Anagrams/Deranged anagrams

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Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Two or more words are said to be anagrams if they have the same characters, but in a different order. By analogy with derangements we define a deranged anagram as two words with the same characters, but in which the same character does not appear in the same position in both words.

The task is to use the word list at to find and show the longest deranged anagram.



<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <unistd.h>
  4. include <sys/types.h>
  5. include <fcntl.h>
  6. include <sys/stat.h>

typedef struct { char *key, *word; } wtuple;

int deranged(char *s1, char *s2) { while (*s1 != '\0') if (*(s1++) == *(s2++)) return 0;

return 1; }

int cmp_tuple(const void *a, const void *b) { const wtuple *x = a, *y = b; int l1 = strlen(x->key), l2 = strlen(y->key); return l1 > l2 ? -1 : l1 < l2 ? 1 :strcmp(x->key, y->key); }

/* sort letters in a string */ void char_sort(char *ptr, int len) { int i, j; char tmp; /* bubble sort, O(n) shmoen */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < len; j++) if (ptr[i] > ptr[j]) { tmp = ptr[i]; ptr[i] = ptr[j]; ptr[j] = tmp; } }

int main() { int i, j, k, n_words = 0; char *words, *keys; struct stat st; wtuple *t;

int fd = open("unixdict.txt", O_RDONLY); fstat(fd, &st);

words = malloc(st.st_size); read(fd, words, st.st_size); close(fd);

keys = malloc(st.st_size); memcpy(keys, words, st.st_size);

/* count words, change all new line to null, and sort each key */ for (i = j = 0; i < st.st_size; i++) { if (words[i] != '\n') continue; n_words ++; words[i] = keys[i] = '\0'; char_sort(keys + j, i - j); j = i; }

/* make key-word tuples */ t = malloc(sizeof(wtuple) * n_words); for (j = k = i = 0; i < st.st_size; i++) { if (words[i] != '\0') continue; t[j].key = keys + k; t[j].word = words + k; k = ++i; j++; }

/* sort t by key length / key order */ qsort(t, n_words, sizeof(wtuple), cmp_tuple); for (i = 0, j = 0; j < n_words; j++) { if (strcmp(t[i].key, t[j].key)) i = j; else if (deranged(t[i].word, t[j].word)) break; }

printf("longest derangement: %s %s\n", t[i].word, t[j].word); return 0; }</lang> Output:

longest derangement: excitation intoxicate


This example was tested with node.js.

<lang coffeescript> http = require 'http'

is_derangement = (word1, word2) ->

 for c, i in word1
   return false if c == word2[i]

show_longest_derangement = (word_lst) ->

 anagrams = {}
 max_len = 0
 for word in word_lst
   continue if word.length < max_len
   key = word.split().sort().join()
   if anagrams[key]
     for prior in anagrams[key]
       if is_derangement(prior, word)
         max_len = word.length
         result = [prior, word]
     anagrams[key] = []
   anagrams[key].push word
 console.log "Longest derangement: #{result.join ' '}"

get_word_list = (process) ->

 options =
   host: ""
   path: "/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt"
 req = http.request options, (res) ->
   s = 
   res.on 'data', (chunk) ->
     s += chunk
   res.on 'end', ->
     process s.split '\n'

get_word_list show_longest_derangement </lang>

output <lang> > coffee Longest derangement: excitation intoxicate </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun read-words (file)

 (with-open-file (stream file)
   (loop with w = "" while w collect (setf w (read-line stream nil)))))

(defun deranged (a b)

 (loop for ac across a for bc across b always (char/= ac bc)))

(defun longest-deranged (file)

 (let ((h (make-hash-table :test #'equal))

(wordlist (sort (read-words file) #'(lambda (x y) (> (length x) (length y))))))

   (loop for w in wordlist do

(let* ((ws (sort (copy-seq w) #'char<)) (l (gethash ws h))) (loop for w1 in l do (if (deranged w w1) (return-from longest-deranged (list w w1)))) (setf (gethash ws h) (cons w l))))))

