Kaprekar numbers: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Fast version: remove contract)
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<lang d>import std.stdio;
<lang d>import std.stdio;

bool isKaprekar(in uint n) pure nothrow
bool isKaprekar(in uint n) pure nothrow {
ulong powr = n ^^ 2UL;
ulong powr = n ^^ 2UL;
ulong tens = 10, r, l;
ulong tens = 10, r, l;

Revision as of 13:34, 12 February 2012

Kaprekar numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A positive integer is a Kaprekar number if:

  • It is 1
  • The decimal representation of its square may be split once into two parts consisting of positive integers which sum to the original number. Note that a split resulting in a part consisting purely of 0s is not valid, as 0 is not considered positive.
Example Kaprekar numbers
  • is a Kaprekar number, as , may be split to and , and .
  • The series of Kaprekar numbers is known as A006886, and begins as .
Example process

10000 (1002) splitting from left to right:

  • The first split is [1, 0000], and is invalid; the 0000 element consists entirely of 0s, and 0 is not considered positive.
  • Slight optimization opportunity: When splitting from left to right, once the right part consists entirely of 0s, no further testing is needed; all further splits would also be invalid.
Task description

Generate and show all Kaprekar numbers less than 10,000.

Extra credit

Optionally, count (and report the count of) how many Kaprekar numbers are less than 1,000,000.

Extra extra credit

The concept of Kaprekar numbers is not limited to base 10 (i.e. decimal numbers); if you can, show that Kaprekar numbers exist in other bases too. For this purpose, do the following:

  • Find all Kaprekar numbers for base 17 between 1 and 1,000,000 (one million);
  • Display each of them in base 10 representation;
  • Optionally, using base 17 representation (use letters 'a' to 'g' for digits 10(10) to 16(10)), display each of the numbers, its square, and where to split the square. For example, 225(10) is "d4" in base 17, its square "a52g", and a5(17) + 2g(17) = d4(17), so the display would be something like:
    225   d4  a52g  a5 + 2g


with extra bases from 2 up to 36 (0..9a..z)

task description wasn't clear if 1000000 for base 17 was base 17 or base 10, so i chose base 17 (17 ** 6).

<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed;

procedure Kaprekar2 is

  use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
  To_Digit : constant String := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  type Int is mod 2 ** 64;
  subtype Base_Number is Int range 2 .. 36;
  From_Digit : constant array (Character) of Int :=
    ('0'    => 0,
     '1'    => 1,
     '2'    => 2,
     '3'    => 3,
     '4'    => 4,
     '5'    => 5,
     '6'    => 6,
     '7'    => 7,
     '8'    => 8,
     '9'    => 9,
     'a'    => 10,
     'b'    => 11,
     'c'    => 12,
     'd'    => 13,
     'e'    => 14,
     'f'    => 15,
     'g'    => 16,
     'h'    => 17,
     'i'    => 18,
     'j'    => 19,
     'k'    => 20,
     'l'    => 21,
     'm'    => 22,
     'n'    => 23,
     'o'    => 24,
     'p'    => 25,
     'q'    => 26,
     'r'    => 27,
     's'    => 28,
     't'    => 29,
     'u'    => 30,
     'v'    => 31,
     'w'    => 32,
     'x'    => 33,
     'y'    => 34,
     'z'    => 35,
     others => 0);
  function To_String (Item : Int; Base : Base_Number := 10) return String is
     Value       : Int := Item;
     Digit_Index : Natural;
     Result      : String (1 .. 64);
     First       : Natural := Result'Last;
     while Value > 0 loop
        Digit_Index := Natural (Value mod Base);
        Result (First) := To_Digit (Digit_Index + 1);
        Value := Value / Base;
        First := First - 1;
     end loop;
     return Result (First + 1 .. Result'Last);
  end To_String;
  procedure Get (From : String; Item : out Int; Base : Base_Number := 10) is
     Item := 0;
     for I in From'Range loop
        Item := Item * Base;
        Item := Item + From_Digit (From (I));
     end loop;
  end Get;
  function Is_Kaprekar (N : Int; Base : Base_Number := 10) return Boolean is
     Square : Int;
     if N = 1 then
        return True;
        Square := N ** 2;
           Image : String := To_String (Square, Base);
           A, B  : Int;
           for I in Image'First .. Image'Last - 1 loop
              exit when Count (Image (I + 1 .. Image'Last), "0")
                = Image'Last - I;
              Get (From => Image (Image'First .. I),
                   Item => A,
                   Base => Base);
              Get (From => Image (I + 1 .. Image'Last),
                   Item => B,
                   Base => Base);
              if A + B = N then
                 return True;
              end if;
           end loop;
     end if;
     return False;
  end Is_Kaprekar;
  Count : Natural := 0;


  for I in Int range 1 .. 10_000 loop
     if Is_Kaprekar (I) then
        Count := Count + 1;
        Ada.Text_IO.Put (To_String (I) & ",");
     end if;
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Total:" & Integer'Image (Count));
  for I in Int range 10_001 .. 1_000_000 loop
     if Is_Kaprekar (I) then
        Count := Count + 1;
     end if;
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000:" &
                        Integer'Image (Count));
  Count := 0;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000 in base 17:");
  for I in Int range 1 .. 17 ** 6 loop
     if Is_Kaprekar (I, 17) then
        Count := Count + 1;
        Ada.Text_IO.Put (To_String (I, 17) & ",");
     end if;
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" Total:" & Integer'Image (Count));

end Kaprekar2;</lang>


1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999, Total: 17
Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000: 54
Kaprekar Numbers below 1000000 in base 17:
1,g,3d,d4,gg,556,bbb,ggg,18bd,1f1f,36db,43cd,61eb,785d,7a96,967b,98b4,af26,cd44,da36,f1f2,f854,gggg,33334,ddddd,fgacc,ggggg,146fca,236985,2b32b3,2gde03,3a2d6f,3fa16d,443ccd,4e9c28,54067b,5aggb6,687534,6f6f6g,7e692a,7f391e,91d7f3,92a7e7,a1a1a1,a89bdd,b6005b,bcga96,c274e9,ccd444,d16fa4,d6e3a2,e032ge,e5de5e,eda78c,fca147,g10645,gggggg, Total: 57


<lang>( 0:?n & 1:?count & out$(!count 1) & whl

 ' ( 1+!n:<1000000:?n
   & ( @( !n^2
        :   #?a
            ( ? (#>0:?b)
            & !a+!b:!n
            & 1+!count:?count
            & (!n:<10000&out$!n|)

& out$(str$("There are " !count " kaprekar numbers less than 1000000")) );</lang> Output: <lang>1 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 There are 54 kaprekar numbers less than 1000000</lang>


