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Implements requests 1-5.
Implements requests 1-5.
<lang haskell>
<lang haskell>
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.List.Utils
import Data.Function (on)

printOutput = do
putStrLn "# Ignoring leading spaces \n"
printBlockOfMessages sample1Rule ignoringStartEndSpaces
putStrLn "\n # Ignoring multiple adjacent spaces (m.a.s) \n"
printBlockOfMessages sample2Rule ignoringMultipleAdjacentSpaces
putStrLn "\n # Equivalent whitespace characters \n"
printBlockOfMessages sample3Rule ignoringMultipleAdjacentSpaces
putStrLn "\n # Case Indepenent sorts \n"
printBlockOfMessages sample4Rule caseIndependent
putStrLn "\n # Numeric fields as numerics \n"
printBlockOfMessages sample5Rule numericFieldsAsNumbers
putStrLn "\n # Title sorts \n"
printBlockOfMessages sample6Rule removeLeadCommonWords

printMessage message content = do
putStrLn message
mapM_ print content

printBlockOfMessages list function = do
printMessage "Text strings:" list
printMessage "Normally sorted:" (sort list)
printMessage "Naturally sorted:" (sortListWith list function)

-- samples
sample1Rule = ["ignore leading spaces: 2-2", " ignore leading spaces: 2-1", " ignore leading spaces: 2+0", " ignore leading spaces: 2+1"]
sample2Rule = ["ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-2", "ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-1", "ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+0", "ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+1"]
sample3Rule = ["Equiv. spaces: 3-3", "Equiv.\rspaces: 3-2", "Equiv.\x0cspaces: 3-1", "Equiv.\x0bspaces: 3+0", "Equiv.\nspaces: 3+1", "Equiv.\tspaces: 3+2"]
sample4Rule = ["cASE INDEPENENT: 3-2", "caSE INDEPENENT: 3-1", "casE INDEPENENT: 3+0", "case INDEPENENT: 3+1"]
sample5Rule = ["foo100bar99baz0.txt", "foo100bar10baz0.txt", "foo1000bar99baz10.txt", "foo1000bar99baz9.txt"]
sample6Rule = ["The Wind in the Willows", "The 40th step more", "The 39 steps", "Wanda"]

-- function to execute all sorts
sortListWith l f = sort $ f l

-- 1. Ignore leading, trailing and multiple adjacent spaces

-- Ignoring leading spaces

-- receive a String and remove all spaces from the start and end of that String, a String is considered an List os Char
-- ex: " a string " = "a string"
ignoringStartEndSpaces :: [String] -> [String]
ignoringStartEndSpaces = map strip

-- Ignoring multiple adjacent spaces and Equivalent whitespace characters

ignoringMultipleAdjacentSpaces :: [String] -> [String]
ignoringMultipleAdjacentSpaces = map (unwords . words)

-- 2. Equivalent whitespace characters
-- 3. Case independent sort
-- lower case of an entire String
-- ex "SomeCAse" = "somecase"
caseIndependent :: [String] -> [String]
caseIndependent = map (map toLower)

-- 4. Numeric fields as numerics (deals with up to 20 digits)
numericFieldsAsNumbers :: [String] -> [[Int]]
numericFieldsAsNumbers = map findOnlyNumerics

findOnlyNumerics :: String -> [Int]
findOnlyNumerics s = convertDigitAsStringToInt $ makeListOfDigitsAsString $ extractDigitsAsString s
extractDigitsAsString :: String -> [String]
extractDigitsAsString s = map (filter isNumber) $ groupBy ((==) `on` isNumber ) s
makeListOfDigitsAsString :: [String] -> [String]
makeListOfDigitsAsString l = tail $ nub l
convertDigitAsStringToInt :: [String] -> [Int]
convertDigitAsStringToInt = map (joiner . map digitToInt)

-- join a list of numbers into a single number
-- ex [4,2] = 42
joiner :: [Int] -> Int
joiner = read . concatMap show

-- 5. Title sort
removeLeadCommonWords l = map removeLeadCommonWord $ splitList l

splitList = map words
removeLeadCommonWord a = unwords $ if f a commonWords then tail a else a
where f l1 = elem (map toLower (head l1))
commonWords = ["the","a","an","of"]


<pre style="height: 80ex; overflow: scroll">
# Ignoring leading spaces

Text strings:
"ignore leading spaces: 2-2"
" ignore leading spaces: 2-1"
" ignore leading spaces: 2+0"
" ignore leading spaces: 2+1"
Normally sorted:
" ignore leading spaces: 2+1"
" ignore leading spaces: 2+0"
" ignore leading spaces: 2-1"
"ignore leading spaces: 2-2"
Naturally sorted:
"ignore leading spaces: 2+0"
"ignore leading spaces: 2+1"
"ignore leading spaces: 2-1"
"ignore leading spaces: 2-2"

# Ignoring multiple adjacent spaces (m.a.s)

Text strings:
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-2"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-1"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+0"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+1"
Normally sorted:
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+1"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+0"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-1"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-2"
Naturally sorted:
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+0"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2+1"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-1"
"ignore m.a.s spaces: 2-2"

# Equivalent whitespace characters

Text strings:
"Equiv. spaces: 3-3"
"Equiv.\rspaces: 3-2"
"Equiv.\fspaces: 3-1"
"Equiv.\vspaces: 3+0"
"Equiv.\nspaces: 3+1"
"Equiv.\tspaces: 3+2"
Normally sorted:
"Equiv.\tspaces: 3+2"
"Equiv.\nspaces: 3+1"
"Equiv.\vspaces: 3+0"
"Equiv.\fspaces: 3-1"
"Equiv.\rspaces: 3-2"
"Equiv. spaces: 3-3"
Naturally sorted:
"Equiv. spaces: 3+0"
"Equiv. spaces: 3+1"
"Equiv. spaces: 3+2"
"Equiv. spaces: 3-1"
"Equiv. spaces: 3-2"
"Equiv. spaces: 3-3"

# Case Indepenent sorts

Text strings:
"casE INDEPENENT: 3+0"
"case INDEPENENT: 3+1"
Normally sorted:
"casE INDEPENENT: 3+0"
"case INDEPENENT: 3+1"
Naturally sorted:
"case indepenent: 3+0"
"case indepenent: 3+1"
"case indepenent: 3-1"
"case indepenent: 3-2"

# Numeric fields as numerics

Text strings:
Normally sorted:
Naturally sorted:

# Title sorts

Text strings:
"The Wind in the Willows"
"The 40th step more"
"The 39 steps"
Normally sorted:
"The 39 steps"
"The 40th step more"
"The Wind in the Willows"
Naturally sorted:
"39 steps"
"40th step more"
"Wind in the Willows"