(format t "~{~A~%~^~}" (longest-deranged "unixdict.txt"))</lang>output<lang>intoxicate excitation</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.file, std.string, std.algorithm, std.range;

auto findAnagrams(Range)(Range words) /*pure nothrow*/ {

   string[][const ubyte[]] anagrams; // assume input is ASCII
   foreach (w; words)
       anagrams[(cast(ubyte[])w).sort().release().idup]~= w.idup;
   //return array(filter!q{ a.length > 1 }(anagrams.byValue()));
   return array(filter!q{ a.length > 1 }(anagrams.values));


auto findDeranged(in string[] words) /*pure nothrow*/ {

   const(string)[2][] result;
   foreach (i, w1; words)
       foreach (w2; words[i+1 .. $])
           if (!canFind!q{ a[0] == a[1] }(zip(w1, w2)))
               result ~= [w1, w2];
   return result;


auto largestDerangedAna(const(string)[][] anagrams) /*nothrow*/ {

   sort!q{ a[0].length > b[0].length }(anagrams);
   return filter!q{ a.length }(map!findDeranged(anagrams));


void main() {

   //auto words = readText("unixdict.txt").splitter();
   auto words = std.array.splitter(readText("unixdict.txt"));
   writeln("Longest deranged anagrams:");
   auto der = largestDerangedAna(findAnagrams(words));
   if (!der.empty)

}</lang> Output:

Longest anagrams with no characters in the same position:
  excitation, intoxicate

Faster version

Same output. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.file, std.string, std.algorithm,

      std.typecons, std.range;

auto findDeranged(in string[] words) /*pure nothrow*/ {

   Tuple!(const string, const string)[] result;
   foreach (i, w1; words)
       foreach (w2; words[i+1 .. $])
           if (!canFind!q{ a[0] == a[1] }(zip(w1, w2)))
               result ~= tuple(w1, w2);
   return result;


void main() {

   Appender!(string[])[30] wclasses;
   foreach (word; std.algorithm.splitter(readText("unixdict.txt")))
       wclasses[$ - word.length].put(word);
   auto r = filter!q{ a.length }(map!q{ }(wclasses[]));
   writeln("Longest deranged anagrams:");
   foreach (words; r) {
       string[][const ubyte[]] anags; // assume input is ASCII
       foreach (w; words)
       const anas = array(filter!q{a.length > 1}(anags.values));
       auto pairs = filter!q{ a.length }(map!findDeranged(anas));
       if (!pairs.empty) {
           writefln("  %s, %s", pairs.front[0].tupleof);



Using function Anagrams. <lang gap>IsDeranged := function(a, b) local i, n; for i in [1 .. Size(a)] do if a[i] = b[i] then return false; fi; od; return true; end;

  1. This solution will find all deranged pairs of any length.

Deranged := function(name) local sol, ana, u, v; sol := [ ]; ana := Anagrams(name); for u in ana do for v in Combinations(u, 2) do if IsDeranged(v[1], v[2]) then Add(sol, v); fi; od; od; return sol; end;

  1. Now we find all deranged pairs of maximum length

a := Deranged("unixdict.txt");; n := Maximum(List(a, x -> Size(x[1]))); Filtered(a, x -> Size(x[1]) = n);

  1. [ [ "excitation", "intoxicate" ] ]</lang>


<lang go>package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "strings" "sort" )

func deranged(a, b string) bool { if len(a) != len(b) { return false } for i := range(a) { if a[i] == b[i] { return false } } return true }

func main() { /* read the whole thing in. how big can it be? */ buf, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("unixdict.txt") words := strings.Split(string(buf), "\n")

m := make(map[string] []string) best_len, w1, w2 := 0, "", ""

for _, w := range(words) { // don't bother: too short to beat current record if len(w) <= best_len { continue }

// save strings in map, with sorted string as key letters := strings.Split(w, "") sort.Strings(letters) k := strings.Join(letters, "")

if _, ok := m[k]; !ok { m[k] = []string { w } continue }

for _, c := range(m[k]) { if deranged(w, c) { best_len, w1, w2 = len(w), c, w break } }

m[k] = append(m[k], w) }

fmt.Println(w1, w2, ": Length", best_len) }</lang> Output:

excitation intoxicate : Length 10


If the longest deranged anagram includes three or more words we'll only print two of them. We also correctly handle duplicate words in the input. <lang haskell> import Control.Arrow import Data.List import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S