Sample for extra extra credit: <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdint.h>

typedef uint64_t ulong;

int kaprekar(ulong n, int base) { ulong nn = n * n, r, tens = 1;

while (tens < n) tens *= base; if (n == tens) return 1 == n;

while ((r = nn % tens) < n) { if (nn / tens + r == n) return tens; tens *= base; }

return 0; }

void print_num(ulong n, int base) { ulong q, div = base;

while (div < n) div *= base; while (n && (div /= base)) { q = n / div; if (q < 10) putchar(q + '0'); else putchar(q + 'a' - 10); n -= q * div; } }

int main() { ulong i, tens; int cnt = 0; int base = 10;

printf("base 10:\n"); for (i = 1; i < 1000000; i++) if (kaprekar(i, base)) printf("%3d: %llu\n", ++cnt, i);

base = 17; printf("\nbase %d:\n 1: 1\n", base); for (i = 2, cnt = 1; i < 1000000; i++) if ((tens = kaprekar(i, base))) { printf("%3d: %llu", ++cnt, i); printf(" \t"); print_num(i, base); printf("\t"); print_num(i * i, base); printf("\t"); print_num(i * i / tens, base); printf(" + "); print_num(i * i % tens, base); printf("\n"); }

return 0; }</lang>Output:

base 10:
  1: 1
  2: 9
  3: 45
  4: 55
  5: 99
  6: 297
  7: 703
  8: 999
  9: 2223
 10: 2728
 11: 4879
 12: 4950
 13: 5050
 14: 5292
 15: 7272
 16: 7777
 17: 9999
 47: 791505
 48: 812890
 49: 818181
 50: 851851
 51: 857143
 52: 961038
 53: 994708
 54: 999999

base 17:
  1: 1
  2: 16 	g	f1	f + 1
  3: 64 	3d	e2g	e + 2g
  4: 225 	d4	a52g	a5 + 2g
  5: 288 	gg	gf01	gf + 1
  6: 1536 	556	1b43b2	1b4 + 3b2
  7: 3377 	bbb	8093b2	809 + 3b2
  8: 4912 	ggg	ggf001	ggf + 1
  9: 7425 	18bd	24e166g	24e + 166g
 10: 9280 	1f1f	39b1b94	39b + 1b94
 21: 74241 	f1f2	d75f1b94	d75f + 1b94
 22: 76096 	f854	e1f5166g	e1f5 + 166g
 23: 83520 	gggg	gggf0001	gggf + 1
 24: 266224 	33334	a2c52a07g	a2c5 + 2a07g


<lang cpp>#include <vector>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <sstream>
  4. include <algorithm>
  5. include <iterator>
  6. include <utility>

long string2long( const std::string & s ) {

  long result ;
  std::istringstream( s ) >> result ;
  return result ;


bool isKaprekar( long number ) {

  long long squarenumber = ((long long)number) * number ;
  std::ostringstream numberbuf ;
  numberbuf << squarenumber ;
  std::string numberstring = numberbuf.str( ) ;
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < numberstring.length( ) ; i++ ) {
     std::string firstpart = numberstring.substr( 0 , i ) ,
                 secondpart = numberstring.substr( i ) ;
     //we do not accept figures ending in a sequence of zeroes
     if ( secondpart.find_first_not_of( "0" ) == std::string::npos ) {

return false ;

     if ( string2long( firstpart ) + string2long( secondpart ) == number ) {

return true ;

  return false ;


int main( ) {

  std::vector<long> kaprekarnumbers ;
  kaprekarnumbers.push_back( 1 ) ;
  for ( int i = 2 ; i < 1000001 ; i++ ) {
     if ( isKaprekar( i ) ) 

kaprekarnumbers.push_back( i ) ;

  std::vector<long>::const_iterator svi = kaprekarnumbers.begin( ) ;
  std::cout << "Kaprekar numbers up to 10000: \n" ;
  while ( *svi < 10000 ) {
     std::cout << *svi << " " ;
     svi++ ;
  std::cout << '\n' ;
  std::cout << "All the Kaprekar numbers up to 1000000 :\n" ;
  std::copy( kaprekarnumbers.begin( ) , kaprekarnumbers.end( ) ,

std::ostream_iterator<long>( std::cout , "\n" ) ) ;

  std::cout << "There are " << kaprekarnumbers.size( )
     << " Kaprekar numbers less than one million!\n" ;
  return 0 ;

}</lang> Output:

Kaprekar numbers up to 10000: 
1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 
All the Kaprekar numbers up to 1000000 :
There are 54 Kaprekar numbers less than one million!

Common Lisp

This example does not show the output mentioned in the task description on this page (or a page linked to from here). Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.
Note that phrases in task descriptions such as "print and display" and "print and show" for example, indicate that (reasonable length) output be a part of a language's solution.

<lang lisp>(defun is-kaprecar (n base)

 "check if a number is Kaprecar; returns dividing power of base if true"
 (if (= 1 n) n
   (let ((nn (* n n)) (b 1) r)
     (do () ((>= b nn)) (setf b (* b base)))
     (do () ((<= b n))

(setf b (/ b base) r (mod nn b)) (if (zerop r) (return-from is-kaprecar)) (if (= (+ r (/ (- nn r) b)) n) (return-from is-kaprecar b))))))

(defun test-million (base)

 (format t "Base ~d~%" base)
 (let* ((i 0)

(pow) (b (concatenate 'string "~" (write-to-string base) ",,,r")) (fmt (concatenate 'string "~A~3t| x=~A "b"~24tx^2 = "b":~32t"b" + "b"~%")))

   (dotimes (x 1000000)
     (when (setf pow (is-kaprecar x base))

(let ((nn (* x x))) (format t fmt (incf i) x x nn (floor (/ nn pow)) (mod nn pow)))))))

(test-million 10) (test-million 17)</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.conv, std.algorithm, std.range;

bool isKaprekar(in long n) /*pure nothrow*/ in {

   assert(n > 0, "isKaprekar(n) is defined for n > 0.");

} body {

   if (n == 1)
       return true;
   immutable sn = text(n ^^ 2);
   foreach (i; 1 .. sn.length) {
       immutable a = to!long(sn[0 .. i]);
       immutable b = to!long(sn[i .. $]);
       if (b && a + b == n)
           return true;
   return false;


void main() {

   writeln(filter!isKaprekar(iota(1, 10_000)));
   writeln(count!isKaprekar(iota(1, 1_000_000)));

}</lang> Output:

[1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999]

Fast version

Right to left: <lang d>import std.stdio;

bool isKaprekar(in uint n) pure nothrow {

   ulong powr = n ^^ 2UL; 
   ulong tens = 10, r, l; 
   while (r < n) { 
       r = powr % tens; 
       l = powr / tens; 
       if (r && l + r == n)
           return true;
       tens *= 10;    
   return false;


void main() {

   int count = 1;
   foreach (i; 1 .. 1_000_000)
       if (isKaprekar(i))
           writefln("%d: %d", count++, i);


