User:ImplSearchBot/Code: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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m (ImplSearchBot:0)
m (ImplSearchBot:0)
(28 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 5:
use JSON qw/to_json from_json/;
our $editor;
our $starttime = time;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 --username=(username) --password=(password) [--posttosite=yes]";
our $pagesedited = 0;
our $categorypulls = 0;
our $cachehits = 0;
our $task_count_change;
our $alltasks;
our %impldiff;
our %createdomitcategories;
our @initialcache;
our $alllanguages;
our @logoutput;
my %options;
#I don't care to pollute my global scope.
# These are all the functions that break up our work
# into logical chunks.
# Called in a *lot* of places to check the machine for overload.
sub slumber
# Snooze.
my $wiki = '';
while(&snooze) {};
my $username;
my $password;
my $verbosity = 2; # verbosity level. 0 is silent. 1 is error only. 2 is updates. 3 is process, more is noisy.
my $post; # Is this an actual run?
my $result = GetOptions(
"wiki=s" => \$wiki,
"username=s" => \$username,
"password=s" => \$password,
"verbosity=s" => \$verbosity,
"post" => \$post);
$options{'wiki'} = $wiki;
die $usage
unless defined $username;
$options{'username'} = $username;
die $usage
unless defined $password;
$options{'password'} = $password;
$options{'post'} = $post
if defined $post;
$options{'verbosity'} = $verbosity;
# A reversed snooze buton
sub snooze
open my $loadavg, '<', '/proc/loadavg'
or die "Failed to check load average: $!";
my $loadstr = <$loadavg>;
close $loadavg;
# Wait one minute for every process in the wait queue.
#Statistic tracking.
my @avgs = split / +/, $loadstr, 3;
my $starttime = time;
my $pagesedited = 0;
my $sleeptime = 0;
# Handles interaction with the wiki.
# Note that I had to modify HTTP::Message to make it work
# HTTP::Message silently failed when presented by MW
# with an encoding type of "application/json" or some such.
&out("Creating editor\n", 3);
my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new('ImpleSearchBot');
$editor->{debug} = 1;
# Sleep at least one minute for each process in the wait queue.
# Tell the editor to edit Rosetta Code. I'm sure Wikipedia didn't like
$sleeptime = $avgs[0] * 60;
# my initial attempts from before I added this line.
&out("Trying to set wiki.\n",3);
# Attempt to log in.
&out("Trying to log in.\n", 3);
my $loginres = $editor->login($options{'username'}, $options{'password'});
# If we're currently under notable load
die "Unable to login: " . $loginres
if($sleeptime > 30)
unless $loginres == "Success";
print "Calculated sleeptime: $sleeptime\n";
print "Load averages: " . join(' ', @avgs) . " ... Sleeping $sleeptime seconds\n";
sleep $sleeptime;
return $sleeptime;
return 0;
# Get a complete listing of the tasks.
&out("Getting tasks\n", 3);
my @alltasks = &getcategory('Category:Programming Tasks');
# Builds a simple hash ref associating a page name with body.
# Get a complete listing of the languages.
# Used to help us prepare our postings in one pass, then commit them
&out("Getting the languages.\n", 3);
# in a second pass.
my @alllanguages = &getcategory('Category:Programming Languages');
sub build_posting
# We want the language name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
$_ =~ s/^Category:// foreach (@alllanguages);
my $name = shift;
my $body = shift;
return {$name => $body};
# Prepares the template body for the unimplemented data.
# Get a list of the languages for which we've already provided bodies for the related omit categories.
sub prep_unimp_posting
# Store it as a hash, so the lookup will be faster.
my %createdomitcategories = map {$_, 1} &getcategory('Category:Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated');
my $impldiff = shift;
my $language = shift;
my $unimplisting = "";
foreach my $taskname (@$alltasks)
# If it's a category task, the task name will be slightly different.
my $baretaskname = $taskname;
$baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
my $implpage = $taskname;
$implpage =~ s/^Category:(.*)/$1\/$language/;
# my $escapedImplPage = $implpage;
&out("Identifying work to do\n", 3);
# $escapedImplPage =~ s/ /_/g;
my %impldiff;
my $link;
$link = "{{unimpl task link|$baretaskname|$language}}";
# $link = "[$escapedImplPage $implpage]";
# Add the task to the unimplemented list, if it's unimplemented, and if it's not in the omit list.
unless(exists $impldiff->{$language}->{'impl'}->{$implpage} or exists $impldiff->{$language}->{'omit'}->{$implpage})
$unimplisting .= "* $link\n";
return &build_posting("Template:" . &get_unimpl_template_name($language), $unimplisting);
# Prepares the template body for the listings of omitted data for a page.
foreach my $lang (@alllanguages)
sub prep_omit_posting
my $val = &getlangwork($lang);
my $implediff = shift;
next unless defined $val;
my $language = shift;
$impldiff{$lang} = $val;
my $omitlisting = "";
my $omittemplatename = &get_omit_template_name($language);
foreach my $taskname (@$alltasks)
# We want the task name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
my $baretaskname = $taskname;
$baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
# Add the task to the omission list, if it's omitted.
my $escapedTaskName = $baretaskname;
$escapedTaskName =~ s/ /_/g;
$omitlisting .= "* [$escapedTaskName $baretaskname]\n"
if(exists $impldiff{$language}->{'omit'}->{$taskname})
# Note that there's no data in the template.
$implediff->{$language}->{'omit'} = 0
if( "" eq $omitlisting );
return &build_posting("Template:$omittemplatename", $omitlisting);
# Prepares the page body that folks look at to find out what changed for a language.
foreach my $language (keys %impldiff)
sub prep_listing_posting
my $pagename = "Tasks not implemented in $language";
my $impldiff = shift;
&out("Preparing data for:$pagename\n", 3);
my $language = shift;
my $hashref = $impldiff{$language}->{'impl'};
my %implemented = %$hashref;
my $hashreftargetcount = $impldiff->{$language}->{'omittarget_count'};
my $unimpcount = $impldiff->{$language}->{'unimp_count'};
my %omitted = %$hashref;
my $omitcount = scalar keys %omitted;
# Prepare template fields
my $langfield = "|$language";
my $unimpfield = "|$unimpcount";
# Language metadata
my $taskcounttcfield = scalar @alltasks"|$targetcount";
my $unimpcount = $taskcount - scalar keys %implemented;
my $impperccalc = 0;
my $targetcount = ($taskcount - $omitcount);
$impperccalc = (($targetcount - $unimpcount) / $targetcount) * 100
# Language-specific page data.
my $unimplisting = "";
my $omitlisting = "";
my $pagedata; # Not assembled until the end.
foreach my $taskname (@alltasks)
# We want the task name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
my $baretaskname = $taskname;
$baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
# Add the task to the unimplemented list, if it's unimplemented.
$unimplisting .= "* [[$baretaskname]]\n"
unless(exists $implemented{$taskname});
# Add the task to the omission list, if it's omitted.
$omitlisting .= "* [[$baretaskname]]\n"
if(exists $omitted{$taskname})
# Prepare template fields
my $langfield = "|$language";
my $unimpfield = "|$unimpcount";
my $tcfield = "|$targetcount";
my $impperccalc = 0;
$impperccalc = (($targetcount - $unimpcount) / $targetcount) * 100
unless ($targetcount == 0);
my $imppercfield = sprintf "|%u", $impperccalc;
# Prepare the listing page format.
my $pagedata = '{{unimpl_header' . $langfield . $unimpfield . $tcfield . $imppercfield . '}}';
$pagedata .= "{{" . &get_unimpl_template_name($language) . "$unimpfield}}";
if (0 != $impldiff->{$language}->{'omit'})
$pagedata .= "{{omit_header" . "$langfield}}";
$pagedata .= "{{" . &get_omit_template_name($language) ."}}";
$pagedata .= "{{unimpl_footer$langfield}}";
return &build_posting(&get_listing_name($language), $pagedata);
# Prepare the body of the omit category.
my $imppercfield = sprintf "|%u", $impperccalc;
sub prep_omit_cat_posting
my $implediff = shift;
my $language = shift;
return &build_posting(&get_omit_cat_name($language), "{{omit_cat|$language}}");
# Prepare the page title for the page folks look at to see what change what.
my $unimpltemplatename = "unimp_body_$language";
sub get_listing_name
my $omittemplatename = "unimp_omit_body_$language";
my $language = shift;
return "Tasks not implemented in $language";
# Prepare the listingtemplate pagename for the omit listing format.body
sub get_omit_template_name
$pagedata = '{{unimpl_header' . $langfield . $unimpfield . $tcfield . $imppercfield . '}}';
$pagedata .= "{{$unimpltemplatename" . "$unimpfield}}";
$pagedata .= "{{omit_header" . "$langfield}}";
my $language = shift;
$pagedata .= "{{$omittemplatename}}";
return "unimp_omit_body_$language";
$pagedata .= "{{unimpl_footer$langfield}}";
# PostPrepare the template containingname for the listingunimplimended of unimplementedlisting tasks.body
sub get_unimpl_template_name
&postpage("Template:$unimpltemplatename", "<includeonly>$unimplisting</includeonly>", "ImplSearchBot:Updating list body of unimplemented tasks.", 1);
my $language = shift;
return "unimp_body_$language";
# PostReturn the templatename containingof the listingcategory ofto find the omitted taskspages for a particular language.
sub get_omit_cat_name
&postpage("Template:$omittemplatename", "<includeonly>$omitlisting</includeonly>", "ImplSearchBot:Updating list body of unimplemented tasks.", 1);
my $language = shift;
return "Category:$language/Omit";
# Prepare all the pages associated with a specific language.
# I'll uncomment this if the layout has to change significantly again. In the mean time, that's over a hundred pages we don't have to edit...
sub process_language
# # Update the layout of the listing page, because it's changed.
# &postpage($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:Updating layout of listing page.",1);
my $implediff = shift;
my $language = shift;
my $unimpl = &prep_unimp_posting($implediff, $language);
my $omit = &prep_omit_posting($implediff, $language);
my $listing = &prep_listing_posting($implediff, $language);
my %langpostings = ( %$unimpl, %$omit, %$listing );
unless ( exists $createdomitcategories{&get_omit_cat_name($language)} )
my $omit_cat = &prep_omit_cat_posting($implediff, $language);
%langpostings = ( %langpostings, %$omit_cat );
return \%langpostings;
sub wikitxt_pathname {
my $omitcategoryname = "Category:$language/Omit";
my $omitcatpagedata = "{{omit_cat|$language}}";
my $page_name = $_[0];
&postpage($omitcategoryname, $omitcatpagedata, "ImplSearchBot:Updating Omit category body", 0)
"test/" . sanitizenamefs($page_name) . ".wikitxt";
unless ( exists $createdomitcategories{$omitcategoryname} );
# Prepare and post all of the core pages for this run.
sub processimplediff
my $implediff = shift;
my %work;
# Prepare all our work.
foreach my $language (keys %$implediff)
# &out("Preparing data for:$language\n", 4);
my $workitem = &process_language($implediff, $language);
%work = ( %work, %$workitem );
# Now that we've prepared all our work, commit it.
foreach my $pagename (keys %work)
&postpage($pagename, $work{$pagename}, "Updating $pagename", 0);
# Return the Mediawiki editor object.
# To add here: Post stats on activities:
sub geteditor
# 1. Pages edited
# 2. Time last run started
# 3. Time to completion from start to just prior to stat post point.
# If we're not posting, and we're only drawing from cache
# We don't actually need to pull from the wiki.
my $runtime = time() - $starttime;
if( exists $options{'cacheonly'} )
my $statsdata = "Pages edited last run: $pagesedited\nTime to post all per-language updates: $runtime seconds\n";
&out("Updating stats page. Runtime ($runtime), Pages edited ($pagesedited)\n", 2);
return undef
unless exists $options{'post'};
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Stats", $statsdata, 0);
# Handles interaction with the wiki.
&out("Updating bot code page\n", 4);
# Note that I had to modify HTTP::Message to make it work
# HTTP::Message silently failed when presented by MW
open my $sourcefile, '<', $0
# with an encoding type of "application/json" or some such.
or die "Finished without updating bot source page";
&out("Creating editor\n", 3);
my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new('ImpleSearchBot');
my $botsource;
$editor->{debug} = 1;
$botsource .= $_ while <$sourcefile>;
# Tell the editor to edit Rosetta Code. I'm sure Wikipedia didn't like
close $sourcefile;
# my initial attempts from before I added this line.
&out("Trying to set wiki.\n",3);
my $tag = "lang";
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Code", "<$tag perl>$botsource</$tag>", 0);
# If we're not posting, we don't need to log in if we're pulling from cache.
# Otherwise, attempt to log in.
&out("Done\n", 2);
&out("Trying to log in.\n", 3);
my $loginres = $editor->login($options{'username'}, $options{'password'});
die "Unable to login: " . $loginres
unless $loginres == 0;
return $editor;
# Simple logging infrastructure. Current sends to STDWARN or STDOUT, which cron
# emails to the user, which gets forwarded to Short Circuit. (Anyone want a copy?)
sub out
my $string = shift;
my $loglevelstring = shift;
my $loglevel = shift;
chomp $string;
chomp $string;
push @logoutput, ($string);
if($options{'verbosity'} >= $loglevel)
if($options{'verbosity'} >= $loglevel)
if($loglevel == 1)
if($loglevel == 1)
warn $string; # use stderr.
warn $string; # use stderr.
print "$string\n";
print "$string\n";
# Many popular filesystems can't andle : and \ in filenames.
# Since I plan to open the SVN repo we save to the rest of the world at some point,
# I'm trying to make sure the files are representable.
sub sanitizenamefs
