
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:12, 7 October 2009 by rosettacode>Mwn3d (Updating language skills)
Languages I use
Language Proficiency
Java Advanced
BASIC Intermediate
C Beginner (atrophied)
C++ Beginner (atrophied)
Common Lisp Beginner
M680x0 Super Beginner (atrophied)
Ruby Super Beginner
Prolog Super Beginner
Visual Basic Super Beginner
Brainf*** I know all of the commands
Languages I don't want to use
Languages Reasons
J it has no words
Ursala looks too much like J [1]


I am Mike Neurohr, a student at RIT (4th year by time, 5th year by credits), majoring in computer engineering. If you don't know what that is, mix computer science and electrical engineering, then add Assembly and transistors, and you got it. You can see some of my code and philosophy theory on my web page (some links in the "Projects" section below go to my website as well). I have learned to code based on the RIT coding standard (which hasn't gotten me in trouble with other nerds yet), but sometimes I abandon minor rules for convenience (using "continues" and ternary operators).

I am originally from Pennsylvania. I had a co-op job at Spectracom from December 2007 to March 2008 in Rochester, NY. My previous job was as a TA for a Java class at RIT (which I usually return to when I'm not on co-op), where I started doing a lot of my RC editing. I also advertise RC to the kids while I work as a TA. My next job was another co-op at Thomson-Reuters (formerly Thomson-West), where I tested software (mostly using JUnit). I will be working from June through November at CIMS, a lab at RIT.

I end up doing a lot of structural editing on RC. I would like to see this site looking good and working properly. People are coming here to get programming help. The languages they're looking at are hard enough to use without a difficult website on top of it, so we should be as organized and logical as possible. My 3000th edit was trying to see if the AutoHotkey Originated page was necessary. I also help out with the blog doing stats updates.

I used to live with Qrush and Slawmaster in what Slawmaster calls "the RC power-apartment." They have been inactive for a while, but I can usually get them to contribute a Lisp (Slawmaster) or Ruby (Qrush) example if a cool task arises.


I've primarily worked in C++ and Java, with some Ruby, C, and Motorola 68K Assembly. I've also worked in BASIC (QuickBasic 4.5 in particular)--my first programming language. In high school, I learned QuickBasic, C/C++, Java, Apple IIe Assembly, Pascal, and Visual Basic (all somehow without learning what an object is...?). Lately I have a thing for Java (and the encyclopedia pages). I kind of wish I got money for every time I "Added a Java example." I have recently taken classes in C and VHDL. At my first co-op, I used OPNET. The coding part of OPNET is C with some predefined functions (which usually make the program fail).

Coding Choices

Debugging method: Print statements (console or file)

Language: Java

Data structure: Linked List

Sorting algorithm: Bubble Sort for arrays, Merge sort for other collections, though really it's a question of dataset size

Editor: Eclipse for projects, notepad or equivalent for things I just want to try

Braces for one-line conditionals and loops: Not usually, but yes for a complex project, and the open brace is always on the same line as the conditional or loop

Program end on error: Exceptions and stderr, System.exit for Java GUI programs on window close (but it makes me feel bad)



I have been a Windows/Microsoft user for the longest time. I used DOS (playing Commander Keen and Duke Nukem) way back before I knew how to check versions and all. I used Windows 95, 98SE, 2000, and XP. At college I started using UNIX and Solaris for CS (along with Emacs and Eclipse) and I've used GNU/Linux (Debian testing w/Gnome). The synaptic package manager was what drew me to it. If you haven't seen it, you'll be converted when you do. I've found that without Linux, I miss having multiple desktops (which I don't feel like installing for Windows). It has been hard to get the motivation to install Linux again. It probably won't happen for a while.


Personal Todo List

  • See if a Java IRC bot can be done. ?
  • Translate RCRPG/Perl to Java (and BASIC if possible).
  • Deterministic PDA (almost ready), and formal Turing machine simulators.
  • Get a new processor, motherboard, and video card. (suggestions?)