AKS test for primes

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 23:19, 7 February 2014 by rosettacode>Denommus (Sightly improving performance)
AKS test for primes is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The AKS test for primes states that a number is prime if all the coefficients of the polynomial expansion of

are divisible by .

For example, trying :

And all the coefficients are divisible by 3 so 3 is prime by the AKS test.
The task
  1. Create a function/subroutine/method that given p generates the coefficients of the expanded polynomial representation of .
  2. Use the function to show here the polynomial expansions of p for p in the range 0 to at least 7, inclusive.
  3. Use the previous function in creating another function that when given p returns whether p is prime using the AKS test.
  4. Use your AKS test to generate a list of all primes under 35.
  5. As a stretch goal, generate all primes under 50 (Needs greater than 31 bit integers).


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

long long c[100];

void coef(int n) { int i, j;

if (n < 0 || n > 63) abort(); // gracefully deal with range issue

for (c[i=0] = 1; i < n; c[0] = -c[0], i++) for (c[1 + (j=i)] = 1; j > 0; j--) c[j] = c[j-1] - c[j]; }

int is_prime(int n) { int i;

coef(n); c[0] += 1, c[i=n] -= 1; while (i-- && !(c[i] % n));

return i < 0; }

void show(int n) { do printf("%+lldx^%d", c[n], n); while (n--); }

int main(void) { int n;

for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) { coef(n); printf("(x-1)^%d = ", n); show(n); putchar('\n'); }

printf("\nprimes (never mind the 1):"); for (n = 1; n <= 63; n++) if (is_prime(n)) printf(" %d", n);

putchar('\n'); return 0; }</lang>

The ugly output:

(x-1)^0 = +1x^0
(x-1)^1 = +1x^1-1x^0
(x-1)^2 = +1x^2-2x^1+1x^0
(x-1)^3 = +1x^3-3x^2+3x^1-1x^0
(x-1)^4 = +1x^4-4x^3+6x^2-4x^1+1x^0
(x-1)^5 = +1x^5-5x^4+10x^3-10x^2+5x^1-1x^0
(x-1)^6 = +1x^6-6x^5+15x^4-20x^3+15x^2-6x^1+1x^0
(x-1)^7 = +1x^7-7x^6+21x^5-35x^4+35x^3-21x^2+7x^1-1x^0
(x-1)^8 = +1x^8-8x^7+28x^6-56x^5+70x^4-56x^3+28x^2-8x^1+1x^0
(x-1)^9 = +1x^9-9x^8+36x^7-84x^6+126x^5-126x^4+84x^3-36x^2+9x^1-1x^0

primes (never mind the 1): 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun coefficients (p)

   ((= p 0) #(1))
   (t (loop for i from 1 upto p
            for result = #(1 -1) then (map 'vector
                                           (concatenate 'vector result #(0))
                                           (concatenate 'vector #(0) result))
            finally (return result)))))

(defun primep (p)

   ((< p 2) nil)
   (t (let ((c (coefficients p)))
        (decf (elt c 0))
        (loop for i from 0 upto (/ (length c) 2)
              for x across c
              never (/= (mod x p) 0))))))

(defun main ()

 (format t "# p: (x-1)^p for small p:~%")
 (loop for p from 0 upto 7
       do (format t "~D: " p)
          (loop for i from 0
                for x across (coefficients p)
                do (when (>= x 0) (format t "+"))
                   (format t "~D" x)
                   (if (> i 0)
                       (format t "X^~D " i)
                       (format t " ")))
          (format t "~%"))
 (loop for i from 0 to 1000
       do (when (primep i) (format t "~D " i)))
 (format t "~%"))</lang>
# p: (x-1)^p for small p:
0: +1 
1: +1 -1X^1 
2: +1 -2X^1 +1X^2 
3: +1 -3X^1 +3X^2 -1X^3 
4: +1 -4X^1 +6X^2 -4X^3 +1X^4 
5: +1 -5X^1 +10X^2 -10X^3 +5X^4 -1X^5 
6: +1 -6X^1 +15X^2 -20X^3 +15X^4 -6X^5 +1X^6 
7: +1 -7X^1 +21X^2 -35X^3 +35X^4 -21X^5 +7X^6 -1X^7 
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 


Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.string, std.bigint;

BigInt[] expandX1(in uint p) pure /*nothrow*/ {

   if (p == 0) return [1.BigInt];
   typeof(return) r = [BigInt(1), BigInt(-1)];
   foreach (immutable _; 1 .. p)
       r = zip(r~0.BigInt, 0.BigInt~r).map!(xy => xy[0]-xy[1]).array;
   return r;


bool aksTest(in uint p) pure /*nothrow*/ {

   if (p < 2) return false;
   auto ex = p.expandX1;
   return !ex[0 .. $ - 1].any!(mult => mult % p);


void main() {

   "# p: (x-1)^p for small p:".writeln;
   foreach (immutable p; 0 .. 12)
       writefln("%3d: %s", p, p.expandX1.zip(iota(p + 1))
           .map!q{"%+dx^%d ".format(a[])}.join.replace("x^0", ""));
   "\nSmall primes using the AKS test:".writeln;