my $pagename = shift;
my $pagename =~ tr/:\//__/shift;
return $pagename =~ tr/:\//__/;
return $pagename;
# Find all the entries that are in the second list ref, but not the first.
sub diffcat_simple
my $first = shift;
my $secondfirst = shift;
my %firsthash = map {my $_,second 1= } @$firstshift;
my %firsthash = map { $_, 1 } @$first;
my @new = ();
my @new = ();
foreach my $secondelement (@$second)
foreach my $secondelement (@$second)
push @new, $secondelement
unless exists $firsthash{ push @new, $secondelement};
unless exists $firsthash{$secondelement};
return @new;
return @new;
# Find all the entries that are in one listref, but not the other.
sub diffcat
my $first = shift;
my $secondfirst = shift;
my @newinfirst = &diffcat_simple( my $second, $first)= shift;
my @newinsecondonlyinfirst = &diffcat_simple($firstsecond, $secondfirst);
my @onlyinsecond = &diffcat_simple($first, $second);
return (\@newinfirst, \@newinsecond);
return (\@onlyinfirst, \@onlyinsecond);
sub slurp_file {
my $pathname = $_[0];
open(my $stream, "<", $pathname) or do {warn"Can't open '$pathname': $!\n";
my $ret;
while (1) {
my $len = read($stream, my $buf, 1024);
if (!defined($len)) { die "I/O error while reading '$pathname': $!"; }
elsif ($len == 0) { last }
else { $ret .= $buf }
# Post a page (or save it to disk, if we're testing.)
sub postpage
my $pagename = shift;
my $pagedatapagename = shift;
my $remarkpagedata = shift;
my $minoreditremark = shift;
my $minoredit = shift;
# MediaWiki won't let us create blank, empty pages.
unless( exists $options{'post'} )
# But since we don't want to query (or cache) to see if
# the page already exists, we'll just add an HTML
$pagename = &sanitizenamefs($pagename);
# non-breaking-space entity if the page is truly empty.
$pagename .= ".wikitxt";
$pagedata = "&nbsp;"
if(0 == length $pagedata);
&out("Saving: $pagename\n", 3);
unless( exists $options{'post'} )
$pagename = wikitxt_pathname($pagename);
# save it to disk, and out of the way.
&out("Saving: $pagename\n", 2);
open my $outfile, '>', $pagename
or &out("Failed to open $pagename: $!", 1);
return unless defined $outfile;
print $outfile $pagedata;
close $outfile;
else {
open my $outfile, '>', &out("Posting $pagename\n", 2);
or &log("Failed to open $pagename: $!", 1);
$editor->edit($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:$remark", $minoredit)
or &out("Failed to post page: " . $editor->{'errstr'}, 1);
return unless defined $outfile;
print $outfile $pagedata;
close $outfile;
&out("Posting $pagename\n", 3);
$editor->edit($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:$remark", $minoredit)
or &out("Failed to post page: " . $editor->{'errstr'}, 1);
# This allows us to compare site state between now and when we
# last ran, so that we can learn to avoid doing unnecessary work.
# (Saves on server resources and bloated edit statistics...)
# Also, Ithe plandata ongets publishingsaved theto an SVN cacherepo, filesso inthat amultiple versionbots controlcan
# use the history. We're using JSON, as JSON has broader
# system like SVN or Git, to allow multiple bots
# cross-language support than Data::Dumper, making it easier for others
# to share the data and to provide history. We're using JSON
# to use the data.
# Instead of Perl's native Data::Dumper as JSON has broader
# cross-language support, making it easier for others to use the data.
# SVN has the advantage that I already know how to use it.
# Git has the advantage in that I can use GitHub and not tax
# my Slice with Git traffic, and I don't have to punch a hole
# in the firewall to access more services.
sub cachedata
my $dataname = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $filename = $options{'cachepath'} . &sanitizenamefs($dataname . ".json");
&out("Caching $dataname...", 3);
unless( exists $options{'post'} )
my $filename = &sanitizenamefs("cache_" . $dataname . ".json");
# This is just a test run. Best not to overwrite our cache.
&out("Skipping caching of $dataname to $filename...", 4);
my $outfile;
unless(open $outfile, '>', $filename)
&out("Failed to open $filename for caching: $!\n", 1);
print $outfile to_json($data);
close $outfile;
&out(scalar @$data . " members cached to $filename.\n", 45);
# Return data we cached previously.
sub getcacheddata
my $dataname = shift;
&out("Gettingmy cached$filename data= for$options{'cachepath'} . &sanitizenamefs($dataname . "..json", 3);
my $filename = &sanitizenamefsout("cache_"Getting .cached data for $dataname .from "$filename...json", 4);
my $infile;
unless (open $infile, '<', $filename)
&out("Failed to load cached data $filename: $!\n", 15);
return [];
my $jsondata;
$jsondata .= $_ while <$infile>;
close $infile;
my $cacheddata = from_json($jsondata);
&out(scalar @$cacheddata . " cache members retrieved from $filename\n", 45);
return $cacheddata;
# Report the changes between two categories.
# More interesting than "x added, y removed"
sub reportcatchanges
my $category = shift;
my $old = shift;
my $new = shift;
my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($old, $new);
my $out = "";
$out .= "Removed from $category:\n"
if( scalar @$removed > 0 );
$out .= "$_\n"
foreach (@$removed);
$out .= "Added to $category:\n"
if( scalar @$added > 0 );
$out .= "$_\n"
foreach (@$added);
&out($out, 2)
if("" ne $out);
# Pull the category data, or cached data if we're not pulling from the wiki.
sub getcategory
my $categoryname = shift;
&out("Getting category contents for $categoryname...", 34);
my @categorycontents = $editor->get_pages_in_category($categoryname);
my $old;
&out(scalar @categorycontents . " members retrieved\n", 3);
my $new;
my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat(&getcacheddata($categoryname), \@categorycontents);
if( exists $options{'cacheonly'} )
&out(scalar @$removed . " removed, " . @$added . " added to $categoryname\n", (scalar @$removed + scalar @$added) > 0 ? 2 : 3);
# Return the cache data if we're not supposed to query the database.
$old = [];
&cachedata("$categoryname", \@categorycontents);
$new = &getcacheddata($categoryname);
return @categorycontents;
$old = &getcacheddata($categoryname);
$new = [$editor->get_pages_in_category($categoryname)];
# &reportcatchanges($categoryname, $old, $new);
&cachedata("$categoryname", $new);
&out(scalar @$new . " members returned for $categoryname\n", 5);
return $new;
# Find if this category changed, report its contents if it has.
sub getwork
my $categoryname = shift;
&out("Getting work for $categoryname.\n",34);
my $olddatacacheddata = &getcacheddata($categoryname);
my @newdata = &getcategory($categoryname);
# If we're on a cache-only basis, we'll just say we have no old data,
my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($olddata, \@newdata);
