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A [[wp:Magic_square|magic square]] of singly even order has a size that is a multiple of 4, plus 2 (e.g. 6, 10, 14). This means that the subsquares have an odd size, which plays a role in the construction.
A [[wp:Magic_square|magic square]] of singly even order has a size that is a multiple of 4, plus 2 (e.g. 6, 10, 14). This means that the subsquares have an odd size, which plays a role in the construction.

Revision as of 19:47, 29 May 2016

Magic squares of singly even order
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A magic square of singly even order has a size that is a multiple of 4, plus 2 (e.g. 6, 10, 14). This means that the subsquares have an odd size, which plays a role in the construction.

The task: create a magic square of 6 x 6.

See also


<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <sstream>
  3. include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class magicSqr { public:

   magicSqr() { sqr = 0; }
   ~magicSqr() { if( sqr ) delete [] sqr; }

   void create( int d ) {
       if( sqr ) delete [] sqr;
       if( d & 1 ) d++;
       while( d % 4 == 0 ) { d += 2; }
       sz = d;
       sqr = new int[sz * sz];
       memset( sqr, 0, sz * sz * sizeof( int ) );
   void display() {
       cout << "Singly Even Magic Square: " << sz << " x " << sz << "\n";
       cout << "It's Magic Sum is: " << magicNumber() << "\n\n";
       ostringstream cvr; cvr << sz * sz;
       int l = cvr.str().size();

       for( int y = 0; y < sz; y++ ) {
           int yy = y * sz;
           for( int x = 0; x < sz; x++ ) {
               cout << setw( l + 2 ) << sqr[yy + x];
           cout << "\n";
       cout << "\n\n";


   void siamese( int from, int to ) {
       int oneSide = to - from, curCol = oneSide / 2, curRow = 0, count = oneSide * oneSide, s = 1;
       while( count > 0 ) {
           bool done = false;
           while ( false == done ) {
               if( curCol >= oneSide ) curCol = 0;
               if( curRow < 0 ) curRow = oneSide - 1;
               done = true;
               if( sqr[curCol + sz * curRow] != 0 ) {
                   curCol -= 1; curRow += 2;
                   if( curCol < 0 ) curCol = oneSide - 1;
                   if( curRow >= oneSide ) curRow -= oneSide;
                   done = false;
           sqr[curCol + sz * curRow] = s;
           s++; count--; curCol++; curRow--;
   void fillSqr() {
       int n = sz / 2, ns = n * sz, size = sz * sz, add1 = size / 2, add3 = size / 4, add2 = 3 * add3;
       siamese( 0, n );
       for( int r = 0; r < n; r++ ) {
           int row = r * sz;
           for( int c = n; c < sz; c++ ) {
               int m = sqr[c - n + row];
               sqr[c + row] = m + add1;
               sqr[c + row + ns] = m + add3;
               sqr[c - n + row + ns] = m + add2;
       int lc = ( sz - 2 ) / 4, co = sz - ( lc - 1 ); 
       for( int r = 0; r < n; r++ ) {
           int row = r * sz;    
           for( int c = co; c < sz; c++ ) {    
               sqr[c + row] -= add3;
               sqr[c + row + ns] += add3;
       for( int r = 0; r < n; r++ ) {
           int row = r * sz;    
           for( int c = 0; c < lc; c++ ) {
               int cc = c;
               if( r == lc ) cc++;
               sqr[cc + row] += add2;
               sqr[cc + row + ns] -= add2;
   int magicNumber() { return sz * ( ( sz * sz ) + 1 ) / 2; }

   void inc( int& a ) { if( ++a == sz ) a = 0; }

   void dec( int& a ) { if( --a < 0 ) a = sz - 1; }

   bool checkPos( int x, int y ) { return( isInside( x ) && isInside( y ) && !sqr[sz * y + x] ); }

   bool isInside( int s ) { return ( s < sz && s > -1 ); }

   int* sqr;
   int sz;

}; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   magicSqr s; s.create( 6 );
   return 0;

