
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 01:38, 7 December 2009 by rosettacode>Oofoe (→‎{{header|Mathematica}}: Added REBOL example.)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Animation is the foundation of a great many parts of graphical user interfaces, including both the fancy effects when things change used in window managers, and of course games. The core of any animation system is a scheme for periodically changing the display while still remaining responsive to the user. This task demonstrates this.

Create a window containing the string "Hello World! " (the trailing space is significant). Make the text appear to be rotating right by periodically removing one letter from the end of the string and attaching it to the front. When the user clicks on the text, it should reverse its direction.


<lang AutoHotkey>message := "Hello World! " Gui, Add, Text, vmyedit , %message% Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Disabled -SysMenu +Owner Gui, Show animate() Return

  1. IfWinActive animation.ahk


 WinGetPos ,,, width, height
 MouseGetPos, x, y
 If x And y
 If (x < width) And (y < height)
 reverse := !reverse
  1. IfWinActive

animate() {

   Sleep, 200
   If reverse
     message := SubStr(message, 2, StrLen(message)) . SubStr(message,1, 1)
     message := SubStr(message, StrLen(message), 1) . SubStr(message, 1, StrLen(message) - 1)
   GuiControl,,myedit, %message%



Library: GTK

(NB: implicitly, through GTK, it uses also Pango library) <lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <string.h>
  2. include <gtk/gtk.h>

const gchar *hello = "Hello World! "; gint direction = -1; gint cx=0; gint slen=0;

GtkLabel *label;

void change_dir(GtkLayout *o, gpointer d) {

 direction = -direction;


gchar *rotateby(const gchar *t, gint q, gint l) {

 gint i, cl = l, j;
 gchar *r = malloc(l+1);
 for(i=q, j=0; cl > 0; cl--, i = (i + 1)%l, j++)
   r[j] = t[i];
 r[l] = 0;
 return r;


gboolean scroll_it(gpointer data) {

 if ( direction > 0 )
   cx = (cx + 1) % slen;
   cx = (cx + slen - 1 ) % slen;
 gchar *scrolled = rotateby(hello, cx, slen);
 gtk_label_set_text(label, scrolled);
 return TRUE;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {

 GtkWidget *win;
 GtkButton *button;
 PangoFontDescription *pd;
 gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
 win = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
 gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(win), "Basic Animation");
 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(win), "delete-event", gtk_main_quit, NULL);
 label = (GtkLabel *)gtk_label_new(hello);
 // since we shift a whole character per time, it's better to use
 // a monospace font, so that the shifting seems done at the same pace
 pd = pango_font_description_new();
 pango_font_description_set_family(pd, "monospace");
 gtk_widget_modify_font(GTK_WIDGET(label), pd);
 button = (GtkButton *)gtk_button_new();
 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(button), GTK_WIDGET(label));
 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(win), GTK_WIDGET(button));
 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(change_dir), NULL);
 slen = strlen(hello);
 g_timeout_add(125, scroll_it, NULL);
 return 0;



<lang csharp>using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace BasicAnimation {

 class BasicAnimationForm : Form
   bool isReverseDirection;
   Label textLabel;
   Timer timer;
   internal BasicAnimationForm()
     this.Size = new Size(150, 75);
     this.Text = "Basic Animation";
     textLabel = new Label();
     textLabel.Text = "Hello World! ";
     textLabel.Location = new Point(3,3);
     textLabel.AutoSize = true;
     textLabel.Click += new EventHandler(textLabel_OnClick);
     timer = new Timer();
     timer.Interval = 500;
     timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_OnTick);
     timer.Enabled = true;
     isReverseDirection = false;
   private void timer_OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string oldText = textLabel.Text, newText;
       newText = oldText.Substring(1, oldText.Length - 1) + oldText.Substring(0, 1);
       newText = oldText.Substring(oldText.Length - 1, 1) + oldText.Substring(0, oldText.Length - 1);
     textLabel.Text = newText;
   private void textLabel_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     isReverseDirection = !isReverseDirection;
  class Program
     static void Main()

Application.Run(new BasicAnimationForm());




Clojure is a JVM language so this example uses Swing, and illustrates Clojure's platform integration. <lang lisp>(import '(javax.swing JFrame JLabel)) (import '(java.awt.event MouseAdapter))