# and that our cached data is our new data.
my @work = ();
my $olddata;
@work = @newdata
my $newdata;
if((scalar @$removed + scalar @$added) > 0);
if (exists $options{'cacheonly'})
&out(scalar @work . " items to process for $categoryname.\n", 3);
$olddata = [];
$newdata = $cacheddata;
return @work;
$olddata = $cacheddata;
$newdata = &getcategory($categoryname);
my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($olddata, $newdata);
my $impl_count_change = scalar @$removed + @$added;
my $work = [];
$work = $newdata
if(($impl_count_change + $task_count_change) > 0);
&out(scalar @$work . " items to process for $categoryname.\n", 3);
return @$work;
# If changes occurred, the info is more important than if they didn't.
sub getloglevelfromdiff
my $base = shift;
my $first = shift;
my $second = shift;
return $base
if((scalar @$first + scalar @$second) > 0);
return $base + 1;
# Find all the work items for a given language.
sub getlangwork
my $language = shift;
&out("Getting lang work for $language\n", 34);
my %impl;
foreach my $workitem (&getwork("Category:$language"))
Line 380 ⟶ 603:
$omit{$workitem} = 1;
# No work to do?
return undef
if( ( 0 == scalar keys %omit) && (0 == scalar keys %impl));
# Language metadata
my $unimpcount = scalar @$alltasks - scalar keys %impl;
my $targetcount = (scalar @$alltasks - scalar keys %omit);
# work to do.
return {'impl' => \%impl,
'omit' => \%omit };,
'unimp_count' => $unimpcount,
'target_count' => $targetcount };
# Commit the cache.
sub commitcache
# First, find out if we've added any files.
my $cachepath = $options{'cachepath'};
opendir(CACHEDIR, $cachepath);
my @current = readdir(CACHEDIR);
# We need to run svn adds if we've created any new files.
# Maybe we'll use SVN::Client some day. Not right now.
my ($added, $removed) = &diffcat(\@current, \@initialcache);
&out("Detected " . scalar @$added . " new cache files and " . scalar @$removed . " removed\n",&getloglevelfromdiff(2, $added, $removed));
if ((scalar @$added + scalar @$removed ) > 0)
foreach my $cachefile (@$added)
&svn('add', $cachepath . $cachefile);;
foreach my $cachefile (@$removed)
&svn('remove', $cachepath . $cachefile);;
&svn('ci', '--message="ImplSearchBot run"', $cachepath);
&svn('update', $cachepath);
# Wrap svn commands so we can log them.
sub svn
if(exists $options{'nosvn'});
my @args = @_;
my $string = "system 'svn'";
$string .= ", '$_'"
foreach (@args);
$string .= "\n";
&out($string, 3);
system 'svn', @args
if(exists $options{'post'});
sub getopt {
#I don't care to pollute my global scope.
my $wiki = '';
my $username;
my $password;
my $verbosity = 2; # verbosity level. 0 is silent. 1 is error only. 2 is updates. 3 is process, more is noisy.
my $post; # Is this an actual run?
my $cachepath = "/tmp/";
my $cacheonly; # Don't query the wiki for data. Just pull from cache.
my $nosvn;
my $rebuild_all;
my $opt_matrix = {
"wiki=s" => \$wiki,
"username=s" => \$username,
"password=s" => \$password,
"verbosity=s" => \$verbosity,
"post" => \$post,
"cacheonly" => \$cacheonly,
"nosvn" => \$nosvn,
"cachepath=s" => \$cachepath,
"rebuildall" => \$rebuild_all };
my $result = GetOptions( %$opt_matrix );
$options{'wiki'} = $wiki;
$options{'nosvn'} = $nosvn
if defined $nosvn;
$options{'username'} = $username
if defined $username;
$options{'password'} = $password
if defined $password;
$options{'post'} = $post
if defined $post;
$options{'verbosity'} = $verbosity;
$cachepath .= '/'
if('/' ne substr($cachepath, -1, 1));
$options{'cachepath'} = $cachepath;
$options{'cacheonly'} = $cacheonly
if defined $cacheonly;
$options{'rebuild_all'} = $rebuild_all
if defined $rebuild_all;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 (options)\n The available options are:\n";
$usage .= "\t--$_\n"
foreach (keys %$opt_matrix);
$usage .= "Username and password are required if you need to pull data from the wiki. Wiki defaults to Rosetta Code.\n";
my $wikineeded;
$wikineeded = "yes"
unless ( exists $options{'cacheonly'} );
$wikineeded = "yes"
if ( exists $options{'post'} );
if(defined $wikineeded)
unless(exists $options{'username'} and exists $options{'password'})
die $usage;
sub main {
unless (@ARGV) { @ARGV = @_; }
#Statistic tracking.
# Tracking for svn checkin at end.
# We *should* be the only ones writing to the cache path for now.
# Anyone else should have their own checkout of the data,
# and test runs are done with --cacheonly and --nosvn.
opendir(my $cachedir, $options{'cachepath'})
or die "Unable to open cache directory";
@initialcache = readdir($cachedir);
&out(scalar @initialcache . " categories initially cached\n", 4);
# Get our editor
$editor = &geteditor();
# Get a complete listing of the tasks.
&out("Getting tasks\n", 3);
$alltasks = &getcategory('Category:Programming Tasks');
# Get a complete listing of the languages.
&out("Getting the languages.\n", 3);
$alllanguages= &getcategory('Category:Programming Languages');
# Quick check. Did we add or lose any tasks? If so, we've got to recalc *all*
# of the pages. :-/
unless(exists $options{'rebuild_all'}) {
my $cacheddata = &getcacheddata('Category:Programming Tasks');
my ($added, $removed) = &diffcat($alltasks, $cacheddata);
$task_count_change = scalar @$added + scalar @$removed;
else {
$task_count_change = 1; # It just needs to be nonzero...
# We want the language name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
$_ =~ s/^Category:// foreach (@$alllanguages);
# Get a list of the languages for which we've already provided bodies for the related omit categories.
# Store it as a hash, so the lookup will be faster.
my $omitcatcontents = &getcategory('Category:Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated');
my %createdomitcategories = map {$_, 1} @$omitcatcontents;
&out("Identifying work to do\n", 3);
foreach my $lang (@$alllanguages) {
my $val = &getlangwork($lang);
next unless defined $val;
$impldiff{$lang} = $val;
my $runtime = time() - $starttime;
my $statsdata = "Pages edited last run: $pagesedited<br/>Time to post all per-language updates: $runtime seconds<br/>Category pulls: $categorypulls<br/>Cache hits: $cachehits<br/>";
&out("Updating stats page. Runtime ($runtime), Pages edited ($pagesedited)\n", 2);
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Stats", $statsdata, "Updating stats data", 0);
&out("Updating bot code page\n", 4);
open my $sourcefile, '<', $0
or die "Finished without updating bot source page";
my $botsource;
$botsource .= $_ while <$sourcefile>;
close $sourcefile;
my $tag = "lang";
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Code", "<$tag perl>$botsource</$tag>", 0);
my $logdata = "<pre>" . join( "\n", @logoutput) . "</pre>";
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Log", $logdata, 0);
&out("Updating cache\n", 4);
&out("Done\n", 3);
exit 0
if (!caller) { exit main }

