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Banker's algorithm: Difference between revisions

Banker's algorithm en Yabasic
(Banker's algorithm en FreeBASIC)
(Banker's algorithm en Yabasic)
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Available Vector: 8 5 9 7
<lang yabasic>
clear screen
input "Ingrese la cantidad de recursos: " r
input "Ingrese la cantidad de procesos: " p
print "\nIngrese los recursos m ximos: "
dim maxRes(r)
for i = 1 to r
input " " maxRes(i)
next i
print "\n-- recursos asignados para cada proceso --"
dim curr(p, r)
for i = 1 to p
print "proceso ", i, ":"
for j = 1 to r
input " " curr(i, j)
next j
next i
print "\n--- recursos m ximos para cada proceso ---"
dim maxReclam(p, r)
for i = 1 to p
print "proceso ", i, ":"
for j = 1 to r
input " " maxReclam(i, j)
next j
next i
print "\nRecursos totales asignados : ";
dim recAsigad(r)
for i = 1 to p
for j = 1 to r
recAsigad(j) = recAsigad(j) + curr(i, j)
next j
next i
for i = 1 to r
print recAsigad(i), " ";
next i
dim recDispon(r)
print "\nRecursos totales disponibles: ";
for i = 1 to r
recDispon(i) = maxRes(i) - recAsigad(i)
print recDispon(i), " ";
next i
dim ejecutando(p)
for i = 1 to p
ejecutando(i) = True
next i
contar = p
while contar <> 0
seguro = False
for i = 1 to p
if ejecutando(i) then
ejecuta = True
for j = 1 to r
if (maxReclam(i,j) - curr(i,j) > recDispon(j)) then
ejecuta = False
end if
next j
if ejecuta then
print color("cya") "\n\nproceso ", i, " ejecut ndose."
ejecutando(i) = False
contar = contar - 1
seguro = True
for j = 0 to r
recDispon(j) = recDispon(j) + curr(i,j)
next j
end if
end if
next i
if not seguro then
print color("red") "\nLos procesos est n en un estado inseguro."
end if
print color("gre") "El proceso est  en un estado seguro."
print color("whi")"Recursos disponibles: ",
for i = 1 to r
print recDispon(i), " ";
next i
{{omit from|Blast}}


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