(def text "Hello World! ") (def text-ct (count text)) (def rotations

   (take text-ct
     (map #(apply str %)
       (partition text-ct 1 (cycle text))))))

(def pos (atom 0)) ;position in rotations vector being displayed (def dir (atom 1)) ;direction of next position (-1 or 1)

(def label (JLabel. text))

(.addMouseListener label

 (proxy [MouseAdapter] []
   (mouseClicked [evt] (swap! dir -))))

(defn animator []

 (while true
   (Thread/sleep 100)
   (swap! pos #(-> % (+ @dir) (mod text-ct)))
   (.setText label (rotations @pos))))

(doto (JFrame.)

 (.add label)
 (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
 (.setVisible true))

(future-call animator) ;simple way to run animator on a separate thread</lang>

Common Lisp

The ltk package provides a lisp interface to Tk for creating graphical interfaces. Assuming ltk has been installed somewhere the following will work as per the Tcl example.

Library: Tk

<lang lisp>(use-package :ltk)

(defparameter *message* "Hello World! ") (defparameter *direction* :left) (defun animate (label)

 (let* ((n (length *message*))
        (i (if (eq *direction* :left) 0 (1- n)))
        (c (string (char *message* i))))
   (if (eq *direction* :left)
       (setq *message* (concatenate 'string (substring *message* 1 n) (list c)))
     (setq *message* (concatenate 'string (list c) (substring *message* 0 (1- n)))))
   (setf (ltk:text label) *message*)
   (ltk:after 125 (lambda () (animate label)))))

(defun basic-animation ()

 (ltk:with-ltk ()
     (let* ((label (make-instance 'label 
                                  :font "Courier 14")))
       (setf (text label) *message*)
       (ltk:bind label "<Button-1>"
                 (lambda (event)
                   (declare (ignore event))
                    ((eq *direction* :left) (setq *direction* :right))
                    ((eq *direction* :right) (setq *direction* :left)))))
       (ltk:pack label)
       (animate label)



Library: QD


Library: SDL
Library: SDL_ttf
Library: tools

<lang d>module test26;

import qd, SDL_ttf, tools.time;

void main() {

 screen(320, 200);
 auto last = sec();
 string text = "Hello World! ";
 auto speed = 0.2;
 int dir = true;
 while (true) {
   print(10, 10, Bottom|Right, text);
   if (sec() - last > speed) {
     last = sec();
     if (dir == 0) text = text[$-1] ~ text[0 .. $-1];
     else text = text[1 .. $] ~ text[0];
   flip; events;
   if (mouse.clicked
     && mouse.pos in, 10, 100, 20)
   ) dir = !dir;



Works with: E-on-Java

(Java Swing; tested on Mac OS X 10.5.7)

<lang e># State var text := "Hello World! " var leftward := false

  1. Window

def w := <swing:makeJFrame>("RC: Basic Animation")

  1. Text in window

w.setContentPane(def l := <swing:makeJLabel>(text)) l.setOpaque(true) # repaints badly if not set! l.addMouseListener(def mouseListener {

   to mouseClicked(_) {
       leftward := !leftward
   match _ {}


  1. Animation

def anim := timer.every(100, fn _ { # milliseconds

   def s := text.size()
   l.setText(text := if (leftward) {
       text(1, s) + text(0, 1)
   } else {
       text(s - 1, s) + text(0, s - 1)


  1. Set up window shape and close behavior

w.pack() w.setLocationRelativeTo(null) w.addWindowListener(def windowListener {

   to windowClosing(_) { anim.stop() } 
   match _ {}


  1. Start everything anim.start()</lang>

Text-only version (no Java dependency; no clicking, use reverse() and stop() to control):

<lang e>def [reverse, stop] := {

   var text := "Hello World! "
   var leftward := false
   def anim := timer.every(100, fn _ { # milliseconds
       def s := text.size()
       text := if (leftward) {
           text(1, s) + text(0, 1)
       } else {
           text(s - 1, s) + text(0, s - 1)
       print("\b" * s, text)
   print("\n", text)
   [def _() { leftward := !leftward; null }, anim.stop]