} </lang>

Singly Even Magic Square: 6 x 6
It's Magic Sum is: 111

  35   1   6  26  19  24
   3  32   7  21  23  25
  31   9   2  22  27  20
   8  28  33  17  10  15
  30   5  34  12  14  16
   4  36  29  13  18  11


wp:Conway's LUX method for magic squares: <lang elixir>defmodule Magic_square do

 @lux  %{ L: [4, 1, 2, 3], U: [1, 4, 2, 3], X: [1, 4, 3, 2] }
 def singly_even(n) when rem(n-2,4)!=0, do: raise ArgumentError, "must be even, but not divisible by 4."
 def singly_even(2), do: raise ArgumentError, "2x2 magic square not possible."
 def singly_even(n) do
   n2 = div(n, 2)
   oms = odd_magic_square(n2)
   mat = make_lux_matrix(n2)
   square = synthesis(n2, oms, mat)
   IO.puts to_string(n, square)
 defp odd_magic_square(m) do       # zero beginning, it is 4 multiples.
   for i <- 0..m-1, j <- 0..m-1, into: %{},
       do: {{i,j}, (m*(rem(i+j+1+div(m,2),m)) + rem(i+2*j-5+2*m, m)) * 4}
 defp make_lux_matrix(m) do
   center = div(m, 2)
   lux = List.duplicate(:L, center+1) ++ [:U] ++ List.duplicate(:X, m-center-2)
   (for {x,i} <- Enum.with_index(lux), j <- 0..m-1, into: %{}, do: {{i,j}, x})
   |> Map.put({center,   center}, :U)
   |> Map.put({center+1, center}, :L)
 defp synthesis(m, oms, mat) do
   range = 0..m-1
   Enum.reduce(range, [], fn i,acc ->
     {row0, row1} = Enum.reduce(range, {[],[]}, fn j,{r0,r1} ->
                      x = oms[{i,j}]
                      [lux0, lux1, lux2, lux3] = @lux[mat[{i,j}]]
                      {[x+lux0, x+lux1 | r0], [x+lux2, x+lux3 | r1]}
     [row0, row1 | acc]
 defp to_string(n, square) do
   format = String.duplicate("~#{length(to_char_list(n*n))}w ", n) <> "\n"
   Enum.map_join(square, fn row ->
     :io_lib.format(format, row)



 5  8 36 33 13 16
 6  7 34 35 14 15
28 25 17 20 12  9
26 27 18 19 10 11
24 21  4  1 32 29
22 23  2  3 30 31


<lang freebasic>' version 18-03-2016 ' compile with: fbc -s console ' singly even magic square 6, 10, 14, 18...

Sub Err_msg(msg As String)

   Print msg
   Beep : Sleep 5000, 1 : Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub se_magicsq(n As UInteger, filename As String = "")

   ' filename <> "" then save square in a file
   ' filename can contain directory name
   ' if filename exist it will be overwriten, no error checking
   If n < 6 Then
       Err_msg( "Error: n is to small")
       Exit Sub
   End If
   If ((n -2) Mod 4) <> 0 Then
       Err_msg "Error: not possible to make singly" + _
                " even magic square size " + Str(n)
       Exit Sub
   End If
   Dim As UInteger sq(1 To n, 1 To n)
   Dim As UInteger magic_sum = n * (n ^ 2 +1) \ 2
   Dim As UInteger sq_d_2 = n \ 2, q2 = sq_d_2 ^ 2
   Dim As UInteger l = (n -2) \ 4
   Dim As UInteger x = sq_d_2 \ 2 + 1, y = 1, nr = 1
   Dim As String frmt = String(Len(Str(n * n)) +1, "#")
   ' fill pattern A C
   '              D B
   ' main loop for creating magic square in section A
   ' the value for B,C and D is derived from A
   ' uses the FreeBASIC odd order magic square routine
       If sq(x, y) = 0 Then
           sq(x         , y         ) = nr          ' A
           sq(x + sq_d_2, y + sq_d_2) = nr + q2     ' B
           sq(x + sq_d_2, y         ) = nr + q2 * 2 ' C
           sq(x         , y + sq_d_2) = nr + q2 * 3 ' D
           If nr Mod sq_d_2 = 0 Then
               y += 1
               x += 1 : y -= 1
           End If
           nr += 1
       End If
       If x > sq_d_2 Then
           x = 1
           Do While sq(x,y) <> 0
               x += 1
       End If
       If y < 1 Then
           y = sq_d_2
           Do While sq(x,y) <> 0
               y -= 1
       End If
   Loop Until nr > q2

