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Call a foreign-language function: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|X86-64 Assembly}}: (N)asm calls Wren calls C. o.O
(→‎{{header|X86-64 Assembly}}: (N)asm calls Wren calls C. o.O)
Line 3,047:
---> Lua calc: 1342 + 1551 = 2893
-> Return from lua func: 2893
So yeah. This inits Wrens WM in Assembly to call strdup in C.
<lang asm>
;; Libc stuff..
extern printf
extern exit
;; Wren imports
extern wrenNewVM
extern wrenInterpret
extern wrenFreeVM
extern wrenGetSlotString
extern wrenSetSlowString
extern wrenInitConfiguration
;; Our C function
extern C_strdup
;; Wren Interpret results
section .bss
WrenConfig resb 84 ;; The config struct is 84 bytes(10qwords(8 bytes), 1dword(4 bytes))
WrenVM resq 1 ;; wren VM handle
section .rodata
;; Messages and shit..
szmsg db "--> Starting and configuring WrenVM",10,0
vm_err_str db "--> Returned an error",10,"--> Error number: %d",10,0
mod db "main",0
msg db "--> %s",0
;; Hard coded wren script..
;; If you care that much, write a filereader yaself T_T
c_strdup_wren db 'class C {',10
db ' foreign static strdup(s)',10
db '}',10
db 'var s = "Hello World!"',10
db 'System.print(C.strdup(s))',10
;; Let this freakshow begin...
section .text
global main
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
lea rdi, szmsg
call printf
lea rdi, WrenConfig
call wrenInitConfiguration
lea rax, WrenConfig
lea rbx, bindfunc
mov qword [rax+24], rbx ;; wrenconfig.WrenBindForeignMethodFn
lea rbx, writefn
mov qword [rax+40], rbx ;; wrenconfig.WrenWriteFn
lea rbx, errfn
mov qword [rax+48], rbx ;; wrenconfig.WrenErrorFn
lea rdi, WrenConfig
call wrenNewVM
mov [WrenVM], rax
lea rdx, c_strdup_wren ;; script
lea rsi, mod ;; module
mov rdi, [WrenVM] ;; WrenVM
call wrenInterpret
jg _wrenvm_err ;; if > RESULT_SUCCESS = error.
jmp _exit ;; Time to gtfo.
mov rsi, rax
lea rdi, vm_err_str
call printf
mov rdi, [WrenVM]
call wrenFreeVM
mov rax, 0
pop rbp
xor rdi, rdi
call exit
;;Callback functions for the WrenVM
;; writefn(rdi, rsi) - WrenVM isn't used so just overwrite it.
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
lea rdi, msg
call printf
pop rbp
;; Just print generic message and return the error number
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rdi, vm_err_str
call printf
mov rax, 0
pop rbp
;; Just stored all the arguments on the stack just in case...
;; Honestly, if we ignore the module comparison this could be done like
;; bindfunc:
;; push rbp
;; mov rbp, rsp
;; lea rax, C_strdup
;; pop rsp
;; ret
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, (8*6) ;; make some space on the stack to store our arguments.
mov [rsp+32], rdi ;; WrenVM *vm - not used, Saved for consistancy.
mov [rsp+24], rsi ;; const char *module
mov [rsp+16], rdx ;; const char *className - not used, to lazy.
mov [rsp+8], rcx ;; bool isStatic - not used, to lazy.
mov [rsp+0], r8 ;; const char *signature - not used, still to lazy.
mov rdi, [rsp+24]
call strlen
cmp rax, 0
jle _bf_fail
mov ecx, eax
lea rsi, mod
mov rdi, [rsp+24]
call strcmp
cmp eax, 0
jne _bf_fail
lea rax, C_strdup
jmp _bf_exit
mov rax, 1
add rsp, (8*6)
pop rbp
;; strlen(rdi) - str1 - returns in eax
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax,-1
inc eax
cmp byte [rdi+rax], 0
jne _1
pop rbp
;;strcmp(rdi, rsi, ecx) str1, str2, maxlen
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
repe cmpsb
jne _false
mov rax, 0
jmp _true
mov rax, 1
pop rbp
<lang c>
void free( void* ptr );
char * strdup( const char *str1 );
typedef struct WrenVM WrenVM;
const char* wrenGetSlotString(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
void wrenSetSlotString(WrenVM* vm, int slot, const char* text);
void C_strdup(WrenVM* vm) {
const char *s = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 1);
char *t = strdup(s);
wrenSetSlotString(vm, 0, t);
--> Starting and configuring WrenVM
--> Hello World!
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