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(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Adjusted some names to side-step the wiki formatting issue)
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<lang clojure>(ns small-projects.find-shortest-way
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
;Misk functions
(defn cell-empty? [maze coords]
(= :empty (get-in maze coords)))
(defn wall? [maze coords]
(= :wall (get-in maze coords)))
(defn track? [maze coords]
(= :track (get-in maze coords)))
(defn get-neighbours [maze [y x cell]]
[[y (dec x)] [(inc y) x] [y (inc x)] [(dec y) x]])
(defn get-difference [coll1 filter-coll]
(filter #(not (contains? filter-coll %)) coll1))
(defn get-empties [maze cell]
(->> (get-neighbours maze cell)
(filter (partial cell-empty? maze))))
(defn possible-ways [maze cell filter-coll]
(-> (get-empties maze cell)
(get-difference filter-coll)))
(defn replace-cells [maze coords v]
(if (empty? coords)
(recur (assoc-in maze (first coords) v) (rest coords) v)))
;Print and parse functions
(def cell-code->str
[" " " " " " " " "· " "╵ " "╴ " "┘ "
" " " " " " " " "╶─" "└─" "──" "┴─"
" " " " " " " " "╷ " "│ " "┐ " "┤ "
" " " " " " " " "┌─" "├─" "┬─" "┼─"
" " " " " " " " "■ " "╹ " "╸ " "┛ "
" " " " " " " " "╺━" "┗━" "━━" "┻━"
" " " " " " " " "╻ " "┃ " "┓ " "┫ "
" " " " " " " " "┏━" "┣━" "┳━" "╋━"
" "])
(defn get-cell-code [maze coords]
(let [mode (if (track? maze coords) 1 0)
check (if (zero? mode) wall? track?)]
(map (partial check maze))
(keep-indexed (fn [idx test] (when test idx)))
(map (partial bit-shift-left 1)))
(completing bit-or)
(bit-shift-left mode 5)
(sort (conj (get-neighbours maze coords) coords)))))
(defn code->str [cell-code]
(nth cell-code->str cell-code))
(defn maze->str-symbols [maze]
(for [y (range (count maze))]
(for [x (range (count (nth maze y)))]
(code->str (get-cell-code maze [y x])))))
(defn maze->str [maze]
(->> (maze->str-symbols maze)
(map str/join)
(str/join "\n")))
(defn parse-pretty-maze [maze-str]
(->> (str/split-lines maze-str)
(map (partial take-nth 2))
(map (partial map #(if (= \space %) :empty :wall)))
(map vec)
(defn find-new-border [maze border old-border]
(apply conj (map (fn [cell]
(zipmap (possible-ways maze cell (conj border old-border))
(repeat cell)))
(keys border))))
(defn backtrack [visited route]
(let [cur-cell (get visited (first route))]
(if (= cur-cell :start)
(recur visited (conj route cur-cell)))))
(defn breadth-first-search [maze start-cell end-cell]
(loop [visited {start-cell :start}
border {start-cell :start}
old-border {start-cell :start}]
(if (contains? old-border end-cell)
(backtrack visited (list end-cell))
(conj visited border)
(find-new-border maze border old-border)
(def maze (parse-pretty-maze maze-str))
(def solved-maze
(replace-cells maze (breadth-first-search maze [1 1] [19 19]) :track))
(println (maze->str solved-maze))</lang>
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└───────┴───────────────────┴───────────┘ </pre>
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