   ' swap left side
   For y = 1 To sq_d_2
       For x = 1 To l
           Swap sq(x, y), sq(x,y + sq_d_2)
   ' make indent
   y = (sq_d_2 \ 2) +1
   Swap sq(1, y), sq(1, y + sq_d_2) ' was swapped, restore to orignal value
   Swap sq(l +1, y), sq(l +1, y + sq_d_2)
   ' swap right side
   For y = 1 To sq_d_2
       For x = n - l +2 To n
           Swap sq(x, y), sq(x,y + sq_d_2)
   ' check columms and rows
   For y = 1 To n
       nr = 0 : l  = 0
       For x = 1 To n
           nr += sq(x,y)
           l  += sq(y,x)
       If nr <> magic_sum Or l <> magic_sum Then
           Err_msg "Error: value <> magic_sum"
           Exit Sub
       End If
   ' check diagonals
   nr = 0 : l = 0
   For x = 1 To n
       nr += sq(x, x)
       l  += sq(n - x +1, n - x +1)
   If nr <> magic_sum Or l <> magic_sum Then
       Err_msg "Error: value <> magic_sum"
       Exit Sub
   End If
   ' printing square's on screen bigger when
   ' n > 19 results in a wrapping of the line
   Print "Single even magic square size: "; n; "*"; n
   Print "The magic sum = "; magic_sum
   For y = 1 To n
       For x = 1 To n
           Print Using frmt; sq(x, y);
   ' output magic square to a file with the name provided
   If filename <> "" Then
       nr = FreeFile
       Open filename For Output As #nr
       Print #nr, "Single even magic square size: "; n; "*"; n
       Print #nr, "The magic sum = "; magic_sum
       Print #nr,
       For y = 1 To n
           For x = 1 To n
               Print #nr, Using frmt; sq(x,y);
           Print #nr,
       Close #nr
   End If

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=------

se_magicsq(6, "magicse6.txt") : Print

' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Var _key_ = Inkey : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

Single even magic square size: 6*6
The magic sum = 111

 35  1  6 26 19 24
  3 32  7 21 23 25
 31  9  2 22 27 20
  8 28 33 17 10 15
 30  5 34 12 14 16
  4 36 29 13 18 11


<lang java>public class MagicSquareSinglyEven {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int n = 6;
       for (int[] row : magicSquareSinglyEven(n)) {
           for (int x : row)
               System.out.printf("%2s ", x);
       System.out.printf("\nMagic constant: %d ", (n * n + 1) * n / 2);
   public static int[][] magicSquareOdd(final int n) {
       if (n < 3 || n % 2 == 0)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be odd and > 2");
       int value = 0;
       int gridSize = n * n;
       int c = n / 2, r = 0;
       int[][] result = new int[n][n];
       while (++value <= gridSize) {
           result[r][c] = value;
           if (r == 0) {
               if (c == n - 1) {
               } else {
                   r = n - 1;
           } else if (c == n - 1) {
               c = 0;
           } else if (result[r - 1][c + 1] == 0) {
           } else {
       return result;
   static int[][] magicSquareSinglyEven(final int n) {
       if (n < 6 || (n - 2) % 4 != 0)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be a positive "
                   + "multiple of 4 plus 2");
       int size = n * n;
       int halfN = n / 2;
       int subSquareSize = size / 4;
       int[][] subSquare = magicSquareOdd(halfN);
       int[] quadrantFactors = {0, 2, 3, 1};
       int[][] result = new int[n][n];
       for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
           for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
               int quadrant = (r / halfN) * 2 + (c / halfN);
               result[r][c] = subSquare[r % halfN][c % halfN];
               result[r][c] += quadrantFactors[quadrant] * subSquareSize;
       int nColsLeft = halfN / 2;
       int nColsRight = nColsLeft - 1;
       for (int r = 0; r < halfN; r++)
           for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
               if (c < nColsLeft || c >= n - nColsRight
                       || (c == nColsLeft && r == nColsLeft)) {
                   if (c == 0 && r == nColsLeft)
                   int tmp = result[r][c];
                   result[r][c] = result[r + halfN][c];
                   result[r + halfN][c] = tmp;
       return result;


35  1  6 26 19 24 
 3 32  7 21 23 25 
31  9  2 22 27 20 
 8 28 33 17 10 15 
30  5 34 12 14 16 
 4 36 29 13 18 11 

Magic constant: 111

Perl 6

See Magic squares/Perl 6 for a general magic square generator.