-- Group lists of words based on their "signatures". A signature is a sorted -- list of characters. Handle duplicate input words by storing them in sets. groupBySig = map (sort &&& S.singleton)

-- Convert groups to lists of equivalent words. equivs = map (S.toList . snd) . M.toList . M.fromListWith S.union

-- Indicate whether the pair of words differ in all character positions. isDerangement (a, b) = and $ zipWith (/=) a b

-- Return all pairs of elements, ignoring order. pairs = concat . unfoldr step

 where step (x:xs) = Just (map ((,) x) xs, xs)
       step []     = Nothing

-- Return all anagram pairs in the input string. anagrams = concatMap pairs . equivs . groupBySig

-- Return the pair of words making the longest deranged anagram. maxDerangedAnagram = maxByLen . filter isDerangement . anagrams

 where maxByLen [] = Nothing
       maxByLen xs = Just $ maximumBy (comparing (length . fst)) xs

main :: IO () main = do

 input <- getContents
 case maxDerangedAnagram $ words input of
   Nothing     -> putStrLn "No deranged anagrams were found."
   Just (a, b) -> putStrLn $ "Longest deranged anagrams: " ++ a ++ " and " ++ b

</lang> The output is:

Longest deranged anagrams: excitation and intoxicate

Icon and Unicon

This solution (which works in both languages) does a strict interpretation of the problem and ignores the fact that there may be multiple derangements that are the same length (including ignoring multiple derangements arising from the same set of words that are all anagrams).

<lang unicon>link strings # for csort() procedure

procedure main()

   anagrams := table()                     # build lists of anagrams
   every *(word := !&input) > 1 do {
       canon := csort(word)
       /anagrams[canon] := []
       put(anagrams[canon], word)
   longest := 1                            # find a longest derangement
   every *(aList := !anagrams) > 1 do     
       if derangement := derange(aList) then 
           if longest <:= *derangement[1] then long := derangement
   every writes((!\long||" ")|"\n")        # show longest


procedure derange(aList) # Return a single derangement from this list

   while aWord := get(aList) do return noMatch(aWord, !aList)


procedure noMatch(s1,s2) # Produce pair only if s1,s2 are deranged.

   every i := 1 to *s1 do if s1[i] == s2[i] then fail
   return [s1,s2]


Sample run:

->dra <unixdict.txt
excitation intoxicate 


This assumes that unixdict.txt has been saved in the current directory.

<lang j> #words=: <;._2 ] 1!:1 <'unixdict.txt' 25104

  #anagrams=: (#~ 1 < #@>) (</.~ /:~&>) words


  #maybederanged=: (#~ (1 -.@e. #@~."1)@|:@:>&>) anagrams


  #longest=: (#~ [: (= >./) #@>@{.@>) maybederanged



┌───────────────────────┐ │┌──────────┬──────────┐│ ││excitation│intoxicate││ │└──────────┴──────────┘│ └───────────────────────┘</lang>

Note that anagram sets with more than two members might, hypothetically, have made things more complicated. By lucky coincidence, this was not an issue. We could have taken advantage of that coincidence to achieve slight further simplifications. Perhaps maybederanged=: (#~ (-: ~."1)@|:@:>&>) anagrams

In other words, if we had had to consider whether ascertain/cartesian/sectarian contained a deranged pair, we would have had to break it out into the three pairs it contains. However, since 'excitation' is a longer word than 'ascertain', we know that this triple cannot contain the longest deranged anagram pair. And since there are no anagrams longer than 'excitation' which involve more than a single pair, we know that we can ignore this issue entirely.


