Primes - allocate descendants to their ancestors

Revision as of 11:21, 23 February 2015 by rosettacode>Old man (Created page with "{{draft task|Primes - allocate descendants to their ancestors}}Category:Programming Tasks The concept, rather simple, is to add the decomposition into prime factors of a n...")
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The concept, rather simple, is to add the decomposition into prime factors of a number to get its 'ancestors'.

Primes - allocate descendants to their ancestors is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The objective is to demonstrate that the choice of the algorithm can be crucial in term of performance. This solution could be compared to the solution that would use the decomposition into primes for all the numbers between 5 and 3^33. And to demonstrate that the choice of some options can also be dramatic (i.e. the Visual Basic .NET collection).

The problem is to list, for a delimited set of ancestors (from 5 to 99) :

- the total of their own ancestors (LEVEL),

- their own ancestors (ANCESTORS),

- the total of their descendants (DESCENDANTS),

- all their descendants.

You only have to consider the prime factors < 100.

A grand total of the decendants has to be printed at the end of the list.

The task should be accomplished in a reasonable time-frame.

Example :

46 = 2*23 --> 2+23 = 25, is the parent of 46.
25 = 5*5  --> 5+5  = 10, is the parent of 25.
10 = 2*5  --> 2+5  = 7,  is the parent of 10.
7 is a prime number and, as such, has no parent.

46 has 3 ancestors (7, 10 and 25).
46 has 557 descendants.

The list layout :

[46] LEVEL: 3
ANCESTORS: 7,10,25

Some figures :

The biggest number : 3^33 = 5.559.060.566.555.523 (parent 99)

|Total Descendants              | 546.986 |
|Duration in Seconds*           |         |
|                               |         |
|AutoHotkey                     |     109 |
|C                              |       4 |
|Visual Basic with tables       |      19 |
|Visual Basic with 1 collection |     585 |
|Size of the list in KB         |   5.709 |
*On a Pentium IV.


<lang AutoHotkey>#Warn

  1. SingleInstance force
  2. NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetBatchLines, -1 SetFormat, IntegerFast, D

start := A_Now

MaxPrime = 99 ; greatest prime number MaxAncestor = 99 ; greatest ancestor number Descendants := {}

Primes := GetPrimes(MaxPrime)

GetDescendants(1, 0, 1) ; GetDescendants(level, sum, product)

if (MaxAncestor > MaxPrime) Primes := GetPrimes(MaxAncestor)

IfExist, %A_ScriptName%.txt FileDelete, %A_ScriptName%.txt

Integer keys are stored using the native integer type
32bit key max = 2.147.483.647)
64bit key max = 9.223.372.036.854.775.807

tot_desc = 0 for Parent, array in Descendants { if (Parent < 5) continue

Ancestors := GetAncestors(Parent)

ls_anc = for k, v in Ancestors ls_anc .= (A_Index = 1 ? "" : ",") v

FileAppend, % "[" Parent "] LEVEL: " (Ancestors.MaxIndex() ? Ancestors.MaxIndex() : 0) "`r`n" . "ANCESTORS: " (Ancestors.MaxIndex() ? ls_anc : "None") "`r`n" , %A_ScriptName%.txt

nb_desc = 0 ls_desc = if A_Is64bitOS for k in array ls_desc .= (A_Index = 1 ? "" : ",") k, nb_desc++ else { nb_desc := array.MaxIndex() for i, v in array ls_desc .= (i = 1 ? "" : ",") v

Sort, ls_desc, N U D`,

if ErrorLevel MsgBox, % "Number " Parent " has " ErrorLevel " duplicates" }

tot_desc += nb_desc FileAppend, % "DESCENDANTS: " nb_desc "`r`n" ls_desc "`r`n`r`n", %A_ScriptName%.txt }

FileAppend, % "Total descendants " tot_desc, %A_ScriptName%.txt

Elapsed := A_Now EnvSub, Elapsed, %Start%, seconds MsgBox % "Total descendants " tot_desc "`nElapsed time " Elapsed " seconds" return

