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Basic example showing the use of SenseTalk's pattern language to create a pattern, test for a match, find all matches, and replace a match.
<lang sensetalk>
set text to "This is a story about R2D2 and C3P0 who are best friends."
set pattern to <word start, letter, digit, letter, digit, word end>
put the sixth word of text matches pattern -- (note: the sixth word is "R2D2")
put every occurrence of pattern in text
replace the second occurrence of pattern in text with "Luke"
put text
<lang sensetalk>
This is a story about R2D2 and Luke who are best friends.
Advanced example showing how to use capture groups within a pattern to reformat the names in a list.
<lang sensetalk>
set phoneList to {{
Harry Potter 98951212
Hermione Granger 59867125
Ron Weasley 56471832
set wordPattern to <word start, characters, word end>
set namePattern to <start of line, {firstName: wordPattern}, space, {lastName: wordPattern}>
replace every occurrence of namePattern in phoneList with "{:lastName}, {:firstName} –"
put phoneList
<lang sensetalk>
Potter, Harry – 98951212
Granger, Hermione – 59867125
Weasley, Ron – 56471832
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