SQL-based authentication: Difference between revisions

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(<tt>pass_salt</tt> and <tt>pass_md5</tt> would be <tt>binary(16)</tt> values, but MySQL versions before 5.0.15 strip trailing spaces when selecting them.)
(<tt>pass_salt</tt> and <tt>pass_md5</tt> would be <tt>binary(16)</tt> values, but MySQL versions before 5.0.15 strip trailing spaces when selecting them.)

{{libheader|mysqlclient}} (MySQL client library)

{{libheader|OpenSSL}} (for MD5)

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <mysql.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>

void end_with_db(void);

MYSQL *mysql = NULL; // global...

bool connect_db(const char *host, const char *user, const char *pwd,
const char *db, unsigned int port)
if ( mysql == NULL )
if (mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) return false;
mysql = mysql_init(NULL); if ( mysql == NULL ) return false;
MYSQL *myp = mysql_real_connect(mysql, host, user, pwd, db, port, NULL, 0);
if (myp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "connection error: %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return false;
return true; // already connected... ?

// no part of the spec, but it is reasonable!!
#define SALTBYTE 16
bool create_user(const char *username, const char *password)
int i;
char binarysalt[SALTBYTE];
char salt[SALTBYTE*2+1];
char md5hash[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char pass_md5[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2 + 1];
char user[USERNAMELIMIT*2 + 1];
char *q = NULL;
static const char query[] =
"INSERT INTO users "
"(username,pass_salt,pass_md5) "
"VALUES ('%s', X'%s', X'%s')";
static const size_t qlen = sizeof query;

for(i=0; username[i] != '\0' && i < USERNAMELIMIT; i++) ;
if ( username[i] != '\0' ) return false;
for(i=0; password[i] != '\0' && i < PASSWORDLIMIT; i++) ;
if ( password[i] != '\0' ) return false;


for(i=0; i < SALTBYTE; i++)
// this skews the distribution but it is lazyness-compliant;)
binarysalt[i] = rand()%256;

(void)mysql_hex_string(salt, binarysalt, SALTBYTE);
for(i=0; i < SALTBYTE; i++) saltpass[i] = binarysalt[i];
strcpy(saltpass+SALTBYTE, password);
(void)MD5(saltpass, SALTBYTE + strlen(password), md5hash);
(void)mysql_hex_string(pass_md5, md5hash, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);

(void)mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, user, username, strlen(username));

// salt, pass_md5, user are db-query-ready
q = malloc(qlen + USERNAMELIMIT*2 + MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2 + SALTBYTE*2 + 1);
if ( q == NULL ) return false;
sprintf(q, query, user, salt, pass_md5);
#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr, "QUERY:\n%s\n\n", q);
int res = mysql_query(mysql, q);
if ( res != 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "create_user query error: %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return false;
return true;

bool authenticate_user(const char *username, const char *password)
char user[USERNAMELIMIT*2 + 1];
char md5hash[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
bool authok = false;
char *q = NULL;
int i;
static const char query[] =
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='%s'";
static const size_t qlen = sizeof query;

// can't be authenticated with invalid username or password
for(i=0; username[i] != '\0' && i < USERNAMELIMIT; i++) ;
if ( username[i] != '\0' ) return false;
for(i=0; password[i] != '\0' && i < PASSWORDLIMIT; i++) ;
if ( password[i] != '\0' ) return false;

(void)mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, user, username, strlen(username));

q = malloc(qlen + strlen(user) + 1);
if (q == NULL) return false;
sprintf(q, query, username);

int res = mysql_query(mysql, q);
if ( res != 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "authenticate_user query error: %s\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return false;

MYSQL_RES *qr = mysql_store_result(mysql);
if ( qr == NULL ) return false;

// should be only a result, or none
if ( mysql_num_rows(qr) != 1 ) {
return false;

MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(qr); // 1 row must exist
unsigned long *len = mysql_fetch_lengths(qr); // and should have 4 cols...

memcpy(saltpass, row[2], len[2]); // len[2] should be SALTBYTE
memcpy(saltpass + len[2], password, strlen(password));
(void)MD5(saltpass, SALTBYTE + strlen(password), md5hash);

authok = memcmp(md5hash, row[3], len[3]) == 0;

return authok;

void end_with_db(void)
mysql_close(mysql); mysql = NULL;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

if ( argc < 4 ) return EXIT_FAILURE;

if ( connect_db("localhost", "devel", "", "test", 0 ) )
if ( strcmp(argv[1], "add") == 0 )
if (create_user(argv[2], argv[3]))
} else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "auth") == 0 ) {
if (authenticate_user(argv[2], argv[3]))
printf("access denied\n");
} else {
printf("unknown command\n");

From the command line, <tt>program add user password</tt> to add users, and <tt>program auth user password</tt> to see if the user with that password is authorized or not.
