Talk:Sieve of Eratosthenes

Revision as of 14:55, 2 December 2007 by rosettacode>IanOsgood


My Forth is very rusty, but it looks like your Forth version of the Sieve_of_Eratosthenes lacks both important features of the sieve: The outer loop should stop at the sqrt of the total limit, and the inner loop should start with the square of the just detected prime (any other multiples must already have been crossed out). Without those, the sieve won't be faster than to trial division for each number. Some other implementations seem to have the same problem. (And some only sieve odd numbers, while others don't, making overall comparison between languages more difficult). Maybe all this should also be clarified in the task description? Dirkt 02:48, 2 December 2007 (MST)

I"m ambivalent about these optimizations. The half dozen or so sieve implementations I based this on did not contain these optimizations (including those on similar comparison sites, such as the Computer Language Shootout). Also when I measured this a while ago, the speedup of these optimizations was minimal. For small ranges, the other optimization to assume 2 is prime (i.e. only examine odd numbers) had a greater effect, both in time and space. (Out of curiosity, did Eratosthenes himself document these optimizations, or were they found later?)
As to trial division, you are assuming division and square root are cheap. The simple implementation only uses addition (multiplication may not be implemented on a given processor).
I think keeping the tasks simple should be a goal of Rosetta Code. Keeping things simple encourages folks to donate their time in writing task solutions.
I agree that the examples should all use the same algorithm. The algorithm we decide upon should be described in the task description. --IanOsgood 07:53, 2 December 2007 (MST)
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