Translation of: D

<lang java>import*; import java.util.*;

public class DerangedAnagrams {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       String[][] anagrams = findAnagrams(readLines("unixdict.txt"));
       String[] res = null;
       for (String[] ana : anagrams) {
           int j = ana[0].length() - 1;
           while (j >= 0 && ana[0].charAt(j) != ana[1].charAt(j)) {
           if (j == -1) {
               res = ana;
       System.out.printf("result: %s %s\n", res[0], res[1]);
   static String[][] findAnagrams(String[] words) {
       Map<String, ArrayList<String>> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
       for (String w : words) {
           char[] srt = w.toCharArray();
           String key = String.valueOf(srt);
           if (map.containsKey(key)) {
           } else {
               ArrayList<String> v = new ArrayList<String>();
               map.put(key, v);
       List<String[]> pairs = new ArrayList<String[]>();
       for (List<String> v : map.values()) {
           if (v.size() > 1) {
               String[] wrds = v.toArray(new String[]{});
               for (int i = 0; i < wrds.length - 1; i++) {
                   pairs.add(new String[]{wrds[i], wrds[i + 1]});
       return pairs.toArray(new String[][]{});
   static public String[] readLines(String fn) throws IOException {
       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fn));
       List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
       String line = null;
       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) 
       Collections.sort(lines, new Comparator<String>() {
           public int compare(String a, String b) {
               return b.length() - a.length();
       return lines.toArray(new String[]{});


result: excitation intoxicate


This example does not show the output mentioned in the task description on this page (or a page linked to from here). Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.
Note that phrases in task descriptions such as "print and display" and "print and show" for example, indicate that (reasonable length) output be a part of a language's solution.

Word file is saved locally because browser won't fetch it cross-site. Tested on Gecko. <lang javascript><html><head><title>Intoxication</title></head>


<script type="application/javascript">

function show(t) { var l = document.createTextNode(t + '\n'); document.getElementById('x').appendChild(l); }

// get words; be ware of cross-site restrictions on XMLHttpRequest var words = null; var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'file:///tmp/unixdict.txt', false); req.send(null); words = req.responseText.split('\n');

var idx = {}; for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { var t = words[i].split().sort().join(); if (idx[t]) idx[t].push(words[i]); else idx[t] = [words[i]]; }

var best = ; var best_pair; for (var i in idx) { if (i.length <= best.length) continue; if (idx[i].length == 1) continue;

var a = idx[i], got = null; for (var j = 0, l1 = a[j]; j < a.length && !got; j++) { for (var k = j + 1, l2 = a[k]; k < a.length && !got; k++) for (var m = 0; m < l1.length || !(got = [l2]); m++) if (l1[m] == l2[m]) break; if (got) got.push(l1); }

if (got) { best_pair = got; best = got[0]; } }

show(best_pair); </script></body></html></lang>


<lang K> / anagram clusters

  a:{x g@&1<#:'g:={x@<x}'x}@0:"unixdict.txt";

  / derangements in these clusters




<lang ocaml>let sort_chars s =

 let r = String.copy s in
 for i = 0 to (String.length r) - 2 do
   for j = i + 1 to (String.length r) - 1 do
     if r.[i] > r.[j] then begin
       let tmp = r.[i] in
       r.[i] <- r.[j];
       r.[j] <- tmp;

let deranged (s1, s2) =

 let len1 = String.length s1
 and len2 = String.length s2 in
 if len1 <> len2 then false else
   for i = 0 to pred len1 do
     if s1.[i] = s2.[i] then raise Exit
 with Exit -> false

let pairs_of_list lst =

 let rec aux acc = function
   | [] -> acc
   | x::xs ->
       aux (List.fold_left (fun acc y -> (x,y)::acc) acc xs) xs
 aux [] lst

let () =

 let h = Hashtbl.create 3571 in
 let ic = open_in "unixdict.txt" in
 try while true do
   let word = input_line ic in
   let key = sort_chars word in
   let l =
     try Hashtbl.find h key
     with Not_found -> [] 
   Hashtbl.add h key (word::l);
 done with End_of_file ->
   close_in ic;
   let lst =
     Hashtbl.fold (fun _ lw acc ->
       if List.length lw < 2 then acc else lw::acc) h []
   let lst =
     List.fold_left (fun acc anagrams ->
       let pairs = pairs_of_list anagrams in
       (List.filter deranged pairs) @ acc
     ) [] lst
   let res, _ =
     List.fold_left (fun (res, n) (w1, w2) ->
       let len = String.length w1 in
       match len n with
       | 0 -> ((w1, w2)::res, n)
       | 1 -> ([w1, w2], len)
       | _ -> (res, n)
     ) ([], 0) lst
   List.iter (fun (w1, w2) -> Printf.printf "%s, %s\n" w1 w2) res</lang>