Latest revision as of 21:16, 26 August 2009

<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use MediaWiki::Bot; use JSON qw/to_json from_json/;

our $editor; our $starttime = time; our $pagesedited = 0; our $categorypulls = 0; our $cachehits = 0; our $task_count_change; our $alltasks; our %impldiff; our %createdomitcategories; our @initialcache; our $alllanguages; our @logoutput;

my %options;

  1. ---------------------
  2. These are all the functions that break up our work
  3. into logical chunks.
  4. ---------------------
  1. Called in a *lot* of places to check the machine for overload.

sub slumber { # Snooze. while(&snooze) {}; }

  1. A reversed snooze buton

sub snooze { open my $loadavg, '<', '/proc/loadavg' or die "Failed to check load average: $!"; my $loadstr = <$loadavg>; close $loadavg;

# Wait one minute for every process in the wait queue. my @avgs = split / +/, $loadstr, 3;

my $sleeptime = 0;

# Sleep at least one minute for each process in the wait queue. $sleeptime = $avgs[0] * 60;

# If we're currently under notable load if($sleeptime > 30) { print "Calculated sleeptime: $sleeptime\n"; print "Load averages: " . join(' ', @avgs) . " ... Sleeping $sleeptime seconds\n"; sleep $sleeptime; return $sleeptime; }

return 0; }

  1. Builds a simple hash ref associating a page name with body.
  2. Used to help us prepare our postings in one pass, then commit them
  3. in a second pass.

sub build_posting { &slumber;

   my $name = shift;
   my $body = shift;
   return {$name => $body};


  1. Prepares the template body for the unimplemented data.

sub prep_unimp_posting { &slumber;

   my $impldiff = shift;
   my $language = shift;
   my $unimplisting = "";
   foreach my $taskname (@$alltasks)
       # If it's a category task, the task name will be slightly different.
       my $baretaskname = $taskname;
       $baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
       my $implpage = $taskname;
       $implpage =~ s/^Category:(.*)/$1\/$language/;
 #      my $escapedImplPage = $implpage;
#       $escapedImplPage =~ s/ /_/g;
       my $link;

$link = "Template:Unimpl task link";

  1. $link = "$implpage";
       # Add the task to the unimplemented list, if it's unimplemented, and if it's not in the omit list.
       unless(exists $impldiff->{$language}->{'impl'}->{$implpage} or exists $impldiff->{$language}->{'omit'}->{$implpage})
           $unimplisting .= "* $link\n";
   return &build_posting("Template:" . &get_unimpl_template_name($language), $unimplisting);