GetDescendants(_level, _sum, _product) { global MaxAncestor, Primes, Descendants

if (_level < Primes.MaxIndex()) GetDescendants(_level+1, _sum, _product)

lPrime := Primes[_level] while (_sum += lPrime) <= MaxAncestor { _product *= lPrime

if (_sum > lPrime) { if A_Is64bitOS Descendants[_sum, _product] := true else { if !Descendants.HasKey(_sum) Descendants[_sum] := [_product] else Descendants[_sum].Insert(_product) } }

if (_level < Primes.MaxIndex()) GetDescendants(_level+1, _sum, _product) } }

GetAncestors(_child) { global Primes

lChild := _child lIndex := lParent := 0

while lChild > 1 { lPrime := Primes[++lIndex] while !mod(lChild, lPrime) lChild //= lPrime, lParent += lPrime }

if (lParent = _child or _child = 1) return []

lArray := GetAncestors(lParent)

lArray.Insert(lParent) return lArray }

GetPrimes(_maxPrime=0, _nbrPrime=0) { lArray := []

if (_maxPrime >= 2 or _nbrPrime > 0) { lArray.Insert(2) lValue = 3

while lValue <= _maxPrime or lArray.MaxIndex() < _nbrPrime { lMax := Floor(Sqrt(lValue))

for lKey, lPrime in lArray { if (lPrime > lMax) ; if prime divisor is greater than Floor(Sqrt(lValue)) { lArray.Insert(lValue) break }

if !Mod(lValue, lPrime) break }

lValue += 2 } }

return lArray }</lang>


<lang c>#include <math.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <time.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <string.h>
  1. define MAXPRIME 99 // greatest prime number
  2. define MAXPARENT 99 // greatest parent number
  3. define NBRPRIMES 30 // number of primes
  4. define NBRANCESTORS 10 // number of parent's ancestors

FILE *FileOut; char format[] = ",%lld";

int Primes[NBRPRIMES+1]; // table of the prime numbers

struct Children { long long Child; struct Children *pLeft; struct Children *pRight; }; struct Children *Parents[MAXPARENT+1]; // table pointing to the root descendant (per parent)

int CptDescendants[MAXPARENT+1]; // counter table of the number of descendants (per parent) short Ancestors[NBRANCESTORS]; // table of the parent's ancestors

void GetChildren(short Level, short Sum, long long Product); struct Children *InsertChild(struct Children *node, long long Child); short GetAncestors(short Parent); void PrintDescendants(struct Children *node); int GetPrimes(int Primes[], int MaxPrime, int NbrPrimes);

int main() { short Parent; short Level; int i, totDesc = 0;

if (!GetPrimes(Primes, MAXPRIME, 0)) return 1;

GetChildren(0, 0, 1);

if (MAXPARENT > MAXPRIME) if (!GetPrimes(Primes, MAXPARENT, 0)) return 1;

if (fopen_s(&FileOut, "Ancestors.txt", "w")) return 1;

for (Parent = 5; Parent <= MAXPARENT; Parent++) { Level = GetAncestors(Parent);

fprintf(FileOut, "[%d] LEVEL: %d\n", Parent, Level);

if (Level) { fprintf(FileOut, "ANCESTORS: %d", Ancestors[0]);

for (i = 1; i < Level; i++) fprintf(FileOut, ",%d", Ancestors[i]); } else fprintf(FileOut, "ANCESTORS: None");

fprintf(FileOut, "\nDESCENDANTS: %d\n", CptDescendants[Parent]);

strcpy_s(format, "%lld"); PrintDescendants(Parents[Parent]);

fprintf(FileOut, "\n\n"); totDesc += CptDescendants[Parent]; }

fprintf(FileOut, "Total descendants %d\n\n", totDesc); fprintf(FileOut, "Duration %d seconds", clock()/CLK_TCK); if (fclose(FileOut)) return 1;

return 0; }

void GetChildren(short level, short sum, long long product) { if (Primes[level+1]) GetChildren(level+1, sum, product);

sum += Primes[level];

while (sum <= MAXPARENT) { product *= Primes[level];

if (sum > Primes[level]) { Parents[sum] = InsertChild(Parents[sum], product); CptDescendants[sum]++; }

if (Primes[level+1]) GetChildren(level+1, sum, product);

sum += Primes[level]; } }

struct Children *InsertChild(struct Children *node, long long child) { if (node) { if (child <= node->Child) node->pLeft = InsertChild(node->pLeft, child); else node->pRight = InsertChild(node->pRight, child); } else { if (node = (struct Children *) malloc(sizeof(Children))) { node->Child = child; node->pLeft = 0; node->pRight = 0; } }

return node; }

short GetAncestors(short child) { short Child = child; short Parent = 0; short Index = 0;

while (Child > 1) { while (Child % Primes[Index] == 0) { Child /= Primes[Index]; Parent += Primes[Index]; }

