Particle swarm optimization: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed whitespace and comments, add more variables that can be specified, increased the number of iterations and shown digits, increased the precision, and other refinements.)
(Javascript draft: TODO - implement and run the Michalewicz function)
Line 115: Line 115:
GlobalBestPosition: 2.20296 1.57083
GlobalBestPosition: 2.20296 1.57083
GlobalBestValue: _1.8013</lang>
GlobalBestValue: _1.8013</lang>


Translation of [[Particle_Swarm_Optimization#J|J]].

<lang Javascript>function pso_init(y) {
var nDims= y.min.length;
var pos=[], vel=[], bpos=[], bval=[];
for (var j= 0; j<y.nParticles; j++) {
pos[j]= bpos[j]= y.min;
var v= []; for (var k= 0; k<nDims; k++) v[k]= 0;
vel[j]= v;
bval[j]= Infinity}
return {
iter: 0,
gbpos: Infinity,
gbval: Infinity,
min: y.min,
max: y.max,
parameters: y.parameters,
pos: pos,
vel: vel,
bpos: bpos,
bval: bval,
nParticles: y.nParticles,
nDims: nDims}

function pso(fn, state) {
var y= state;
var p= y.parameters;
var val=[], bpos=[], bval=[], gbval= Infinity, gbpos=[]
for (var j= 0; j<y.nParticles; j++) {
// evaluate
val[j]= fn.apply(null, y.pos[j]);
// update
if (val[j] < y.bval[j]) {
bpos[j]= y.pos[j];
bval[j]= val[j];
} else {
bpos[j]= y.bpos[j];
bval[j]= y.bval[j]}
if (bval[j] < gbval) {
gbval= bval[j];
gbpos= bpos[j]}}
var rg= Math.random(), vel=[], pos=[];
for (var j= 0; j<y.nParticles; j++) {
// migrate
var rp= Math.random(), ok= true;
vel[j]= [];
pos[j]= [];
for (var k= 0; k < y.nDims; k++) {
vel[j][k]=*y.vel[j][k] + p.phip*rp*(bpos[j]-y.pos[j]) + p.phig*rg*(gbpos-y.pos[j]);
pos[j][k]= y.pos[j]+vel[j][k];
ok= ok && y.min>pos[j][k] || y.max<pos[j][k];}
if (!ok)
for (var k= 0; k < y.nDims; k++)
pos[j][k]= y.min + (y.max-y.min)*Math.random()}
return {
iter: 1+y.iter,
gbpos: gbpos,
gbval: gbval,
min: y.min,
max: y.max,
parameters: y.parameters,
pos: pos,
vel: vel,
bpos: bpos,
bval: bval,
nParticles: y.nParticles,
nDims: y.nDims}

function display(text) {
if (document) {
var o= document.getElementById('o');
if (!o) {
o= document.createElement('pre'); 'o';
o.innerHTML+= text+'\n';
if (console.log) console.log(text)

function reportState(state) {
var y= state;
display('Iteration: '+y.iter);
display('GlobalBestPosition: '+y.gbpos);
display('GlobalBestValue: '+y.gbval);

function repeat(fn, n, y) {
var r=y, old= y;
if (Infinity == n)
while ((r= fn(r)) != old) old= r;
for (var j= 0; j<n; j++) r= fn(r);
return r

function mccormick(a,b) {
return Math.sin(a+b) + Math.pow(a-b,2) + (1 + 2.5*b - 1.5*a)

state= pso_init({
min: [-1.5,2], max:[4,4],
parameters: {omega: 0, phip: 0.6, phig: 0.3},
nParticles: 100});


state= repeat(function(y){return pso(mccormick,y)}, 40, state);


Example displayed result (random numbers are involved so there will be a bit of variance between repeated runs:

<lang Javascript>
Iteration: 0
GlobalBestPosition: Infinity
GlobalBestValue: Infinity

Iteration: 40
GlobalBestPosition: -1.5,2
GlobalBestValue: 20.979425538604204</lang>
