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Colorful numbers: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Added an alternative using a translation from the Phix solution.
(Added Algol 68)
(→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Added an alternative using a translation from the Phix solution.)
Line 309:
The number with 8 digits is 14256
The total number overall is 57256"</syntaxhighlight>
Or here's an alternative using the same <code>isColorful</code> handler but with a translation of the [[#Phix|Phix]] solution's <code>count_colourful</code> function feeding in the numbers. Multi-digit numbers containing 0, 1, or duplicated digits are studiously not produced, so the execution time is very much shorter. (Just over nine seconds on the test machine as opposed to just over six minutes.) Same output as above.
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">on isColorful(n)
if ((n > 98765432) or (n < 0) or (n mod 1 > 0)) then return false
set products to {n mod 10}
repeat while (n > 9)
set n to n div 10
set digit to n mod 10
if ((digit < 2) or (digit is in products)) then return false
set end of products to digit
end repeat
set nDigits to (count products)
repeat with i from 1 to (nDigits - 1)
set prod to products's item i
repeat with j from (i + 1) to nDigits
set prod to prod * (products's item j)
if (prod is in products) then return false
set end of products to prod
end repeat
end repeat
return true
end isColorful
on join(lst, delim)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
set txt to lst as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return txt
end join
on task()
set colorfuls to {}
repeat 100 times
set end of colorfuls to missing value
end repeat
set counts to {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
set largest to 0
script o
property used : {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}
on count_colourful(taken, n)
if (taken = 0) then
repeat with digit from 0 to 9
set dx to digit + 1
set used's item dx to true
count_colourful((9 - digit) div 8 * 8 + 1, digit)
set used's item dx to false
end repeat
if (isColorful(n)) then
set ln to 1
repeat until ((10 ^ ln) > n)
set ln to ln + 1
end repeat
set counts's item ln to (counts's item ln) + 1
if (n < 100) then set colorfuls's item (n + 1) to (" " & n)'s text -3 thru -1
if (n > largest) then set largest to n
end if
if (taken < 9) then
repeat with digit from 2 to 9
set dx to digit + 1
if (not used's item dx) then
set used's item dx to true
count_colourful(taken + 1, n * 10 + digit)
set used's item dx to false
end if
end repeat
end if
end if
end count_colourful
end script
o's count_colourful(0, 0)
set colorfuls to colorfuls's every text
set output to {"The colorful numbers below 100:"}
repeat with i from 1 to 66 by 11
set end of output to join(colorfuls's items i thru (i + 10), "")
end repeat
set end of output to linefeed & "The largest colorful number is " & largest
set counter to counts's beginning
set end of output to linefeed & "The number of them with 1 digit is " & counter
repeat with i from 2 to (count counts)
set end of output to "The number with " & i & " digits is " & (counts's item i)
set counter to counter + (counts's item i)
end repeat
set end of output to "The total number overall is " & counter
return join(output, linefeed)
end task


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