$ ocaml
intoxicate, excitation


<lang Perl>sub deranged { # only anagrams ever get here

       my @a = split(, shift);       # split word into letters
       my @b = split(, shift);
       for (0 .. $#a) {
               $a[$_] eq $b[$_] and return;
       return 1


sub find_deranged {

       for my $i ( 0 .. $#_ ) {
               for my $j ( $i+1 .. $#_ ) {
                       next unless deranged $_[$i], $_[$j];
                       print "length ", length($_[$i]), ": $_[$i] => $_[$j]\n";
                       return 1;


my %letter_list; open my $in, 'unixdict.txt';

local $/ = undef;

for (split(' ', <$in>)) {

       # store anagrams in hash table by letters they contain
       push @{ $letter_list{ join(, sort split(, $_)) } }, $_


for ( sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } # sort by length, descending

       grep { @{ $letter_list{$_} } > 1 }      # take only ones with anagrams
       keys %letter_list               )


       # if we find a pair, they are the longested due to the sort before
       last if find_deranged(@{ $letter_list{$_} });

}</lang> Output:

length 10: excitation => intoxicate


<lang PicoLisp>(let Words NIL

  (in "unixdict.txt"
     (while (line)
        (let (Word @  Key (pack (sort (copy @))))
           (if (idx 'Words Key T)
              (push (car @) Word)
              (set Key (list Word)) ) ) ) )
  (maxi '((X) (length (car X)))
                       '((L) (not (find = L Lst)))
                       (val Key) )
                    (cons (pack @) (pack Lst)) ) )
              (val Key) ) )
        (idx 'Words) ) ) )</lang>


-> ("excitation" . "intoxicate")

Perl 6

Note that, to make runtime manageable, we have created a subset file:
grep '^[ie]' unixdict.txt > <lang perl6>my %anagram = slurp(''){[.comb]}).classify({ .sort.join });

for %anagram.values.sort({ -@($_[0]) }) -> @aset {

   for     0   ..^ @aset.end -> $i {
       for $i ^..  @aset.end -> $j {
           if none(  @aset[$i].list Zeq @aset[$j].list ) {
               say "{@aset[$i].join}   {@aset[$j].join}";

} </lang>


excitation   intoxicate


Works with SWI-Prolog. <lang Prolog>longest_deranged_anagram :- http_open('',In,[]), read_file(In, [], Out), close(In), msort(Out, MOut), group_pairs_by_key(MOut, GPL), map_list_to_pairs(compute_len, GPL, NGPL), predsort(my_compare, NGPL, GPLSort), search_derangement(GPLSort).

% order tuples to have longest words first my_compare(R, N1-(K1-E1), N2-(K2-E2)) :- ( N1 < N2 -> R = > ; N1 > N2 -> R = <; length(E1, L1), length(E2, L2), ( L1 < L2 -> R = <; L1 > L2 -> R = >; compare(R, K1, K2))).

compute_len(_-[H|_], Len) :- length(H, Len).

% check derangement of anagrams derangement([], []). derangement([H1|T1], [H2 | T2]) :- H1 \= H2, derangement(T1, T2).

search_derangement([_-(_-L) | T]) :- length(L, 1), !, search_derangement(T).

search_derangement([_-(_-L) | T]) :- ( search(L) -> true; search_derangement(T)).

search([]) :- fail. search([H | T]) :- ( search_one(H, T) -> true; search(T)).

search_one(Word, L) :- include(derangement(Word), L, [H|_]), atom_codes(W, Word), atom_codes(W1, H), format('Longest deranged anagrams : ~w ~w ~n', [W, W1]).