  1. Prepares the template body for the listings of omitted data for a page.

sub prep_omit_posting { &slumber;

   my $implediff = shift;
   my $language = shift;
   my $omitlisting = "";
   my $omittemplatename = &get_omit_template_name($language);
   foreach my $taskname (@$alltasks)
       # We want the task name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
       my $baretaskname = $taskname;
       $baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
       # Add the task to the omission list, if it's omitted.
       my $escapedTaskName = $baretaskname;
       $escapedTaskName =~ s/ /_/g;
       $omitlisting .= "* $baretaskname\n"
           if(exists $impldiff{$language}->{'omit'}->{$taskname})
   # Note that there's no data in the template.
   $implediff->{$language}->{'omit'} = 0
       if( "" eq $omitlisting );
   return &build_posting("Template:$omittemplatename", $omitlisting);


  1. Prepares the page body that folks look at to find out what changed for a language.

sub prep_listing_posting { &slumber;

   my $impldiff = shift;
   my $language = shift;
   my $targetcount = $impldiff->{$language}->{'target_count'};
   my $unimpcount = $impldiff->{$language}->{'unimp_count'};
   # Prepare template fields
   my $langfield = "|$language";
   my $unimpfield = "|$unimpcount";
   my $tcfield = "|$targetcount";
   my $impperccalc = 0;
   $impperccalc = (($targetcount - $unimpcount) / $targetcount) * 100

unless ($targetcount == 0);

   my $imppercfield = sprintf "|%u", $impperccalc;
   # Prepare the listing page format.
   my $pagedata = 'Template:Unimpl header' . $langfield . $unimpfield . $tcfield . $imppercfield . '';
   $pagedata .= "Template:" . &get unimpl template name($language) . "$unimpfield";
   if (0 != $impldiff->{$language}->{'omit'})
       $pagedata .= "Template:Omit header" . "$langfield";
       $pagedata .= "Template:" . &get omit template name($language) ."";
   $pagedata .= "Template:Unimpl footer$langfield";
   return &build_posting(&get_listing_name($language), $pagedata);


  1. Prepare the body of the omit category.

sub prep_omit_cat_posting { &slumber;

   my $implediff = shift;
   my $language = shift;
   return &build_posting(&get_omit_cat_name($language), "Tasks listed here have been marked as "un-implementable" in $language. Solutions may be impossible to do, too complex to be of any valuable instruction in $language, or prohibited by the task definition.

But hey; if you think you can prove us wrong, go for it. :-) "); }

  1. Prepare the page title for the page folks look at to see what change what.

sub get_listing_name { &slumber;

   my $language = shift;
   return "Tasks not implemented in $language";


  1. Prepare the template name for the omit listing body

sub get_omit_template_name { &slumber;

   my $language = shift;
   return "unimp_omit_body_$language";


  1. Prepare the template name for the unimplimended listing body

sub get_unimpl_template_name { &slumber;

   my $language = shift;
   return "unimp_body_$language";


  1. Return the name of the category to find the omitted pages for a particular language.

sub get_omit_cat_name { &slumber;

   my $language = shift;
   return "Category:$language/Omit";


  1. Prepare all the pages associated with a specific language.

sub process_language { &slumber;

   my $implediff = shift;
   my $language = shift;
   my $unimpl = &prep_unimp_posting($implediff, $language);
   my $omit = &prep_omit_posting($implediff, $language);
   my $listing = &prep_listing_posting($implediff, $language);
   my %langpostings = ( %$unimpl, %$omit, %$listing );
   unless ( exists $createdomitcategories{&get_omit_cat_name($language)} )
       my $omit_cat = &prep_omit_cat_posting($implediff, $language);
       %langpostings = ( %langpostings, %$omit_cat );
   return \%langpostings;


sub wikitxt_pathname { &slumber;

   my $page_name = $_[0];
   "test/" . sanitizenamefs($page_name) . ".wikitxt";


  1. Prepare and post all of the core pages for this run.

sub processimplediff { &slumber;

   my $implediff = shift;
   my %work;
   # Prepare all our work.
   foreach my $language (keys %$implediff)
       # &out("Preparing data for:$language\n", 4);
       my $workitem = &process_language($implediff, $language);
       %work = ( %work, %$workitem );
   # Now that we've prepared all our work, commit it.
   foreach my $pagename (keys %work)
       &postpage($pagename, $work{$pagename}, "Updating $pagename", 0);


  1. Return the Mediawiki editor object.

sub geteditor { &slumber;

   # If we're not posting, and we're only drawing from cache
   # We don't actually need to pull from the wiki.
   if( exists $options{'cacheonly'} )
       return undef
           unless exists $options{'post'};
   # Handles interaction with the wiki.
   # Note that I had to modify HTTP::Message to make it work
   # HTTP::Message silently failed when presented by MW
   # with an encoding type of "application/json" or some such.
   &out("Creating editor\n", 3);
   my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new('ImpleSearchBot');
   $editor->{debug} = 1;
   # Tell the editor to edit Rosetta Code.  I'm sure Wikipedia didn't like
   # my initial attempts from before I added this line.
   &out("Trying to set wiki.\n",3);
   # If we're not posting, we don't need to log in if we're pulling from cache.
   # Otherwise, attempt to log in.
   &out("Trying to log in.\n", 3);
   my $loginres = $editor->login($options{'username'}, $options{'password'});
   die "Unable to login: " . $loginres
       unless $loginres == 0;
   return $editor;


  1. Simple logging infrastructure. Current sends to STDWARN or STDOUT, which cron
  2. emails to the user, which gets forwarded to Short Circuit. (Anyone want a copy?)

sub out { &slumber;

   my $string = shift;
   my $loglevel = shift;
   chomp $string;
   push @logoutput, ($string);
   if($options{'verbosity'} >= $loglevel)
       if($loglevel == 1)
           warn $string; # use stderr.
           print "$string\n";


  1. Many popular filesystems can't andle : and \ in filenames.
  2. Since I plan to open the SVN repo we save to the rest of the world at some point,
  3. I'm trying to make sure the files are representable.

sub sanitizenamefs { &slumber;

   my $pagename = shift;
   $pagename =~ tr/:\//__/;
   return $pagename;


  1. Find all the entries that are in the second list ref, but not the first.

sub diffcat_simple { &slumber;

   my $first = shift;
   my $second = shift;
   my %firsthash = map { $_, 1 } @$first;
   my @new = ();
   foreach my $secondelement (@$second)
       push @new, $secondelement
           unless exists $firsthash{$secondelement};
   return @new;