# p: (x-1)^p for small p:
  0: +1 
  1: -1 +1x^1 
  2: +1 -2x^1 +1x^2 
  3: -1 +3x^1 -3x^2 +1x^3 
  4: +1 -4x^1 +6x^2 -4x^3 +1x^4 
  5: -1 +5x^1 -10x^2 +10x^3 -5x^4 +1x^5 
  6: +1 -6x^1 +15x^2 -20x^3 +15x^4 -6x^5 +1x^6 
  7: -1 +7x^1 -21x^2 +35x^3 -35x^4 +21x^5 -7x^6 +1x^7 
  8: +1 -8x^1 +28x^2 -56x^3 +70x^4 -56x^5 +28x^6 -8x^7 +1x^8 
  9: -1 +9x^1 -36x^2 +84x^3 -126x^4 +126x^5 -84x^6 +36x^7 -9x^8 +1x^9 
 10: +1 -10x^1 +45x^2 -120x^3 +210x^4 -252x^5 +210x^6 -120x^7 +45x^8 -10x^9 +1x^10 
 11: -1 +11x^1 -55x^2 +165x^3 -330x^4 +462x^5 -462x^6 +330x^7 -165x^8 +55x^9 -11x^10 +1x^11 

Small primes using the AKS test:
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]


<lang python>def expand_x_1(p):

   if p == 0: return [1]
   ex = [1, -1]
   for i in range(1, p):
       ex = [x - y for x,y in zip(ex+[0], [0]+ex)]
   return ex[::-1]

def aks_test(p):

   if p < 2: return False
   ex = expand_x_1(p)
   ex[0] += 1
   return not any(mult % p for mult in ex[0:-1])

print('# p: (x-1)^p for small p') for p in range(12):

   print('%3i: %s' % (p, ' '.join('%+i%s' % (e, ('X^%i' % n) if n else )
                                  for n,e in enumerate(expand_x_1(p)))))

print('\n# small primes using the aks test') print([p for p in range(101) if aks_test(p)])</lang>

# p: (x-1)^p for small p
  0: +1
  1: -1 +1X^1
  2: +1 -2X^1 +1X^2
  3: -1 +3X^1 -3X^2 +1X^3
  4: +1 -4X^1 +6X^2 -4X^3 +1X^4
  5: -1 +5X^1 -10X^2 +10X^3 -5X^4 +1X^5
  6: +1 -6X^1 +15X^2 -20X^3 +15X^4 -6X^5 +1X^6
  7: -1 +7X^1 -21X^2 +35X^3 -35X^4 +21X^5 -7X^6 +1X^7
  8: +1 -8X^1 +28X^2 -56X^3 +70X^4 -56X^5 +28X^6 -8X^7 +1X^8
  9: -1 +9X^1 -36X^2 +84X^3 -126X^4 +126X^5 -84X^6 +36X^7 -9X^8 +1X^9
 10: +1 -10X^1 +45X^2 -120X^3 +210X^4 -252X^5 +210X^6 -120X^7 +45X^8 -10X^9 +1X^10
 11: -1 +11X^1 -55X^2 +165X^3 -330X^4 +462X^5 -462X^6 +330X^7 -165X^8 +55X^9 -11X^10 +1X^11

# small primes using the aks test
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]


This example is incomplete. Needs to show the polynomial expansion rather than simply the coeffiients. Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.

With copious use of the math/number-theory library...

<lang racket>#lang racket (require math/number-theory)

1. coefficients of expanded polynomial (x-1)^p
produces a vector because in-vector can provide a start
and stop (of 1 and p) which allow us to drop the (-1)^p
and the x^p terms, respectively.
(vector-ref (coefficients p) e) is the coefficient for p^e

(define (coefficients p)

 (for/vector ((exponent (in-range 0 (add1 p))))
   (define sign (expt -1 (- p exponent)))
   (* sign (binomial p exponent))))
2. Show the polynomial expansions from p=0 .. 7 (inclusive)

(for ((p (in-range 0 (add1 7)))) (printf "p=~a: ~a~%" p (coefficients p)))

3. AKS primeality test

(define (prime?/AKS p)

     ((coefficient (in-vector (coefficients p) 1 p)))
   (divides? p coefficient)))
4. list of numbers < 35 that are prime (note that 1 is prime
by the definition of the AKS test for primes)

(displayln (for/list ((i (in-range 1 35)) #:when (prime?/AKS i)) i))

5. stretch goal
all prime numbers under 50

(displayln (for/list ((i (in-range 1 50)) #:when (prime?/AKS i)) i))</lang>

p=0: #(1)
p=1: #(-1 1)
p=2: #(1 -2 1)
p=3: #(-1 3 -3 1)
p=4: #(1 -4 6 -4 1)
p=5: #(-1 5 -10 10 -5 1)
p=6: #(1 -6 15 -20 15 -6 1)
p=7: #(-1 7 -21 35 -35 21 -7 1)
(1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31)
(1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47)


This example is incomplete. Needs to show the polynomial expansion rather than simply the coefficients. Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.

<lang rust>//Rust 0.9

fn coefficients(p: uint) -> ~[i64] {

   if p==0 {
   } else {
       let mut result: ~[i64] = ~[1, -1];
       let zero = Some(0i64);
       for _ in range(1, p) {
           result = {
               let a = result.iter().chain(zero.iter());
               let b = zero.iter().chain(result.iter());
               a.zip(b).map(|(x, &y)| x-y).to_owned_vec()


fn is_prime(p: uint) -> bool {

   if p<2 {
   } else {
       let mut c = coefficients(p);
       c[0] -= 1;
       for i in range(0, c.iter().len()/2) {
           if (c[i] % (p as i64)) != 0 {
               return false


fn main() {

   for p in range(0, 8) {
       print(p.to_str() + ": ");
       println(coefficients(p as uint).to_str());
   for p in range(1, 51) {
       if is_prime(p as uint) {
           print(p.to_str() + " ");


0: [1]
1: [1, -1]
2: [1, -2, 1]
3: [1, -3, 3, -1]
4: [1, -4, 6, -4, 1]
5: [1, -5, 10, -10, 5, -1]
6: [1, -6, 15, -20, 15, -6, 1]
7: [1, -7, 21, -35, 35, -21, 7, -1]
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47