByte << bitGroupSize
   *fileData\outputByte + (Value >> (#BitsPerInteger - bitGroupSize)) & fileBitMask(bitGroupSize)
   Value << bitGroupSize
   *fileData\bitsToWrite + bitGroupSize
   If *fileData\bitsToWrite = #BitsPerByte
     WriteByte(fileID, *fileData\outputByte)
     *fileData\bitsToWrite = 0
     *fileData\outputByte = 0
   bitCount - bitGroupSize


Procedure.i readBits(fileID, bitCount)

 Protected *fileData.fileDataBits = FindMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
 If Not *fileData
   *fileData = AddMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
   If Not *fileData: End: EndIf ;simple error check for lack of memory
 Protected Value.i, bitGroupSize
 While bitCount > 0
   If *fileData\bitsToRead = 0
     If Not Eof(fileID)
       *fileData\inputByte = ReadByte(fileID)
       *fileData\bitsToRead = #BitsPerByte
       Break ;simple error check aborts if nothing left to read
   If bitCount > *fileData\bitsToRead
     bitGroupSize = *fileData\bitsToRead
     bitGroupSize = bitCount
   Value << bitGroupSize
   Value + (*fileData\inputByte >> (#BitsPerByte - bitGroupSize)) & fileBitMask(bitGroupSize) ;shift last bit being read in byte to the lowest position
   *fileData\inputByte << bitGroupSize
   *fileData\bitsToRead - bitGroupSize
   bitCount - bitGroupSize
 ProcedureReturn Value 



Define testWriteString.s, testReadString.s, fileNum, result.s testWriteString = "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." fileNum = CreateFile(#PB_Any, "BitIO_Test.dat") If fileNum

 For i = 1 To Len(testWriteString)
   writeBits(fileNum, Asc(Mid(testWriteString, i, 1)), 7)  


fileNum = ReadFile(#PB_Any, "BitIO_Test.dat") If fileNum

 For i = 1 To Len(testWriteString)
   testReadString + Chr(readBits(fileNum, 7))


result = "Original ascii string is " + Str(Len(testWriteString)) + " bytes." + #LF$ result + "Filesize written is " + Str(FileSize("")) + " bytes." + #LF$ If testReadString = testWriteString

 result + "The expanded string is the same as the original." + #LF$


 result + "The expanded string is not the same as the original." + #LF$

EndIf result + "Expanded string = '" + testReadString + "'"

MessageRequester("Results", result)</lang> Sample output:

Original ascii string is 74 bytes.
Filesize written is 65 bytes.
The expanded string is the same as the original.
Expanded string = 'This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded.'


The module file

<lang python>class BitWriter:

   def __init__(self, f):
       self.accumulator = 0
       self.bcount = 0
       self.out = f
   def __del__(self):
   def writebit(self, bit):
       if self.bcount == 8 :
       if bit > 0:
           self.accumulator |= (1 << (7-self.bcount))
       self.bcount += 1
   def writebits(self, bits, n):
       while n > 0:
           self.writebit( bits & (1 << (n-1)) )
           n -= 1
   def flush(self):
       self.accumulator = 0
       self.bcount = 0

class BitReader:

   def __init__(self, f):
       self.input = f
       self.accumulator = 0
       self.bcount = 0 = 0
   def readbit(self):
       if self.bcount == 0 :
           a =
           if ( len(a) > 0 ):
               self.accumulator = ord(a)
           self.bcount = 8
  = len(a)
       rv = ( self.accumulator & ( 1 << (self.bcount-1) ) ) >> (self.bcount-1)
       self.bcount -= 1
       return rv
   def readbits(self, n):
       v = 0
       while n > 0:
           v = (v << 1) | self.readbit()
           n -= 1
       return v</lang>

Usage example to "crunch" an 8-bit byte ASCII stream discarding the most significative "unused" bit...

<lang python>#! /usr/bin/env python import sys import bitio

o = bitio.BitWriter(sys.stdout) c = while len(c) > 0:

   o.writebits(ord(c), 7)
   c =</lang>

... and to "decrunch" the same stream:

<lang python>#! /usr/bin/env python import sys import bitio

r = bitio.BitReader(sys.stdin) while True:

   x = r.readbits(7)
   if ( == 0 ):


<lang rexx>/* REXX ****************************************************************

  • 01.11.2012 Walter Pachl
                                                                                                                                              • /

s='STRING' /* Test input */ Say 's='s ol= /* initialize target */ Do While s<> /* loop through input */

 Parse Var s c +1 s                   /* pick a character            */
 cx=c2x(c)                            /* convert to hex              */
 cb=x2b(cx)                           /* convert to bits             */
 ol=ol||substr(cb,2)                  /* append to target            */

l=length(ol) /* current length */ lm=l//8 ol=ol||copies('0',8-lm) /* pad to multiple of 8 */ pd=copies(' ',l)||copies('0',8-lm) Say 'b='ol /* show target */ Say ' 'pd 'padding' r= /* initialize result */ Do While length(ol)>6 /* loop through target */

 Parse Var ol b +7 ol                 /* pick 7 bits                 */
 b='0'||b                             /* add a leading '0'           */
 x=b2x(b)                             /* convert to hex              */
 r=r||x2c(x)                          /* convert to character        */
 End                                  /* and append to result        */

Say 'r='r /* show result */</lang>

                                            000000 padding


Translation of: Tcl
Works with: Ruby version 1.8.7

<lang ruby>def crunch(ascii)

 bitstring = ascii.bytes.collect {|b| "%07b" % b}.join


def expand(binary)

 bitstring = binary.unpack("B*")[0]
 bitstring.scan(/[01]{7}/).collect {|b| b.to_i(2).chr}.join


original = "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." puts "my ascii string is #{original.length} bytes"

filename = "crunched.out"

  1. write the compressed data, "w") do |fh|

 fh.print crunch(original)


filesize = File.size(filename) puts "the file containing the crunched text is #{filesize} bytes"

  1. read and expand

expanded =, "r") do |fh|



if original == expanded

 puts "success"


 puts "fail!"



<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc crunch {ascii} {

   binary scan $ascii B* bitstring
   # crunch: remove the extraneous leading 0 bit
   regsub -all {0(.{7})} $bitstring {\1} 7bitstring
   set padded "$7bitstring[string repeat 0 [expr {8 - [string length $7bitstring]%8}]]"
   return [binary format B* $padded]


proc expand {binary} {

   binary scan $binary B* padded
   # expand the 7 bit segments with their leading 0 bit
   set bitstring "0[join [regexp -inline -all {.{7}} $padded] 0]"
   return [binary format B* $bitstring]


proc crunch_and_write {ascii filename} {

   set fh [open $filename w]
   fconfigure $fh -translation binary
   puts -nonewline $fh [crunch $ascii]
   close $fh


proc read_and_expand {filename} {

   set fh [open $filename r]
   fconfigure $fh -translation binary
   set input [read $fh [file size $filename]]
   close $fh
   return [expand $input]


set original "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." puts "my ascii string is [string length $original] bytes"

set filename crunched.out crunch_and_write $original $filename

set filesize [file size $filename] puts "the file containing the crunched text is $filesize bytes"

set expanded [read_and_expand $filename]

if {$original eq $expanded} {

   puts "the expanded string is the same as the original"

} else {

   error "not the same"

}</lang> outputs

my ascii string is 74 bytes
the file containing the crunched text is 65 bytes
the expanded string is the same as the original