Index++; }

if (Parent == child || child == 1) return 0;

Index = GetAncestors(Parent);

Ancestors[Index] = Parent; return ++Index; }

void PrintDescendants(struct Children *node) { if (node->pLeft) PrintDescendants(node->pLeft);

fprintf(FileOut, format, node->Child); strcpy_s(format, ",%lld");

if (node->pRight) PrintDescendants(node->pRight);

free(node); return; }

int GetPrimes(int primes[], int maxPrime, int nbrPrimes) { int Index = 0; int Max;

if (maxPrime < 2 && nbrPrimes < 1) return false;

int Value = 1; primes[Index] = 2;

while ((Value += 2) <= maxPrime || Index < nbrPrimes-1) { Max = (int) floor(sqrt((double) Value));

for (int i = 0; i <= Index; i++) { if (primes[i] > Max) { if (++Index >= NBRPRIMES) return false;

primes[Index] = Value; break; }

if (Value % primes[i] == 0) break; } }

return ++Index; } </lang>

Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET with tables

The solution with tables is fast, but you have to know how many items have to be reserved for the tables. <lang vbnet>Imports System.Math

Module Module1

   Const MAXPRIME = 99                             ' greatest prime number
   Const MAXPARENT = 99                            ' greatest parent number
   Const NBRPRIMES = 30                            ' number of primes
   Const NBRCHILDREN = 547000                      ' number of children (total descendants)
   Const NBRDESCENDANTS = 38300                    ' number of descendants (per parent)
   Const NBRANCESTORS = 10                         ' number of parent's ancestors
   Public Primes(NBRPRIMES + 1) As Integer         ' table of the prime number
   Public Parents(MAXPARENT + 1) As Integer        ' index table of the first descendant found (per parent)
   Public CptDescendants(MAXPARENT + 1) As Integer ' counter table of the number of descendants (per parent)
   Public Ancestors(NBRANCESTORS) As Short         ' table of the parent's ancestors
   Public Descendants(NBRDESCENDANTS) As Long      ' table of one parent's descendants
   Public Children(NBRCHILDREN) As ChildStruct
   Public iChild As Integer
   Public Structure ChildStruct
       Public Child As Long
       Public pLeft As Integer
       Public pRight As Integer
   End Structure
   Sub Main()
       Dim StartTime As Date = Now
       Dim Duration As Long
       Dim Parent As Short
       Dim Level As Short
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim iDesc As Integer
       Dim totDesc As Integer = 0
       If GetPrimes(Primes, MAXPRIME) = 0 Then
       End If
       GetChildren(0, 0, 1)
           If GetPrimes(Primes, MAXPARENT) = 0 Then
           End If
       End If
       FileOpen(1, "Ancestors1.txt", OpenMode.Output)   ' Open file for output.
       For Parent = 5 To MAXPARENT
           Level = GetAncestors(Parent)
           PrintLine(1, "[" & Parent.ToString & "] LEVEL: " & Level.ToString)
           If Level > 0 Then
               Print(1, "ANCESTORS: " & Ancestors(0).ToString)
               For i = 1 To Level - 1
                   Print(1, "," & Ancestors(i).ToString)
               PrintLine(1, "ANCESTORS: None")
           End If
           PrintLine(1, "DESCENDANTS: " & CptDescendants(Parent).ToString)
           iDesc = 0
           GetDescendants(Parents(Parent), iDesc)
           Print(1, Descendants(0).ToString)
           For i = 1 To CptDescendants(Parent) - 1
               Print(1, "," & Descendants(i).ToString)
           totDesc += CptDescendants(Parent)
       PrintLine(1, "Total descendants " & totDesc.ToString)
       Duration = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, StartTime, Now)
       PrintLine(1, "Duration " & Duration.ToString & " seconds")