read_file(In, L, L1) :- read_line_to_codes(In, W), ( W == end_of_file -> L1 = L  ; msort(W, W1), atom_codes(A, W1), read_file(In, [A-W | L], L1)). </lang> Output :

 ?- longest_deranged_anagram.
Longest deranged anagrams : excitation intoxicate 


<lang PureBasic>Structure anagram



Structure wordList

 List words.anagram()


  1. True = 1
  2. False = 0

Procedure.s sortLetters(*word.Character, wordLength)

 ;returns a string with the letters of a word sorted
 Protected Dim letters.c(wordLength)
 Protected *letAdr = @letters()
 CopyMemoryString(*word, @*letAdr)
 SortArray(letters(), #PB_Sort_Ascending, 0, wordLength - 1)
 ProcedureReturn PeekS(@letters(), wordLength)


Compare a list of anagrams for derangement.

Procedure isDeranged(List anagram.s())

 ;If a pair of deranged anagrams is found return #True
 ;and and modify the list to include the pair of deranged anagrams.
 Protected i, length, word.s, *ptrAnagram, isDeranged
 Protected NewList deranged.s()
 length = Len(anagram())
   word = anagram()
   *ptrAnagram = @anagram()
   While NextElement(anagram())
     isDeranged = #True
     For i = 1 To length
       If Mid(word, i, 1) = Mid(anagram(), i, 1)
         isDeranged = #False
         Break ;exit for/next
     If isDeranged
       deranged() = anagram()
       deranged() = word
       CopyList(deranged(), anagram())
       ProcedureReturn #True ;deranged anagram found
   ChangeCurrentElement(anagram(), *ptrAnagram)
 Until Not NextElement(anagram())
 ProcedureReturn #False ;deranged anagram not found


If OpenConsole()

 ;word file is assumed to be in the same directory
 If Not ReadFile(0,"unixdict.txt"): End: EndIf 
 Define maxWordSize = 0, word.s, length
 Dim wordlists.wordList(maxWordSize)
 ;Read word file and create separate lists of anagrams and their original
 ;words by length.
 While Not Eof(0)
   word = ReadString(0)
   length = Len(word)
   If length > maxWordSize
     maxWordSize = length
     Redim wordlists.wordList(maxWordSize)
   wordlists(length)\words()\word = word
   wordlists(length)\words()\letters = sortLetters(@word, length)
 Define offset = OffsetOf(anagram\letters), option = #PB_Sort_Ascending
 Define sortType = #PB_Sort_String
 Define letters.s, foundDeranged
 NewList anagram.s()
 ;start search from largest to smallest
 For length = maxWordSize To 2 Step -1
   If FirstElement(wordlists(length)\words()) ;only examine lists with words
     ;sort words to place anagrams next to each other
     SortStructuredList(wordlists(length)\words(), option, offset, sortType)
     With wordlists(length)\words()
       letters = \letters
       AddElement(anagram()): anagram() = \word
       ;Compose sets of anagrams and check for derangement with remaining
       ;words in current list.
       While NextElement(wordlists(length)\words())
         ;Check for end of a set of anagrams?
         If letters <> \letters
           ;if more than one word in a set of anagrams check for derangement
           If ListSize(anagram()) > 1
             If isDeranged(anagram())
               foundDeranged = #True ;found deranged anagrams, stop processing
               Break 2 ;exit while/wend and for/next
           letters = \letters ;setup for next set of anagrams
         AddElement(anagram()): anagram() = \word
 ;report results
 If foundDeranged
   Print("Largest 'Deranged' anagrams found are of length ")
   PrintN(Str(length) + ":" + #CRLF$)
   ForEach anagram()
     PrintN("  " + anagram())
   PrintN("No 'Deranged' anagrams were found." + #CRLF$)
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

Largest 'Deranged' anagrams found are of length 10:



<lang python>import urllib.request from collections import defaultdict from itertools import combinations

def getwords(url=''):

   return list(set(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().split()))

def find_anagrams(words):

   anagram = defaultdict(list) # map sorted chars to anagrams
   for word in words:
       anagram[tuple(sorted(word))].append( word )
   return dict((key, words) for key, words in anagram.items()
               if len(words) > 1)

def is_deranged(words):