With a parameter of 6:

35  1  6 26 19 24
 3 32  7 21 23 25
31  9  2 22 27 20
 8 28 33 17 10 15
30  5 34 12 14 16
 4 36 29 13 18 11

The magic number is 111

With a parameter of 10:

 92  99   1   8  15  67  74  51  58  40
 98  80   7  14  16  73  55  57  64  41
  4  81  88  20  22  54  56  63  70  47
 85  87  19  21   3  60  62  69  71  28
 86  93  25   2   9  61  68  75  52  34
 17  24  76  83  90  42  49  26  33  65
 23   5  82  89  91  48  30  32  39  66
 79   6  13  95  97  29  31  38  45  72
 10  12  94  96  78  35  37  44  46  53
 11  18 100  77  84  36  43  50  27  59

The magic number is 505


<lang ruby>def odd_magic_square(n){|i|{|j| n*((i+j+1+n/2)%n) + ((i+2*j-5)%n) + 1} }


def single_even_magic_square(n)

 raise ArgumentError, "must be even, but not divisible by 4." unless (n-2) % 4 == 0
 raise ArgumentError, "2x2 magic square not possible." if n == 2
 order = (n-2)/4
 odd_square = odd_magic_square(n/2)
 to_add = (0..3).map{|f| f*n*n/4}
 quarts ={|f|{|row|{|el| el+f}} }
 sq = []
 quarts[0].zip(quarts[2]){|d1,d2| sq << [d1,d2].flatten}
 quarts[3].zip(quarts[1]){|d1,d2| sq << [d1,d2].flatten}
 sq = sq.transpose
 order.times{|i| sq[i].rotate!(n/2)}
 swap(sq[0][order], sq[0][-order-1])
 swap(sq[order][order], sq[order][-order-1])
 (order-1).times{|i| sq[-(i+1)].rotate!(n/2)}


def swap(a,b)

 a,b = b,a


def randomize(square)



def to_string(square)

 n = square.size
 fmt = "%#{(n*n).to_s.size + 1}d" * n
 square.inject(""){|str,row| str << fmt % row << "\n"}


puts to_string(single_even_magic_square(6))</lang>

 23  7  5 21 30 25
 18 29 36 13  4 11
 14 34 32 12  3 16
 19  6  1 26 35 24
 27  2  9 22 31 20
 10 33 28 17  8 15


Translation of: Java

<lang zkl>class MagicSquareSinglyEven{

  fcn init(n){ var result=magicSquareSinglyEven(n) }
  fcn toString{
     sink,n:=Sink(String),result.len();  // num collumns
     fmt:="%2s ";
     foreach row in (result)
        { sink.write(row.apply('wrap(n){ fmt.fmt(n) }).concat(),"\n") }
     sink.write("\nMagic constant: %d".fmt((n*n + 1)*n/2));
  fcn magicSquareOdd(n){
     if (n<3 or n%2==0) throw(Exception.ValueError("base must be odd and > 2"));
     value,gridSize,c,r:=0, n*n, n/2, 0;
     result:=n.pump(List(),n.pump(List(),0).copy);  // array[n,n] of zero


result[r][c]=value; if(r==0){ if(c==n-1) r+=1;

           else{ r=n-1; c+=1; }

} else if(c==n-1){ r-=1; c=0; } else if(result[r-1][c+1]==0){ r-=1; c+=1; } else r+=1;

  fcn magicSquareSinglyEven(n){
     if (n<6 or (n-2)%4!=0)

throw(Exception.ValueError("base must be a positive multiple of 4 +2"));

     size,halfN,subSquareSize:=n*n,  n/2, size/4;
     quadrantFactors:=T(0, 2, 3, 1);
     result:=n.pump(List(),n.pump(List(),0).copy);  // array[n,n] of zero
     foreach r,c in (n,n){
        quadrant:=(r/halfN)*2 + (c/halfN);

result[r][c]=subSquare[r%halfN][c%halfN]; result[r][c]+=quadrantFactors[quadrant]*subSquareSize;

     nColsLeft,nColsRight:=halfN/2, nColsLeft-1;
     foreach r,c in (halfN,n){
        if ( c<nColsLeft or c>=(n-nColsRight) or 
             (c==nColsLeft and r==nColsLeft) ){

if(c==0 and r==nColsLeft) continue; tmp:=result[r][c]; result[r][c]=result[r+halfN][c]; result[r+halfN][c]=tmp; }


}</lang> <lang zkl>MagicSquareSinglyEven(6).println();</lang>

35  1  6 26 19 24 
 3 32  7 21 23 25 
31  9  2 22 27 20 
 8 28 33 17 10 15 
30  5 34 12 14 16 
 4 36 29 13 18 11 

Magic constant: 111