Integer comparison

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Integer comparison
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Basic Data Operation
This is a basic data operation. It represents a fundamental action on a basic data type.

You may see other such operations in the Basic Data Operations category, or:

Integer Operations
Arithmetic | Comparison

Boolean Operations
Bitwise | Logical

String Operations
Concatenation | Interpolation | Comparison | Matching

Memory Operations
Pointers & references | Addresses

Get two integers from the user, and then output if the first one is less, equal or greater than the other. Test the condition for each case separately, so that all three comparison operators are used in the code.


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;

procedure Compare_Ints is
   A, B : Integer;
   Get(Item => A);
   Get(Item => B);

   -- Test for equality
   if A = B then
      Put_Line("A equals B");
   end if;

   -- Test For Less Than
   if A < B then
      Put_Line("A is less than B");
   end if;

   -- Test For Greater Than
   if A > B then
      Put_Line("A is greater than B");
   end if;
end Compare_Ints;


#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>

int main()
  int a, b;
  std::cin >> a >> b;

  // test for less-than
  if (a < b)
    std::cout << a << " is less than " << b << "\n";

  // test for equality
  if (a == b)
    std::cout << a << " is equal to " << b << "\n";

  // test for greater-than
  if (a > b)
    std::cout << a << " is greater than " << b << "\n";


import StdEnv

compare a b
    | a < b = "A is less than B"
    | a > b = "A is more than B"
    | a == b = "A equals B"

Start world
    # (console, world) = stdio world
      (_, a, console) = freadi console
      (_, b, console) = freadi console
    = compare a b



public class compInt {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
               try {
                       BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

                       int nbr1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
                       int nbr2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());

                               System.out.println(nbr1 + " is less than " + nbr2);

                                System.out.println(nbr1 + " is greater than " + nbr2);

                                System.out.println(nbr1 + " is equal to " + nbr2);
               } catch(IOException e) { }


To keep the example simple, the word takes the two numbers from the stack.

: compare-integers ( a b -- )
   2dup < if ." a is less than b" then
   2dup > if ." a is greather than b" then
        = if ." a is equal to b" then ;


      program compare
      integer a, b
      read(*,*) a, b
c     test for less-than
      if (a .lt. b) then
        write(*, *) a, ' is less than ', b
      end if
c     test for equality
      if (a .eq. b) then
        write(*, *) a, ' is equal to ', b
      end if
c     test for greater-than
      if (a .gt. b) then
        write(*, *) a, ' is greater than ', b
      end if


Interpreter: Perl 5.x

Seperate tests for less than, greater than, and equals

sub test_num($ $){
  my ($f, $s) = @_;
  if ($f < $s){
    return(-1); # returns -1 if $f is less than $s
  } elsif ($f > $s){
    return(1); # returns 1 if $f is greater than $s
  } elsif ($f == $s){ # note = is a set, == is a test
    return(0); # returns 0 $f is equal to $s

All three tests in one. if $f is less than $s return -1, greater than return 1, equal to return 0

sub test_num($ $){
  my ($f, $s) = @_;
  return($f <=> $s);

Note in perl, $a and $b are reserved variable names, used in conjunction with the sort() function.


;;; Comparison procedure
define compare_integers(x, y);
if x > y then
   printf('x is greater than y\n');
elseif x < y then
   printf('x is less than y\n');
   printf('x equals y\n');

;;; Setup token reader
vars itemrep;
incharitem(charin) -> itemrep;

;;; Read numbers and call comparison procedure
compare_integers(itemrep(), itemrep());

Standard ML

fun compare_integers(a, b) =
  if a < b then print "A is less than B\n"
  else if a > b then print "A is greater than B\n"
  else print "A equals B\n"
fun test () =
    open TextIO
    val SOME a = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
    val SOME b = Int.fromString (input stdIn)
    compare_integers (a, b)
    handle Bind => print "Invalid number entered!\n"