Hunt The Wumpus/AutoHotkey: Difference between revisions

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<span style='font-family: "Linux Libertine",Georgia,Times,serif;font-size:150%;'>[[AutoHotkey]]</span><hr>
<lang autohotkey>
<lang autohotkey>
/* _ _ _
/* _ _ _

Revision as of 16:27, 18 January 2020

Hunt The Wumpus/AutoHotkey is part of Hunt_The_Wumpus. You may find other members of Hunt_The_Wumpus at Category:Hunt_The_Wumpus.


<lang autohotkey> /* _ _ _

     /\  /\_   _ _ __ | |_  | |_| |__   ___ 
    / /_/ / | | | '_ \| __| | __| '_ \ / _ \
   / __  /| |_| | | | | |_  | |_| | | |  __/
   \/ /_/  \__,_|_| |_|\__|  \__|_| |_|\___|    
                                    __    __                                 
                                   / / /\ \ \_   _ _ __ ___  _ __  _   _ ___ 
 Coded by errorseven               \ \/  \/ / | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | | / __|
   11/5/2017                        \  /\  /| |_| | | | | | | |_) | |_| \__ \
                                     \/  \/  \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|___/
  • /
  1. include <ExTObj> ;


print("You awaken in darkness. As your eyes adjust, you find yourself in a damp`n"

       . "cavern with three corridors. Lying next to you is a bow and five arrows`n"
       . "A voice calls out 'Kilth the Wumpus an ye shalt be freed!'`n`n"
       . "To move, type the Corridor Number you wish to travel down ie: 19`n"
       . "To fire an arrow. Type Shoot followed by the Room Number ie: shoot 12`n`n"
       . "Press Enter to start the game...", 1)

arrows := 5

Sense := {bat: "You hear a rustling.`n"

       , pit: "You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern.`n"
       , wumpus: "You smell something terrible nearby.`n"}

Loc := {player: 0, wumpus: 0, pit1: 0, pit2: 0, bat1: 0, bat2: 0}

Rooms := {0: [4, 7, 1], 1: [0, 9, 2], 2: [1, 11, 3], 3:[4, 13, 2], 4: [0, 5, 3]

      , 5: [4, 6, 14], 6: [7, 16, 5], 7: [6, 0, 8], 8:[7, 17, 9], 9: [8, 1, 10]
      , 10: [9, 18, 11], 11:[10, 2, 12], 12: [13, 19, 11], 13: [14, 3, 12]
      , 14: [5, 15, 13], 15: [14, 16, 19], 16: [6, 17, 15], 17: [16, 8, 18]
      , 18: [19, 10, 17], 19: [15, 12, 18]}

x := range(0, 19) ; Set locations for Player, Bats, Pits, and the Wumpus for e, v in Loc {

   y:=random(0, 19)
       y:=random(0, 19)
   Loc[(e)] := y


Loop { ; Game Loop

   RunWait %comspec% /c "cls"
   text := Format("Room: {:-50} Corridors: {}`r`n" 
                   . "Sense: {:-50}`r`n"
                   , loc.player
                   , Rooms[loc.player].print
                   , senseDanger(Rooms, Loc, Sense))
   query := print(text, 1)   
   If (Rooms[loc.player].contains(query)) { ; Move to room\
       x := ""
       for e, v in loc 
           if (e != "player" && query == v) {
               if (e ~= "i)bat") {
                   x := randomPlayer(Loc, query) 
               else if (e ~= "i)pit")
       loc.player := (x != "" ? x : query)
   else if (query ~= "i)shoot") { ; --Arrows, Check Wumpus hit, Move Wumpus if Missed
       shot := StrSplit(query, " ").2
       if (Rooms[loc.player].contains(shot) && loc.wumpus == shot)
       else if (arrows == 0)
       else {
           x := random(0, 3)
           if (x != 0) {
               loc.wumpus := Rooms[loc.wumpus][x]
               if (loc.wumpus == loc.player)


gameOver(x) {

   RunWait %comspec% /c "cls"
   if (x == "pit")
       print("You enter the room and fall to your death!`n`n"
       . "Press Enter to reload the game...", 1)
   else if (x == "wumpus")
       print("You enter the room with the Wumpus and at once you are devoured!`n`n"
       . "Press Enter to reload the game...", 1)
   else if (x == "kill") 
       print("Your arrow strikes true and you listen to the death throes of the Wumpus!`n"
              . "You have prevailed against all the trials of the maze, but it is for naught...`n"
              . "as you discover there is no escape from the Maze.`nYou wander the rest of your days in darkness "
              . "and madness. Starvation drives you throw yourself into a pit...`n`n"
              . "Press Enter to reload the game...", 1)
    else if (x == "arrows") 
       print("You missed again and have no arrows remaining. You aimlessly wander the maze, `n" 
       . "without protection you inevitably become a meal for the dreadful Wumpus...`n`n"
       . "Press Enter to reload the game...", 1)
    else if (x == "found")
       print("You missed, you hear the Wumpus coming, before you can nock another arrow`n"
            . "the wumpus is upon you! You start to run, but it follows close on your heels."
            . "Exhaustion saps you of your strength, your breath is gone, you tremble as your"
            . "body can no longer go on and you feel your legs giving way....`n`n"
            . "Press Enter to reload the game...", 1)


randomPlayer(Loc, query) {

   x := random(0, 19)
   while(Loc.contains(x) || x == query)
       x := random(0, 19)
   RunWait %comspec% /c "cls"
   print("You enter the room with a Bat and at once you carried to another room!`n"
       . "Press Enter to continue...", 1)
   return x


senseDanger(Rooms, Loc, Sense) {

   for e, v in Loc
       if (e != "player")
           if (Rooms[loc.player].contains(loc[e]))
               text .= (e ~= "i)bat" ? sense.bat 
                     : e ~= "i)pit" ? sense.pit : sense[(e)]) " " 
   return text == "" ? "You feel safe." : text


print(text,q:=0) {

   stdout := FileOpen("*", "w `n")
   stdin  := FileOpen("*", "r `n")
   If (Text) {
       stdout.Write(text " ")
   if (q) {
       query := RTrim(stdin.ReadLine(), "`n")
       return query

} </lang>