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Lingo has no built-in support for sending email. But this can be achieved e.g. by using Shell Xtra and one of the available command-line SMTP clients.
{{libheader|Shell Xtra}}
<lang lingo>
-- Sends email via SMTP using senditquiet.exe (15 KB)
-- @param {string} fromAddr
-- @param {string} toAddr - multiple addresses separated with ;
-- @param {string} subject
-- @param {string} message - use "\n" for line breaks
-- @param {string} [cc=VOID] - optional; multiple addresses separated with ;
-- @param {string} [bcc=VOID] - optional; multiple addresses separated with ;
-- @param {propList} [serverProps=VOID] - allows to overwrite default settings
-- @return {bool} success
on sendEmail (fromAddr, toAddr, subject, message, cc, bcc, serverProps)
sx = xtra("Shell").new()
-- senditquiet.exe in folder "bin" relative to current movie
-- defaults
host = ""
protocol = "ssl"
port = 587
user = "johndoe"
pass = "foobar"
-- if propList 'serverProps' was passed, overwrite defaults
if ilk(serverProps)=#propList then
repeat with i = 1 to serverProps.count
end repeat
end if

cmd = "senditquiet"
put " -s "&host after cmd
put " -protocol "&protocol after cmd
put " -port "&port after cmd
put " -u "&user after cmd
put " -p "&pass after cmd
put " -f "&QUOTE&fromAddr&QUOTE after cmd
put " -t "&QUOTE&toAddr&QUOTE after cmd
put " -subject "&QUOTE&subject&QUOTE after cmd
put " -body "&QUOTE&message&QUOTE after cmd
-- optional args
if not voidP(cc) then put " -cc "&QUOTE&cc&QUOTE after cmd
if not voidP(bcc) then put " -bcc "&QUOTE&bcc&QUOTE after cmd

put "1>nul 2>nul&if errorlevel 1 echo ERROR" after cmd
res = sx.shell_cmd(cmd)
return not(res contains "ERROR")
