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15 puzzle game: Difference between revisions

Last fix C#. Ideal now :D
(Add IsSolvable method in C#)
(Last fix C#. Ideal now :D)
Line 3,993:
private int Moves = 0;
private DateTime Start;
private Control HighlightNormalSolve;
private Control HighlightAltSolve;
public class Puzzle
private int mOrderedNumer;
private int mAltOrderedNumer;
public int CurrentNumber;
Line 4,019 ⟶ 4,015:
mOrderedNumer = OrderedNumer;
mAltOrderedNumer = OrderedNumer - 1;
if (mOrderedNumer == 0) mAltOrderedNumer = BlockCount - 1;
CurrentNumber = OrderedNumer;
Line 4,034 ⟶ 4,027:
public bool IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle
get { return CurrentNumber >= (BlockCount - 1); }
public bool IsTruePlace
get { return (CurrentNumber == mOrderedNumer); }
public bool NearestWith(Puzzle OtherPz)
Line 4,047 ⟶ 4,044:
return false;
public bool IsTruePlace
get { return (CurrentNumber == mOrderedNumer); }
public bool IsAltTruePlace
get { return (CurrentNumber == mAltOrderedNumer); }
Line 4,093 ⟶ 4,082:
Form.Text = "Fifteen";
Form.ClientSize = new Size(FormWidth, FormHeigth);
Form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
Form.MaximizeBox = false;
// panels for highlight true solution
int HSize = 4;
HighlightNormalSolve = new Panel();
HighlightNormalSolve.Size = new Size(HSize, HSize);
HighlightNormalSolve.Location = new Point(FormWidth - FormEdge, FormWidth - FormEdge);
HighlightNormalSolve.Visible = false;
HighlightNormalSolve.BackColor = Color.Navy;
HighlightAltSolve = new Panel();
HighlightAltSolve.Size = new Size(HSize, HSize);
HighlightAltSolve.Location = new Point(FormEdge - HSize, FormEdge - HSize);
HighlightAltSolve.Visible = false;
HighlightAltSolve.BackColor = Color.Navy;
for (int i = 0; i < BlockCount; i++)
Line 4,130 ⟶ 4,104:
Bt.Enabled = false;
if (Pz.IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle) Bt.Visible = false;
Bt.Click += new EventHandler(MovePuzzle);
Line 4,146 ⟶ 4,120:
private void NewGame(object Sender, EventArgs E)
for (int i = 0; i < Puzzles.Count; i++)
Buttonfor Bt1(int i = Puzzles[R.Next(0; i, < Puzzles.Count)]; i++)
Button Bt2 = Puzzles[i];{
Swap( Button Bt1 = Puzzles[R.Next(i, Bt2Puzzles.Count)];
Button Bt2 = Puzzles[i];
Swap(Bt1, Bt2);
{ }
while (!IsSolvable());
for (int i = 0; i < Puzzles.Count; i++)
Puzzles[i].Enabled = true;
bool IsNormalSolve = IsSolvable(Puzzles.ConvertAll<Puzzle>(Bt => (Puzzle)Bt.Tag));
if (IsNormalSolve)
HighlightNormalSolve.Visible = true;
HighlightAltSolve.Visible = false;
else // alt solve
HighlightNormalSolve.Visible = false;
HighlightAltSolve.Visible = true;
Line 4,178 ⟶ 4,145:
Puzzle Pz1 = (Puzzle)Bt1.Tag;
Button Bt2 = Puzzles.Find(Bt => ((Puzzle)Bt.Tag).IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle);
Puzzle Pz2 = (Puzzle)Bt2.Tag;
Line 4,193 ⟶ 4,160:
Button WrongPuzzle = Puzzles.Find(Bt => !((Puzzle)Bt.Tag).IsTruePlace);
bool UWin = ((WrongPuzzle == null) || (AltWrongPuzzle == null));
Button AltWrongPuzzle = Puzzles.Find(Bt => !((Puzzle)Bt.Tag).IsAltTruePlace);
bool UWin = ((WrongPuzzle == null) || (AltWrongPuzzle == null));
if (UWin)
Line 4,203 ⟶ 4,168:
Puzzles[i].Enabled = false;
HighlightNormalSolve.Visible = false;
HighlightAltSolve.Visible = false;
TimeSpan Elapsed = DateTime.Now - Start;
Line 4,226 ⟶ 4,188:
Bt1.Visible = true;
Bt1.Text = Pz1.ToString();
if (Pz1.IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle) Bt1.Visible = false;
Bt2.Visible = true;
Bt2.Text = Pz2.ToString();
if (Pz2.IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle) Bt2.Visible = false;
private bool IsSolvable(List<Puzzle> Puzzles)
// WARNING: size of puzzle board MUST be even(like 4)!
// For explain see: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-instance-15-puzzle-solvable/
// Count inversions in given puzzle
int InvCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Puzzles.Count - 1; i++)
Line 4,244 ⟶ 4,205:
for (int j = i + 1; j < Puzzles.Count; j++)
ifPuzzle Pz1 = (Puzzle)Puzzles[i].IsMaxPuzzle) continueTag;
if (Puzzles[j]Pz1.IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle) continue;
Puzzle Pz2 = (Puzzle)Puzzles[j].Tag;
if (Pz2.IsEmptyPuzzle) continue;
if (Puzzles[i]Pz1.CurrentNumber > Puzzles[j]Pz2.CurrentNumber) InvCount++;
PuzzleButton EmptyPuzzleEmptyBt = Puzzles.Find(PzBt => Pz((Puzzle)Bt.Tag).IsMaxPuzzleIsEmptyPuzzle);
Puzzle EmptyPz = (Puzzle)EmptyBt.Tag;
bool Result = false;
if ((EmptyPuzzleEmptyPz.InvY + 1) % 2 == 0) // is even
// is odd


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