1: 1
2: 9
3: 45
4: 55
5: 99
6: 297
7: 703
8: 999
9: 2223
10: 2728
11: 4879
12: 4950
13: 5050
14: 5292
15: 7272
16: 7777
17: 9999
51: 857143
52: 961038
53: 994708
54: 999999


This one takes the internal Forth variable BASE into account. Since Forth is perfectly suited to work with any base between 2 and 36, this works just fine. <lang forth>: square ( n - n^2) dup * ;

\ Return nonzero if n is a Kaprekar number for tens, where tens is a \ nonzero power of base.

is-kaprekar? ( tens n n^2 - t) rot /mod over >r + = r> and ;

\ If n is a Kaprekar number, return is the power of base for which it \ is Kaprekar. If n is not a Kaprekar number, return zero.

kaprekar ( +n - +n1)
   dup square >r 
   base @ swap 
   begin ( tens n) ( R: n^2) 
       over r@ < while 
           2dup r@ is-kaprekar? if 
               drop  r> drop  exit  then 
           swap  base @ *  swap 
   r> drop  1 = and ;



Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

<lang fortran>program Karpekar_Numbers

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: i64 = selected_int_kind(18)
 integer :: count 

 call karpekar(10000_i64, .true.)
 call karpekar(1000000_i64, .false.)


subroutine karpekar(n, printnums)

 integer(i64), intent(in) :: n
 logical, intent(in) :: printnums
 integer(i64) :: c, i, j, n1, n2
 character(19) :: str, s1, s2
 c = 0
 do i = 1, n
   write(str, "(i0)") i*i
   do j = 0, len_trim(str)-1
     s1 = str(1:j)
     s2 = str(j+1:len_trim(str)) 
     read(s1, "(i19)") n1
     read(s2, "(i19)") n2
     if(n2 == 0) cycle
     if(n1 + n2 == i) then
       c = c + 1
       if (printnums .eqv. .true.) write(*, "(i0)") i
     end if
   end do    
 end do
 if (printnums .eqv. .false.) write(*, "(i0)") c

end subroutine end program</lang> Output




<lang gap>IsKaprekar := function(n) local a, b, p, q; if n = 1 then return true; fi; q := n*n; p := 10; while p < q do a := RemInt(q, p); b := QuoInt(q, p); if a > 0 and a + b = n then return true; fi; p := p*10; od; return false; end;

Filtered([1 .. 10000], IsKaprekar);

  1. [ 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272,
  2. 7777, 9999 ]


  1. 17

Filtered([1 .. 1000000], IsKaprekar);

  1. [ 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272,
  2. 7777, 9999, 17344, 22222, 38962, 77778, 82656, 95121, 99999, 142857,
  3. 148149, 181819, 187110, 208495, 318682, 329967, 351352, 356643, 390313,
  4. 461539, 466830, 499500, 500500, 533170, 538461, 609687, 627615, 643357,
  5. 648648, 670033, 681318, 791505, 812890, 818181, 851851, 857143, 961038,
  6. 994708, 999999 ]


  1. 54

IsKaprekarAndHow := function(n, base) local a, b, p, q; if n = 1 then return true; fi; q := n*n; p := base; while p < q do a := RemInt(q, p); b := QuoInt(q, p); if a > 0 and a + b = n then return [a, b]; fi; p := p*base; od; return false; end;

IntegerToBaseRep := function(n, base) local s, digit; if base > 36 then return fail; elif n = 0 then return "0"; else s := ""; digit := "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; while n <> 0 do Add(s, digit[RemInt(n, base) + 1]); n := QuoInt(n, base); od; return Reversed(s); fi; end;

PrintIfKaprekar := function(n, base) local v; v := IsKaprekarAndHow(n, base); if IsList(v) then Print(n, "(10) or in base ", base, ", ", IntegerToBaseRep(n, base), "^2 = ", IntegerToBaseRep(n^2, base), " and ", IntegerToBaseRep(v[2], base), " + ", IntegerToBaseRep(v[1], base), " = ", IntegerToBaseRep(n, base), "\n"); fi; return fail; end;

  1. In base 17...

Perform([1 .. 1000000], n -> PrintIfKaprekar(n, 17));

  1. 16(10) or in base 17, G^2 = F1 and F + 1 = G
  2. 64(10) or in base 17, 3D^2 = E2G and E + 2G = 3D
  3. 225(10) or in base 17, D4^2 = A52G and A5 + 2G = D4
  4. 288(10) or in base 17, GG^2 = GF01 and GF + 1 = GG
  5. 1536(10) or in base 17, 556^2 = 1B43B2 and 1B4 + 3B2 = 556
  6. 3377(10) or in base 17, BBB^2 = 8093B2 and 809 + 3B2 = BBB
  7. 4912(10) or in base 17, GGG^2 = GGF001 and GGF + 1 = GGG
  8. 7425(10) or in base 17, 18BD^2 = 24E166G and 24E + 166G = 18BD
  9. 9280(10) or in base 17, 1F1F^2 = 39B1B94 and 39B + 1B94 = 1F1F
  10. 16705(10) or in base 17, 36DB^2 = B992C42 and B99 + 2C42 = 36DB
  11. 20736(10) or in base 17, 43CD^2 = 10DE32FG and 10DE + 32FG = 43CD
  12. 30016(10) or in base 17, 61EB^2 = 23593F92 and 2359 + 3F92 = 61EB
  13. 36801(10) or in base 17, 785D^2 = 351E433G and 351E + 433G = 785D
  14. 37440(10) or in base 17, 7A96^2 = 37144382 and 3714 + 4382 = 7A96
  15. 46081(10) or in base 17, 967B^2 = 52G94382 and 52G9 + 4382 = 967B
  16. 46720(10) or in base 17, 98B4^2 = 5575433G and 5575 + 433G = 98B4
  17. 53505(10) or in base 17, AF26^2 = 6GA43F92 and 6GA4 + 3F92 = AF26
  18. 62785(10) or in base 17, CD44^2 = 9A5532FG and 9A55 + 32FG = CD44
  19. 66816(10) or in base 17, DA36^2 = AEG42C42 and AEG4 + 2C42 = DA36
  20. 74241(10) or in base 17, F1F2^2 = D75F1B94 and D75F + 1B94 = F1F2
  21. 76096(10) or in base 17, F854^2 = E1F5166G and E1F5 + 166G = F854
  22. 83520(10) or in base 17, GGGG^2 = GGGF0001 and GGGF + 1 = GGGG
  23. 266224(10) or in base 17, 33334^2 = A2C52A07G and A2C5 + 2A07G = 33334</lang>


