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5017 records were ok
The trouble with the dates rather suggests that they should be checked for correctness in themselves, and that the sequence check should be that each new record advances the date by one day. Daynumber calculations were long ago presented by H. F. Fliegel and T.C. van Flandern, in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 10 (October, 1968).
Rather than copy today's data to a PDATA holder so that on the next read the new data may be compared to the old, a two-row array is used, with IT flip-flopping 1,2,1,2,1,2,... Comparison of the data as numerical values rather than text strings means that different texts that evoke the same value will not be regarded as different. If the data format were invalid, there would be horrible messages. There aren't, so ... the values should be read and plotted...
<lang Fortran>
Crunches a set of hourly data. Starts with a date, then 24 pairs of value,indicator for that day, on one line.
INTEGER Y,M,D !Year, month, and day.
INTEGER GOOD(24,2) !The indicators.
REAL*8 V(24,2) !The grist.
CHARACTER*10 DATE(2) !Along with the starting date.
INTEGER IT,TI !A flipper and its antiflipper.
INTEGER NV !Number of entirely good records.
INTEGER I,NREC,HIC !Some counters.
LOGICAL INGOOD !State flipper for the runs of data.
INTEGER IN,MSG !I/O mnemonics.
CHARACTER*666 ACARD !Scratchpad, of sufficient length for all expectation.
IN = 10 !Unit number for the input file.
MSG = 6 !Output.
OPEN (IN,FILE="Readings1.txt", FORM="FORMATTED", !This should be a function.
1 STATUS ="OLD",ACTION="READ") !Returning success, or failure.
NV = 0 !No pure records seen.
NREC = 0 !No records read.
HIC = 0 !Provoking no complaints.
DATE = "snargle" !No date should look like this!
IT = 2 !Syncopation for the 1-2 flip flop.
Chew into the file.
10 READ (IN,11,END=100,ERR=666) L,ACARD(1:MIN(L,LEN(ACARD))) !With some protection.
NREC = NREC + 1 !So, a record has been read.
11 FORMAT (Q,A) !Obviously, Q ascertains the length of the record being read.
READ (ACARD,12,END=600,ERR=601) Y,M,D !The date part is trouble, as always.
12 FORMAT (I4,2(1X,I2)) !Because there are no delimiters between the parts.
TI = IT !Thus finger the previous value.
IT = 3 - IT !Flip between 1 and 2.
DATE(IT) = ACARD(1:10) !Save the date field.
READ (ACARD(11:L),*,END=600,ERR=601) (V(I,IT),GOOD(I,IT),I = 1,24) !But after the date, delimiters abound.
Comparisons. Should really convert the date to a daynumber, check it by reversion, and then check for + 1 day only.
20 IF (DATE(IT).EQ.DATE(TI)) THEN !Same date?
IF (ALL(V(:,IT) .EQ.V(:,TI)) .AND. !Yes. What about the data?
1 ALL(GOOD(:,IT).EQ.GOOD(:,TI))) THEN !This disregards details of the spacing of the data.
WRITE (MSG,21) NREC,DATE(IT),"same." !Also trailing zeroes, spurious + signs, blah blah.
21 FORMAT ("Record",I8," Duplicate date field (",A,"), data ",A) !Say it.
ELSE !But if they're not all equal,
WRITE (MSG,21) NREC,DATE(IT),"different!" !They're different!
END IF !So much for comparing the data.
END IF !So much for just comparing the date's text.
IF (ALL(GOOD(:,IT).GT.0)) NV = NV + 1 !A fully healthy record, either way?
GO TO 10 !More! More! I want more!!
Complaints. Should really distinguish between trouble in the date part and in the data part.
600 WRITE (MSG,*) '"END" declared - insufficient data?' !Not enough numbers, presumably.
GO TO 602 !Reveal the record.
601 WRITE (MSG,*) '"ERR" declared - improper number format?' !Ah, but which number?
602 WRITE (MSG,603) NREC,L,ACARD(1:L) !Anyway, reveal the uninterpreted record.
603 FORMAT("Record",I8,", length ",I0," reads ",A) !Just so.
HIC = HIC + 1 !This may grow into a habit.
IF (HIC.LE.12) GO TO 10 !But if not yet, try the next record.
STOP "Enough distaste." !Or, give up.
666 WRITE (MSG,101) NREC,"format error!" !For A-style data? Should never happen!
GO TO 900 !But if it does, give up!
100 WRITE (MSG,101) NREC,"then end-of-file" !Discovered on the next attempt.
101 FORMAT ("Record",I8,": ",A) !A record number plus a remark.
WRITE (MSG,102) NV !The overall results.
102 FORMAT (" with",I8," having all values good.") !This should do.
900 CLOSE(IN) !Done.
END !Spaghetti rules.
Record 85 Duplicate date field (1990-03-25), data different!
Record 456 Duplicate date field (1991-03-31), data different!
Record 820 Duplicate date field (1992-03-29), data different!
Record 1184 Duplicate date field (1993-03-28), data different!
Record 1911 Duplicate date field (1995-03-26), data different!
Record 5471: then end-of-file
with 5017 having all values good.
<lang go>package main


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