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Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Suggest a language: Difference between revisions

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* [[APEX]]
* [[AppleScriptObjC]] (https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/ScriptingAutomation/RN-AppleScriptObjC/) A high level scripting/programming language that combines features of AppleScript and Objective C
* [[Benton Harbor BASIC]] BASIC for the Heathkit H8 and H89 computers.
* [[BitC]] (http://www.bitc-lang.org/), a low-level systems programming language with syntax similar to Standard ML and Haskell.
* [[CBASIC]] A compiled BASIC for CP/M by Gordon Eubanks created for the IMSAI 8080 and other CP/M computers in 1977. It was available from Compiler Systems and then Digital Research beginning in 1981.


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