   'returns pairs of words that have no character in the same position'
   return [ (word1, word2)
            for word1,word2 in combinations(words, 2)
            if all(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(word1, word2)) ]

def largest_deranged_ana(anagrams):

   ordered_anagrams = sorted(anagrams.items(),
                             key=lambda x:(-len(x[0]), x[0]))
   for _, words in ordered_anagrams:
       deranged_pairs = is_deranged(words)
       if deranged_pairs:
           return deranged_pairs
   return []

if __name__ == '__main__':

   words = getwords('')
   print("Word count:", len(words))
   anagrams = find_anagrams(words)
   print("Anagram count:", len(anagrams),"\n")
   print("Longest anagrams with no characters in the same position:")
   print('  ' + '\n  '.join(', '.join(pairs)
                            for pairs in largest_deranged_ana(anagrams)))</lang>
Sample output
Word count: 25104
Anagram count: 1303 

Longest anagrams with no characters in the same position:
  excitation, intoxicate


<lang ruby>require 'open-uri' anagram = nil open('') do |f|

 anagram = {|s| s.each_char.sort}


def deranged?(a, b) {|char_a, char_b| char_a != char_b}


def remove_non_derangements(val)

 list = val.dup
 for i in 0 ... list.length
   j = i + 1
   while j < list.length 
     if deranged?(list[i], list[j])
       j += 1


max_word_length = anagram.each_value .

                         select {|list| list.length > 1} .
                         map {|list| list[0].length} .

derangements = []

until derangements.length > 1

 puts "looking for deranged anagrams with word length #{max_word_length}"
 anagram.each_value .
         select {|list| list.length > 1 and list[0].length == max_word_length} .
         each do |list|
           derangements = remove_non_derangements(list)
           break if derangements.length > 1
 max_word_length -= 1


puts "derangement with longest word length: #{derangements}"</lang> outputs

looking for deranged anagrams with word length 12
looking for deranged anagrams with word length 11
looking for deranged anagrams with word length 10
derangement with longest word length: ["excitation", "intoxicate"]


<lang scala>object DerangedAnagrams {

 /** Returns a map of anagrams keyed by the sorted characters */ 
 def groupAnagrams(words: Iterable[String]): Map[String, Set[String]] =
   words.foldLeft (Map[String, Set[String]]()) { (map, word) =>
     val sorted = word.sorted
     val entry = map.getOrElse(sorted, Set.empty)
     map + (sorted -> (entry + word))
 /* Returns true if the pair of strings has no positions with the same
  * characters */
 def isDeranged(ss: (String, String)): Boolean = 
   ss._1 zip ss._2 forall { case (c1, c2) => c1 != c2 }
 /* Returns pairwise combination of all Strings in the argument Iterable */
 def pairWords(as: Iterable[String]): Iterable[(String, String)] =
   if (as.size < 2) Seq() else (as.tail map (as.head -> _)) ++ pairWords(as.tail)
 /* Returns the contents of the argument URL as an Iterable[String], each
  * String is one line in the file */
 def readLines(url: String): Iterable[String] = 
 val wordsURL = ""
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
   val anagramMap = groupAnagrams(readLines(wordsURL))
   val derangedPairs = anagramMap.values flatMap (pairWords) filter (isDeranged)
   val (w1, w2) = derangedPairs maxBy (pair => pair._1.length)
   println("Longest deranged pair: "+w1+" and "+w2)

}</lang> Output:

Longest deranged pair: excitation and intoxicate


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require http

  1. Fetch the words

set t [http::geturl ""] set wordlist [split [http::data $t] \n] http::cleanup $t

  1. Group by characters in word

foreach word $wordlist {

   dict lappend w [lsort [split $word ""]] [split $word ""]