Library: Swing

<lang java>import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel;

public class Rotate extends JFrame {

 String text = "Hello World! ";
 JLabel label = new JLabel(text);
 boolean rotRight = true;
 int startIdx = 0;
 public Rotate() {
   label.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
     public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
       rotRight = !rotRight;
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   final Rotate rot = new Rotate();
   TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
     public void run() {
       if (rot.rotRight) {
         if (rot.startIdx >= rot.text.length()) {
           rot.startIdx -= rot.text.length();
       } else {
         if (rot.startIdx < 0) {
           rot.startIdx += rot.text.length();
       rot.label.setText(getRotatedText(rot.text, rot.startIdx));
   Timer timer = new Timer(false);
   timer.schedule(task, 0, 500);
 public static String getRotatedText(String text, int startIdx) {
   String ret = "";
   int i = startIdx;
   do {
     ret += text.charAt(i) + "";
     i = i % text.length();
   } while (i != startIdx);
   return ret;


JavaScript + HTML

<lang javascript><html> <head>

   <title>RC: Basic Animation</title>
   <script type="text/javascript">
       function animate(id) {
           var element = document.getElementById(id);
           var textNode = element.childNodes[0]; // assuming no other children
           var text =;
           var reverse = false;
           element.onclick = function () { reverse = !reverse; };
           setInterval(function () {
               if (reverse)
                   text = text.substring(1) + text[0];
                   text = text[text.length - 1] + text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
      = text;
           }, 100);

</head> <body onload="animate('target')">

Hello World! 

</body> </html></lang>

JavaScript + SVG

<lang javascript><svg xmlns=""

    width="100" height="40">
   <script type="text/javascript">
       function animate(element) {
           var textNode = element.childNodes[0]; // assuming no other children
           var text =;
           var reverse = false;
           element.onclick = function () { reverse = !reverse; };
           setInterval(function () {
               if (reverse)
                   text = text.substring(1) + text[0];
                   text = text[text.length - 1] + text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
      = text;
           }, 100);
   <rect width="100" height="40" fill="yellow"/>
   <text x="2" y="20" onload="animate(this);">Hello World! </text>


Works with: UCB Logo

<lang logo> to rotate.left :thing

 output lput first :thing butfirst :thing

end to rotate.right :thing

 output fput last :thing butlast :thing


make "text "|Hello World! | make "right? "true

to step.animation

 label :text			; graphical
 ; type char 13  type :text	; textual
 wait 6			; 1/10 second
 if button <> 0 [make "right? not :right?]
 make "text ifelse :right? [rotate.right :text] [rotate.left :text]


hideturtle until [key?] [step.animation] </lang>


<lang Mathematica> mystring = "Hello World! "; Scroll[str_, dir_] := StringJoin @@ RotateLeft[str // Characters, dir]; GiveString[dir_] := (mystring = Scroll[mystring, dir]); CreateDialog[{

  DynamicModule[{direction = -1}, 
      Refresh[GiveString[direction], UpdateInterval -> 1/8]], 
     TrackedSymbols -> {}], {"MouseClicked" :> (direction *= -1)}]]



<lang REBOL>REBOL [ Title: "Basic Animation" Author: oofoe Date: 2009-12-06 URL: ]

message: "Hello World! " how: 1

roll: func [ "Shifts a text string right or left by one character." text [string!] "Text to shift." direction [integer!] "Direction to shift -- right: 1, left: -1." /local h t ][ either direction > 0 [ h: last text t: copy/part text ((length? text) - 1) ][ h: copy skip text 1 t: text/1 ] rejoin [h t] ]

This next bit specifies the GUI panel. The window will have a
gradient backdrop, over which will be composited the text, in a
monospaced font with a drop-shadow. A timer (the 'rate' bit) is set
to update 24 times per second. The 'engage' function in the 'feel'
block listens for events on the text face. Time events update the
animation and mouse-down change the animation's direction.

view layout [ backdrop effect [gradient 0x1 coal black]

vh1 as-is message ; 'as-is' prevents text trimming. font [name: font-fixed] rate 24 feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ case [ 'time = a [set-face f message: roll message how] ; Animate. 'down = a [how: how * -1] ; Change direction. ] ] ] ]</lang>


