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Chemical calculator: Difference between revisions

Added AutoHotkey
m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring)
(Added AutoHotkey)
Line 314:
UueCl : 350.450
<lang AutoHotkey>test := ["H", "H2", "H2O", "H2O2", "(HO)2", "Na2SO4", "C6H12", "COOH(C(CH3)2)3CH3", "C6H4O2(OH)4", "C27H46O"
, "Uue", "C6H4O2(O)H)4", "X2O"]
for i, str in test
result .= str "`t`t`t> " Chemical_calculator(str) "`n"
MsgBox, 262144, , % result
if (RegExReplace(str, "\(([^()]|(?R))*\)")~="[()]")
return "Invalid Group"
oAtomM := {"H":1.008, "He":4.002602, "Li":6.94, "Be":9.0121831, "B":10.81, "C":12.011, "N":14.007, "O":15.999, "F":18.998403163, "Ne":20.1797
, "Na":22.98976928, "Mg":24.305, "Al":26.9815385, "Si":28.085, "P":30.973761998, "S":32.06, "Cl":35.45, "K":39.0983, "Ar":39.948, "Ca":40.078
, "Sc":44.955908, "Ti":47.867, "V":50.9415, "Cr":51.9961, "Mn":54.938044, "Fe":55.845, "Ni":58.6934, "Co":58.933194, "Cu":63.546, "Zn":65.38
, "Ga":69.723, "Ge":72.63, "As":74.921595, "Se":78.971, "Br":79.904, "Kr":83.798, "Rb":85.4678, "Sr":87.62, "Y":88.90584, "Zr":91.224, "Nb":92.90637
, "Mo":95.95, "Ru":101.07, "Rh":102.9055, "Pd":106.42, "Ag":107.8682, "Cd":112.414, "In":114.818, "Sn":118.71, "Sb":121.76, "I":126.90447, "Te":127.6
, "Xe":131.293, "Cs":132.90545196, "Ba":137.327, "La":138.90547, "Ce":140.116, "Pr":140.90766, "Nd":144.242, "Pm":145, "Sm":150.36, "Eu":151.964
, "Gd":157.25, "Tb":158.92535, "Dy":162.5, "Ho":164.93033, "Er":167.259, "Tm":168.93422, "Yb":173.054, "Lu":174.9668, "Hf":178.49, "Ta":180.94788
, "W":183.84, "Re":186.207, "Os":190.23, "Ir":192.217, "Pt":195.084, "Au":196.966569, "Hg":200.592, "Tl":204.38, "Pb":207.2, "Bi":208.9804, "Po":209
, "At":210, "Rn":222, "Fr":223, "Ra":226, "Ac":227, "Pa":231.03588, "Th":232.0377, "Np":237, "U":238.02891, "Am":243, "Pu":244, "Cm":247, "Bk":247
, "Cf":251, "Es":252, "Fm":257, "Ubn":299, "Uue":315}
str := RegExReplace(str, "\d+", "*$0")
while InStr(str, "("){
pos := RegExMatch(str, "\(([^()]+)\)\*(\d+)", m)
m1 := RegExReplace(m1, "[A-Z]([a-z]*)", "$0*" m2)
str := RegExReplace( str, "\Q" m "\E", m1,, 1, pos)
str := Trim(RegExReplace(str, "[A-Z]", "+$0"), "+")
sum := 0
for i, atom in StrSplit(str, "+"){
prod := 1
for j, p in StrSplit(atom, "*")
prod *= (p~="\d+") ? p : 1
atom := RegExReplace(atom, "\*\d+")
if !oAtomM[atom]
return "Invalid atom name"
sum += oAtomM[atom] * prod
return str " > " sum
<pre>H > H > 1.008000
H2 > H*2 > 2.016000
H2O > H*2+O > 18.015000
H2O2 > H*2+O*2 > 34.014000
(HO)2 > H*2+O*2 > 34.014000
Na2SO4 > Na*2+S+O*4 > 142.035539
C6H12 > C*6+H*12 > 84.162000
COOH(C(CH3)2)3CH3 > C+O+O+H+C*3+C*3*2+H*3*2*3+C+H*3 > 186.295000
C6H4O2(OH)4 > C*6+H*4+O*2+O*4+H*4 > 176.124000
C27H46O > C*27+H*46+O > 386.664000
Uue > Uue > 315
C6H4O2(O)H)4 > Invalid Group
X2O > Invalid atom name</pre>


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