Talk:User defined pipe and redirection operators

From Rosetta Code

Yet another task without a task

this task has several potential areas of activity:

  1. syntax (right to left infix notation)
  2. serialization and deserialization
  3. command chaining
  4. dealing with external programs

Currently, it's not clear which of these areas of activity are desired, and there are at least 15 possibilities (considering only the inclusion or exclusion of each area of activity, and not considering variants within each area). --Rdm 01:45, 13 September 2011 (UTC)

I don't think the task wants any of the above. Seems the goal is to define stream-like objects where each one's output can be taken up by another as input, and the task's focus is to device a mechanism to drive data through such a chain. BTW, since data flows unidirectionally, it definitely does not require coroutines, all you need to do is have the object at the output end to pull data from upstream on-demand. The problem of the task: it's asking to much. Tail, head, uniq, sort, grep, wc, file io, subshell, redirect-in, redirect-out, pipe -- it's what, reliving 40 years of unix experience in a flash? --Ledrug 02:04, 13 September 2011 (UTC)