   End Sub
   Function GetChildren(_level As Short, _sum As Short, _product As Long) As Object
       If Primes(_level + 1) Then
           GetChildren(_level + 1, _sum, _product)
       End If
       _sum += Primes(_level)
       Do While _sum <= MAXPARENT
           _product *= Primes(_level)
           If _sum > Primes(_level) Then
               If Parents(_sum) Then
                   InsertChild(Parents(_sum), _product)
                   Parents(_sum) = InsertChild(Parents(_sum), _product)
               End If
               CptDescendants(_sum) += 1
           End If
           If Primes(_level + 1) Then
               GetChildren(_level + 1, _sum, _product)
           End If
           _sum += Primes(_level)
       Return Nothing
   End Function
   Function InsertChild(_index As Integer, _child As Long) As Integer
       If _index Then
           If _child <= Children(_index).Child Then
               If Children(_index).pLeft Then
                   InsertChild(Children(_index).pLeft, _child)
                   Children(_index).pLeft = InsertChild(Children(_index).pLeft, _child)
               End If
               If Children(_index).pRight Then
                   InsertChild(Children(_index).pRight, _child)
                   Children(_index).pRight = InsertChild(Children(_index).pRight, _child)
               End If
           End If
           iChild += 1
           Children(iChild).Child = _child
           Children(iChild).pLeft = 0
           Children(iChild).pRight = 0
       End If
       Return iChild
   End Function
   Function GetAncestors(_child As Short) As Short
       Dim Child As Short = _child
       Dim Index As Short = 0
       Dim Parent As Short = 0
       Do While Child > 1
           Do While Child Mod Primes(Index) = 0
               Child /= Primes(Index)
               Parent += Primes(Index)
           Index += 1
       If Parent = _child Or _child = 1 Then
           Return 0
       End If
       Index = GetAncestors(Parent)
       Ancestors(Index) = Parent
       Return Index + 1
   End Function
   Function GetDescendants(_index As Integer, _ind As Integer) As Integer
       If Children(_index).pLeft Then
           _ind = GetDescendants(Children(_index).pLeft, _ind)
       End If
       Descendants(_ind) = Children(_index).Child
       _ind += 1
       If Children(_index).pRight Then
           _ind = GetDescendants(Children(_index).pRight, _ind)
       End If
       Return _ind
   End Function
   Function GetPrimes(_primes() As Integer, Optional _maxPrime As Integer = 0, Optional _nbrPrimes As Integer = 0) As Integer
       Dim Index As Integer
       Dim Value As Integer
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim Max As Integer
       If _maxPrime < 2 And _nbrPrimes < 1 Then
           Return vbFalse
       End If
       Index = 0
       _primes(Index) = 2
       Value = 3
       While Value <= _maxPrime Or Index < _nbrPrimes - 1
           Max = Floor(Sqrt(Value))
           For i = 0 To Index
               If _primes(i) > Max Then
                   Index += 1
                   If Index >= NBRPRIMES Then
                       Return vbFalse
                   End If
                   _primes(Index) = Value
                   Exit For
               End If
               If Value Mod _primes(i) = 0 Then
                   Exit For
               End If
           Value += 2
       End While
       Return Index + 1
   End Function

End Module</lang>

Visual Basic .NET with 1 collection

This solution is very slow. One table, only, has been replaced by one collection (the Primes tabel). <lang vbnet>Imports System.Math