Using the Ada interpretation of 1000000 base 17: <lang go>package main

import (



func kaprekar(n uint64, base uint64) (bool, int) {

   order := 0
   if n == 1 {
       return true, -1
   nn, power := n*n, uint64(1)
   for power <= nn {
       power *= base
   power /= base
   for ; power > 1; power /= base {
       q, r := nn/power, nn%power
       if q >= n {
           return false, -1
       if q+r == n {
           return true, order
   return false, -1


func main() {

   max := uint64(10000)
   fmt.Printf("Kaprekar numbers < %d:\n", max)
   for m := uint64(0); m < max; m++ {
       if is, _ := kaprekar(m, 10); is {
           fmt.Println("  ", m)
   // extra credit
   max = 1e6
   var count int
   for m := uint64(0); m < max; m++ {
       if is, _ := kaprekar(m, 10); is {
   fmt.Printf("\nThere are %d Kaprekar numbers < %d.\n", count, max)
   // extra extra credit
   const base = 17
   maxB := "1000000"
   fmt.Printf("\nKaprekar numbers between 1 and %s(base %d):\n", maxB, base)
   max, _ = strconv.ParseUint(maxB, base, 64)
   fmt.Printf("\n Base 10  Base %d        Square       Split\n", base)
   for m := uint64(2); m < max; m++ {
       is, pos := kaprekar(m, base)
       if !is {
       sq := strconv.FormatUint(m*m, base)
       str := strconv.FormatUint(m, base)
       fmt.Printf("%8d  %7s  %12s  %6s + %s\n", m,
           str, sq, sq[0:pos], sq[pos:len(sq)]) // optional extra extra credit

}</lang> Output:

Kaprekar numbers < 10000:

There are 54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000.

Kaprekar numbers between 1 and 1000000(base 17):

 Base 10  Base 17        Square       Split
      16        g            f1       f + 1
      64       3d           e2g      e2 + g
     225       d4          a52g      a5 + 2g
     288       gg          gf01      gf + 01
    1536      556        1b43b2     1b4 + 3b2
    3377      bbb        8093b2     809 + 3b2
    4912      ggg        ggf001     ggf + 001
    7425     18bd       24e166g    24e1 + 66g
    9280     1f1f       39b1b94    39b1 + b94
   16705     36db       b992c42    b992 + c42
   20736     43cd      10de32fg    10de + 32fg
   30016     61eb      23593f92    2359 + 3f92
   36801     785d      351e433g    351e + 433g
   37440     7a96      37144382    3714 + 4382
   46081     967b      52g94382    52g9 + 4382
   46720     98b4      5575433g    5575 + 433g
   53505     af26      6ga43f92    6ga4 + 3f92
   62785     cd44      9a5532fg    9a55 + 32fg
   66816     da36      aeg42c42    aeg4 + 2c42
   74241     f1f2      d75f1b94    d75f + 1b94
   76096     f854      e1f5166g    e1f5 + 166g
   83520     gggg      gggf0001    gggf + 0001
  266224    33334     a2c52a07g   a2c52 + a07g
 1153633    ddddd    b3d5e2a07g   b3d5e + 2a07g
 1334529    fgacc    f0540f1a78  f0540f + 1a78
 1419856    ggggg    ggggf00001   ggggf + 00001
 1787968   146fca   19g4c12dg7f  19g4c1 + 2dg7f
 3122497   236985   4e3be1f95d8  4e3be1 + f95d8
 3773952   2b32b3   711cb2420f9  711cb2 + 420f9
 4243968   2gde03   8fegb27eg09  8fegb2 + 7eg09
 5108481   3a2d6f   cg10b2e3c64  cg10b2 + e3c64
 5561920   3fa16d   f5eae3043cg  f5eae3 + 043cg
 6031936   443ccd  110dde332ffg  110dde + 332ffg
 6896449   4e9c28  16a10c37gb1d  16a10c + 37gb1d
 7435233   54067b  1a72g93aa382  1a72g9 + 3aa382
 8017920   5aggb6  1ef1d43d1ef2  1ef1d4 + 3d1ef2
 9223201   687534  2835c5403g7g  2835c5 + 403g7g
 9805888   6f6f6g  2dbe3f41c131  2dbe3f + 41c131
11140416   7e692a  3a997c43dgbf  3a997c + 43dgbf
11209185   7f391e  3b58d543f059  3b58d5 + 43f059
12928384   91d7f3  4ef79b43f059  4ef79b + 43f059
12997153   92a7e7  4fd82943dgbf  4fd829 + 43dgbf
14331681   a1a1a1  5gf07041c131  5gf070 + 41c131
14914368   a89bdd  685c5e403g7g  685c5e + 403g7g
16119649   b6005b  79f2793d1ef2  79f279 + 3d1ef2
16702336   bcga96  8267143aa382  826714 + 3aa382
17241120   c274e9  8b7acd37gb1d  8b7acd + 37gb1d
18105633   ccd444  99a555332ffg  99a555 + 332ffg
18575649   d16fa4  a12be53043cg  a12be5 + 3043cg
19029088   d6e3a2  a9a83f2e3c64  a9a83f + 2e3c64
19893601   e032ge  b953g527eg09  b953g5 + 27eg09
20363617   e5de5e  c1bd752420f9  c1bd75 + 2420f9
21015072   eda78c  cf11c41f95d8  cf11c4 + 1f95d8
22349601   fca147  e9d1d912dg7f  e9d1d9 + 12dg7f
22803040   g10645  f2fcde0f1a78  f2fcde + 0f1a78
24137568   gggggg  gggggf000001  gggggf + 000001


<lang Haskell>import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Numeric import Text.Printf

-- Return a list of pairs such that the sum of each pair is a base-b Kaprecar -- number. For simplicity, we expect the caller to deal with the value 1. kapPairs :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> [(a, a)] kapPairs b = mapMaybe (\m -> kapPair m $ splits b (m*m))

 where kapPair n = find (\(j,k) -> j+k == n)
       splits b n = filt . map (divMod n) $ iterate (b*) b
       filt = takeWhile ((/=0) . fst) . filter ((/=0) . snd)

-- Print a heading for the list of numbers. heading :: Int -> String heading = printf (h ++ d)

 where h = " #    Value (base 10)         Sum (base %d)             Square\n"
       d = " -    ---------------         -------------             ------\n"

-- Return information about one Kaprecar number. (We assume the base, b, is -- between 2 and 36, inclusive.) printKap :: Integral a => a -> (Int,(a, a)) -> String printKap b (i,(m,n)) = printf "%2d %13s %31s %16s" i (show s) ss (base b (s*s))

 where s = m + n
       ss = base b s ++ " = " ++ base b m ++ " + " ++ base b n
       base b n = showIntAtBase b (("0123456789" ++ ['a'..'z']) !!) n ""

main :: IO () main = do

 let mx = 1000000 :: Int
     kap10 = (1,0) : kapPairs 10 [1..mx]
     kap17 = (1,0) : kapPairs 17 [1..mx]
 putStrLn $ heading 10
 mapM_ (putStrLn . printKap 10) $ zip [1..] kap10
 putStrLn $ '\n' : heading 17
 mapM_ (putStrLn . printKap 17) $ zip [1..] kap17</lang>


