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Roots of a cubic polynomial: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Phix}}: added translation of raku
(→‎{{header|Wren}}: Added note re reversal of coefficients, added all Raku examples and quadratic solved using formula rather than Newton which deals with complex roots.)
(→‎{{header|Phix}}: added translation of raku)
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=== {{trans|Wren}} ===
Note the seven functions matrix_trace() ... root_poly() are straightforward translations of code from matrix.wren and math.wren, and are not tested beyond matching the output here. There is also some rather suspicious use of reverse() in eigenvalues(), which kinda brute-forces it to work.
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errors: {0,0,0}
=== {{trans|Raku}} ===
Note the "wrentest" gives eigenvalues of {6,3,-5}...
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with javascript_semantics
function polynomial(sequence t)
atom a = 1, // create characteristic polynomial
b = -(t[1,1] + t[2,2] + t[3,3]), // = -trace
c = ( t[1,1]*t[2,2] + t[2,2]*t[3,3] + t[3,3]*t[1,1] )
-(t[2,3]*t[3,2] + t[3,1]*t[1,3] + t[1,2]*t[2,1] ),
d = - t[1,1] * t[2,2] * t[3,3]
- t[1,2] * t[2,3] * t[3,1]
- t[1,3] * t[2,1] * t[3,2]
+ t[1,1] * t[3,2] * t[2,3]
+ t[1,2] * t[2,1] * t[3,3]
+ t[1,3] * t[2,2] * t[3,1]; // = -determinant
return {a, b, c, d}
end function
function reduction(sequence poly)
atom {a, b, c, d} = poly,
b3 = power(b,3),
b2 = power(b,2),
a3 = power(a,3),
a2 = power(a,2),
delta = 18*a*b*c*d - 4*b3*d + b2*power(c,2) - 4*a*power(c,3) - 27*a2*power(d,2),
p = (3*a*c - b2) / (3*a2),
q = (2*b3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a2*d) / (27*a3),
d0 = b2 - 3*a*c,
d1 = 2*b3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a2*d;
return { delta, p, q, d0, d1 }
end function
include complex.e
function horner(object x, atom a, b, c, d ) // cubic polynomial using horner's method
if complex(x) then
complexn r = 0
for f in {a,b,c,d} do
r = complex_add(complex_mul(r,x),f)
end for
return r
end if
return ((a*x + b)*x + c)*x + d
end function
function solution(atom a, b, /*c*/, /*d*/, delta, p, q, d0, d1)
sequence x
if abs(delta)<1e-12 then // multiple real roots
if abs(p)<1e-12 then // triple equal real roots
x = {0,0,0}
else // double real root
atom x23 = -3*q/(2*p)
x = {3*q/p, x23, x23}
end if
elsif delta > 0 then // three distinct real roots
x = {}
for i=1 to 3 do
x &= 2*sqrt(-p/3) * cos(arccos(sqrt(-3/p)*3*q/(2*p))/3 - 2*PI*(i-1)/3)
end for
else // delta < 0 // one real root and two complex conjugate roots
complexn g
if d0=0 and d1<0 then
g = -power(-d1,1/3)
elsif d0<0 and d1=0 then
g = -sqrt(-d0)
complex s = complex_sqrt(power(d1,2) - 4*power(d0,3)),
g1 = complex_power(complex_div(complex_add(d1,s),2),1/3),
g2 = complex_power(complex_div(complex_sub(d1,s),2),1/3)
g = iff(g1={0,0} ? g2 : g1)
end if
complex z = complex_mul(g,complex_div(complex_add(-1,complex_sqrt(-3)),2)),
x1 = complex_mul(-1/3,complex_add(g,complex_div(d0,g))),
x2 = complex_mul(-1/3,complex_add(z,complex_div(d0,z)))
x = {x1,x2,complex_conjugate(x2)}
for i=1 to 3 do
x[i] = complex_sub(x[i],(1/3)*b/a)
end for
return x
end if
for i=1 to 3 do
x[i] -= (1/3)*b/a
end for
return x
end function
function spectrum(sequence m)
sequence poly = polynomial(m)
atom {a, b, c, d} = poly,
{delta, p, q, d0, d1} = reduction(poly);
sequence s = solution(a, b, c, d, delta, p, q, d0, d1 ),
e = apply(true,horner,{s,a,b,c,d})
return {s, e}
end function
constant r = 1/sqrt(2),
m = {{"triple", {{ 1, -1, 0}, { 0, 1, -1}, { 0, 0, 1}}},
{"wrentest", {{-2, -4, 2}, {-2, 1, 2}, { 4, 2, 5}}},
{"double", {{ 2, 0, 0}, { 0, -1, 0}, { 0, 0, -1}}},
{"distinct", {{ 2, 0, 0}, { 0, 3, 4}, { 0, 4, 9}}},
{"rotation", {{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, r, -r}, { 0, r, r}}}}
for i,pair in m do
{string desc, sequence t} = pair
printf(1," %d: %8s matrix: %v\n",{i,desc,t})
sequence poly = polynomial(t),
reduct = reduction(poly),
{s,e} = spectrum(t)
printf(1," polynomial: %v\n",{poly})
printf(1," reduction: %v\n",{reduct})
printf(1," eigenvalues: %v\n",{s})
printf(1," errors: %v\n",{e})
end for
1: triple matrix: {{1,-1,0},{0,1,-1},{0,0,1}}
polynomial: {1,-3,3,-1}
reduction: {0,0,0,0,0}
eigenvalues: {1,1,1}
errors: {0,0,0}
2: wrentest matrix: {{-2,-4,2},{-2,1,2},{4,2,5}}
polynomial: {1,-4,-27,90}
reduction: {69696,-32.33333333,49.25925926,97,1330}
eigenvalues: {6,3.0,-5.0}
errors: {0,-4.263256414e-14,-1.705302566e-13}
3: double matrix: {{2,0,0},{0,-1,0},{0,0,-1}}
polynomial: {1,0,-3,-2}
reduction: {0,-3,-2,9,-54}
eigenvalues: {2,-1,-1}
errors: {0,0,0}
4: distinct matrix: {{2,0,0},{0,3,4},{0,4,9}}
polynomial: {1,-14,35,-22}
reduction: {8100,-30.33333333,-61.92592593,91,-1672}
eigenvalues: {11,2.0,1.0}
errors: {0,1.065814103e-14,-1.77635684e-14}
5: rotation matrix: {{1,0,0},{0,0.7071067812,-0.7071067812},{0,0.7071067812,0.7071067812}}
polynomial: {1,-2.414213562,2.414213562,-1.0}
reduction: {-0.686291501,0.4714045208,-0.0994922778,-1.414213562,-2.686291501}
eigenvalues: {{1.0,0},{0.7071067812,-0.7071067812},{0.7071067812,0.7071067812}}
errors: {{-2.22044605e-16,0},{-3.330669073e-16,-3.885780587e-16},{-3.330669073e-16,3.885780587e-16}}
Complex results on the last entry are just shown as {real,imag} pairs.


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