Module Module1

   Const MAXPRIME = 99                             ' greatest prime number
   Const MAXPARENT = 99                            ' greatest parent number
   Const NBRCHILDREN = 547000                      ' number of children (total descendants)
   Const NBRDESCENDANTS = 38300                    ' number of descendants (per parent)
   Public Primes As Object                         ' table of the prime numbers
   Public Parents(MAXPARENT + 1) As Integer        ' index table of the first descendant found (per parent)
   Public CptDescendants(MAXPARENT + 1) As Integer ' counter table of the number of descendants (per parent)
   Public Ancestors As New Collection()            ' table of the parent's ancestors
   Public Descendants(NBRDESCENDANTS) As Long      ' table of one parent's descendants
   Public Children(NBRCHILDREN) As ChildStruct
   Public iChild As Integer
   Public Structure ChildStruct
       Public Child As Long
       Public pLeft As Integer
       Public pRight As Integer
   End Structure
   Sub Main()
       Dim StartTime As Date = Now
       Dim Duration As Long
       Dim Parent As Short
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim iDesc As Integer
       Dim totDesc As Integer = 0
       If GetPrimes(Primes, MAXPRIME) = vbFalse Then
       End If
       GetChildren(1, 0, 1)
           If GetPrimes(Primes, MAXPARENT) = vbFalse Then
           End If
       End If
       FileOpen(1, "Ancestors1.txt", OpenMode.Output)   ' Open file for output.
       For Parent = 5 To MAXPARENT
           PrintLine(1, "[" & Parent.ToString & "] LEVEL: " & Ancestors.Count.ToString)
           If Ancestors.Count Then
               Print(1, "ANCESTORS: " & Ancestors.Item(1).ToString)
               For i = 2 To Ancestors.Count
                   Print(1, "," & Ancestors.Item(i).ToString)
               PrintLine(1, "ANCESTORS: None")
           End If
           PrintLine(1, "DESCENDANTS: " & CptDescendants(Parent).ToString)
           iDesc = 0
           GetDescendants(Parents(Parent), iDesc)
           Print(1, Descendants(0).ToString)
           For i = 1 To CptDescendants(Parent) - 1
               Print(1, "," & Descendants(i).ToString)
           totDesc += CptDescendants(Parent)
       PrintLine(1, "Total descendants " & totDesc.ToString)
       Duration = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, StartTime, Now)
       PrintLine(1, "Duration " & Duration.ToString & " seconds")
   End Sub
   Function GetChildren(_level As Short, _sum As Short, _product As Long)
       If _level < Primes.count Then
           GetChildren(_level + 1, _sum, _product)
       End If
       Dim Prime = Primes.item(_level)
       _sum += Prime
       While _sum <= MAXPARENT
           _product *= Prime
           If _sum > Prime Then
               If Parents(_sum) Then
                   InsertChild(Parents(_sum), _product)
                   Parents(_sum) = InsertChild(Parents(_sum), _product)
               End If
               CptDescendants(_sum) += 1
           End If
           If _level < Primes.count Then
               GetChildren(_level + 1, _sum, _product)
           End If
           _sum += Prime
       End While
       Return Nothing
   End Function
   Function InsertChild(_index As Integer, _child As Long) As Integer
       If _index Then
           If _child <= Children(_index).Child Then
               If Children(_index).pLeft Then
                   InsertChild(Children(_index).pLeft, _child)
                   Children(_index).pLeft = InsertChild(Children(_index).pLeft, _child)
               End If
               If Children(_index).pRight Then
                   InsertChild(Children(_index).pRight, _child)
                   Children(_index).pRight = InsertChild(Children(_index).pRight, _child)
               End If
           End If
           iChild += 1
           Children(iChild).Child = _child
           Children(iChild).pLeft = 0
           Children(iChild).pRight = 0
       End If
       Return iChild
   End Function
   Function GetAncestors(_child As Short)
       Dim Child As Short = _child
       Dim Parent As Short = 0
       For Each Prime In Primes
           If Child = 1 Then
               Exit For
           End If
           While Child Mod Prime = 0
               Child /= Prime
               Parent += Prime
           End While
       If Parent = _child Or _child = 1 Then
           Return Nothing
       End If
       Return Nothing
   End Function
   Function GetDescendants(_index As Integer, _ind As Integer) As Integer
       If Children(_index).pLeft Then
           _ind = GetDescendants(Children(_index).pLeft, _ind)
       End If
       Descendants(_ind) = Children(_index).Child
       _ind += 1
       If Children(_index).pRight Then
           _ind = GetDescendants(Children(_index).pRight, _ind)
       End If
       Return _ind
   End Function
   Function GetPrimes(ByRef _primes As Object, Optional _maxPrime As Integer = 2, Optional _nbrPrimes As Integer = 1) As Boolean
       Dim Value As Integer
       Dim Max As Integer
       Dim Prime As Integer
       If _maxPrime < 2 And _nbrPrimes < 1 Then
           Return vbFalse
       End If
       _primes = New Collection()
       Value = 3
       While Value <= _maxPrime Or _primes.count < _nbrPrimes
           Max = Floor(Sqrt(Value))
           For Each Prime In _primes
               If Prime > Max Then
                   Exit For
               End If
               If Value Mod Prime = 0 Then
                   Exit For
               End If
           Value += 2
       End While
       Return vbTrue
   End Function

End Module</lang>