 #    Value (base 10)         Sum (base 10)             Square
 -    ---------------         -------------             ------

 1             1                       1 = 1 + 0                1
 2             9                       9 = 8 + 1               81
 3            45                    45 = 20 + 25             2025
 4            55                    55 = 30 + 25             3025
 5            99                     99 = 98 + 1             9801
 6           297                  297 = 88 + 209            88209
 7           703                 703 = 494 + 209           494209
 8           999                   999 = 998 + 1           998001
 9          2223               2223 = 494 + 1729          4941729
10          2728               2728 = 744 + 1984          7441984
11          4879               4879 = 238 + 4641         23804641
12          4950              4950 = 2450 + 2500         24502500
13          5050              5050 = 2550 + 2500         25502500
14          5292                5292 = 28 + 5264         28005264
15          7272              7272 = 5288 + 1984         52881984
16          7777              7777 = 6048 + 1729         60481729
17          9999                 9999 = 9998 + 1         99980001
18         17344            17344 = 3008 + 14336        300814336
19         22222            22222 = 4938 + 17284        493817284
20         38962            38962 = 1518 + 37444       1518037444
21         77778           77778 = 60494 + 17284       6049417284
22         82656           82656 = 68320 + 14336       6832014336
23         95121            95121 = 90480 + 4641       9048004641
24         99999               99999 = 99998 + 1       9999800001
48        812890        812890 = 660790 + 152100     660790152100
49        818181        818181 = 669420 + 148761     669420148761
50        851851        851851 = 725650 + 126201     725650126201
51        857143        857143 = 734694 + 122449     734694122449
52        961038         961038 = 923594 + 37444     923594037444
53        994708          994708 = 989444 + 5264     989444005264
54        999999             999999 = 999998 + 1     999998000001

 #    Value (base 10)         Sum (base 17)             Square
 -    ---------------         -------------             ------

 1             1                       1 = 1 + 0                1
 2            16                       g = f + 1               f1
 3            64                     3d = e + 2g              e2g
 4           225                    d4 = a5 + 2g             a52g
 5           288                     gg = gf + 1             gf01
 6          1536                 556 = 1b4 + 3b2           1b43b2
 7          3377                 bbb = 809 + 3b2           8093b2
 8          4912                   ggg = ggf + 1           ggf001
 9          7425               18bd = 24e + 166g          24e166g
10          9280               1f1f = 39b + 1b94          39b1b94
11         16705               36db = b99 + 2c42          b992c42
12         20736              43cd = 10de + 32fg         10de32fg
13         30016              61eb = 2359 + 3f92         23593f92
14         36801              785d = 351e + 433g         351e433g
15         37440              7a96 = 3714 + 4382         37144382
16         46081              967b = 52g9 + 4382         52g94382
17         46720              98b4 = 5575 + 433g         5575433g
18         53505              af26 = 6ga4 + 3f92         6ga43f92
19         62785              cd44 = 9a55 + 32fg         9a5532fg
20         66816              da36 = aeg4 + 2c42         aeg42c42
21         74241              f1f2 = d75f + 1b94         d75f1b94
22         76096              f854 = e1f5 + 166g         e1f5166g
23         83520                 gggg = gggf + 1         gggf0001
24        266224            33334 = a2c5 + 2a07g        a2c52a07g

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>procedure is_kaprekar(n) #: return n if n is a kaprekar number if ( n = 1 ) |

  ( n^2 ? ( n = move(1 to *&subject-1) + (0 ~= tab(0)) | fail )) then
  return n 


procedure main() every write(is_kaprekar(1 to 10000)) # primary goal every (count := 0, is_kaprekar(1 to 999999), count +:= 1) # stretch goal write ("Number of Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000 is ", count) end</lang>


Number of Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000 is 54


Solution: <lang j>kapbase=: 0,. [ ^ 1 + [: i. 1 + [ <.@^. >.&1 isKap=: 1 e. ] ((0 < {:"1@]) *. [ = +/"1@]) kapbase #: *:@]</lang>

Example use:

<lang j> I. 10 isKap"0 i.1e6 1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999 17344 22222 38962 77778 82656 95121 99999 142857 148149 181819 187110 208495 318682 329967 351352 356643 390313 461539 466830 499500 500500 533170 538461 609687 627615 643357 648648 670033 681318 791505 812890 818181 851851 857143 961038 994708 999999</lang>

"Extra credit": (text representing numbers left in boxes for alignment purposes) <lang j>

  ]K17=: I. 17 isKap"0 i.1e6

1 16 64 225 288 1536 3377 4912 7425 9280 16705 20736 30016 36801 37440 46081 46720 53505 62785 66816 74241 76096 83520 266224

  base=: [: (] u:@+ 39 * 57 < ]) 48 + #.inv 
  17 ([ base&.> ],*:@],] (] {:@,@#~ (0 < {:"1@]) *. [ = +/"1@]) kapbase #: *:@])"0 x:K17

┌─────┬─────────┬─────┐ │1 │1 │1 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │g │f1 │1 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │3d │e2g │2g │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │d4 │a52g │2g │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │gg │gf01 │1 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │556 │1b43b2 │3b2 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │bbb │8093b2 │3b2 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │ggg │ggf001 │1 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │18bd │24e166g │166g │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │1f1f │39b1b94 │1b94 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │36db │b992c42 │2c42 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │43cd │10de32fg │32fg │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │61eb │23593f92 │3f92 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │785d │351e433g │433g │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │7a96 │37144382 │4382 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │967b │52g94382 │4382 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │98b4 │5575433g │433g │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │af26 │6ga43f92 │3f92 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │cd44 │9a5532fg │32fg │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │da36 │aeg42c42 │2c42 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │f1f2 │d75f1b94 │1b94 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │f854 │e1f5166g │166g │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │gggg │gggf0001 │1 │ ├─────┼─────────┼─────┤ │33334│a2c52a07g│2a07g│ └─────┴─────────┴─────┘</lang>

The fastest times can be obtained by two optimizations: first, partitions with over half of the digits on the left (i.e. more than 3 for a 5-digit number) will not be considered because the left half is mathematically guaranteed to be greater than the original number in this case. Second, the numbers are computed in groups corresponding to the number of digits in their squares to allow isKap to be computed at full rank. Note that this method excludes 1, so it must be added manually to the list of solutions. <lang j> kapbase=: 0,.10 ^ [: (<.+i.@>.)@(-:&.<:) 10 <.@^. >.&1

  isKapGroup=: [: +./"1 (((0 < {:"1@]) *. [ = +/"1@]) (kapbase@{: #:"2 0 ])@:*:)
  6!:2 'a=.1, I. ([:; (<@isKapGroup/.~ 10<.@^.*:)) i.1e6'




