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As counting range is increased above these trivial ranges, a better algorithm such as that of LMO will likely perform much better than this and use much less memory (to proportional to the cube root of the range), although at the cost of greater code complexity and more lines of code (about 500 LOC). The trade-off between algorithms of the Legendre type and those of the Meissel type is that the latter decreases the time complexity but at the cost of more time spent sieving; modern follow-on work to LMO produces algorithms which are able to tune the balance between Legendre-type and Meissel-type algorithm in trading off the execution time costs between the different parts of the given algorithm for the best in performance, with the latest in Kim Walisch's tuning of Xavier Gourdon's work being about five to ten times faster than LMO (plus includes multi-threading abilities).
As counting range is increased above these trivial ranges, a better algorithm such as that of LMO will likely perform much better than this and use much less memory (to proportional to the cube root of the range), although at the cost of greater code complexity and more lines of code (about 500 LOC). The trade-off between algorithms of the Legendre type and those of the Meissel type is that the latter decreases the time complexity but at the cost of more time spent sieving; modern follow-on work to LMO produces algorithms which are able to tune the balance between Legendre-type and Meissel-type algorithm in trading off the execution time costs between the different parts of the given algorithm for the best in performance, with the latest in Kim Walisch's tuning of Xavier Gourdon's work being about five to ten times faster than LMO (plus includes multi-threading abilities).

<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">
// Rosetta Code task "Legendre prime counting function".
// Solution for Free Pascal (Lazarus) or Delphi.
program LegendrePrimeCount;

{$IFDEF FPC} // Free Pascal
{$MODE Delphi}
{$ELSE} // Delphi

// Optimization needs to be on if the program is to finish in a reasonable
// length of time. See "Comments on Task" on the Rosetta Code website.

uses SysUtils, Types;

Function to return an array of primes up to the passed-in limit.
Uses a straightforward Eratosthenes sieve.
TIntegerDynArray must be 0-based. To be compatible with Rosetta Code,
the first prime 2 is at result[1], and result[0] is not used.
function FindPrimes( limit : integer) : Types.TIntegerDynArray;
deleted : array of boolean;
j, k, p, resultSize : integer;
if (limit < 2) then begin
SetLength( result, 1);
SetLength( deleted, limit + 1); // 0..limit
deleted[0] := true;
for j := 1 to limit do deleted[j] := false;
p := 2;
while (p*p <= limit) do begin
j := 2*p;
while (j <= limit) do begin
deleted[j] := true;
inc( j, p);
repeat inc(p)
until (p > limit) or (not deleted[p]);
resultSize := 0;
for j := 0 to limit do
if not deleted[j] then inc( resultSize);
SetLength( result, resultSize);
k := 0;
for j := 0 to limit do begin
if not deleted[j] then begin
result[k] := j;

Function to count primes up to the passed-in limit, by Legendre's method.
Iterative, using a stack. Each item in the stack is a term phi(x,a) along
with a sign. If the top item on the stack can be evaluated easily, it is
popped off and its value is added to the result. Else the top item is
replaced by two items according to the formual in the task description.
function CountPrimes( n : integer) : integer;
TPhiTerm = record
IsNeg : boolean;
x : integer;
a : integer;
STACK_SIZE = 100; // 10 is enough for n = 10^9
primes : Types.TIntegerDynArray;
nrPrimes : integer;
stack : array [0..STACK_SIZE - 1] of TPhiTerm;
sp : integer; // stack pointer, points to first free entry
tos : TPhiTerm; // top of stack
primes := FindPrimes( Trunc( Sqrt( n + 0.5)));
nrPrimes := Length( primes) - 1; // primes[0] is not used
result := nrPrimes - 1; // initialize total
// Push initial entry onto stack
with stack[0] do begin
IsNeg := false;
x := n;
a := nrPrimes;
sp := 1;
while sp > 0 do begin
tos := stack[sp - 1];
// Using optimization described in "Comments on Task"
if tos.x = 0 then begin // top of stack = 0
dec(sp); // pop top of stack, no change to result
else if (tos.a > 0) and (tos.x < primes[tos.a]) then begin // top of stack = 1
dec( sp); // pop top of stack, update result
if tos.IsNeg then dec( result)
else inc( result);
else if tos.a = 0 then begin
// Using only the task description, i.e. only phi(x,0) = x
if tos.a = 0 then begin
dec( sp); // pop top of stack, update result
if tos.IsNeg then dec( result, tos.x)
else inc( result, tos.x);
else begin
// Replace top of stack by two items as in the task description,
// namely phi(x, a - 1) and -phi(x div primes[a], a - 1)
if (sp >= STACK_SIZE) then
raise SysUtils.Exception.Create( 'Legendre phi stack overflow');
with stack[sp - 1] do begin
IsNeg := tos.isNeg;
x := tos.x;
a := tos.a - 1;
with stack[sp] do begin
IsNeg := not tos.IsNeg;
x := tos.x div primes[tos.a];
a := tos.a - 1;

Main routine
power, limit, count : integer;
WriteLn( 'Limit Count');
limit := 1;
for power := 0 to 9 do begin
if power > 0 then limit := 10*limit;
count := CountPrimes( limit);
WriteLn( SysUtils.Format( '10^%d %10d', [power, count]))
Limit Count
10^0 0
10^1 4
10^2 25
10^3 168
10^4 1229
10^5 9592
10^6 78498
10^7 664579
10^8 5761455
10^9 50847534