  1. Find all the entries that are in one listref, but not the other.

sub diffcat { &slumber;

   my $first = shift;
   my $second = shift;
   my @onlyinfirst = &diffcat_simple($second, $first);
   my @onlyinsecond = &diffcat_simple($first, $second);
   return (\@onlyinfirst, \@onlyinsecond);


sub slurp_file { &slumber;

   my $pathname = $_[0];
   open(my $stream, "<", $pathname) or do {warn"Can't open '$pathname': $!\n";
   my $ret;
   while (1) {
       my $len = read($stream, my $buf, 1024);
       if (!defined($len)) { die "I/O error while reading '$pathname': $!"; }
       elsif ($len == 0) { last }
       else { $ret .= $buf }


  1. Post a page (or save it to disk, if we're testing.)

sub postpage { &slumber;

   my $pagename = shift;
   my $pagedata = shift;
   my $remark = shift;
   my $minoredit = shift;
   # MediaWiki won't let us create blank, empty pages.
   # But since we don't want to query (or cache) to see if
   # the page already exists, we'll just add an HTML
   # non-breaking-space entity if the page is truly empty.
   $pagedata = " "
       if(0 == length $pagedata);
   unless( exists $options{'post'} )
       $pagename = wikitxt_pathname($pagename);
       # save it to disk, and out of the way.
       &out("Saving: $pagename\n", 2);
       open my $outfile, '>', $pagename
           or &out("Failed to open $pagename: $!", 1);
       return unless defined $outfile;
       print $outfile $pagedata;
       close $outfile;
   else {
       &out("Posting $pagename\n", 2);
   $editor->edit($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:$remark", $minoredit)
       or &out("Failed to post page: " . $editor->{'errstr'}, 1);


  1. This allows us to compare site state between now and when we
  2. last ran, so that we can learn to avoid doing unnecessary work.
  3. (Saves on server resources and bloated edit statistics...)
  4. Also, the data gets saved to an SVN repo, so that multiple bots can
  5. use the history. We're using JSON, as JSON has broader
  6. cross-language support than Data::Dumper, making it easier for others
  7. to use the data.

sub cachedata { &slumber; my $dataname = shift; my $data = shift; my $filename = $options{'cachepath'} . &sanitizenamefs($dataname . ".json"); unless( exists $options{'post'} ) { # This is just a test run. Best not to overwrite our cache. &out("Skipping caching of $dataname to $filename...", 4); return; } my $outfile; unless(open $outfile, '>', $filename) { &out("Failed to open $filename for caching: $!\n", 1); return; }

print $outfile to_json($data); close $outfile; &out(scalar @$data . " members cached to $filename.\n", 5); }

  1. Return data we cached previously.

sub getcacheddata { &slumber; my $dataname = shift; my $filename = $options{'cachepath'} . &sanitizenamefs($dataname . ".json"); &out("Getting cached data for $dataname from $filename...", 4); my $infile; unless (open $infile, '<', $filename) { &out("Failed to load cached data $filename: $!\n", 5); return []; }

my $jsondata; $jsondata .= $_ while <$infile>; close $infile;

my $cacheddata = from_json($jsondata); &out(scalar @$cacheddata . " cache members retrieved from $filename\n", 5);

++$cachehits; return $cacheddata; }

  1. Report the changes between two categories.
  2. More interesting than "x added, y removed"

sub reportcatchanges { &slumber; my $category = shift; my $old = shift; my $new = shift;

my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($old, $new);

my $out = "";

$out .= "Removed from $category:\n" if( scalar @$removed > 0 ); $out .= "$_\n" foreach (@$removed);

$out .= "Added to $category:\n" if( scalar @$added > 0 ); $out .= "$_\n" foreach (@$added);

&out($out, 2) if("" ne $out); }

  1. Pull the category data, or cached data if we're not pulling from the wiki.

sub getcategory { &slumber; my $categoryname = shift; &out("Getting category contents for $categoryname...", 4);

my $old; my $new;

if( exists $options{'cacheonly'} ) { # Return the cache data if we're not supposed to query the database. $old = []; $new = &getcacheddata($categoryname); } else { $old = &getcacheddata($categoryname); $new = [$editor->get_pages_in_category($categoryname)]; ++$categorypulls; }

# &reportcatchanges($categoryname, $old, $new);

&cachedata("$categoryname", $new);

&out(scalar @$new . " members returned for $categoryname\n", 5);

return $new; }

  1. Find if this category changed, report its contents if it has.

sub getwork { &slumber; my $categoryname = shift; &out("Getting work for $categoryname.\n",4); my $cacheddata = &getcacheddata($categoryname);

# If we're on a cache-only basis, we'll just say we have no old data, # and that our cached data is our new data. my $olddata; my $newdata; if (exists $options{'cacheonly'}) { $olddata = []; $newdata = $cacheddata; } else { $olddata = $cacheddata; $newdata = &getcategory($categoryname); }

my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($olddata, $newdata); my $impl_count_change = scalar @$removed + @$added; my $work = []; $work = $newdata if(($impl_count_change + $task_count_change) > 0);

&out(scalar @$work . " items to process for $categoryname.\n", 3);

return @$work; }

  1. If changes occurred, the info is more important than if they didn't.

sub getloglevelfromdiff { &slumber; my $base = shift; my $first = shift; my $second = shift; return $base if((scalar @$first + scalar @$second) > 0); return $base + 1; }

  1. Find all the work items for a given language.

sub getlangwork { &slumber; my $language = shift; &out("Getting lang work for $language\n", 4); my %impl; foreach my $workitem (&getwork("Category:$language")) { $impl{$workitem} = 1; } my %omit; foreach my $workitem (&getwork("Category:$language/Omit")) { $omit{$workitem} = 1; }

# No work to do? return undef if( ( 0 == scalar keys %omit) && (0 == scalar keys %impl));

# Language metadata my $unimpcount = scalar @$alltasks - scalar keys %impl; my $targetcount = (scalar @$alltasks - scalar keys %omit);