Alternative solution: The following is a more naive, mechanical solution <lang j>splitNum=: {. ,&(_&".) }. allSplits=: (i.&.<:@# splitNum"0 1 ])@": sumValidSplits=: +/"1@:(#~ 0 -.@e."1 ]) filterKaprekar=: #~ ] e."0 1 [: sumValidSplits@allSplits"0 *:</lang>

Example use: <lang j> filterKaprekar i. 10000 0 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999

  #filterKaprekar i. 1e6



<lang java>public class Kaprekar {

   private static String[] splitAt(String str, int idx){
       String[] ans = new String[2];
       ans[0] = str.substring(0, idx);
       if(ans[0].equals("")) ans[0] = "0"; //parsing "" throws an exception
       ans[1] = str.substring(idx);
       return ans;
   public static void main(String[] args){
       int count = 0;
       int base = (args.length > 0) ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 10;
       for(long i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++){
           String sqrStr = Long.toString(i * i, base);
           for(int j = 0; j < sqrStr.length() / 2 + 1; j++){
               String[] parts = splitAt(sqrStr, j);
               long firstNum = Long.parseLong(parts[0], base);
               long secNum = Long.parseLong(parts[1], base);
               //if the right part is all zeroes, then it will be forever, so break
               if(secNum == 0) break;
               if(firstNum + secNum == i){
                   System.out.println(i + "\t" + Long.toString(i, base) +
                           "\t" + sqrStr + "\t" + parts[0] + " + " + parts[1]);
       System.out.println(count + " Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base "+base);

}</lang> Output (base 10, shortened):

1	1	1	0 + 1
9	9	81	8 + 1
45	45	2025	20 + 25
55	55	3025	30 + 25
99	99	9801	98 + 01
297	297	88209	88 + 209
703	703	494209	494 + 209
999	999	998001	998 + 001
2223	2223	4941729	494 + 1729
2728	2728	7441984	744 + 1984
4879	4879	23804641	238 + 04641
4950	4950	24502500	2450 + 2500
5050	5050	25502500	2550 + 2500
5292	5292	28005264	28 + 005264
7272	7272	52881984	5288 + 1984
7777	7777	60481729	6048 + 1729
9999	9999	99980001	9998 + 0001
818181	818181	669420148761	669420 + 148761
851851	851851	725650126201	725650 + 126201
857143	857143	734694122449	734694 + 122449
961038	961038	923594037444	923594 + 037444
994708	994708	989444005264	989444 + 005264
999999	999999	999998000001	999998 + 000001
54 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 10

Output (base 17, shortened):

1	1	1	0 + 1
16	g	f1	f + 1
64	3d	e2g	e + 2g
225	d4	a52g	a5 + 2g
288	gg	gf01	gf + 01
1536	556	1b43b2	1b4 + 3b2
3377	bbb	8093b2	809 + 3b2
4912	ggg	ggf001	ggf + 001
7425	18bd	24e166g	24e + 166g
9280	1f1f	39b1b94	39b + 1b94
76096	f854	e1f5166g	e1f5 + 166g
83520	gggg	gggf0001	gggf + 0001
266224	33334	a2c52a07g	a2c5 + 2a07g
24 Kaprekar numbers < 1000000 (base 10) in base 17

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>

For i = 1 To 10000  '1000000 - Changing to one million takes a long time to complete!!!!
   Kaprekar = isKaprekar(i)
   If Kaprekar Then numKaprekar = (numKaprekar + 1) : Print Kaprekar

Next i

Print numKaprekar End

Function isKaprekar(num)

   If num < 1 Then isKaprekar = 0 : Exit Function
   If num = 1 Then isKaprekar = num : Exit Function
   squarenum$ = str$(num ^ 2)
   For i = 1 To Len(squarenum$)
       If Val(Mid$(squarenum$, i)) = 0 Then isKaprekar = 0 : Exit Function
       If (Val(Left$(squarenum$, (i - 1))) + Val(Mid$(squarenum$, i)) = num) Then isKaprekar = num : Exit Function
   Next i

End Function </lang>


<lang parigp>K(d)={


}; upTo(d)=my(v=[1]);for(n=1,d,v=concat(v,K(n)));v; upTo(4) v=upTo(6);v

  1. v</lang>


%1 = [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999]

%2 = [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999, 17344, 22222, 38962, 77778, 82656, 95121, 99999, 142857, 148149, 181819, 187110, 208495, 318682, 329967, 351352, 356643, 390313, 461539, 466830, 499500, 500500, 533170, 538461, 609687, 627615, 643357, 648648, 670033, 681318, 791505, 812890, 818181, 851851, 857143, 961038, 994708, 999999]

%3 = 54


<lang Perl>sub is_kaprekar {

       my $n = shift;
       return 1 if $n == 1;
       my $s = $n * $n;
       for (1 .. length($s)) {
               return 1 if substr($s, 0, $_) + (0 + substr($s, $_) || return) == $n;


  1. one million is a small number, let's brute force it

is_kaprekar($_) and print "$_\n" for 1 .. 1_000_000;</lang>



Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub kaprekar( Int $n ) {

   my $sq = $n ** 2;
   for 0 ^..^ $sq.chars -> $i {
       my $x = +$sq.substr(0, $i);
       my $y = +$sq.substr($i) || return;
       return True if $x + $y == $n;


print 1; print " $_" if .&kaprekar for ^10000; print "\n";</lang>


1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999

Note that we check only the second part for 0 since the first must start with a non-zero digit.


<lang php>set_time_limit(300);

print_r(array_filter(range(1, 10000), 'isKaprekar')); echo count(array_filter(range(1, 1000000), 'isKaprekar'));

function isKaprekar($n) {

   $a = $n * $n; 
   $b = bcmod("$a", "10");
   for ($d = 1, $t = 0; $a > 0; $d *= 10) {
       $b += $t * $d;
       if ($b > $n) break;
       $a = floor($a / 10);
       if ($b && $a + $b == $n) 
           return true;
       $t = bcmod("$a", "10");
   return false;


    [0] => 1
    [8] => 9
    [44] => 45
    [54] => 55
    [98] => 99
    [296] => 297
    [702] => 703
    [998] => 999
    [2222] => 2223
    [2727] => 2728
    [4878] => 4879
    [4949] => 4950
    [5049] => 5050
    [5291] => 5292
    [7271] => 7272
    [7776] => 7777
    [9998] => 9999


<lang PicoLisp>(de kaprekar (N)

  (let L (cons 0 (chop (* N N)))
     (for ((I . R) (cdr L) R (cdr R))
        (NIL (gt0 (format R)))
        (T (= N (+ @ (format (head I L)))) N) ) ) )</lang>


: (filter kaprekar (range 1 10000))
-> (1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999)