  1. Deranged test

proc deranged? {l1 l2} {

   foreach c1 $l1 c2 $l2 {

if {$c1 eq $c2} {return 0}

   return 1


  1. Get a deranged pair from an anagram set, if one exists

proc getDeranged {words} {

   foreach l1 [lrange $words 0 end-1] {

foreach l2 [lrange $words 1 end] { if {[deranged? $l1 $l2]} { return [list $l1 $l2 1] } }

   return {{} {} 0}


  1. Find the max-length deranged anagram

set count 0 set candidates {} set max 0 dict for {k words} $w {

   incr count [expr {[llength $words] > 1}]
   if {[llength $k] > $max && [lassign [getDeranged $words] l1 l2]} {

set max [llength $l1] lappend candidates [join $l1 ""],[join $l2 ""]



  1. Print out what we found

puts "[llength $wordlist] words" puts "[dict size $w] potential anagram-groups" puts "$count real anagram-groups" foreach pair $candidates {

   puts "considered candidate pairing: $pair"

} puts "MAXIMAL DERANGED ANAGRAM: LENGTH $max\n\t[lindex $candidates end]"</lang> Output:

25105 words
23567 potential anagram-groups
1303 real anagram-groups
considered candidate pairing: abc,cab
considered candidate pairing: abed,bade
considered candidate pairing: abort,bator
considered candidate pairing: afresh,shafer
considered candidate pairing: alberto,latrobe
considered candidate pairing: american,cinerama
considered candidate pairing: ancestral,lancaster
considered candidate pairing: excitation,intoxicate


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT,{} requestdata = REQUEST ("")

DICT anagramm CREATE 99999


LOOP word=requestdata
 -> ? : any character
 charsInWord=STRINGS (word," ? ")
 charString =ALPHA_SORT (charsInWord)
 DICT anagramm LOOKUP charString,num,freq,wordalt,wlalt
 IF (num==0) THEN
  WL=SIZE (charString)
  DICT anagramm APPEND/QUIET/COUNT charString,num,freq,word,wl;" "
  DICT anagramm APPEND/QUIET/COUNT charString,num,freq,word,"";" "

DICT anagramm UNLOAD charString,all,freq,anagrams,wl

index =DIGIT_INDEX (wl) reverseIndex =REVERSE (index) wl =INDEX_SORT (wl,reverseIndex) freq =INDEX_SORT (freq,reverseIndex) anagrams =INDEX_SORT (anagrams,reverseIndex) charString =INDEX_SORT (charString,reverseIndex)

LOOP fr=freq,a=anagrams,w=wl

IF (fr==1) cycle
asplit=SPLIT (a,": :")
a1=SELECT (asplit,1,arest)
a1split=STRINGS (a1," ? ")
LOOP r=arest
 rsplit=STRINGS (r," ? ")
  LOOP v1=a1split,v2=rsplit
   IF (v1==v2) EXIT,EXIT
   PRINT "Largest deranged anagram (length: ",w,"):"
   PRINT a


Largest deranged anagram (length: 10):
excitation intoxicate


This solution assumes the file unixdict.txt is passed to the compiler as a command line parameter. <lang Ursala>#import std

anagrams = |=tK33lrDSL2SL ~=&& ==+ ~~ -<&

deranged = filter not zip; any ==

  1. cast %sW

main = leql$^&l deranged anagrams unixdict_dot_txt</lang> The anagrams function is a little slow as defined above, but can be sped up by at least two orders of magnitude by grouping the words into classes of equal length, and sorting each word once in advance instead of each time a comparison is made as shown below. <lang Ursala>anagrams = @NSiXSlK2rSS *= ^(-<&,~&)*; |=rSStFtK33lrDSL2SL ~=@br&& ==@bl</lang> We can speed it up by about another factor of 5 by starting from the group of longest words and stopping as soon as a deranged anagram is found instead of generating all anagrams. <lang Ursala>#import std

longest_deranged_anagram =

@NSiXSlK2rSS leql-<x&h; @NiX ~&lZrB->l ^\~&rt @rh -+

  ~&a^& ~&plrEkZ?ah/~&ah ~&fatPR,
  ^(-<&,~&)*; |=rSStFtK33lrDSL2SL ~=@br&& ==@bl+-
  1. cast %sW

main = longest_deranged_anagram unixdict_dot_txt</lang> output:
