Stack: Difference between revisions

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(Added "incomplete" template.)
Line 252: Line 252:
def pop(self):
def pop(self):
if self.first == None:
if self.first == None:
raise "Can not pop from and empty stack"
raise IndexError, "Can not pop from and empty stack"
temp = self.first.value
temp = self.first.value
Line 260: Line 260:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
self.first = None
self.first = None

A simpler Stack class can be built as a subclass of the built-in list:

class Stack(list):
## pop() is inherited
def push(self, item):
"""alias for append()"""
def depth(self):
"""alias for __len__()"""
return len(self)
def __iter__(self):
"""over-ride default iteration"""
while len(self):
yield self.pop()

(Note: Some versions of Python contained a bug which silently ignored over-ride of the built-in ''list'' class' ''.__iter__()'' method).

Most of this class simply provides some purely cosmetic wrappers or aliases to normal list functions. The only unusual (and non-essential) method is to make iteration of a Stack() return elements from the end of the underlying list, and to consume that as it does so (using ''.pop()'' as shown).

Revision as of 21:04, 31 October 2007

This example is incomplete. Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.

Create a stack class of objects


This is a generic stack implementation.

   type Element_Type is private; 
package Generic_Stack is
   type Stack is private; 
   procedure Push (Item : Element_Type; Onto : in out Stack); 
   procedure Pop (Item : out Element_Type; From : in out Stack); 
   function Create return Stack;
   Stack_Empty_Error : exception;
   type Node; 
   type Stack is access Node; 
   type Node is record 
      Element : Element_Type;  
      Next    : Stack        := null;  
   end record; 
end Generic_Stack;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

package body Generic_Stack is
   -- Create --
   function Create return Stack is
      return (null);
   end Create;

   -- Push --

   procedure Push(Item : Element_Type; Onto : in out Stack) is
      Temp : Stack := new Node;
      Temp.Element := Item;
      Temp.Next := Onto;
      Onto := Temp; 
   end Push;

   -- Pop --

   procedure Pop(Item : out Element_Type; From : in out Stack) is
      procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Node, Stack);
      Temp : Stack := From;
      if Temp = null then
         raise Stack_Empty_Error;
      end if;
      Item := Temp.Element;
      From := Temp.Next;
   end Pop;

end Generic_Stack;


 public class Stack
     private Node first = null;
     public bool Empty {
         get {
             return (first == null);
     public object Pop() {
         if (first == null) 
             throw new Exception("Can't Pop from an empty Stack.");
         else {
             object temp = first.Value;
             first = first.Next;
             return temp;
     public void Push(object o) {
         first = new Node(o, first);
     class Node
         public Node Next;
         public object Value;
         public Node(object value): this(value, null) {}
         public Node(object value, Node next) {
             Next = next;
             Value = value;


Library: STL

 #include <stack>
 #include <deque>
 template <class T, class Sequence = deque<T> >
 class stack {
   friend bool operator== (const stack&, const stack&);
   friend bool operator<  (const stack&, const stack&);
   typedef typename Sequence::value_type      value_type;
   typedef typename Sequence::size_type       size_type;
   typedef          Sequence                  container_type;
   typedef typename Sequence::reference       reference;
   typedef typename Sequence::const_reference const_reference;
   Sequence seq;
   stack() : seq() {}
   explicit stack(const Sequence& s0) : seq(s0) {}
   bool empty() const { return seq.empty(); }
   size_type size() const { return seq.size(); }
   reference top() { return seq.back(); }
   const_reference top() const { return seq.back(); }
   void push(const value_type& x) { seq.push_back(x); }
   void pop() { seq.pop_back(); }
 template <class T, class Sequence>
 bool operator==(const stack<T,Sequence>& x, const stack<T,Sequence>& y)
   return x.seq == y.seq;
 template <class T, class Sequence>
 bool operator<(const stack<T,Sequence>& x, const stack<T,Sequence>& y)
   return x.seq < y.seq;
 template <class T, class Sequence>
 bool operator!=(const stack<T,Sequence>& x, const stack<T,Sequence>& y)
   return !(x == y);
 template <class T, class Sequence>
 bool operator>(const stack<T,Sequence>& x, const stack<T,Sequence>& y)
   return y < x;
 template <class T, class Sequence>
 bool operator<=(const stack<T,Sequence>& x, const stack<T,Sequence>& y)
   return !(y < x);
 template <class T, class Sequence>
 bool operator>=(const stack<T,Sequence>& x, const stack<T,Sequence>& y)
   return !(x < y);


 public class Stack 
     private Node first = null;
     public boolean isEmpty {
         return (first == null);
     public Object Pop() {
         if (first == null) 
             throw new Exception("Can't Pop from an empty Stack.");
         else {
             Object temp = first.Value;
             first = first.Next;
             return temp;
     public void Push(Object o) {
         first = new Node(o, first);
     class Node {
         public Node Next;
         public Object Value;
         public Node(Object value) {
             this(value, null); 
         public Node(Object value, Node next) {
             Next = next;
             Value = value;

Compiler: JDK 1.5 with Generics

 public class Stack<T>
     private Node first = null;
     public boolean isEmpty {
         return (first == null);
     public T Pop() {
         if (first == null) 
             throw new Exception("Can't Pop from an empty Stack.");
         else {
             T temp = first.Value;
             first = first.Next;
             return temp;
     public void Push(T o) {
         first = new Node(o, first);
     class Node {
         public Node Next;
         public T Value;
         public Node(T value) {
             this(value, null); 
         public Node(T value, Node next) {
             Next = next;
             Value = value;


Interpreter: Python 2.5

 class Stack:
     class Node:
         def __init__(self, value=None, next=None):
    = next
             self.value = value
     def isEmpty(self):
         return self.first == None
     def push(self, node):
         self.first = self.Node(node, self.first)
     def pop(self):
         if self.first == None:
             raise IndexError, "Can not pop from and empty stack"
             temp = self.first.value
             self.first =
             return temp
     def __init__(self):
         self.first = None

A simpler Stack class can be built as a subclass of the built-in list:

class Stack(list):
    ## pop() is inherited
    def push(self, item):
        """alias for append()"""
    def depth(self):
        """alias for __len__()"""
        return len(self)
    def __iter__(self):
        """over-ride default iteration"""
        while len(self):
            yield self.pop()

(Note: Some versions of Python contained a bug which silently ignored over-ride of the built-in list class' .__iter__() method).

Most of this class simply provides some purely cosmetic wrappers or aliases to normal list functions. The only unusual (and non-essential) method is to make iteration of a Stack() return elements from the end of the underlying list, and to consume that as it does so (using .pop() as shown).