: (cnt kaprekar (range 1 1000000))
-> 54


<lang PL/I> kaprekar: procedure options (main); /* 22 January 2012 */

  declare i fixed decimal (9), j fixed binary;
  declare s character (20) character varying;
  declare m fixed decimal (9);
  declare (z, zeros) character (20) varying;
  zeros = '00000000000000000000';
  put skip list (1);
  do i = 2 to 100000;
     s = i*i;
     s = trim(s);
     z = substr(zeros, 1, length(s));
     do j = 1 to length(s)-1;
        if substr(s, j+1) = substr(z, j+1) then leave;
        m = substr(s, 1, j) + substr(s, j+1);
        if i = m then put skip list (i);

end kaprekar; </lang> OUTPUT:



Works with SWI-Prolog, uses a list comprehension : http://rosettacode.org/wiki/List_comprehensions#Prolog <lang Prolog>kaprekar_(Z, X) :- split_number(Z, 10, X).

split_number(Z, N, X) :- N < Z, A is Z // N, B is Z mod N, ( (X is A+B, B\= 0)-> true; N1 is N*10, split_number(Z, N1, X)).

kaprekar(N, V) :- V <- {X & X <- 1 .. N & ((Z is X * X, kaprekar_(Z, X)); X = 1) }. </lang> Example of output :

 ?- kaprekar(1000, V).
V = [1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999]

 ?- kaprekar(1000000, V), length(V, N), format('Numbers of kaprekar numbers under 1000000 : ~w~n', [N]).
Numbers of kaprekar numbers under 1000000 : 54
V = [1,9,45,55,99,297,703,999,2223,2728,4879,4950,5050,5292,7272,7777,9999,17344,22222,38962,77778,82656,95121,99999,142857,
N = 54 .


Translation of: C

<lang PureBasic>Procedure Kaprekar(n.i)

 nn.q  = n*n
 tens.q= 1
 While tens<nn: tens*10: Wend  
   If tens<=n: Break: EndIf
   If nn-n = (nn/tens) * (tens-1)
     ProcedureReturn #True
 If n=1
   ProcedureReturn #True


If OpenConsole()

 For i=1 To 1000000
   If Kaprekar(i)  
 Print("Press ENTER to exit")


  1:       1
  2:       9
  3:      45
  4:      55
  5:      99
  6:     297
  7:     703
  8:     999
 51:  857143
 52:  961038
 53:  994708
 54:  999999
Press ENTER to exit


(Swap the commented return statement to return the split information). <lang python>>>> def k(n): n2 = str(n**2) for i in range(len(n2)): a, b = int(n2[:i] or 0), int(n2[i:]) if b and a + b == n: return n #return (n, (n2[:i], n2[i:]))

>>> [x for x in range(1,10000) if k(x)] [1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999] >>> len([x for x in range(1,1000000) if k(x)]) 54 >>> </lang>


with extra extra credit <lang ruby>def kaprekar(n, base = 10)

 n = n.to_s
 return [1, 1, 1, ""] if n == "1" 
 sqr = (n.to_i(base) ** 2).to_s(base)
 0.upto(sqr.length - 1) do |i|
   a = sqr[0 .. i]
   b = sqr[i+1 .. -1]
   break if b.delete("0").empty?
   sum = (a.to_i(base) + b.to_i(base)).to_s(base)
   return [n, sqr, a, b] if sum == n


count = 0 1.upto(10_000 - 1) do |i|

 if result = kaprekar(i)
   puts "%4d  %8d  %s + %s" % result
   count += 1


10_000.upto(1_000_000 - 1) {|i| count += 1 if kaprekar(i)} puts "#{count} kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000"

puts "\nbase17 kaprekar numbers under (base10)1,000,000" base = 17 1.upto(1_000_000) do |decimal|

 if result = kaprekar(decimal.to_s(base), base)
   puts "%7s  %5s  %9s  %s + %s\n" % [decimal, *result]



   1         1  1 + 
   9        81  8 + 1
  45      2025  20 + 25
  55      3025  30 + 25
  99      9801  98 + 01
 297     88209  88 + 209
 703    494209  494 + 209
 999    998001  998 + 001
2223   4941729  494 + 1729
2728   7441984  744 + 1984
4879  23804641  238 + 04641
4950  24502500  2450 + 2500
5050  25502500  2550 + 2500
5292  28005264  28 + 005264
7272  52881984  5288 + 1984
7777  60481729  6048 + 1729
9999  99980001  9998 + 0001
54 kaprekar numbers under 1,000,000

base17 kaprekar numbers under (base10)1,000,000
      1      1          1  1 + 
     16      g         f1  f + 1
     64     3d        e2g  e + 2g
    225     d4       a52g  a5 + 2g
    288     gg       gf01  gf + 01
   1536    556     1b43b2  1b4 + 3b2
   3377    bbb     8093b2  809 + 3b2
   4912    ggg     ggf001  ggf + 001
   7425   18bd    24e166g  24e + 166g
   9280   1f1f    39b1b94  39b + 1b94
  16705   36db    b992c42  b99 + 2c42
  20736   43cd   10de32fg  10de + 32fg
  30016   61eb   23593f92  2359 + 3f92
  36801   785d   351e433g  351e + 433g
  37440   7a96   37144382  3714 + 4382
  46081   967b   52g94382  52g9 + 4382
  46720   98b4   5575433g  5575 + 433g
  53505   af26   6ga43f92  6ga4 + 3f92
  62785   cd44   9a5532fg  9a55 + 32fg
  66816   da36   aeg42c42  aeg4 + 2c42
  74241   f1f2   d75f1b94  d75f + 1b94
  76096   f854   e1f5166g  e1f5 + 166g
  83520   gggg   gggf0001  gggf + 0001
 266224  33334  a2c52a07g  a2c5 + 2a07g


<lang scheme>; auxiliary functions : range, filter (define (range a b) (let loop ((v '()) (i b)) (if (< i a)

   (loop (cons i v)
         (- i 1)))))

(define (filter p u) (if (equal? u '())

   (let ((x (car u)) (v (filter p (cdr u))))
        (if (p x)
            (cons x v)

(define (kaprekar? n) (or (= n 1)

   (let ((q (* n n)))
   (let loop ((p 10))
        (cond ((> p q) #f)
              ((let ((a (remainder q p)) (b (quotient q p)))
                    (and (> a 0) (= n (+ a b)))) #t)
              (else (loop (* p 10))))))))

(filter kaprekar? (range 1 10000))

