Legendre prime counting function: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
Line 170: Line 170:
=== Using the method given in the task ===
=== Using the method given in the task ===
Run twice to show the benefits of precomputing the library prime functions.
<lang julia>using Primes
<lang julia>using Primes

Line 191: Line 192:
println("10^", rpad(i, 5), primepi(10^i))
println("10^", rpad(i, 5), primepi(10^i))

@time for i in 0:9
println("10^", rpad(i, 5), primepi(10^i))

Line 204: Line 210:
10^9 50847534
10^9 50847534
12.939211 seconds (69.44 M allocations: 3.860 GiB, 27.98% gc time, 1.58% compilation time)
12.939211 seconds (69.44 M allocations: 3.860 GiB, 27.98% gc time, 1.58% compilation time)
10^0 1
10^1 4
10^2 25
10^3 168
10^4 1229
10^5 9592
10^6 78498
10^7 664579
10^8 5761455
10^9 50847534
0.003234 seconds (421 allocations: 14.547 KiB)

Revision as of 04:46, 5 August 2021

Legendre prime counting function
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The prime-counting function π(n) computes the number of primes not greater than n. Legendre was the first mathematician to create a formula to compute π(n) based on the inclusion/exclusion principle.

To calculate:


φ(x, 0) = x
φ(x, a) = φ(x, a−1) − φ(⌊x/pa⌋, a−1), where pa is the ath prime number.


π(n) = φ(n, a) + a - 1, where a = π(√n)

The Legendre formula still requires the use of a sieve to enumerate primes; however it's only required to sieve up to the √n, and for counting primes, the Legendre method is generally much faster than sieving up to n.


Calculate π(n) for values up to 1 billion. Show π(n) for n = 1, 10, 100, ... 109.

For this task, you may refer to a prime number sieve (such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes or the extensible sieve) in an external library to enumerate the primes required by the formula. Also note that it will be necessary to memoize the results of φ(x, a) in order to have reasonable performance, since the recurrence relation would otherwise take exponential time.


<lang CoffeeScript> sorenson = require('sieve').primes # Sorenson's extensible sieve from task: Extensible Prime Generator

  1. put in outer scope to avoid recomputing the cache

memoPhi = {} primes = []

isqrt = (x) -> Math.floor Math.sqrt x

pi = (n) ->

   phi = (x, a) ->
       y = memoPhix,a
       return y unless y is undefined
       memoPhix,a =
           if a is 0 then x
               p = primes[a - 1]
               throw "You need to generate at least #{a} primes." if p is undefined
               phi(x, a - 1) - phi(x // p, a - 1)
   if n < 2
       a = pi isqrt n
       phi(n, a) + a - 1

maxPi = 1e9 gen = sorenson() primes = while (p = gen.next().value) < isqrt maxPi then p

n = 1 for i in [0..9]

   console.log "10^#{i}\t#{pi(n)}"
   n *= 10


10^0	0
10^1	4
10^2	25
10^3	168
10^4	1229
10^5	9592
10^6	78498
10^7	664579
10^8	5761455
10^9	50847534


<lang Erlang> -mode(native).

-define(LIMIT, 1000000000).

main(_) ->

   put(primes, array:from_list(primality:sieve(floor(math:sqrt(?LIMIT))))),
   ets:new(memphi, [set, named_table, protected]),
   output(0, 9).

nthprime(N) -> array:get(N - 1, get(primes)).

output(A, B) -> output(A, B, 1). output(A, B, _) when A > B -> ok; output(A, B, N) ->

   io:format("10^~b    ~b~n", [A, pi(N)]),
   output(A + 1, B, N * 10).

pi(N) ->

   Primes = get(primes),
   Last = array:get(array:size(Primes) - 1, Primes),
       N =< Last -> small_pi(N);
       true ->
           A = pi(floor(math:sqrt(N))),
           phi(N, A) + A - 1

phi(X, 0) -> X; phi(X, A) ->

   case ets:lookup(memphi, {X, A}) of
       [] ->
           Phi = phi(X, A-1) - phi(X div nthprime(A), A-1),
           ets:insert(memphi, {{X, A}, Phi}),
       [{{X, A}, Phi}] -> Phi