Translation of: Tcl
Library: Ruby/Tk

<lang ruby>require 'tk' $str ="Hello World! ") $dir = :right

def animate

 $str.value = shift_char($str.value, $dir)
 $root.after(125) {animate}


def shift_char(str, dir)

 case dir
 when :right then str[-1,1] + str[0..-2]
 when :left  then str[1..-1] + str[0,1]


$root ="title" => "Basic Animation")$root) do

 textvariable $str
 font "Courier 14"
 pack {side 'top'}
 bind("ButtonPress-1") {$dir = {:right=>:left,:left=>:right}[$dir]}


animate Tk.mainloop</lang>

SVG (no scripts)

Works with: Batik version 1.7

This animation is defined as a smooth movement rather than by moving whole characters, because that is more natural in SVG (without scripting); by characters would require 13 different text elements displayed in sequence.

<lang xml><svg xmlns="" width="100" height="30">

   <g id="all">
       <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="yellow"/>
       <g style="font: 18 'Times New Roman', serif; 
                 fill: black;
                 stroke: white; stroke-width: 0.001; /* workaround for Batik oddity */ ">
           <text x="0" y="20" textLength="95">Hello World!</text>
           <text x="-100" y="20" textLength="95">Hello World!</text>
           <animateMotion restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="2s"
                          begin="0s;" end=""
                          from="0,0"   by="100,0"/>
           <animateMotion restart="whenNotActive" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="2s"
                          begin="" end=""
                          from="100,0" by="-100,0"/>


(Does not work in Safari 4.0.2 because it apparently does not implement toggled animations correctly (see spec). Dreadful workaround: set the two animations to id="a" begin="0s;" end="all.mousedown" and begin="a.end" end="", respectively.)


Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tk set s "Hello World! " set dir 0

  1. Periodic animation callback

proc animate {} {

   global dir s
   if {$dir} {
       set s [string range $s 1 end][string index $s 0]
   } else {
       set s [string index $s end][string range $s 0 end-1]
   # We will run this code ~8 times a second (== 125ms delay)
   after 125 animate


  1. Make the label (constant width font looks better)

pack [label .l -textvariable s -font {Courier 14}]

  1. Make a mouse click reverse the direction

bind .l <Button-1> {set dir [expr {!$dir}]}

  1. Start the animation



The requirements contain "When the user clicks on the text…". The TI-89 does not have a graphical cursor, so just for the sake of overdoing it, and to have a little more complex animation (overlapping objects), this program implements one. Use the arrow keys and ENTER to control the cursor.

  Local leftward,s,i,k,x,y

  false → leftward
  "Hello World! " → s
  0 → k      © last keypress found
  6*3 → x    © cursor position
  5 → y

  While k ≠ 4360 and k ≠ 277 and k ≠ 264  © QUIT,HOME,ESC keys

    © Handle Enter key
    If k = 13 Then
      If x ≥ 40 and x < 40+6*dim(s) and y ≥ 25 and y < 35 Then © On text?
        not leftward → leftward
      ElseIf x ≥ 5 and x < 5+6*dim("[Quit]") and y ≥ 55 and y < 65 Then © On quit?

    © Cursor movement keys
    If k=338 or k=340 or k=344 or k=337 or k=339 or k=342 or k=345 or k=348 Then
      Output y, x, " " © Blank old cursor pos
      If     k = 338 or k = 339 or k = 342 Then: y-6→y
      ElseIf k = 344 or k = 345 or k = 348 Then: y+6→y :EndIf
      If     k = 337 or k = 339 or k = 345 Then: x-6→x
      ElseIf k = 340 or k = 342 or k = 348 Then: x+6→x :EndIf
      min(max(y, 0), 64)→y
      min(max(x, 0), 152)→x

    © Drawing
    Output 0, 0, "Use arrows, ENTER key"
    Output 60, 5, "[Quit]"
    Output 30, 40, s
    Output y, x, "Ŵ"              © should be diamond symbol

    © Animation
    If leftward Then
      right(s, dim(s)-1) & left(s, 1) → s
      right(s, 1) & left(s, dim(s)-1) → s

    0 → i
    getKey() → k                  © reads most recent keypress or 0
    While i < 2 and k = 0         © Delay loop. Better solution?
      getKey() → k
      i + 1 → i