(1 9 45 55 99 297 703 999 2223 2728 4879 4950 5050 5292 7272 7777 9999)</lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "bigint.s7i";

const func bigInteger: kaprekar (in bigInteger: n, in bigInteger: base) is func

   var bigInteger: kaprekar is 0_;
   var bigInteger: nn is 0_;
   var bigInteger: r is 0_;
   var bigInteger: powerOfBase is 1_;
   nn := n ** 2;
   while powerOfBase < n do
     powerOfBase *:= base;
   end while;
   if n = powerOfBase then
     kaprekar := bigInteger conv ord(n = 1_);
     r := nn rem powerOfBase;
     while r < n do
       if nn div powerOfBase + r = n then
         kaprekar := powerOfBase;
         r := n;

powerOfBase *:= base;

         r := nn rem powerOfBase;
       end if;
     end while;
   end if;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var bigInteger: aNumber is 0_;
   var integer: count is 0;
   var bigInteger: powerOfBase is 1_;
   const integer: base is 17;
   writeln("base 10:");
   for aNumber range 1_ to 1000000_ do
     if kaprekar(aNumber, 10_) <> 0_ then
       writeln(count lpad 3 <& ": " <& aNumber);
     end if;
   end for;
   writeln("base " <& base <& ":");
   writeln("  1: 1");
   count := 1;
   for aNumber range 2_ to 1000000_ do
     powerOfBase := kaprekar(aNumber, bigInteger conv base);
     if powerOfBase <> 0_ then
       write(count lpad 3 <& ": " <& aNumber);
       write(" \t" <& str(aNumber, base));
       write("\t" <& str(aNumber ** 2, base));
       write("\t" <& str(aNumber ** 2 mdiv powerOfBase, base));
       write(" + " <& str(aNumber ** 2 mod powerOfBase, base));
     end if;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>


base 10:
  1: 1
  2: 9
  3: 45
  4: 55
  5: 99
  6: 297
  7: 703
  8: 999
  9: 2223
 10: 2728
 11: 4879
 12: 4950
 13: 5050
 14: 5292
 15: 7272
 16: 7777
 17: 9999
 18: 17344
 19: 22222
 20: 38962
 21: 77778
 22: 82656
 23: 95121
 24: 99999
 25: 142857
 26: 148149
 27: 181819
 28: 187110
 29: 208495
 30: 318682
 31: 329967
 32: 351352
 33: 356643
 34: 390313
 35: 461539
 36: 466830
 37: 499500
 38: 500500
 39: 533170
 40: 538461
 41: 609687
 42: 627615
 43: 643357
 44: 648648
 45: 670033
 46: 681318
 47: 791505
 48: 812890
 49: 818181
 50: 851851
 51: 857143
 52: 961038
 53: 994708
 54: 999999

base 17:
  1: 1
  2: 16 	G	F1	F + 1
  3: 64 	3D	E2G	E + 2G
  4: 225 	D4	A52G	A5 + 2G
  5: 288 	GG	GF01	GF + 1
  6: 1536 	556	1B43B2	1B4 + 3B2
  7: 3377 	BBB	8093B2	809 + 3B2
  8: 4912 	GGG	GGF001	GGF + 1
  9: 7425 	18BD	24E166G	24E + 166G
 10: 9280 	1F1F	39B1B94	39B + 1B94
 11: 16705 	36DB	B992C42	B99 + 2C42
 12: 20736 	43CD	10DE32FG	10DE + 32FG
 13: 30016 	61EB	23593F92	2359 + 3F92
 14: 36801 	785D	351E433G	351E + 433G
 15: 37440 	7A96	37144382	3714 + 4382
 16: 46081 	967B	52G94382	52G9 + 4382
 17: 46720 	98B4	5575433G	5575 + 433G
 18: 53505 	AF26	6GA43F92	6GA4 + 3F92
 19: 62785 	CD44	9A5532FG	9A55 + 32FG
 20: 66816 	DA36	AEG42C42	AEG4 + 2C42
 21: 74241 	F1F2	D75F1B94	D75F + 1B94
 22: 76096 	F854	E1F5166G	E1F5 + 166G
 23: 83520 	GGGG	GGGF0001	GGGF + 1
 24: 266224 	33334	A2C52A07G	A2C5 + 2A07G


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5; # Arbitrary precision arithmetic, for stretch goal only proc kaprekar n {

   if {$n == 1} {return 1}
   set s [expr {$n * $n}]
   for {set i 1} {$i < [string length $s]} {incr i} {

scan $s "%${i}d%d" a b if {$b && $n == $a + $b} { return 1 #return [list 1 $a $b] }

   return 0


  1. Base goal

for {set i 1} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {

   if {[kaprekar $i]} {lappend klist $i}

} puts [join $klist ", "]

  1. Stretch goal

for {set i 1} {$i < 1000000} {incr i} {

   incr kcount [kaprekar $i]

} puts "$kcount Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000"</lang> Output:

1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999, 2223, 2728, 4879, 4950, 5050, 5292, 7272, 7777, 9999
54 Kaprekar numbers less than 1000000


First we define a function kd parameterized by a pair of functions p and r for printing and reading natural numbers, which takes a natural number to its Kaprekar decomposition if any. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

kd("p","r") = ~&ihB+ (~&rr&& ^|E/~& sum)~|^/~& "r"~~*hNCtXS+ cuts\1+ "p"+ product@iiX

  1. cast %nLnX

t = ^|(~&,length) (iota; :/1+ ~&rFlS+ * ^/~& kd\%np ~&h+ %nP)~~/10000 1000000</lang> The kd function parameterized by the built in decimal printing and reading functions is applied to the sequences from zero to 10000 and zero to 1000000, with the results filtered according to whether the decomposition exists. The inputs in the former case and the length in the latter are shown.


For the rest of the task, functions p and r are defined for numbers in base 17. <lang Ursala>p = ||'0'! ~&a^& ^|J(~&,division\17); ^lrNCT/~&falPR @ar -$/iota17 digits--'abcdefg'

r = sum^|(~&,product/17)=>0+ *x -$/digits--'abcdefg' iota17

  1. show+

t = mat` *K7 pad` *K7 ^C(~&h+ %nP@l,p*+ <.~&l,product@llX,~&rl,~&rr>)*rF ^(~&,kd/p r@h)* iota 1000000</lang> The kd function is parameterized by them and a table of results for numbers between 1 and 1000000 is displayed.

16     g     f1        f    1    
64     3d    e2g       e    2g   
225    d4    a52g      a5   2g   
288    gg    gf01      gf   1    
1536   556   1b43b2    1b4  3b2  
3377   bbb   8093b2    809  3b2  
4912   ggg   ggf001    ggf  1    
7425   18bd  24e166g   24e  166g 
9280   1f1f  39b1b94   39b  1b94 
16705  36db  b992c42   b99  2c42 
20736  43cd  10de32fg  10de 32fg 
30016  61eb  23593f92  2359 3f92 
36801  785d  351e433g  351e 433g 
37440  7a96  37144382  3714 4382 
46081  967b  52g94382  52g9 4382 
46720  98b4  5575433g  5575 433g 
53505  af26  6ga43f92  6ga4 3f92 
62785  cd44  9a5532fg  9a55 32fg 
66816  da36  aeg42c42  aeg4 2c42 
74241  f1f2  d75f1b94  d75f 1b94 
76096  f854  e1f5166g  e1f5 166g 
83520  gggg  gggf0001  gggf 1    
266224 33334 a2c52a07g a2c5 2a07g