% Use binary search to count primes that we have already listed. small_pi(N) ->

   Primes = get(primes),
   small_pi(N, Primes, 0, array:size(Primes)).

small_pi(_, _, L, H) when L >= (H - 1) -> L + 1; small_pi(N, Primes, L, H) ->

   M = (L + H) div 2,
   P = array:get(M, Primes),
       N > P -> small_pi(N, Primes, M, H);
       N < P -> small_pi(N, Primes, 0, M);
       true -> M + 1


10^0    1
10^1    4
10^2    25
10^3    168
10^4    1229
10^5    9592
10^6    78498
10^7    664579
10^8    5761455
10^9    50847534


Using the Julia Primes library

This would be faster with a custom sieve that only counted instead of making a bitset, instead of the more versatile library function. <lang julia>using Primes

function primepi(N)

   delta = round(Int, N^0.8)
   return sum(i -> count(primesmask(i, min(i + delta - 1, N))), 1:delta:N)


@time for power in 0:9

   println("10^", rpad(power, 5), primepi(10^power))



10^0    0
10^1    4
10^2    25
10^3    168
10^4    1229
10^5    9592
10^6    78498
10^7    664579
10^8    5761455
10^9    50847534
  1.935556 seconds (1.64 k allocations: 415.526 MiB, 2.15% gc time)

Using the method given in the task

Translation of: CoffeeScript

Run twice to show the benefits of precomputing the library prime functions. <lang julia>using Primes

const maxpi = 1_000_000_000 const memophi = Dict{Vector{Int}, Int}() const _primes = primes(isqrt(maxpi))

function primepi(n)

   function phi(x, a)
       haskey(memophi, [x, a]) && return memophix, a
       memophix, a = a == 0 ? x : phi(x, a - 1) - phi(x ÷ _primes[a], a - 1)
       return memophix, a
   n < 2 && return n
   a = primepi(isqrt(n))
   return phi(n, a) + a - 1


@time for i in 0:9

   println("10^", rpad(i, 5), primepi(10^i))


@time for i in 0:9

   println("10^", rpad(i, 5), primepi(10^i))



10^0    1
10^1    4   
10^2    25  
10^3    168 
10^4    1229
10^5    9592
10^6    78498
10^7    664579
10^8    5761455
10^9    50847534
 12.939211 seconds (69.44 M allocations: 3.860 GiB, 27.98% gc time, 1.58% compilation time)
10^0    1
10^1    4
10^2    25
10^3    168
10^4    1229
10^5    9592
10^6    78498
10^7    664579
10^8    5761455
10^9    50847534
  0.003234 seconds (421 allocations: 14.547 KiB)


Performance is surprisingly good, considering that the Picat's library SoE is very basic and that I recompute the base primes each time pi() is called. This version takes 23 seconds on my laptop, outperforming the CoffeeScript version which takes 30 seconds. <lang Picat> table(+, +, nt) phi(X, 0, _) = X. phi(X, A, Primes) = phi(X, A - 1, Primes) - phi(X // Primes[A], A - 1, Primes).

pi(N) = Count, N < 2 => Count = 0. pi(N) = Count =>

   M = floor(sqrt(N)),
   A = pi(M),
   Count = phi(N, A, math.primes(M)) + A - 1.

main =>

   N = 1,
   foreach (K in 0..9)
       writef("10^%w    %w%n", K, pi(N)),
       N := N * 10.


10^0	0
10^1	4
10^2	25
10^3	168
10^4	1229
10^5	9592
10^6	78498
10^7	664579
10^8	5761455
10^9	50847534


Seems like an awful lot of pointless work. Using prime sieve anyway, why not just use it? <lang perl6>use Math::Primesieve;

my $sieve = Math::Primesieve.new;

say "10^$_\t" ~ $sieve.count: exp($_,10) for ^10;

say (now - INIT now) ~ ' elapsed seconds';</lang>

10^0	0
10^1	4
10^2	25
10^3	168
10^4	1229
10^5	9592
10^6	78498
10^7	664579
10^8	5761455
10^9	50847534
0.071464489 elapsed seconds