Talk:Cheryl's birthday: Difference between revisions

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: PS Imperative coding seldom works well in my context, tho I sometimes use it at a latish stage if I happen to need to trade away some reliability to gain a bit of compression (a bit like JPEG in lieu of PNG), but I have absolutely no objection at all to others working with it. Rather than slapping banning orders on functional drafts that you fear might differ from the ex-BDFL's very quirky and personal preferences, why don't you just add an imperative/'Pythonic' variant of your own ? A much more interesting and constructive form of criticism or commentary. [[User:Hout|Hout]] ([[User talk:Hout|talk]]) 11:23, 26 October 2018 (UTC)
: PS Imperative coding seldom works well in my context, tho I sometimes use it at a latish stage if I happen to need to trade away some reliability to gain a bit of compression (a bit like JPEG in lieu of PNG), but I have absolutely no objection at all to others working with it. Rather than slapping banning orders on functional drafts that you fear might differ from the ex-BDFL's very quirky and personal preferences, why don't you just add an imperative/'Pythonic' variant of your own ? A much more interesting and constructive form of criticism or commentary. [[User:Hout|Hout]] ([[User talk:Hout|talk]]) 11:23, 26 October 2018 (UTC)
:: Hi Hout, have you tried pythonnet ..."Python for .NET ( pythonnet ) is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET 4.0+ Common Language Runtime (CLR)"... Aggregate -> reduce; Where -> filter; Select -> map<br>
>>>dir (List)
['Add', 'AddRange', 'Aggregate', 'All', 'Any', 'AsEnumerable', 'AsParallel', 'AsQueryable', 'AsReadOnly', 'Average', 'Bi
narySearch', 'Capacity', 'Cast', 'Clear', 'Concat', 'Contains', 'ConvertAll', 'CopyTo', 'Count', 'DefaultIfEmpty', 'Dist
inct', 'ElementAt', 'ElementAtOrDefault', 'Enumerator', 'Equals', 'Except', 'Exists', 'Find', 'FindAll', 'FindIndex', 'F
indLast', 'FindLastIndex', 'First', 'FirstOrDefault', 'ForEach', 'GetEnumerator', 'GetHashCode', 'GetRange', 'GetType',
'GroupBy', 'GroupJoin', 'IndexOf', 'Insert', 'InsertRange', 'Intersect', 'IsReadOnly', 'IsSynchronized', 'Item', 'Join',
'Last', 'LastIndexOf', 'LastOrDefault', 'LongCount', 'Max', 'MemberwiseClone', 'Min', 'OfType', 'OrderBy', 'OrderByDesc
ending', 'ReferenceEquals', 'Remove', 'RemoveAll', 'RemoveAt', 'RemoveRange', 'Reverse', 'Select', 'SelectMany', 'Sequen
ceEqual', 'Single', 'SingleOrDefault', 'Skip', 'SkipWhile', 'Sort', 'Sum', 'SyncRoot', 'Take', 'TakeWhile', 'ToArray', '
ToDictionary', 'ToList', 'ToLookup', 'ToString', 'TrimExcess', 'TrueForAll', 'Union', 'Where', 'Zip', '__add__', '__clas
s__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__hash__', '__init__',
'__iter__', '__len__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__'
, '__str__', '__subclasshook__']
</pre><br>or The Python Data Analysis Library with which after establishing dates as a data frame you could write something like dates.groupby('month').count()--[[User:Nigel Galloway|Nigel Galloway]] ([[User talk:Nigel Galloway|talk]]) 13:39, 26 October 2018 (UTC)