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(long story added)
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Revision as of 16:26, 12 December 2008

Language I use/used/like/would like to use more
Language Proficiency
C Good
C++ Beginner
PHP Intermediate
Perl Intermediate
Fortran Intermediate (eons ago)
Pascal Forgotten :D
Java Beginner
M680x0 Good (on Amiga)
Haskell Beginner
Bash Intermediate
AWK Beginner
Objective-C Beginner

About me (short)

I am an italian nowadays unemployed man, studied physics (at the university) but never finished it (I will do it, some day); I am interested in computers and computer programming a lot; I like languages in a rather general way (not only computer languages): each time I see a new language I must get a tour in its basic; rarely I go beyond the first steps, nonetheless I had a rather long time experience with m68k assembly and C (this not means I am able to write good code:D).

I also can use other languages to do real tasks: PHP, Perl, bash... I would like to get more knowledge on C++, Java and some more; in particular recently I discovered functional programming paradigm and I am trying to understand it more clearly... learning Haskell.

I write in english in a rather libertarian (and likely italianish) way, so forgive me and my mistakes or linguistic oddities.

Do not trust too much my self-judgement about proficiency in the languages table. My biggest defect is that having time I can't help writing too much.

About me and computers (long story)

My first contact with a computer was when I was very young. A ZX Spectrum entered our house. At the very beginning I only wanted to play. But it happened that my father started to show me how nice is creating rather than simply using... So I start learning Spectrum BASIC. A 1985 K&R C manual (in italian) was on a bookshelf and I got used to browse it in a sospicious way; I had a Forth interactive interpreter (and no Forth manual), but nothing to try that "C"...

I started to take a look at Z80 assembly, but then a new computer entered our house: a glorious Amiga500. I regressed and tried a lot of games, but then got tired of them all and a friend gave me KickPascal... The digital manual was in german and in order to be able to understand it I also started to study german... But in the meantime I wrote my manual by looking at examples and experimenting (all my Pascal knowledge was summarized in two A4 sheets, for a total of 4 pages). One day an Amiga italian magazine proposed articles for m68k assembly; and I began to get informations on Amiga hardware and metal bashing. But soon I discovered how easy and wonderful and less error prone was using system libraries (from assembly of course).

The old Amiga 500 was equipped with a harddisk; then it was upgraded to an used Amiga 1200 (with a '030 GVP accelerator card, "big" harddisk...); there were already PowerUP, Commodore gone away... but that old hardware continued to give me a lot. The guy that sold that Amiga 1200 gave us also a lot of software in bundle. So for the first time I had a C compiler (SAS); before, I had continued to study it (a lot of programs I wrote were translations from C or AmigaE to assembly)...

At the university I was able to connect to the misterious Internet for the first time... and touched "with hands" what I had only heard about: Aminet. I put some of my better works together, did something more and uploaded to Aminet... my first public release. The request collection was rather successful (according to my standards!) so uploaded it (again) with added request tools, and the a second collection was shipped few months (or 1 month) later (in the meantime someone gave me as gift a 56k modem; I entered the IRC world that way, and strangely was less interested in the web...)... Aminet says that I uploaded the second req collection in the year 2003, so we are at the end (almost) of the history.

A sister of mine bought a laptop, with MS Windows Xp Home inside. I tried to use it someway, but there was no reason to do so at home (I used the Amiga also for university works, gnuplot, LaTeX...): I decided that Amiga was better the first time I was forced to use MS Windows 95 (and then other more recent versions of MS Windows), ... even though university friends told me about installing GNU/Linux (but the laptop wasn't mine...). It was the first (ugly) PC owned by someone near me: of course it was not the first I used, as I've said previously (I also had used a Red Hat at the university).

One sad day, Amiga felt ill. Time to think about the future? Sad future for technologies, I believe so. Anyway... One cold day I get my sister's laptop, a SuSE Linux 9.3 DVD given to me by a friend, and stolen 3 Gbytes from the harddisk (they became 4Gbytes month later) of that laptop. My story with GNU/Linux began.

One day my sister bought another laptop and sold the old one to me. It is now my "home" machine. Of course I upgraded SuSE to OpenSuSE 10.2, but since I like to play too much, the Xorg doesn't start anymore... in order to try other distros, I've installed Mandriva 2008 (using this until I succeed in fixing the other, but I think I will remove it instead), and XUbuntu on another old laptop (Pentium III) a friend gave to me recently, I use this one only for UAE (before installing XUbuntu I tried FreeBSD and liked it, but I think I need more machines to do my tests and have all the stuffs I want!)

In this year (2008) I finally get an ADSL flat connection and let my head bang against a lot of funny or interesting or silly things (from wikis to social networking... paradoxically I IRC-chat less than before now!)

Since I installed GNU/Linux, I expanded my languages list a lot, having the possibility to have tons of interpreters and compilers easily and fastly.

Other interests and details

Even though I've never gone too deep into the web before, I created and maintained a personal site already in the Amiga-only time. Indeed I created several personal sites, changing free hosting and other details... but from a content point of view, I label it simply as my site.

Since altogether with six friends we founded an association and bought a domain, my site nowadays is hosted there. The association is dying, but we still keep (and we shall keep) the site on.

My site is here; I am trying to give it a better look, but for now it is almost frozen (except for few contents).

I am interested in ray-tracing (POV Ray ... I prefer to write codes rather than a visual approach like Blender, and indeed I would like to attend the POV Ray Contest IRTC, but when I knew about it, the site went on hiatus!!) and music composing (MIDI).

Since I know TeX / LaTeX, I've forgot any word processing program. TeX brought me to the world of digital typesetting and, through Metafont, to the hard world of font creation. I own the METAFONT Book (requested as gift for a past birthday), just another language altogether with PostScript. I dream about drawing like Herman Zapf, but currently I've just created few stupid symbols.

After my first contact with german because of the KickPascal manual, I studied a little bit of japanese; then I discontinued it and studied icelandic... then I discontinued it and studied norwegian... then I discontinued it and... I like languages, but liking means no to have the ability to learn them all :(

I like writing and I hope to finish and publish a novel (I am writing it since I was twenty... I believe it's just another dream), and I want to be the designer of my book and I would like to typeset it using TeX (I bet that in italian novel publishing world it could be very hard...)

All my dreams about my maths and physics attitude shipwrecked somewhere in the past, when strange things happened. Now I have a lot of time (but I hope this will end soon, next year coming), and I spend it on a computer, mainly reading web and programming and it is how I landed on this interesting wiki.