# work to do. return {'impl' => \%impl, 'omit' => \%omit,

      		'unimp_count' => $unimpcount,

'target_count' => $targetcount }; }

  1. Commit the cache.

sub commitcache { &slumber; # First, find out if we've added any files. my $cachepath = $options{'cachepath'}; opendir(CACHEDIR, $cachepath);

my @current = readdir(CACHEDIR); close(CACHEDIR);

# We need to run svn adds if we've created any new files. # Maybe we'll use SVN::Client some day. Not right now.

my ($added, $removed) = &diffcat(\@current, \@initialcache); &out("Detected " . scalar @$added . " new cache files and " . scalar @$removed . " removed\n",&getloglevelfromdiff(2, $added, $removed));

if ((scalar @$added + scalar @$removed ) > 0) { foreach my $cachefile (@$added) { &svn('add', $cachepath . $cachefile);; }

foreach my $cachefile (@$removed) { &svn('remove', $cachepath . $cachefile);; } }

&svn('ci', '--message="ImplSearchBot run"', $cachepath); &svn('update', $cachepath); }

  1. Wrap svn commands so we can log them.

sub svn { &slumber; return if(exists $options{'nosvn'}); my @args = @_;

my $string = "system 'svn'"; $string .= ", '$_'" foreach (@args);

$string .= "\n";

&out($string, 3);

system 'svn', @args if(exists $options{'post'}); }

sub getopt { &slumber;

   #I don't care to pollute my global scope.
   my $wiki = '';
   my $username;
   my $password;
   my $verbosity = 2; # verbosity level.  0 is silent. 1 is error only. 2 is updates. 3 is process, more is noisy.
   my $post; # Is this an actual run?
   my $cachepath = "/tmp/";
   my $cacheonly; # Don't query the wiki for data. Just pull from cache.
   my $nosvn;
   my $rebuild_all;
   my $opt_matrix = {
       "wiki=s"	=> \$wiki,
       "username=s"	=> \$username,
       "password=s"	=> \$password,
       "verbosity=s"	=> \$verbosity,
       "post"		=> \$post,
       "cacheonly"	=> \$cacheonly,
       "nosvn"		=> \$nosvn,
       "cachepath=s"	=> \$cachepath,
       "rebuildall"	=> \$rebuild_all	};
   my $result = GetOptions( %$opt_matrix );
   $options{'wiki'} = $wiki;
   $options{'nosvn'} = $nosvn
       if defined $nosvn;
   $options{'username'} = $username
       if defined $username;
   $options{'password'} = $password
       if defined $password;
   $options{'post'} = $post
       if defined $post;
   $options{'verbosity'} = $verbosity;
   $cachepath .= '/'
       if('/' ne substr($cachepath, -1, 1));
   $options{'cachepath'} = $cachepath;
   $options{'cacheonly'} = $cacheonly
       if defined $cacheonly;
   $options{'rebuild_all'} = $rebuild_all
       if defined $rebuild_all;
   my $usage = "Usage: $0 (options)\n The available options are:\n";
   $usage .= "\t--$_\n"
       foreach (keys %$opt_matrix);
   $usage .= "Username and password are required if you need to pull data from the wiki.  Wiki defaults to Rosetta Code.\n";
   my $wikineeded;
   $wikineeded = "yes"
       unless ( exists $options{'cacheonly'} );
   $wikineeded = "yes"
       if ( exists $options{'post'} );
   if(defined $wikineeded)
       unless(exists $options{'username'} and exists $options{'password'})
           die $usage;


sub main { &slumber;

   unless (@ARGV) { @ARGV = @_; }
  1. Statistic tracking.
  1. Tracking for svn checkin at end.
  2. We *should* be the only ones writing to the cache path for now.
  3. Anyone else should have their own checkout of the data,
  4. and test runs are done with --cacheonly and --nosvn.
   opendir(my $cachedir, $options{'cachepath'})
       or die "Unable to open cache directory";
   @initialcache = readdir($cachedir);
   &out(scalar @initialcache . " categories initially cached\n", 4);
  1. Get our editor
   $editor = &geteditor();
  1. Get a complete listing of the tasks.
   &out("Getting tasks\n", 3);
   $alltasks = &getcategory('Category:Programming Tasks');
  1. Get a complete listing of the languages.
   &out("Getting the languages.\n", 3);
   $alllanguages= &getcategory('Category:Programming Languages');
  1. Quick check. Did we add or lose any tasks? If so, we've got to recalc *all*
  2. of the pages. :-/
   unless(exists $options{'rebuild_all'}) {
       my $cacheddata = &getcacheddata('Category:Programming Tasks');
       my ($added, $removed) = &diffcat($alltasks, $cacheddata);
       $task_count_change = scalar @$added + scalar @$removed;
   else {
       $task_count_change = 1; # It just needs to be nonzero...
  1. We want the language name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
   $_ =~ s/^Category:// foreach (@$alllanguages);
  1. Get a list of the languages for which we've already provided bodies for the related omit categories.
  2. Store it as a hash, so the lookup will be faster.
   my $omitcatcontents = &getcategory('Category:Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated');
   my %createdomitcategories = map {$_, 1} @$omitcatcontents;
   &out("Identifying work to do\n", 3);
   foreach my $lang (@$alllanguages) {
       my $val = &getlangwork($lang);
       next unless defined $val;
       $impldiff{$lang} = $val;

   my $runtime = time() - $starttime;
   my $statsdata = "Pages edited last run: $pagesedited
Time to post all per-language updates: $runtime seconds
Category pulls: $categorypulls
Cache hits: $cachehits
"; &out("Updating stats page. Runtime ($runtime), Pages edited ($pagesedited)\n", 2);
   &postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Stats", $statsdata, "Updating stats data", 0);

   &out("Updating bot code page\n", 4);
   open my $sourcefile, '<', $0
       or die "Finished without updating bot source page";
   my $botsource;
   $botsource .= $_ while <$sourcefile>;
   close $sourcefile;
   my $tag = "lang";
   &postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Code", "<$tag perl>$botsource</$tag>", 0);

my $logdata = "

" . join( "\n", @logoutput) . "


   &postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Log", $logdata, 0);
   &out("Updating cache\n", 4);
   &out("Done\n", 3);
   exit 0


if (!caller) { exit main } </lang>